My wife has asked me many times why I post at GS. She says I never got involved with TWI and didn't like the people or the program so why do I spend so much time here?
During the WayDale time my bio said I post because I wanted to hastle TWI and Ex-TWIers. Satorii called me out on that.
I really don't belong here as I never believed, although I did go WOW for my wife's sake. I went along for the ride.
Maybe that is why I am here.... Just for the ride.
We mainly lurk here because we still have close family members who are in and want to look for nuggets of information about what is happening and to look for any advice/opportunities on getting them out before it is too late.
I don't give a hoot about TWI, and haven't for many years. I don't even know who the people running it are, except that I remember what's her name advertising PFAL '77, I think it was.
What I like about this place is the variety of viewpoints represented here. I also like that almost any topic can be discussed. Not many are covered in great depth, but the comments can be thought-provoking. Many times, I've seen something discussed here and had my interest sparked enough to go read up on it or to just sit back and think about it from a perspective I might not otherwise have considered.
Why am I here, why am I here.. pretty tough question. I think that's what other people ask at times, "why is he here?" heh heh.
1. A chance to spill my guts in front of God only knows how many complete strangers, heh heh.
Doubtless I know many of you, and would recognize you in person, but there is a certain amount of anomynity.
but there's more!
2. Over twenty years of my suppressed frustration and insanity has to find some place to go- unfortunate for you good people. Its nice to have an outlet when you find yourself laughing your rear off and crying at the same time- yep, guys can go through this too, heh heh. Sometimes only those who went through it are the only ones that can understand what people are going through.
3. It's nice to meet up with people that have left that underbelly of that outhouse, who still live and actually prosper despite the otherwise warnings of dire doom..
I'm here for too many reasons to be able to articulate. Having been out less than a year, GSpot was initially a place for me to lurk, get information, strengthen my resolved to get out and help with trying to get my husband out with me.
It's a place where I met some great and wonderful people who have been an invaluable support to me over the past six years while I was fighting to get out with my marriage in tact.
It's a place where I could tell people what was going on "inside" the machine.
It's a place where I can vent, share, wonder out loud, toss around ideas, laugh, cry, sort out my waybrain and dissolve it piece by piece.
It's been the main reason, I think, that I haven't gone absolutely insane due to the situation I was in the past six years. I'd like to give some of that back and I do correspond with quite a few "innies" who are in the same situation I was.
I just like it here. :D--> The people here are the coolest and I hope to get to meet many more of them.
I've probably already said it, but I 'stumbled' on this site out of curiosity. I left TWI close to 25 years ago, and have never looked back, or had any desire to come back, or catch up with old fellow wayers. I still seek God, even though a false prophet blinded me to the truth. I needed to find out some things and happen to start reinvestigating TWI. Imagine my surprise when I started reading(here and other sites) what has happen to TWI. The truth has finally come to the light!
The fact is that if you graduated PFAL, you were subject to TWI mind control. Some such as me, can try to run and avoid it, but we have been physically, emotionally and spiritually traumatized in some way, reguardless if you stayed a few days or decades after that.
Talking about TWI, not so much holding a grudge against the people who were subjected to the same control, actually can help some heal. A certain website calculates that there are over 100,000 ex-wayers who have never dealt with their emotional scars and are still hurting. I actually am thankful for this, because at sometime these were issues we all dealt with.
The anger, resentment, feeling of loss and having been deceived will linger and unless some get help, will never go away...which basically is a self-fulfilling prophesy that werewolf bestowed on us.
I'm new here and I'm still catching up what happened since my departure. I had supressed my TWI experience so bad that I couldn't remember exact dates or years, but it's coming back slowly.
If nothing else, we can remain vigilant for other Way Ministries that are out there that deal in Salvation of Doom!
One of the reasons I stayed in TWI was because of the fine friends that I made and still are close to today. I keep coming back here for the same reason.
This is the only place where folks understand what happened with twi...and why. I invested 13 years of my life in that insideous little cornfield cult...and the Greasespot is a unique place to revisit issues that at one time were of monumental importance to me. This placed has allowed me to tie up some loose put things into perspective and to share with others, my own observations. It's important to be able to make sense out of the whole thing...
Besides, I feel that I have made some good friends here.
I'm just here to hang out, and to see the occasional bits new information as we wait for TWI to close shop. I have family still in TWI, and some friends that I wish would come here but prefer to just keep TWI out of mind. I'm here in case they happen to stumble across this site and I can talk to them without any preconcieved notions about the real life me, because I was fairly good at pretending to be a strong TWI follower at the end up until I just dissapeared from them one day.
I also come here because I think there are a lot of good people, and believe it or not I do find this site to be somewhat therapeutic. I hate to psychoanalyze myself and open myself up to criticism, but some of the arguments and frustrations I have here stem from similar frustrations I have with my parents, who are still in TWI. We all seem to have some traits of TWI still in our logic, and I wish everyone could just drop them. I even recognize it in my own life, and I don't like it, but I haven't completely figured out how to ditch 100% of my waybrain yet. I'm working on it though.
I like the dialog and I have actually met some of the Greasespotters at Cindy! and Steve's! Royal wedding and found some common ground inspite of me not being in TWI.
I don't post in the "about the Way" threads or when the subject doesn't apply to me. This I do out of respect and appreciation for having a place among the Grease Spotter's!
So Bless us all, every one and let's tread the road to happy destiny!!!!
My wife asks me why I go here. It's because this is an interesting group of people and we have great conversations. We all have different viewpoints depending on when we were in and left TWI. It's nice to find out that things that bothered me in TWI were TWI's fault and not me being "tripped out."
Hey RAF, FYI, Fred B., the last drummer for Acts 29, plays drums for my band occassionally and next month his son is marrying our piano player's daughter.
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My wife has asked me many times why I post at GS. She says I never got involved with TWI and didn't like the people or the program so why do I spend so much time here?
During the WayDale time my bio said I post because I wanted to hastle TWI and Ex-TWIers. Satorii called me out on that.
I really don't belong here as I never believed, although I did go WOW for my wife's sake. I went along for the ride.
Maybe that is why I am here.... Just for the ride.
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In order of importance, as I see it....
A) To provide information so new people don't get caught in twi.
"In vain is the snare set in sight of any bird."
B) To provide information so people in twi can see there's BETTER life
C) To provide information so people who are out of twi, but twi is not out
of THEM, can get past it.
(Yes, when people can leave here feeling they've accomplished all they can,
it's a sign it's working.)
D) To hang out with people who survived the same experiences.
E) For interesting conversation.
F) To feel young-most of the posters are older than me,
and most places I post, it's the other way around!
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Maybe I need to talk about the bad times because I wasn`t allowed to for almost 20 years...
Maybe in talking, I am able to examine unhealthy thought processes that evolved during the decades involved.
Maybe I am angry at the trust betrayed.
It doesn`t matter why, I am just glad that greasespot is here.
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Personally, I feel I earned a place here...
27 years of my life was spent in twi or twi offshoots...or just in twi think...and even now not all of it has been surfaced.
Each and every post here is, to me, a taking back of what I lost...
because I know twi reads GSC...
and I know that THEY are now putting in time, money, labor, etc. to follow me and all the other posters here...
There's just something sweet about that knowledge.
And on the other hand...
GSC has proven to be a pretty kewl place for me to hang out.
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We mainly lurk here because we still have close family members who are in and want to look for nuggets of information about what is happening and to look for any advice/opportunities on getting them out before it is too late.
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I don't give a hoot about TWI, and haven't for many years. I don't even know who the people running it are, except that I remember what's her name advertising PFAL '77, I think it was.
What I like about this place is the variety of viewpoints represented here. I also like that almost any topic can be discussed. Not many are covered in great depth, but the comments can be thought-provoking. Many times, I've seen something discussed here and had my interest sparked enough to go read up on it or to just sit back and think about it from a perspective I might not otherwise have considered.
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Why am I here, why am I here.. pretty tough question. I think that's what other people ask at times, "why is he here?" heh heh.
1. A chance to spill my guts in front of God only knows how many complete strangers, heh heh.
Doubtless I know many of you, and would recognize you in person, but there is a certain amount of anomynity.
but there's more!
2. Over twenty years of my suppressed frustration and insanity has to find some place to go- unfortunate for you good people. Its nice to have an outlet when you find yourself laughing your rear off and crying at the same time- yep, guys can go through this too, heh heh. Sometimes only those who went through it are the only ones that can understand what people are going through.
3. It's nice to meet up with people that have left that underbelly of that outhouse, who still live and actually prosper despite the otherwise warnings of dire doom..
4. Maybe more later..
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I'm here for too many reasons to be able to articulate. Having been out less than a year, GSpot was initially a place for me to lurk, get information, strengthen my resolved to get out and help with trying to get my husband out with me.
It's a place where I met some great and wonderful people who have been an invaluable support to me over the past six years while I was fighting to get out with my marriage in tact.
It's a place where I could tell people what was going on "inside" the machine.
It's a place where I can vent, share, wonder out loud, toss around ideas, laugh, cry, sort out my waybrain and dissolve it piece by piece.
It's been the main reason, I think, that I haven't gone absolutely insane due to the situation I was in the past six years. I'd like to give some of that back and I do correspond with quite a few "innies" who are in the same situation I was.
I just like it here.
:D--> The people here are the coolest and I hope to get to meet many more of them.
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Trefor Heywood
I love being here!
We are a group of disparate people who can claim a common past experience.
We largely now think for ourselves and can share things in a far freer way then we ever could in TWI.
It also keeps us up to date with events and people.
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I agree with rascal.
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I've probably already said it, but I 'stumbled' on this site out of curiosity. I left TWI close to 25 years ago, and have never looked back, or had any desire to come back, or catch up with old fellow wayers. I still seek God, even though a false prophet blinded me to the truth. I needed to find out some things and happen to start reinvestigating TWI. Imagine my surprise when I started reading(here and other sites) what has happen to TWI. The truth has finally come to the light!
The fact is that if you graduated PFAL, you were subject to TWI mind control. Some such as me, can try to run and avoid it, but we have been physically, emotionally and spiritually traumatized in some way, reguardless if you stayed a few days or decades after that.
Talking about TWI, not so much holding a grudge against the people who were subjected to the same control, actually can help some heal. A certain website calculates that there are over 100,000 ex-wayers who have never dealt with their emotional scars and are still hurting. I actually am thankful for this, because at sometime these were issues we all dealt with.
The anger, resentment, feeling of loss and having been deceived will linger and unless some get help, will never go away...which basically is a self-fulfilling prophesy that werewolf bestowed on us.
I'm new here and I'm still catching up what happened since my departure. I had supressed my TWI experience so bad that I couldn't remember exact dates or years, but it's coming back slowly.
If nothing else, we can remain vigilant for other Way Ministries that are out there that deal in Salvation of Doom!
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Thanks for the new word "disparate", Trefor! I can now use that with "apposite".
But truthfully - yes we are.
Twi took a big chunk of our lives, and now we want it back. And this is the place to find it.
And - the - folks - here - are - GREAT!
Disparate opinions that are so apposite, with learning to be had by all.
It's a winning combination.
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Trefor Heywood
Glad I was able to expand your vocabulary dmiller!
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One of the reasons I stayed in TWI was because of the fine friends that I made and still are close to today. I keep coming back here for the same reason.
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This is the only place where folks understand what happened with twi...and why. I invested 13 years of my life in that insideous little cornfield cult...and the Greasespot is a unique place to revisit issues that at one time were of monumental importance to me. This placed has allowed me to tie up some loose put things into perspective and to share with others, my own observations. It's important to be able to make sense out of the whole thing...
Besides, I feel that I have made some good friends here.
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Uh oh, I feel a Bob Stanley song comin' on.
" Who are you?
Why are you here?
What should you do with your life?"
Noooo nooooo eighties way flashbacks!!!!!
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Mister P-Mosh
I'm just here to hang out, and to see the occasional bits new information as we wait for TWI to close shop. I have family still in TWI, and some friends that I wish would come here but prefer to just keep TWI out of mind. I'm here in case they happen to stumble across this site and I can talk to them without any preconcieved notions about the real life me, because I was fairly good at pretending to be a strong TWI follower at the end up until I just dissapeared from them one day.
I also come here because I think there are a lot of good people, and believe it or not I do find this site to be somewhat therapeutic. I hate to psychoanalyze myself and open myself up to criticism, but some of the arguments and frustrations I have here stem from similar frustrations I have with my parents, who are still in TWI. We all seem to have some traits of TWI still in our logic, and I wish everyone could just drop them. I even recognize it in my own life, and I don't like it, but I haven't completely figured out how to ditch 100% of my waybrain yet. I'm working on it though.
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Ok, I'll fess up: I pretended to like that song. Dreadful, wasn't it?
Why am I here?
I enjoy chatting. I enjoy dialogue.
And it's cheaper than therapy.
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Better to be disparate then desparate. Which was our life before.
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I like the dialog and I have actually met some of the Greasespotters at Cindy! and Steve's! Royal wedding and found some common ground inspite of me not being in TWI.
I don't post in the "about the Way" threads or when the subject doesn't apply to me. This I do out of respect and appreciation for having a place among the Grease Spotter's!
So Bless us all, every one and let's tread the road to happy destiny!!!!
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yeah, what Mr. P the dancing banana said.
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My wife asks me why I go here. It's because this is an interesting group of people and we have great conversations. We all have different viewpoints depending on when we were in and left TWI. It's nice to find out that things that bothered me in TWI were TWI's fault and not me being "tripped out."
Hey RAF, FYI, Fred B., the last drummer for Acts 29, plays drums for my band occassionally and next month his son is marrying our piano player's daughter.
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Thats funny I know a TommyZ in a swing band that plays sacs.
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