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Whom does God live for?

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That sounds all nice and pretty, but it makes absolutely no sense to me, Def.

Glory in ALL his creation?

but when we live for him it reflects back his Glory?

When we don't, what does it reflect? Where does the Glory in ALL his creation go to?

What do you mean by Glory anyway?

As you might suspect, I have a different slant on this. I think religion came from living for yourself. You don't have to live very long before you realize the cause and effect of your and other's actions. You see if you hurt someone, they want to hurt you. You don't like being hurt, so you don't hurt others. Pretty simple. You don't need any commandments telling you how life works, you just need to take note.

I live for myself. In turn I live for my family, for my community, for my country, for the world. Those concerns for others are genuine, and perhaps you lose yourself in them, but in the end you are doing it in some way for yourself. Anything else is just not honest. It doesn't sound as nice and flowery as radiating Glory and reflecting shiney stuff back to a god that lives for himself, but it is real.

Speaking of which, aren't we to be imitators as dear children? Maybe by bringing glory to yourself, you bring glory to others and to God. That could work too, but I admit, I don't know the mechanics of Glorification.

Hey and my life is turning out good, not bad.

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A different slant, Lindy? Nah, no way icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

I understand we see it differently. I am taking a new look at this and I see how God is sovereign and lives on a different plane than we.

When I say He lives for Himself, I am not saying he is conceited like we would say of some human who did the same thing. No, he is so holy and pure and loving that he would only live for something that meets those criteria.

That he chooses to impart his glory to people should make us all come to our knees in awe.

So while I am far from perfect, I am learning that is he I should live for. He is my father and my master. Who else is worthy of my affection?

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  • 2 months later...

interesting question but I dont think that the topic makes any sense because ,can God die?I dont think its possible so,what does he live for,im not understanding why sunday school wanted to teach on this.God lives,thats all.Like he said,I AM

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If God really is all knowing, all powerful and everywhere present then why would he need anything from us? Why would he need a reason to live? Does he live or is God an ethereal representation of the powerful energy of the universe and the connections between people and the connections we have to the earth (the one body, so to speak)? What if God doesn't want anything from us? What if he needs nothing? Then doesn't that make life so much easier? We learn cause and effect, like Lindy said, but we have the true freedom to "be" and to make our own choices.

So many people do things under the premise that it's what God wants. And so many of those things seem wrong and warped - suicide bombers doing what God wants - abortion clinic bombers doing what God wants - countries being taken over because it's what God wants - people giving their money to the church because it's what God wants - some extreme, some not so extreme, but all because of one group's teachings that it's what God wants.

It seems to me that God could possibly be too awesome to want anything from us.

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Some people believe and teach that God lives for us. After all, He created us for a reason. That must mean since we are so special that we must be his top priority.

Or could it be that He "lives" to put it in our understanding, for something that is the most holy and pure concept that exists.

Maybe it is His Glory.

Check it out.

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