Maybe it does not bother me enough. Somehow, the concept that I should not be "bitter" because it is just about the money- even if that were so- doesn't sit right with me any more.
Yep. Especially after all the rants about giving 15 to 20 percent and such.. how God won't spit in your direction if you do otherwise, how they need the money - and it just sits there, paying the leeches salaries and lawyer fees- oh well, maybe the lawyers can do something fun with it, heh heh.
What's done is done. Much as I hate to even think about how much money I gave that rotten outfit, I can't do anything about it now.
I laugh thinking about them having to answer for their deeds before the almighty God they claim to represent and I would love to see them get theirs in my lifetime, but all I can do about it is continue to warn others and try to help those who are trying to get out from under their oppressive thumb.
Same here Belle. What's done is done, and for myself, I've come to grips with it- for the most part.
I thought the subject deserved its own special place in light of certain "drop the bitterness" multiple postings recently.
I think people have the right to get hacked off about being stolen from. And money was only a part of it- but an essential part nonetheless.
Some of us did not realize what was stolen from us until years passed by; that was the case for me.
If all we lost was cash, that would be reason enough to get hacked off, and valid- in my opinion.
It doesn't hurt as much as it used to, but when I think about it, it does revive a little bit of grief. I don't think people have many fond memories about being sold prime real estate fifteen feet under swamp land, heh heh.
First, let me clarify careful what you say that may give 'spies' an edge. If there is somewhere we can discuss TRUE legal matters in private, great, this WAY we keep the @$$#0!#S in suspense. You see the pattern how they back off when attorneys are mentioned.
Doesn't matter if they still have bite, their down and now is the time to hit them! I'd propose a suit that even if it doesn't get anyone a cent, it exposes the Way Over the World!
Forgetting and forgiving is what they ask...don't they know that's God's job not mine. Most attorneys give consoltations for free, plus how would it look if over 1000+++ members started seeking the judicial system??? The judicial system only fails when the VICTIM walks away from the criminal.
This is also something that must not be entered lightly and you must truly let go and let God!
Yep- so let me make it clear, I have NO KNOWLEDGE of any proposed legal actions against them. Just a "genuine spiritual suspicion"- heh heh.
I just have a feeling that they are gonna lose it, lose it all. I've been right with these kind of feelings before.. who knows.
But I do not have any current or future plans to go after the idiots in a court of law. Just not worth the effort, at least to me.. too high of a price to pay.
I have read about the legal wrangling in the copyright issues.
manipulation, isolation, kidnapping, mental anguish, torture, forcing people through control and intimidation in dangerous situations, intimidation, abuse(both mental and physical), terroristic tactics, withholding and controlling basic nurishment, brainwashing, causing lasting trauma, sexual abuse and harassment, forcing people into situations beyond their control, authoritarian society, make people believe they are doomed if they leave...and these are just off the top of my head. Sure they have to be finetuned, but I bet we could right a book of charges on them, and only ONE good one has to stick that will summarize We The People...led astray by the way!
Yep- so let me make it clear, I have NO KNOWLEDGE of any proposed legal actions against them. Just a "genuine spiritual suspicion"- heh heh.
I just have a feeling that they are gonna lose it, lose it all. I've been right with these kind of feelings before.. who knows.
But I do not have any current or future plans to go after the idiots in a court of law. Just not worth the effort, at least to me.. too high of a price to pay.
I have read about the legal wrangling in the copyright issues.
MrH, you brought it up, so I'm answering you. Yeah, we'll all get ours someday! Someday never comes!!!
Copyright is different, because it goes along the VP Plagerism. That is a whole other ball game...a dive called Garfield was sued by the drawer and writer of Garfield cartoons. That's not what this is about.
They are criminals and although I know Karma will seek it's revenge, sometimes Karma needs a push. The Way defeated us and took the fight out of all of us. With this many witnesses chances are not everyone or a few will have to appear in court. But we need to unite and the one thing TWI took was TRUST! That's why we refuse to fight because they took our will to fight because we ran a major defeat.
Again, to anyone reading this thought provoking thread, THINK things out. Together we can make the judicial system work for us!
I can almost see George A*r rolling his eyes about now.. maybe even me too.
I kind of have the impression that the P**ler suit or ramifications is not what's going to do them in- its gonna be something internal, something they couldn't have guessed in a million years.
Signals, what I said, I meant perhaps not that it is not worth the effort, but I feel like that is not my fight, at least at this time. Gotta choose your battles carefully.
I still think anger, or even bitterness, at least initially, is an appropriate response to the kind of nonsense we were subjected to.
These are just some bare facts- certain numbskulls in rural Ohio are sitting on a nest of OUR abs and efforts, and we will very likely never see it used for the purpose that it was given.
Those are just the facts. Eventually, you're gonna have some feelings about that.. and its OK to get mad.
What twi may be guilty of and what can be proven in a court of law may be two different things.
As were a great many people, while I was in... I was completely ignorant of policy and/or practices that went on within the leader**** of twi. I think that it is an abomination what twi did with God's money. I was one of those people who believed that when I gave money, i was giving it to God and not to twi (again, this is what I thought back then).
Maybe, this should go on the bitterness thread...
For myself, I am trying to not let some of the things I did or were done to me in the past steal from the present or the future.
Hopefully, I am wiser now than I was back then...
Today, I am the sum and substance of all my experiences (good and bad) and decisions that I have made (good and bad).
I want to learn from the past. But, not dwell on it too much.
I want to learn from the past. But, not dwell on it too much.
That is a very good point. But the past often does come back up- though it may not hurt as much as it once did.
It seems those who say "just get over it" or "it wasn't such a big deal, it was a long time ago" when the past does come up, are almost automatically guaranteed to get the opposite kind of reaction than what they wanted.
I don't wallow in the past, or in the fact I supported a blood sucking bunch of idiots with my hard earned pay, but it seems you never get over it, completely- at least for me. Just looks like a bad bad dream, long long ago.. but it still is there, and it WAS a big deal.
Pain can be a good thing- at least I won't do SOME things again, heh heh.
I still get angry when I think about how poor we were when my kids were small. A couple of hundred bucks, which was about what our ABS was back then, would have helped so much with healthier groceries, or medical bills.
We were counseled to sell our house(payment was under $400/month) and move to the Limb where the Word was "hot." All rentals were higher than our mortgage!
We got reproved for our crappy believing, and another family was held up as an example--but I happened to know they had food stamps, medical assistance etc(which is a big help with little kids!), from the state. We thought that was wrong, so didn't do that, but the leadership didn't know this family had all this aid.
Sheesh, we had some dam fine spiritual leadership.
This is starting to .... me off all over again. The money wasn't something I thought about much, but now that I look back on it, it makes me mad to think of how I was doing menial jobs that so I could easily relocate, had no career for that reason, and on top of that I gave them 15 to 20% of what I could barely live on as it was.
And we were told it was for "The Move of the Word" even though it was the same poor saps who were giving the money that were actually "moving the word."
And to find that there are MILLIONS still sitting there. If it were really needed to MOVE THE WORD, wouldn't it have been used to do that and not get horded?
We were lied to, we were taught false doctrine out of the Bible so that we would think we should give our money to them.
Just a nice thought.....a big fat class action law suit.....but I do like those John Grisham novels...
it makes me mad to think of how I was doing menial jobs that so I could easily relocate, had no career for that reason, and on top of that I gave them 15 to 20% of what I could barely live on as it was.
Outandabout, that describes me fairly well too. I loved PFAL, fellowships and stuff- gave my life for it. Always refused to advance in a way that would tie up nights and/or weekends. Always made myself available for da group.. and after a while, apparently even that was not enough.
Didn't even CONSIDER going back to school..
I am still discovering the many ways I was robbed, but at least it is getting to be less and less intense all the time.
I am no longer furious, perhaps because I am doing something about the situation, now only a little "disgruntled", heh heh. But I still probably won't be able to retire, unless I accidently hit the big time or something. That kind of bothers me, but things could be worse.
With issues like this, I don't think you ever really get over it. Like it or not, I think this stinking life comes with a few tears.
It seems those who say "just get over it" most vocally often are those sitting comfy on the top of some offshoot or something. Their needs are met- maybe they just don't understand.
Even from a biblical perspective, the idea that God is somehow gonna wave a magic wand and take away all our pain is ludicrous- at least until paradise is restored.
Despite all the crap, I think I'm fairly peaceful, most of the time.
We got reproved for our crappy believing, and another family was held up as an example--but I happened to know they had food stamps, medical assistance etc
Bramble, I knew of such a family in our area, and they were- believe it or not- Corps. Oodles of kids, and it was obvious the husbands income couldn't come anywhere near what they needed.
From his kind of work, they likely could not even cover the rent in the kind of house they were in.
And I don't think they were living the miracle of the loaves either.
I think this is sometimes the vey's dirty little secret.. for the select few.
"how to live on a shoestring"- ha.
Makes me wonder if they are still "in".
You'd think a lot of long term staffers would be just too plain worn out to try to start over again, new job, possible training, new career-
maybe this is da vey's "retirement" package, just go live on public assistance somewhere..
My opinion, if they aren't going to use the money for what it was donated for, the honest thing would be to either give it back, or give it to an organization that would use it for the intended purpose.
I know, I know. The odds of it happening would be about as good as elephants learning ballet..
The signals will soon start to fade :D--> --> I'll still come around, but like I said, I'm an extermist. I may post 100 comments in a week, then move on. I had a post that would have blown your minds, but somehow it erased by accident. I'm not going to type it again, I'll take it as a sign from God.
Don't hold your breath that TWI is going to choke on that money, because you can send me money and I'll be glad to choke on it! Food for thought:TWI is still raping you out of cash. How? They're tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share. I question the word International. I think it's a weasel word that makes you think something different than what it means. But that's just me.
Question: We were all told or understood that if you leave TWI you would die. What did that mean to you?
Wayer: I'll be subjected to the spiritual battle, and without fellow believers to help me, the devil spirits will kill me and blah blah blah
Their tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share
Yep. Weasels all the way to the end, heh heh.
Maybe more like packrats, hiding their wealth in a tax-exempt hole.
"We were all told or understood that if you leave TWI you would die"
That WAS the way I understood it. A threat on our lives, subtly and sometimes not so subtly implied. People who did die, however accidently or otherwise, were held up as a prime example of what happens if you don't keep your lips glued on their "royal" rears properly, or give enough money- no question.
More often than not it was about the money. "See, God didn't spit in his/her direction.."
Thanks for contributing Signals.. don't run off too fast!
Their tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share
That WAS the way I understood it. A threat on our lives, subtly and sometimes not so subtly implied. People who did die, however accidently or otherwise, were held up as a prime example of what happens if you don't keep your lips glued on their "royal" rears properly, or give enough money- no question.
MrH do you know how they died accidentally or otherwise? Things can look like accidents. Does the way still have all our names in their databank? When you move a few times and their newsletter follows you, they're tracking you.
"... They're tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share."
Could you possibly explain?
Paying someone's "Share", you are implying that someone owes shares, to what do they woe a share?
Is there something that if one person did not pay, then others would have to pay more?
I know, and you know, that you can not possibly be talking about income taxes here in America. Where the Federal government went nicely without Income taxes; 1777-1935. And where even today income-taxation still amounts to a minority of the Federal budget.
Galen, whether or not “their share” was an apt choice of words, you should know better than to write what you wrote. The federal government’s revenue comes primarily from taxes. The vast majority of it comes from taxes on income, including “income tax,” as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes.
All tax-exempt organizations benefit from taxes others pay. An example that seems appropriate to TWI is the benefit provided by law enforcement and the judicial system.
Also, there was an income tax from 1862-1872 and a business income tax (called an excise tax, but on income) in the early 20th century. The 16th amendment was ratified in 1913, and the progressive income tax we now have, though at different rates and with varying rules, has been in effect ever since.
"Galen, whether or not “their share” was an apt choice of words, you should know better than to write what you wrote. The federal government’s revenue comes primarily from taxes. The vast majority of it comes from taxes on income, including “income tax,” as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes."
the last time I saw it broken down as a pir chart on our 1040 booklet, showed that revenue from income taxes made up for arond a third of the Fedreral Government's revenue.
Taxes as a whole have been around for a long time, however the idea of taxing individuals is a much newer idea from FDR, or at least so says my grandparents. From what i have been told, income taxation was for employers and corporations up untl the Great depression when it was opened up to include all individuals.
Social security money was never supposed to be used for anything outside of the social security program, until far later when Congress began taking that money out to fund highways, etc. That money was never supposed to be helping the federal budget.
"All tax-exempt organizations benefit from taxes others pay. An example that seems appropriate to TWI is the benefit provided by law enforcement and the judicial system."
I dis agree.
Anyone benefiting from the government, benefits from the government.
Paying taxes has nothing to do with it.
Or at least so I have be taught by IRS auditors when I have sat through VITA courses as well as my Tax Theory courses in college.
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signals: "... They're tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share." Could you possibly explain? Paying someone's "Share", you are implying that someone owes shares, to what do they woe a share?
Maybe it does not bother me enough. Somehow, the concept that I should not be "bitter" because it is just about the money- even if that were so- doesn't sit right with me any more.
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Yep. Especially after all the rants about giving 15 to 20 percent and such.. how God won't spit in your direction if you do otherwise, how they need the money - and it just sits there, paying the leeches salaries and lawyer fees- oh well, maybe the lawyers can do something fun with it, heh heh.
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What's done is done. Much as I hate to even think about how much money I gave that rotten outfit, I can't do anything about it now.
I laugh thinking about them having to answer for their deeds before the almighty God they claim to represent and I would love to see them get theirs in my lifetime, but all I can do about it is continue to warn others and try to help those who are trying to get out from under their oppressive thumb.
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Same here Belle. What's done is done, and for myself, I've come to grips with it- for the most part.
I thought the subject deserved its own special place in light of certain "drop the bitterness" multiple postings recently.
I think people have the right to get hacked off about being stolen from. And money was only a part of it- but an essential part nonetheless.
Some of us did not realize what was stolen from us until years passed by; that was the case for me.
If all we lost was cash, that would be reason enough to get hacked off, and valid- in my opinion.
It doesn't hurt as much as it used to, but when I think about it, it does revive a little bit of grief. I don't think people have many fond memories about being sold prime real estate fifteen feet under swamp land, heh heh.
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First, let me clarify careful what you say that may give 'spies' an edge. If there is somewhere we can discuss TRUE legal matters in private, great, this WAY we keep the @$$#0!#S in suspense. You see the pattern how they back off when attorneys are mentioned.
Doesn't matter if they still have bite, their down and now is the time to hit them! I'd propose a suit that even if it doesn't get anyone a cent, it exposes the Way Over the World!
Forgetting and forgiving is what they ask...don't they know that's God's job not mine. Most attorneys give consoltations for free, plus how would it look if over 1000+++ members started seeking the judicial system??? The judicial system only fails when the VICTIM walks away from the criminal.
This is also something that must not be entered lightly and you must truly let go and let God!
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Yep- so let me make it clear, I have NO KNOWLEDGE of any proposed legal actions against them. Just a "genuine spiritual suspicion"- heh heh.
I just have a feeling that they are gonna lose it, lose it all. I've been right with these kind of feelings before.. who knows.
But I do not have any current or future plans to go after the idiots in a court of law. Just not worth the effort, at least to me.. too high of a price to pay.
I have read about the legal wrangling in the copyright issues.
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A few things they are guilty of:
manipulation, isolation, kidnapping, mental anguish, torture, forcing people through control and intimidation in dangerous situations, intimidation, abuse(both mental and physical), terroristic tactics, withholding and controlling basic nurishment, brainwashing, causing lasting trauma, sexual abuse and harassment, forcing people into situations beyond their control, authoritarian society, make people believe they are doomed if they leave...and these are just off the top of my head. Sure they have to be finetuned, but I bet we could right a book of charges on them, and only ONE good one has to stick that will summarize We The People...led astray by the way!
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MrH, you brought it up, so I'm answering you. Yeah, we'll all get ours someday! Someday never comes!!!
Copyright is different, because it goes along the VP Plagerism. That is a whole other ball game...a dive called Garfield was sued by the drawer and writer of Garfield cartoons. That's not what this is about.
They are criminals and although I know Karma will seek it's revenge, sometimes Karma needs a push. The Way defeated us and took the fight out of all of us. With this many witnesses chances are not everyone or a few will have to appear in court. But we need to unite and the one thing TWI took was TRUST! That's why we refuse to fight because they took our will to fight because we ran a major defeat.
Again, to anyone reading this thought provoking thread, THINK things out. Together we can make the judicial system work for us!
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Yep- and somehow, we are just supposed to forget about it and go on our merry way..
MOST of that did not happen to me, but I am not very "happy" about what they did to my brethren.
Even if it was just the money, that alone is too much.
Just being a "religious" outfit does not exempt them from due anger, like some think- at least in my opinion.
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I can almost see George A*r rolling his eyes about now.. maybe even me too.
I kind of have the impression that the P**ler suit or ramifications is not what's going to do them in- its gonna be something internal, something they couldn't have guessed in a million years.
Won't know what hit em.
Who knows, maybe I'm nuts. Heh heh.
Maybe its just wishful thinking, who knows..
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Signals, what I said, I meant perhaps not that it is not worth the effort, but I feel like that is not my fight, at least at this time. Gotta choose your battles carefully.
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But before I derail my own thread too much..
I still think anger, or even bitterness, at least initially, is an appropriate response to the kind of nonsense we were subjected to.
These are just some bare facts- certain numbskulls in rural Ohio are sitting on a nest of OUR abs and efforts, and we will very likely never see it used for the purpose that it was given.
Those are just the facts. Eventually, you're gonna have some feelings about that.. and its OK to get mad.
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Not trying to split too many hairs here...
What twi may be guilty of and what can be proven in a court of law may be two different things.
As were a great many people, while I was in... I was completely ignorant of policy and/or practices that went on within the leader**** of twi. I think that it is an abomination what twi did with God's money. I was one of those people who believed that when I gave money, i was giving it to God and not to twi (again, this is what I thought back then).
Maybe, this should go on the bitterness thread...
For myself, I am trying to not let some of the things I did or were done to me in the past steal from the present or the future.
Hopefully, I am wiser now than I was back then...
Today, I am the sum and substance of all my experiences (good and bad) and decisions that I have made (good and bad).
I want to learn from the past. But, not dwell on it too much.
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That is a very good point. But the past often does come back up- though it may not hurt as much as it once did.
It seems those who say "just get over it" or "it wasn't such a big deal, it was a long time ago" when the past does come up, are almost automatically guaranteed to get the opposite kind of reaction than what they wanted.
I don't wallow in the past, or in the fact I supported a blood sucking bunch of idiots with my hard earned pay, but it seems you never get over it, completely- at least for me. Just looks like a bad bad dream, long long ago.. but it still is there, and it WAS a big deal.
Pain can be a good thing- at least I won't do SOME things again, heh heh.
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I still get angry when I think about how poor we were when my kids were small. A couple of hundred bucks, which was about what our ABS was back then, would have helped so much with healthier groceries, or medical bills.
We were counseled to sell our house(payment was under $400/month) and move to the Limb where the Word was "hot." All rentals were higher than our mortgage!
We got reproved for our crappy believing, and another family was held up as an example--but I happened to know they had food stamps, medical assistance etc(which is a big help with little kids!), from the state. We thought that was wrong, so didn't do that, but the leadership didn't know this family had all this aid.
Sheesh, we had some dam fine spiritual leadership.
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This is starting to .... me off all over again. The money wasn't something I thought about much, but now that I look back on it, it makes me mad to think of how I was doing menial jobs that so I could easily relocate, had no career for that reason, and on top of that I gave them 15 to 20% of what I could barely live on as it was.
And we were told it was for "The Move of the Word" even though it was the same poor saps who were giving the money that were actually "moving the word."
And to find that there are MILLIONS still sitting there. If it were really needed to MOVE THE WORD, wouldn't it have been used to do that and not get horded?
We were lied to, we were taught false doctrine out of the Bible so that we would think we should give our money to them.
Just a nice thought.....a big fat class action law suit.....but I do like those John Grisham novels...
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Outandabout, that describes me fairly well too. I loved PFAL, fellowships and stuff- gave my life for it. Always refused to advance in a way that would tie up nights and/or weekends. Always made myself available for da group.. and after a while, apparently even that was not enough.
Didn't even CONSIDER going back to school..
I am still discovering the many ways I was robbed, but at least it is getting to be less and less intense all the time.
I am no longer furious, perhaps because I am doing something about the situation, now only a little "disgruntled", heh heh. But I still probably won't be able to retire, unless I accidently hit the big time or something. That kind of bothers me, but things could be worse.
With issues like this, I don't think you ever really get over it. Like it or not, I think this stinking life comes with a few tears.
It seems those who say "just get over it" most vocally often are those sitting comfy on the top of some offshoot or something. Their needs are met- maybe they just don't understand.
Even from a biblical perspective, the idea that God is somehow gonna wave a magic wand and take away all our pain is ludicrous- at least until paradise is restored.
Despite all the crap, I think I'm fairly peaceful, most of the time.
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Bramble, I knew of such a family in our area, and they were- believe it or not- Corps. Oodles of kids, and it was obvious the husbands income couldn't come anywhere near what they needed.
From his kind of work, they likely could not even cover the rent in the kind of house they were in.
And I don't think they were living the miracle of the loaves either.
I think this is sometimes the vey's dirty little secret.. for the select few.
"how to live on a shoestring"- ha.
Makes me wonder if they are still "in".
You'd think a lot of long term staffers would be just too plain worn out to try to start over again, new job, possible training, new career-
maybe this is da vey's "retirement" package, just go live on public assistance somewhere..
My opinion, if they aren't going to use the money for what it was donated for, the honest thing would be to either give it back, or give it to an organization that would use it for the intended purpose.
I know, I know. The odds of it happening would be about as good as elephants learning ballet..
heh heh.
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The signals will soon start to fade
--> I'll still come around, but like I said, I'm an extermist. I may post 100 comments in a week, then move on. I had a post that would have blown your minds, but somehow it erased by accident. I'm not going to type it again, I'll take it as a sign from God.
Don't hold your breath that TWI is going to choke on that money, because you can send me money and I'll be glad to choke on it! Food for thought:TWI is still raping you out of cash. How? They're tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share. I question the word International. I think it's a weasel word that makes you think something different than what it means. But that's just me.
Question: We were all told or understood that if you leave TWI you would die. What did that mean to you?
Wayer: I'll be subjected to the spiritual battle, and without fellow believers to help me, the devil spirits will kill me and blah blah blah
But then, what do I know???
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Yep. Weasels all the way to the end, heh heh.
Maybe more like packrats, hiding their wealth in a tax-exempt hole.
"We were all told or understood that if you leave TWI you would die"
That WAS the way I understood it. A threat on our lives, subtly and sometimes not so subtly implied. People who did die, however accidently or otherwise, were held up as a prime example of what happens if you don't keep your lips glued on their "royal" rears properly, or give enough money- no question.
More often than not it was about the money. "See, God didn't spit in his/her direction.."
Thanks for contributing Signals.. don't run off too fast!
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"... They're tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share."
Could you possibly explain?
Paying someone's "Share", you are implying that someone owes shares, to what do they woe a share?
Is there something that if one person did not pay, then others would have to pay more?
I know, and you know, that you can not possibly be talking about income taxes here in America. Where the Federal government went nicely without Income taxes; 1777-1935. And where even today income-taxation still amounts to a minority of the Federal budget.
So what shares are you talking about?
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Galen, whether or not “their share” was an apt choice of words, you should know better than to write what you wrote. The federal government’s revenue comes primarily from taxes. The vast majority of it comes from taxes on income, including “income tax,” as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes.
All tax-exempt organizations benefit from taxes others pay. An example that seems appropriate to TWI is the benefit provided by law enforcement and the judicial system.
Also, there was an income tax from 1862-1872 and a business income tax (called an excise tax, but on income) in the early 20th century. The 16th amendment was ratified in 1913, and the progressive income tax we now have, though at different rates and with varying rules, has been in effect ever since.
For anyone interested, I'll provide a link to some good information: History of the U.S. Tax System
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Long Gone:
"Galen, whether or not “their share” was an apt choice of words, you should know better than to write what you wrote. The federal government’s revenue comes primarily from taxes. The vast majority of it comes from taxes on income, including “income tax,” as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes."
the last time I saw it broken down as a pir chart on our 1040 booklet, showed that revenue from income taxes made up for arond a third of the Fedreral Government's revenue.
Taxes as a whole have been around for a long time, however the idea of taxing individuals is a much newer idea from FDR, or at least so says my grandparents. From what i have been told, income taxation was for employers and corporations up untl the Great depression when it was opened up to include all individuals.
Social security money was never supposed to be used for anything outside of the social security program, until far later when Congress began taking that money out to fund highways, etc. That money was never supposed to be helping the federal budget.
"All tax-exempt organizations benefit from taxes others pay. An example that seems appropriate to TWI is the benefit provided by law enforcement and the judicial system."
I dis agree.
Anyone benefiting from the government, benefits from the government.
Paying taxes has nothing to do with it.
Or at least so I have be taught by IRS auditors when I have sat through VITA courses as well as my Tax Theory courses in college.
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