Thank you for sharing your story. It was so easy to get all gung ho and keep plugging along and getting more and more involved despite those warning lights flashing in our brains, wasn't it?
Signals -- you saw through it all faster than I did. I was *in* (as in *a member* - and NOT rich!) in '75 -- but didn't leave till 86, or 87. Your perception supercedes mine! :D-->
Through the self-analysis I have conducted I have recalled that my tenure with the way was from around the end of March of 77 until somewhere between November 79-February 80. This is based on what in Way jargon would be considered as me being possessed. I have to thank God and Jesus for allowing me to escape when I did, and having had friends who were more in touch with reality than myself.
I've also accepted that Jesus Christ IS God. Weirwill had a great way of bastardizing the first five verses of John 1. The Gospel of John is witness to Jesus' deity, or divinity, and to deny it is a one way ticket to hell regardless what a cult believes.
Having now written 165 posts at this site in a month, I conclude that it was a waste of valueable time. But summer's here and I have a life. Thus ends this Maple St. experiment.
Many who claim to have a life and are addicted to the Internet as a whole, are lying. There is such a thing as internet addiction. I am glad I can just stay away from the net for days or weeks. Somehow some on the internet think that they can hurt me or my feelings. Words on a screen from an anonymous can't offend anyone with one hair of intelligence. bBut fire away, I am called a bastard in real life, so who can offend me? But go ahead and feel good. YOU WERE IN A CULT FOR GOD'S SAKE!
I no longer blame or hold bitterness toward TWI, because it was my own doing that got me involved. I don't blame the one who witnessed to me, or all the other losers I have known over the years. I fell prey like anyone else.
My downfall was not remembering things in detail and continuing to believe that Jesus is not God crap. With these deprogrammings removed I am free to pursue my abundant life as it was meant to be. Misery loves company and some are still bound to the Way, they just don't know it. Why else won't they just let it go? I left with my friends and had no friends left in the Way, therefore my ties were severed. There was no love lost with anyone associated with TWI.
Someone told me that exway followers continue in their spiralling rut, and I found that to be true. Most own a computer only to live on this site. C'mon, I like Rush and have gone to their message boards for years and the most posts I have is like 200. Today being an exact month, I'm done...hurray!
Take it from an ex and forget all that psychobabble crap, if I were to pick one deadly sin that was prevelant among way followers it would be Envy. Envy comes with Jealosy and Resentment. I first learned this in going WOW local but it was so obvious. People were jealous because I didn't give up my school, job, or sever my ties with family completely. So the green eyed monster among my bretheren became clear. Oh well, maybe I wasn't as dumb as some to leave everything and go where a false god needs you hoping you can recruit some sheep. Sorry, homey don't play dat.
Then if I would be talking to a friend of the opposite sex, my WOW brothers would begin speaking of God just to drive her away and create a wedge. If you went to a family party, somehow these other WOW idiots felt they had to come along too. Funny how they didn't like it when you did it to them, but who cares. I can take it. I can also dish it out. Sometimes it's just best to ignore, especially when you are forced to match wits with a simpleton.
The Way was a learning experience. So I wasted a few years, I bet the ones who wasted decades sure feel Envy, but who'll admit it? Not the all honest godblessing way believers...I hope you find yourselves instead of continuing to flock together. I was finding myself being reeled into that rut again, but no way!
Again this is about me, but knowing the way, people are going to analyse, pick and choose quotes, read into things like I'm talking to them in particular, misquoting the overall idea, not understanding what a Maple St. experiment is, etc. But to each there own. If I've offended anybody, get some skin. And to those who feel they have to take a jab, go for it. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names from mindless cultists will never hurt me! nya nya nya nya nya!
Hey signals! I got back to real worship of God in three persons as well, question is-why are you so bent? God is in heaven and he has a wonderful plan for our lives...The wrong way, other way, my way or high way, any other way would still be the wrong way-was there, in God's working all things together for the good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose. I would have to agree that it profits little to spend months on end, venting your spleen on other happles stooges of wierwolf's pandering, meandering, philandering agenda, but shedding the light that you have could do a lot of good for someone that only your unique perspective, and command of critical thinking-would reach!! Keep the faith Brotha.........
Completely thrown to the devices of the adversary-Jesus Christ!
I wouldn't look at my life in twi as completely wasted. I know my heart was right even though I was in something not right.
I look at my experiences now after several years in being out and whole bunch older is that I was young and naive and it was a learning experience even though a rather bad one.
I am not so much a know it all or have to save the world and I'm happy. Thats what life is all about.
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I hope so :-)
You were departing just as I was getting involved in 79.
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Welcome signals!
Thank you for sharing your story. It was so easy to get all gung ho and keep plugging along and getting more and more involved despite those warning lights flashing in our brains, wasn't it?
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Signals -- you saw through it all faster than I did. I was *in* (as in *a member* - and NOT rich!) in '75 -- but didn't leave till 86, or 87. Your perception supercedes mine!
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My mom once told me that she would have had me deprogrammed if it didn't cost so much!
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Conclusion and notes to self...
Through the self-analysis I have conducted I have recalled that my tenure with the way was from around the end of March of 77 until somewhere between November 79-February 80. This is based on what in Way jargon would be considered as me being possessed. I have to thank God and Jesus for allowing me to escape when I did, and having had friends who were more in touch with reality than myself.
I've also accepted that Jesus Christ IS God. Weirwill had a great way of bastardizing the first five verses of John 1. The Gospel of John is witness to Jesus' deity, or divinity, and to deny it is a one way ticket to hell regardless what a cult believes.
Having now written 165 posts at this site in a month, I conclude that it was a waste of valueable time. But summer's here and I have a life. Thus ends this Maple St. experiment.
Many who claim to have a life and are addicted to the Internet as a whole, are lying. There is such a thing as internet addiction. I am glad I can just stay away from the net for days or weeks. Somehow some on the internet think that they can hurt me or my feelings. Words on a screen from an anonymous can't offend anyone with one hair of intelligence. bBut fire away, I am called a bastard in real life, so who can offend me? But go ahead and feel good. YOU WERE IN A CULT FOR GOD'S SAKE!
I no longer blame or hold bitterness toward TWI, because it was my own doing that got me involved. I don't blame the one who witnessed to me, or all the other losers I have known over the years. I fell prey like anyone else.
My downfall was not remembering things in detail and continuing to believe that Jesus is not God crap. With these deprogrammings removed I am free to pursue my abundant life as it was meant to be. Misery loves company and some are still bound to the Way, they just don't know it. Why else won't they just let it go? I left with my friends and had no friends left in the Way, therefore my ties were severed. There was no love lost with anyone associated with TWI.
Someone told me that exway followers continue in their spiralling rut, and I found that to be true. Most own a computer only to live on this site. C'mon, I like Rush and have gone to their message boards for years and the most posts I have is like 200. Today being an exact month, I'm done...hurray!
Take it from an ex and forget all that psychobabble crap, if I were to pick one deadly sin that was prevelant among way followers it would be Envy. Envy comes with Jealosy and Resentment. I first learned this in going WOW local but it was so obvious. People were jealous because I didn't give up my school, job, or sever my ties with family completely. So the green eyed monster among my bretheren became clear. Oh well, maybe I wasn't as dumb as some to leave everything and go where a false god needs you hoping you can recruit some sheep. Sorry, homey don't play dat.
Then if I would be talking to a friend of the opposite sex, my WOW brothers would begin speaking of God just to drive her away and create a wedge. If you went to a family party, somehow these other WOW idiots felt they had to come along too. Funny how they didn't like it when you did it to them, but who cares. I can take it. I can also dish it out. Sometimes it's just best to ignore, especially when you are forced to match wits with a simpleton.
The Way was a learning experience. So I wasted a few years, I bet the ones who wasted decades sure feel Envy, but who'll admit it? Not the all honest godblessing way believers...I hope you find yourselves instead of continuing to flock together. I was finding myself being reeled into that rut again, but no way!
Again this is about me, but knowing the way, people are going to analyse, pick and choose quotes, read into things like I'm talking to them in particular, misquoting the overall idea, not understanding what a Maple St. experiment is, etc. But to each there own. If I've offended anybody, get some skin. And to those who feel they have to take a jab, go for it. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names from mindless cultists will never hurt me! nya nya nya nya nya!
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singles get some help ypu need it
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Thanks for playing our game, Signals. don't forget your parting gifts on the way out.
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Ive never heard anyone say so much while telling us he's finished talking.
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Dan Carlson
Hey signals! I got back to real worship of God in three persons as well, question is-why are you so bent? God is in heaven and he has a wonderful plan for our lives...The wrong way, other way, my way or high way, any other way would still be the wrong way-was there, in God's working all things together for the good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose. I would have to agree that it profits little to spend months on end, venting your spleen on other happles stooges of wierwolf's pandering, meandering, philandering agenda, but shedding the light that you have could do a lot of good for someone that only your unique perspective, and command of critical thinking-would reach!! Keep the faith Brotha.........
Completely thrown to the devices of the adversary-Jesus Christ!
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I wouldn't look at my life in twi as completely wasted. I know my heart was right even though I was in something not right.
I look at my experiences now after several years in being out and whole bunch older is that I was young and naive and it was a learning experience even though a rather bad one.
I am not so much a know it all or have to save the world and I'm happy. Thats what life is all about.
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Umm-hmm. Right. OK. Whatever.
Without trying to relegate this to the *Doctrinal* forum, how can you thank BOTH Jesus and God -- if they are one and the same?
Docvic may have skewed some stuff to his own advantage, but the folks he plagiarized from had it pretty much right.
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