I'm not sure about the GEEK award, but I'm sure to be in the running for the DORK award.
- Read all the Harry Potter books. Never read LOTR and never had any desire to. I have, however, read every diet book released in the past 20 years. I still have most of them.
- Seen all the Star Wars and Harry Potter movies many times. I've also seen every Quenton Tarantino film. "True Romance" being the favorite.
- Knows how to program in SQL and is a whiz in MS Access. Have all my MOUS certifications.
- Used to belong to the Barry Manilow International Fan Club. Have all my vinyl records from growing up and the turntable that works to play them on. Played Barbies to Broadway musicals.
- Owns one very spoiled dog. We have done the Dog Show circuit - she has her AKC Championship title and one leg toward her Earthdog title. We are also working on obdience and agility titles.
- I like my job because I get to work with other computer geeks and brilliantly creative marketing oddballs. I also have won over the Network Nazi and get special privileges sometimes because of it.
-A very practical, dependable Mazda Protege that needs very little maintenance and gets killer gas mileage.
- Exciting travel is going to Mississippi or Kentucky to visit family. I have spent an enjoyable week-end up above the Mason-Dixon line recently and I'll be going to Mexico this summer for a family reunion.
- Read dozens of Issac Asimov's fiction and non-fiction. Read all of Melville's, Conrad's and Niven's books. Most of Philip K. Dick's books. Read "Soul of a New Machine" four times. I'm mentioned by name in "Foundations of the Stereoscopy Cinema". I've published a couple magazine articles. I own a book on computer design written in 1953.
- Blade Runner, Rollerball (the original) and Fantastic Planet are my all-time favorites. Enjoy Mad Max, looking forward to "The Revenge of the Sith".
- I've been working on them since 1970. I have a working DEC PDP 8/L minicomputer in the garage. I have Timex Sinclair, a KIM 1, a BYT-8, a PDP 11/34,and a HP minicomputer. I also have an HP 25 and 55 calculator, TI 30,58C, and 57 calculators, a Compucorp 324G and a Curta mechanical calculator. I have several slide rules and several drafting sets. I have 3 Tivo's, 2 of which are hacked so that I can program them at work or get a shell prompt when I telnet into them.
- Begins and ends with JS Bach. In the last year I've attended live concerts of his Mass in B minor, Cantatas BVW 4, 61, 131 and 182 and four of his concertos. I can sing along in latin to many parts of the Mass. I loved his instrumental stuff for years, but am now compulsed by his church music.
- I've always had twitchy little dogs around. I love their intensity. My present dog is 14 years old. He doesn't have much twitchyness left and I'll probably not replace him when he dies. I've also bred tropical fish, parakeets and gekos and kept lovebirds.
- I have my own company that builds single-board computers. I've designed single-board computers that have flown on low-earth orbit satellites and in the International Space Station. Code I have written is running on 20,000+ computers around the world. I read Slashdot several times a day when I should be working. I have 2 high-speed internet connections to my house. I can call a modem and whistle a carrier tone to make it "connect".
- I drive a Subaru Outback and my wife drives a Subaru WRX. I do *all* the maintanance on both of them. I also ride a 1964 Honda S90 motorcycle I've restored from a pile of junk.
- Out of high school I joined the Army and spent a year in West Germany fixing tactical nuclear weapons. In the 80's, I spent 6 months in Tokyo working on electron beam lithography machines. I've worked on computers throughout the US.
- I love cameras. I have about 20 still cameras, including a Hasselblad 500 C/M with 80mm, 120mm and 250mm lenses, a Nikon F, and a Honeywell Pentax Spotmatic. They all work. I also collect "minicams" These are the small, shoulder held television cameras of the 80's. I have nearly every one that was made, including the very first, an Ikegami HL-33. I also have a decent darkroom setup and I've done nice black and white and Cibachrome work. My latest love is the Nikon D70 digital camera I bought for work.
- I have a decent metalworking shop in the garage that includes a metal lathe and a vertical mill. I look forward to buying a TIG welder soon.
- My most important and successful project is my daughter. She's an intense 18-year old that has a burning passion for botany and cellular biology. I bought her a fine old Swiss microscope a couple weeks ago on ebay.
- I have seen every: LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Harry Potter movie; but I have often missed movies and caught up with them years later, due to computer-related high-security work commitments.
- I know how to read & write in binary and hexidecimal: Fortran, basic, pascal, COBOL, Com-Tran, UNIX, C, C+, and Machine Language.
I Worked for 14 years locked up in a big steel pipe for months at a time, with my computer system, workng as a computer system analyst in the support of Nuclear-capable FBM Missles [you know, launch each one and they go into orbit, to launch up to 14 warheads each, at a later time].
I have four PCs networked in my home, they are good for LAN gaming :-)
- We listen to the Statler Brothers, mostly.
- One dog.
- I retired at 42 , simnply put I had put too many years and had become too old to continue in my job.
-I have known and worked closely with literaly hundreds of: Nuclear physicists, NASA engineers,
Nuclear Reactor Operators, and 'rocket scientists'.
- a station wagon, a saab, a motorhome, a Gold-Wing, a '57 Willy touring-Wagon and a boat.
- As an adult, I have spent a looot of time under the Arctic circle, lived in Ct for a while, lived in Va [for 2 years], lived in Southern Ca for a year, lived in Northern Ca for 2 years, back to Southern Ca for a year, lived in Scotland for 3 years, lived in Ct [for 3 years], lived in Wa for 4 years, lived in Italy for 3 years , currently back in Ct.
I spent one year's annual leave touring the Nile River from a paddle steamer [one trip of 30days length].
I spent one year's annual leave touring Archeological sites in Israel [one trip of 30 days length].
I spent one year's annual leave touring Greece [one trip of 30 days length with my family].
I spent two year's annual leave sking the Austria [two seperate trips in two consecutive years, both trips were 3 weeks each].
I spent one year's annual leave sking both sides of the Matterhorn [the Southern side goes down into Cervina Italy, the Northern side goes down into Zermatt].
I have gotten phone calls where I have had to run to the nearest military base to find and use a secure [scrambled] phone-line to discuss 'restricted' matters with former work-mates.
- I've been working on them since 1970. I have a working DEC PDP 8/L minicomputer in the garage. I have Timex Sinclair, a KIM 1, a BYT-8, a PDP 11/34,and a HP minicomputer. I also have an HP 25 and 55 calculator, TI 30,58C, and 57 calculators, a Compucorp 324G and a Curta mechanical calculator. I have several slide rules and several drafting sets. I have 3 Tivo's, 2 of which are hacked so that I can program them at work or get a shell prompt when I telnet into them.
Jim - could you bring forth a word of interpretation there for me --> :)-->
I have gotten phone calls where I have had to run to the nearest military base to find and use a secure [scrambled] phone-line to discuss 'restricted' matters with former work-mates.
Does any of that count?
It may not qualify for *geek-dom*, but it certainly makes you Admirably suited to be in charge of defense!
- Read the Simarillion (aka the Elven telephone directory) & LOTR series more than once.
I had read most of the Star Trek books until they started putting them out in a series of four or more books. Science fiction: Asimov, Heinlein, C.J. Cherryh, L.E. Moddessit.
I've read The Silmarillion about six times over the years and read LOTR about once every two years
- Seen all the LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek, and even the Harry Potter movies. Especially likes the behind-the-scenes clips on the DVDs.
I like stupid movies: Starskey & Hutch, Meet the Parents, Clerks, all the Pink Panther movies, Get Shorty & Be Cool. I also like science fiction, LOTR, etc
- Knows how to read & write in binary and hexidecimal. (Haven't sat for my A+ cert yet, but hopes to, soon.) Gets excited about wireless networks.
No geekdom here for me, but I do write a pretty mean spreadsheet
- Listens to some techno pop and still owns vinyl albums. Knows who OMD is. Loves the Bee Gees.
Blues, fusion jazz, 70's rock. Muddy Waters, Danny Gatton, Roy Bucahnan, Morphine, Good Charlotte, Chris Duarte, Aerosmith, Deep Purple, Blues Traveler are current favorites.
- Owns cats. (Or is it the other way around?)
[bv] My only pets are two plants[/b]
- I like my job because I get to work with statistics, design presentations, and read gross medical reports.
The grocery business - what can I say? I'm around food all day!
-A customized (work in progress) PT Cruiser, Limited Edition, silver. Refuses to own a mini-van!
1987 Cutlass fake-wood-sided staion wagon, named "Big Woody"
- Haven't done much for recreational purposes. Spent a couple of days at the Smithsonian once on vacation as a teen - would love to go back! (For a month!)
Love to travel, especially in my wowmobile! Like driving more than flying, but flying works better when I don't have a lot of time. Ask Reikilady sometime about me in the airport
- Married to a math teacher AND loves to hear him talk about work.
My sweetie posts here and I love her...what more can be said?
i saw your thread on southpark... you gotta be top or second-top geek just for that!
Ok...since I seem to be ahead with work today and having a slow day, I'll do it, but trying to make it brief.
- Read all of the LOTR series, the Hobbit, the Simarillion, and a few other Tolkien books, multiple times.
- Voluntarily read books on accounting.
- Read too many computer related books to count, probably in the hundreds.
- Also a fan of Tad Williams, Dan Brown, Piers Anthony, Neil Gaiman, Douglas Adams, Michael Chrichton, and quite a few other scifi and fantasy authors. Even a fan of classic books by authors like George Orwell, Pearl S. Buck, etc.
- Reads a lot of books about politics and the world we live in, hoping to get a better understanding of things that I can't easily get first hand. The latest read was "Fast Food Nation" which after reading "The Jungle" years ago, has got me on a bit of an organic food kick.
- Read a lot of non-fiction by authors like Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Paul Krugman, and Michael Moore (the last one was included as a joke to rile people up. I've never actually read an entire book by him.)
- If it's scifi, fantasy, or even most cult films, I've seen it. Including Plan 9 from Outer Space and most if not all of the Godzilla movies. Things like the LOTR, HHGTG, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. go without needing to be said. I've seen them all.
- The original Star Wars was the first movie I ever saw, even though I was a newborn and didn't really "see" it, but I was told that it was the first movie I ever saw.
- I'm also a huge fan of scifi TV, even though other than this past winter I haven't watched a lot other than on DVD. Some of my favorite series are Taken, the new Battlestar Galactica (the old one is neat, in a cheesy way), all of the Stargate series, 24 (even though it's a neocon dreamworld), and a few other series that I've probably forgotten. I even watch Adult Swim on cartoon network and own between 20 and 50 anime DVDs (none of which involve schoolgirls and tentacles.)
- I've been interested with computers since I was a teenager playing Nintendo. Once I saw the movie "Hackers" it was all over for any other career. I had to work with computers.
- A good number of you have probably used my software, although indirectly. If you've ever had to call for technical support for a number of telecoms (land lines, cellular phones, internet access, etc.) then you may have been entered into a system I developed.
- I know many programming languages, including COBOL.
- I worked with many different types of computers, from mainframes (I won't identify exactly which ones so a google search won't turn up my real name) to PDAs.
- I've done some bad things in the past and hung out with bad people.
- I know people that worked on such things as the movie Ice Age, the game Grand Theft Auto (the Xbox versions of III and Vice City), some bad Sony software that comes preinstalled on every Viao, a lot of software used by various parts of the U.S. government, and someone that works for Google.
- I'll stop here because this could get a little too easily identifiable. I'll just say that I get paid a lot to travel and work with computers, and am somewhat of an expert in my field.
- I download most of my music from the internet, but actually do turn around and buy the CD if I like it.
- I listen to everything from Los Lonely Boys to Nine Inch Nails to The Pogues to Plastilina Mosh, although there isn't really any continuity there. I listen to just about everything except for pop, country, and most rap. I do like Busta Rhymes and Eminem though.
- Ugh. My next dog will be a Sony Aibo.
- I combined this with the computer section because they're together for me.
- My legs and a Corolla (which my wife usually drives.) Transportation is not as important because I try to live closer to where I work. I hate spending hours a day in traffic. If I spent two hours a day that would add up to 10 hours a week, which at an $85 per hour billing rate would add up to $850 plus gas lost for simply being annoyed.
- Seen most of the U.S., lived in about 1/3 of the country.
- Traveled to the U.K., Ireland, Canada, and Mexico. Need to travel more but I'm waiting until I have made enough money to feel more comfortable with not working so I can spend a month at a time traveling.
- My wife graduated at the top of her class, a year early, in CIS (computer science.)
- I love learning about various things. A few of the things I was obssessed with at various points as a child were animals in the ocean, dinosaurs, geology, astrophysics, etc.
- I think that most people argue evolution (on both sides) using B.S. that doesn't make any sense, but I have no doubt that evolution has occurred.
- I don't believe that the Earth is flat, nor that it is in the shape of a ball, but rather more egg-like.
- I can predict weather better than the weatherman on TV based on the NOAA data in cases of severe weather.
- I can identify quite a few different types of wildlife including plants in North America (thanks Boy Scouts!)
- I owned a laser before they became common tools of harassment.
- As a kid, I built my own radio from one of those kits from Radio Shack, a doorbell for my bedroom, as well as some interesting chemicals that could eat through asphalt.
- I can tell you what part of the brain serves what purpose, and I used to be able to remember each section of the spine, but I've forgotten what each section's nerves are responsible for now.
Anyway, I could go on and on, but I have to stop for now. I tried to keep this as short as I could, especially since I don't want to "win" this contest. :D-->
Hmm, P-Mosh is a 24 fan, eh? I think I'll dig up that photo of Kiefer Sutherland standing right beside Rush Limbaugh.
Like I said, it's a neocon dreamworld where torture is fine and dandy, where the terrorists are advanced, and the U.S. Constitution is just red tape that gets in the way of good guys. However, if you take it as a completely fictional piece of work, it's interesting to watch. I don't know why since the acting is horrible, but I think it's how fast paced it is.
I'm a huge fan of the Grand Theft Auto series of video games, but I don't condone committing those crimes in real life either. It's the same thing.
They call me Mr. Know It All, where's that put me? But on with the show...
I use books as reference except if they shed knowledge. I like books about life, pets and such, how-tos, about writing, non-fiction, etc. But like video killed the radio star, my computer has more information than books offer.
Use to be a big movie buff, but not anymore. I always liked comedy, a few horrors and an occasional suspence. Call me crazy, but I hate all science fiction and think they're overated!
After years I stil haven't figured out everything on mine and am still a bit iliterate. You see back in the '80s I joined a computer cult that would render everything we learned obsolete by the time we graduated. We learned binary, ForTran, or something. The keypunch operators graduated to an extinct job!
Use to be Led Zeppelin. Love Rush(get it). Mostly that type of rock but will listen to almost anything, like Avril Lavigne.
One dog.
My job's with local government from airport to sanitation to parks to code enforcement.
'97 Lumina. Sometimes a truck, pick-up, or electric car at work!
Recommended Posts
Ron G.
I've read the labels on Jack Daniels and Jim Beam bottles. I also read the latest book of Garfield cartoons
Seen ALL the Ernest movies (Ernest goes to Camp, Ernest joins the Army etc.)
Knows how to load Pacman and Space Invaders on a Commodore 64 and post on forums like this 'un.
I have a 70% win ratio on Spider solitaire (comes with Windows XP)
I love the Altans...my favorite band.
3 dogs, 22 hens, one rooster named Angus and some ducks. Donkey and goat died
I don't do 4 letter words.
'90 Dodge Dakota pickup and '94 Olds
I went to Harrison AR last week (in the Olds).
Hunting with my .50 cal Hawken, fishing, camping and making chili.
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Maybe the biggest geek (or perhaps the smartest one) can figure out this math question/riddle:
From the blog "Secular Blasphemy", and I didn't get it at all.
Anybody willing to take this one on?? Steve!?, Zixar?, Garth?, or any other math whiz out there?
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Imaginary, dmiller.
The function has no real roots.
Or, Jesus spake unto them a parabola.
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I'm not sure about the GEEK award, but I'm sure to be in the running for the DORK award.
- Read all the Harry Potter books. Never read LOTR and never had any desire to. I have, however, read every diet book released in the past 20 years. I still have most of them.
- Seen all the Star Wars and Harry Potter movies many times. I've also seen every Quenton Tarantino film. "True Romance" being the favorite.
- Knows how to program in SQL and is a whiz in MS Access. Have all my MOUS certifications.
- Used to belong to the Barry Manilow International Fan Club. Have all my vinyl records from growing up and the turntable that works to play them on. Played Barbies to Broadway musicals.
- Owns one very spoiled dog. We have done the Dog Show circuit - she has her AKC Championship title and one leg toward her Earthdog title. We are also working on obdience and agility titles.
- I like my job because I get to work with other computer geeks and brilliantly creative marketing oddballs. I also have won over the Network Nazi and get special privileges sometimes because of it.
-A very practical, dependable Mazda Protege that needs very little maintenance and gets killer gas mileage.
- Exciting travel is going to Mississippi or Kentucky to visit family. I have spent an enjoyable week-end up above the Mason-Dixon line recently and I'll be going to Mexico this summer for a family reunion.
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I believe I'm a serious contender.
- Read dozens of Issac Asimov's fiction and non-fiction. Read all of Melville's, Conrad's and Niven's books. Most of Philip K. Dick's books. Read "Soul of a New Machine" four times. I'm mentioned by name in "Foundations of the Stereoscopy Cinema". I've published a couple magazine articles. I own a book on computer design written in 1953.
- Blade Runner, Rollerball (the original) and Fantastic Planet are my all-time favorites. Enjoy Mad Max, looking forward to "The Revenge of the Sith".
- I've been working on them since 1970. I have a working DEC PDP 8/L minicomputer in the garage. I have Timex Sinclair, a KIM 1, a BYT-8, a PDP 11/34,and a HP minicomputer. I also have an HP 25 and 55 calculator, TI 30,58C, and 57 calculators, a Compucorp 324G and a Curta mechanical calculator. I have several slide rules and several drafting sets. I have 3 Tivo's, 2 of which are hacked so that I can program them at work or get a shell prompt when I telnet into them.
- Begins and ends with JS Bach. In the last year I've attended live concerts of his Mass in B minor, Cantatas BVW 4, 61, 131 and 182 and four of his concertos. I can sing along in latin to many parts of the Mass. I loved his instrumental stuff for years, but am now compulsed by his church music.
- I've always had twitchy little dogs around. I love their intensity. My present dog is 14 years old. He doesn't have much twitchyness left and I'll probably not replace him when he dies. I've also bred tropical fish, parakeets and gekos and kept lovebirds.
- I have my own company that builds single-board computers. I've designed single-board computers that have flown on low-earth orbit satellites and in the International Space Station. Code I have written is running on 20,000+ computers around the world. I read Slashdot several times a day when I should be working. I have 2 high-speed internet connections to my house. I can call a modem and whistle a carrier tone to make it "connect".
- I drive a Subaru Outback and my wife drives a Subaru WRX. I do *all* the maintanance on both of them. I also ride a 1964 Honda S90 motorcycle I've restored from a pile of junk.
- Out of high school I joined the Army and spent a year in West Germany fixing tactical nuclear weapons. In the 80's, I spent 6 months in Tokyo working on electron beam lithography machines. I've worked on computers throughout the US.
- I love cameras. I have about 20 still cameras, including a Hasselblad 500 C/M with 80mm, 120mm and 250mm lenses, a Nikon F, and a Honeywell Pentax Spotmatic. They all work. I also collect "minicams" These are the small, shoulder held television cameras of the 80's. I have nearly every one that was made, including the very first, an Ikegami HL-33. I also have a decent darkroom setup and I've done nice black and white and Cibachrome work. My latest love is the Nikon D70 digital camera I bought for work.
- I have a decent metalworking shop in the garage that includes a metal lathe and a vertical mill. I look forward to buying a TIG welder soon.
- My most important and successful project is my daughter. She's an intense 18-year old that has a burning passion for botany and cellular biology. I bought her a fine old Swiss microscope a couple weeks ago on ebay.
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- I have read everything of Asimov and Heinlein.
- I have seen every: LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Harry Potter movie; but I have often missed movies and caught up with them years later, due to computer-related high-security work commitments.
- I know how to read & write in binary and hexidecimal: Fortran, basic, pascal, COBOL, Com-Tran, UNIX, C, C+, and Machine Language.
I Worked for 14 years locked up in a big steel pipe for months at a time, with my computer system, workng as a computer system analyst in the support of Nuclear-capable FBM Missles [you know, launch each one and they go into orbit, to launch up to 14 warheads each, at a later time].
I have four PCs networked in my home, they are good for LAN gaming :-)
- We listen to the Statler Brothers, mostly.
- One dog.
- I retired at 42 , simnply put I had put too many years and had become too old to continue in my job.
-I have known and worked closely with literaly hundreds of: Nuclear physicists, NASA engineers,
Nuclear Reactor Operators, and 'rocket scientists'.
- a station wagon, a saab, a motorhome, a Gold-Wing, a '57 Willy touring-Wagon and a boat.
- As an adult, I have spent a looot of time under the Arctic circle, lived in Ct for a while, lived in Va [for 2 years], lived in Southern Ca for a year, lived in Northern Ca for 2 years, back to Southern Ca for a year, lived in Scotland for 3 years, lived in Ct [for 3 years], lived in Wa for 4 years, lived in Italy for 3 years , currently back in Ct.
I spent one year's annual leave touring the Nile River from a paddle steamer [one trip of 30days length].
I spent one year's annual leave touring Archeological sites in Israel [one trip of 30 days length].
I spent one year's annual leave touring Greece [one trip of 30 days length with my family].
I spent two year's annual leave sking the Austria [two seperate trips in two consecutive years, both trips were 3 weeks each].
I spent one year's annual leave sking both sides of the Matterhorn [the Southern side goes down into Cervina Italy, the Northern side goes down into Zermatt].
I have gotten phone calls where I have had to run to the nearest military base to find and use a secure [scrambled] phone-line to discuss 'restricted' matters with former work-mates.
Does any of that count?
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Jim - could you bring forth a word of interpretation there for me
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Galen & Jim:
Asimov fans! Cool!
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It may not qualify for *geek-dom*, but it certainly makes you Admirably suited to be in charge of defense!
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- Read the Simarillion (aka the Elven telephone directory) & LOTR series more than once.
I had read most of the Star Trek books until they started putting them out in a series of four or more books. Science fiction: Asimov, Heinlein, C.J. Cherryh, L.E. Moddessit.
I've read The Silmarillion about six times over the years and read LOTR about once every two years
- Seen all the LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek, and even the Harry Potter movies. Especially likes the behind-the-scenes clips on the DVDs.
I like stupid movies: Starskey & Hutch, Meet the Parents, Clerks, all the Pink Panther movies, Get Shorty & Be Cool. I also like science fiction, LOTR, etc
- Knows how to read & write in binary and hexidecimal. (Haven't sat for my A+ cert yet, but hopes to, soon.) Gets excited about wireless networks.
No geekdom here for me, but I do write a pretty mean spreadsheet
- Listens to some techno pop and still owns vinyl albums. Knows who OMD is. Loves the Bee Gees.
Blues, fusion jazz, 70's rock. Muddy Waters, Danny Gatton, Roy Bucahnan, Morphine, Good Charlotte, Chris Duarte, Aerosmith, Deep Purple, Blues Traveler are current favorites.
- Owns cats. (Or is it the other way around?)
[bv] My only pets are two plants[/b]
- I like my job because I get to work with statistics, design presentations, and read gross medical reports.
The grocery business - what can I say? I'm around food all day!
-A customized (work in progress) PT Cruiser, Limited Edition, silver. Refuses to own a mini-van!
1987 Cutlass fake-wood-sided staion wagon, named "Big Woody"
- Haven't done much for recreational purposes. Spent a couple of days at the Smithsonian once on vacation as a teen - would love to go back! (For a month!)
Love to travel, especially in my wowmobile! Like driving more than flying, but flying works better when I don't have a lot of time. Ask Reikilady sometime about me in the airport
- Married to a math teacher AND loves to hear him talk about work.
My sweetie posts here and I love her...what more can be said?
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I don't watch tv. Not even Oprah, which my comrades at work live and die by.
On the rare occassion that I turn on the tv, I watch C-span. Does this qualify me for geekdom?
I don't read anymore unless I have to. But that just comes from having three teenagers.
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Maybe a pun on *parable* vs. *parabola*?
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Ron G.
What's the difference between a geek and a nerd?
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that's easy Ron - Nerds pull their pants up to their chins. Geeks don't care about making fashion statements.
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Mister P-Mosh
I don't know that I should post my list here because it would end up being a few paragraphs for most of the items.
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Trefor Heywood
I will accept my demotion in the world of geekdom with grace and humility!
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c'mon p-mosh...
i saw your thread on southpark... you gotta be top or second-top geek just for that!
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Mister P-Mosh
Ok...since I seem to be ahead with work today and having a slow day, I'll do it, but trying to make it brief.
- Read all of the LOTR series, the Hobbit, the Simarillion, and a few other Tolkien books, multiple times.
- Voluntarily read books on accounting.
- Read too many computer related books to count, probably in the hundreds.
- Also a fan of Tad Williams, Dan Brown, Piers Anthony, Neil Gaiman, Douglas Adams, Michael Chrichton, and quite a few other scifi and fantasy authors. Even a fan of classic books by authors like George Orwell, Pearl S. Buck, etc.
- Reads a lot of books about politics and the world we live in, hoping to get a better understanding of things that I can't easily get first hand. The latest read was "Fast Food Nation" which after reading "The Jungle" years ago, has got me on a bit of an organic food kick.
- Read a lot of non-fiction by authors like Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Paul Krugman, and Michael Moore (the last one was included as a joke to rile people up. I've never actually read an entire book by him.)
- If it's scifi, fantasy, or even most cult films, I've seen it. Including Plan 9 from Outer Space and most if not all of the Godzilla movies. Things like the LOTR, HHGTG, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. go without needing to be said. I've seen them all.
- The original Star Wars was the first movie I ever saw, even though I was a newborn and didn't really "see" it, but I was told that it was the first movie I ever saw.
- I'm also a huge fan of scifi TV, even though other than this past winter I haven't watched a lot other than on DVD. Some of my favorite series are Taken, the new Battlestar Galactica (the old one is neat, in a cheesy way), all of the Stargate series, 24 (even though it's a neocon dreamworld), and a few other series that I've probably forgotten. I even watch Adult Swim on cartoon network and own between 20 and 50 anime DVDs (none of which involve schoolgirls and tentacles.)
- I've been interested with computers since I was a teenager playing Nintendo. Once I saw the movie "Hackers" it was all over for any other career. I had to work with computers.
- A good number of you have probably used my software, although indirectly. If you've ever had to call for technical support for a number of telecoms (land lines, cellular phones, internet access, etc.) then you may have been entered into a system I developed.
- I know many programming languages, including COBOL.
- I worked with many different types of computers, from mainframes (I won't identify exactly which ones so a google search won't turn up my real name) to PDAs.
- I've done some bad things in the past and hung out with bad people.
- I know people that worked on such things as the movie Ice Age, the game Grand Theft Auto (the Xbox versions of III and Vice City), some bad Sony software that comes preinstalled on every Viao, a lot of software used by various parts of the U.S. government, and someone that works for Google.
- I'll stop here because this could get a little too easily identifiable. I'll just say that I get paid a lot to travel and work with computers, and am somewhat of an expert in my field.
- I download most of my music from the internet, but actually do turn around and buy the CD if I like it.
- I listen to everything from Los Lonely Boys to Nine Inch Nails to The Pogues to Plastilina Mosh, although there isn't really any continuity there. I listen to just about everything except for pop, country, and most rap. I do like Busta Rhymes and Eminem though.
- Ugh. My next dog will be a Sony Aibo.
- I combined this with the computer section because they're together for me.
- My legs and a Corolla (which my wife usually drives.) Transportation is not as important because I try to live closer to where I work. I hate spending hours a day in traffic. If I spent two hours a day that would add up to 10 hours a week, which at an $85 per hour billing rate would add up to $850 plus gas lost for simply being annoyed.
- Seen most of the U.S., lived in about 1/3 of the country.
- Traveled to the U.K., Ireland, Canada, and Mexico. Need to travel more but I'm waiting until I have made enough money to feel more comfortable with not working so I can spend a month at a time traveling.
- My wife graduated at the top of her class, a year early, in CIS (computer science.)
- I love learning about various things. A few of the things I was obssessed with at various points as a child were animals in the ocean, dinosaurs, geology, astrophysics, etc.
- I think that most people argue evolution (on both sides) using B.S. that doesn't make any sense, but I have no doubt that evolution has occurred.
- I don't believe that the Earth is flat, nor that it is in the shape of a ball, but rather more egg-like.
- I can predict weather better than the weatherman on TV based on the NOAA data in cases of severe weather.
- I can identify quite a few different types of wildlife including plants in North America (thanks Boy Scouts!)
- I owned a laser before they became common tools of harassment.
- As a kid, I built my own radio from one of those kits from Radio Shack, a doorbell for my bedroom, as well as some interesting chemicals that could eat through asphalt.
- I can tell you what part of the brain serves what purpose, and I used to be able to remember each section of the spine, but I've forgotten what each section's nerves are responsible for now.
Anyway, I could go on and on, but I have to stop for now. I tried to keep this as short as I could, especially since I don't want to "win" this contest.
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Hmm, P-Mosh is a 24 fan, eh? I think I'll dig up that photo of Kiefer Sutherland standing right beside Rush Limbaugh.
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Mister P-Mosh
Like I said, it's a neocon dreamworld where torture is fine and dandy, where the terrorists are advanced, and the U.S. Constitution is just red tape that gets in the way of good guys. However, if you take it as a completely fictional piece of work, it's interesting to watch. I don't know why since the acting is horrible, but I think it's how fast paced it is.
I'm a huge fan of the Grand Theft Auto series of video games, but I don't condone committing those crimes in real life either. It's the same thing.
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What we need are OBJECTIVE standards for geekdom.
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They call me Mr. Know It All, where's that put me? But on with the show...
I use books as reference except if they shed knowledge. I like books about life, pets and such, how-tos, about writing, non-fiction, etc. But like video killed the radio star, my computer has more information than books offer.
Use to be a big movie buff, but not anymore. I always liked comedy, a few horrors and an occasional suspence. Call me crazy, but I hate all science fiction and think they're overated!
After years I stil haven't figured out everything on mine and am still a bit iliterate. You see back in the '80s I joined a computer cult that would render everything we learned obsolete by the time we graduated. We learned binary, ForTran, or something. The keypunch operators graduated to an extinct job!
Use to be Led Zeppelin. Love Rush(get it). Mostly that type of rock but will listen to almost anything, like Avril Lavigne.
One dog.
My job's with local government from airport to sanitation to parks to code enforcement.
'97 Lumina. Sometimes a truck, pick-up, or electric car at work!
World-Canada, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Giberaltar, Maijorca.
USA-Entire NY, NH, Mass, Conn, Penn, and NJ states. Wheeling, WVa. New Knoxville, Cinncinati, Columbus, Canton, Cleveland, Ohio.
"if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN"
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WordWolf -- There's some great links there - thanks for posting them!
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If you've seen this before - or better yet, - if it's framed and hanging on your office wall.... you might be a geek!
If Dr. Seuss wrote for Star Trek: The Next Generation...
Author: Dave Fuller
Picard: Sigma Indri, that's the star,
So, Data, please, how far? How far?
Data: Our ship can get there very fast
But still the trip will last and last
We'll have two days til we arrive
But can the Indrans there survive?
Picard: LaForge, please give us factor nine.
LaForge: But, sir, the engines are offline!
Picard: Offline! But why? I want to go!
Please make it so, please make it so!
Riker: But sir, if Geordi says we can't,
We can't, we mustn't, and we shan't,
The danger here is far too great!
Picard: But surely we must not be late!
Troi: I'm sensing anger and great ire.
Computer: Alert! Alert! The ship's on fire!
Picard: The ship's on fire? How could this be?
Who lit the fire?
Riker: Not me.
Worf: Not me.
Picard: Computer, how long til we die?
Computer: Eight minutes left to say goodbye.
Data: May I suggest a course to take?
We could, I think, quite safely make
Extinguishers from tractor beams
And stop the fire, or so it seems...
Geordi: Hurray! Hurray! You've saved the day!
Again I say, Hurray! Hurray!
Picard: Mr. Data, thank you much.
You've saved our lives, our ship, and such.
Troi: We still must save the Indran planet --
Data: Which (by the way) is made of granite...
Picard: Enough, you android. Please desist.
We understand -- we get your gist.
But can we get our ship to go?
Please, make it so, PLEASE make it so.
Geordi: There's sabotage among the wires
And that's what started all the fires.
Riker: We have a saboteur? Oh, no!
We need to go! We need to go!
Troi: We must seek out the traitor spy
And lock him up and ask him why?
Worf: Ask him why? How sentimental.
I say give him problems dental.
Troi: Are any Romulan ships around?
Have scanners said that they've been found?
Or is it Borg or some new threat
We haven't even heard of yet?
I sense no malice in this crew.
Now what are we supposed to do?
Crusher: Captain, please, the Indrans need us.
They cry out, "Help us, clothe us, feed us!"
I can't just sit and let them die!
A doctor MUST attempt -- MUST try!
Picard: Doctor, please, we'll get there soon.
Crusher: They may be dead by Tuesday noon.
Worf: The saboteur is in the brig.
He's very strong and very big.
I had my phaser set on stun --
A zzzip! A zzzap! Another one!
He would not budge, he would not fall,
He would not stun, no, not at all!
He changed into a stranger form
All soft and purple, round and warm.
Picard: Did you see this, Mr. Worf?
Did you see this creature morph?
Worf: I did and then I beat him fairly.
Hit him on the jaw -- quite squarely.
Riker: My commendations, Klingon friend!
Our troubles now are at an end!
Crusher: Now let's get our ship to fly
And orbit yonder Indran sky!
Picard: LaForge, please tell me we can go...?
Geordi: Yes, sir, we can.
Picard: Then make it so!
Copyright © 1995 Dave Fuller.
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