Lindy, I tried learning sax for a Zappa influenced band my friends were putting together. I stopped after a week or two because it was not an instrument you could practice quietly and at the beginning you really don't want anyone else hearing you. I play bass guitar ( inspired by Jack Casady of Jefferson Airplane ) and you can practice unamplified.
Reikylady,,,perhaps I speeled that wrong,,,forgive me,,,but like you I realized at Steve an Cindy's wedding.....greaespotters are a special breed. People to love and cherish......not just because they are from a relious cult bonding...but because they are for real in terms of humanity. I guess thats what keeps me checking out this website,,,,loved ones seeking out what's right in this crazy world! Who know's....perhaps some real answers will be discovered here someday,,,if not in the doctrinal tribunal in Suzie's kitchen tip's. Or perhaps it might be in the friend finder coming true' or perhaps it could be found out in tha chat room!. As to why I am really here, I guess it's because I still like whatI am doing! Once in my life I didn't feel that way,,,,thats when I departed from the Way.!!
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Lindy, I tried learning sax for a Zappa influenced band my friends were putting together. I stopped after a week or two because it was not an instrument you could practice quietly and at the beginning you really don't want anyone else hearing you. I play bass guitar ( inspired by Jack Casady of Jefferson Airplane ) and you can practice unamplified.
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Reikylady,,,perhaps I speeled that wrong,,,forgive me,,,but like you I realized at Steve an Cindy's wedding.....greaespotters are a special breed. People to love and cherish......not just because they are from a relious cult bonding...but because they are for real in terms of humanity. I guess thats what keeps me checking out this website,,,,loved ones seeking out what's right in this crazy world! Who know's....perhaps some real answers will be discovered here someday,,,if not in the doctrinal tribunal in Suzie's kitchen tip's. Or perhaps it might be in the friend finder coming true' or perhaps it could be found out in tha chat room!. As to why I am really here, I guess it's because I still like whatI am doing! Once in my life I didn't feel that way,,,,thats when I departed from the Way.!!
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Tohu Bohu
It is hard to explain why I am here. I used to be in The Way Ministry, and so now I found some people who used to be there also.
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Tohu Bohu --- Welcome to Greasespot.
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Tohu Bohu
Why thank you dmiller! And
--> to you too!
Tohu Bohu
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