I went to a garage sale yesterday, and it took up their entire yard - the men's section was this little area of a blanket and it had little jars full of various assorted nuts and bolts. That was it. Come on guys - give it up Why??
THis is a clasic statement of the pot calling the kettle black.
Why can't a woman ever throw anything away?
Why does a woman go through the guy's stuff and throw out stuff?
Why is it the man who has to move his stuff into the garrage because every closet in the house is filled with cloths that don't fit anymore? Please note that these are all her cloths.
I spent $1 to her $100 when it comes to cloths and stuff.
Right now I am wearing an LL Bean shirt that I bought 15 years ago. It still fits so why throw it away and buy a new one? I can honestly say that 90% of my clothing are at least 10 years old. Each year I ask for stockings, under shorts and T-shirts for fathers day. What more does a man need?
I think Onioneater has a point... so much of what is made for men (clothes, shoes, etc.) are made very well, and tailored moderately enough to not be labeled as "trendy". On the other hand, women are expected to be trendy, eat their way thru shoes, etc. Of course, we are going to have to change out our stuff more often.
In addition, who is often most responsible for decorating the house, furnishing the kitchen, keeping the kids properly clothed and playing with age-appropriate toys? The woman. So, who's stuff is out there on the lawn for sale? Hers. It's really the whole household's but since the guy hasn't laid claim to most of it, it's not "his". I mean, what does a guy "have" that he's supposed to put out at a yard sale?
Another point is... frankly guys don't care... they don't care if its a little dirty, a little old, a little worn out, a little out of fashion... if it still fits, if it is still in one piece (mostly) it's all good.
Tools - unless it's broken, why get rid of it? You never know if you'll need even the most obscure and under-used ones.
Clothing - most of us guys are'nt fashionistas; Khaki really is forever.
Plus, if you can still fit into clothes you wore 20 years ago, what an ego boost that is!
Other miscellanious items - I have memorabilia from high school (30+ years ago), and certain items will bring back a good memory or two. And at an age where memories are starting to fade, it helps to have something like that.
Way books and materials - can't really answer that one. Other that Memory Lane things, I keep thinking one day I'll trot all that stuff out and compare what I used to believe with how I believe now. It might be a hoot! (although that signed copy of Jesus Christ Our Passover might be worth a lot more on eBay someday)
I have clothes that are 15+ years old. I buy new tennis shoes and jeans because the ones I have have worn out. My mother offers to buy me new clothes and I won't have it! Most of my clothes are not 'trendy', you know, navy suit, khaki suit, black suit for funerals ;)-->, red suit for when I feel like it and 7 pairs of jeans!
I'm moving sometime in the next year so I've been going through all my things deciding what to store, what to take and what to put in a garage sale. I'm having a tough time going through my cook books..NOO, don't make me sell this book I know this will sound gross, but I still have my son's first teeth and his first curl that I snipped off before he had a hair cut at 4. Such precious memories
I can't relate to the question in the slightist. Sorry.
I wear my clothes (generally a polo shirt and a pair of jeans and work boots) till they wear out and then burn them. End of story. Same with my tools, vehicles, furniture, ... anything. I use it till it wears out, then toss it.
Except for my woodblock prints, but then, they're holy...
Except for my woodblock prints, but then, they're holy...
Love it, I'll be waiting for Geo's Spiritual dissertation on the theology of Woodblocks in Doctrinal soon....
Anyway, why is it women always want to throw out my stuff?
I happen to know that I will need the half roll of electrical tape that I have had for 7 years the moment after its thrown out.
I will get around to fixing the broken legged table one day when i have time ( I just havent had the 45 minutes required for the last 14 years. ), my old clothes could make great shop rags, and I am trying to find a way to fuse my old sneakers into a modern sculpture ( It will come to me how its done --just give me time).
Actually I am not that big of a packrat -I toss everything, welllll---not everything----most things-----about every 5 years or so..
I went to a garage sale yesterday, and it took up their entire yard - the men's section was this little area of a blanket and it had little jars full of various assorted nuts and bolts. That was it. Come on guys - give it up Why??
I think a more important question is, Why does the woman have a whole yard full of stuff she doesn't need?
We like to know we got our moneys worth out of stuff, we like to know our stuff is durable and it helps us hang onto our youth.
God help ANYONE who throws away any of my dads tools...even tho some are broken or obsolete like his Raytheon tube tester...it still works and I even have a few old tubes I can still test.
We're also sentimental. For example we like to keep the socks we wore when we hit that winning home run back in '64...still unwashed....and the pants worn when we bowled that 300 game and the undies we removed when Mille Rose Frobrush FINALLY....never mind that. You get the picture.
I just got back from the hospital with a brand new pacemaker and am off to Scout camp this afternoon. The first order of business today is to find a suitable display box for my old pacemaker so I can display it on my desk. It served me well for 11 years.
I can't assign gender to this behavior. Growing up, it was my dad that couldn't stand clutter and unused stuff accumulating. Currently, I tend to accumulate a little more than my wife, but we both have our limits and we have rules as to how much and where our clutter can be.
We visited a couple that we worked with many years ago and we were amazed at their house. They had stuff *everywhere*, mostly books and magazines, boxes, all sorts of stuff. It was all piled up waist-high with narrow paths to get around all the stuff.
I'm currently working though one of those "change of life" things where I'm trying to convince myself that if I need something I should just buy it instead of hoarding everything that I might someday need. I'm also trying to convince myself that it's time to start writing books instead of reading and saving them.
"Men's fashion does change! Dump the double breasted suits and pleated pants -khaki or not...
please. pretty please..."
I still wear a suit that I wore in 1977. These days I wear it mostly to funerals. Most would call it 'black' with white pinstriping, but really it's colour is Navy Blue. I had good times in it, and otherwise. Sometimes I have had to re-darken some areas giving back it's original colour, I use black shoe polish and rub it in. This suit looks great. The last funeral I went to, a newspaper reporter was there and even took my photogragh in my favorite suit. Last year I went to my eldest sister's funeral, wearing that suit. It was in our home-town Baptist Church [were I attended as a child and her husband is a deacon], she had written the ceremony and it had a slide-show, in the photos that she showed was a photo of me, in that same suit back in 1978 or so. I was one of her pall-bearers, and I heard murmers from the crowd asking if that photo had been of me back then. This suit has huge bell-bottom pant legs, and the waist has a cod-peice flap held by 13 buttons. The top [called a blouse] has a big flap across the shoulders with white stripes called piping, it is for when your hair is long and greased down to keep the grease off of the suit. Around my neck I wear a large black silk neckerchief rolled-tight and tied with a square-knot in front. I wore it at my wedding, in 1981.
I think that this suit is still in fashion. :-)
So I would have to disagree with you, some clothing stays in fashion.
I also wear plaid flannel shirts, I used to really like Penaltons but they shrink too fast. This past few months I have been throwing out my flannel shirts, as Bonnie has been pointing out their holes. I admit they have a lot of holes and thread bare areas. I am down to 2 shirts left.
Bonnie on the other hand has a walk-in closet that runs the entire length of our bedroom, it is full, and she has two boxes of clothes under the bed, and I think we have 4 garbage bags in the basement that are vacuum sealed full of her clothes too.
All my clothing could fit into 2 seabags. To fit her clothes into a transportable device we would have to use our motorhome [and it would be full to the cieling].
All my clothing could fit into 2 seabags. To fit her clothes into a transportable device we would have to use our motorhome [and it would be full to the cieling].
I do admit that any man wearing Crackerjacks looks really extra bad if he has a big belly.
It is one uniform that only looks good if you are slim.
It is also the only uniform that gets gooses from strangers. Totally un-known stranger females, while in public will commonly get up close so they can grab a hand-full of buttock.
Not to say that I am complaining, but rather it does give me the more incentive to hang on to and keep wearing that uniform.
I still wear a suit that I wore in 1977. These days I wear it mostly to funerals. Most would call it 'black' with white pinstriping, but really it's colour is Navy Blue. I had good times in it, and otherwise. Sometimes I have had to re-darken some areas giving back it's original colour, I use black shoe polish and rub it in. This suit looks great.
Galen...a man in uniform is always in style! :)-->
The only clothes I have been loathe to throw out, are the t-shirts I have gotten from past Bluegrass festivals. I keep them because of the great logos on them from the various bands I purchased them from, or the music company advertised, or the event from which it all took place at.
Granted -- some of the clothes I have are from back in 1975 and thereabouts, but they still fit me, so why get rid of them?? They are more or less "hiking and camping" clothing, and have lasted admirably all these years. I don't do much hiking or camping (these days), so I have been thinking of donating them to Goodwill. And I probably will. ;)-->
Now if you are talking about music items -- well -- NOTHING goes in the trash! I have tapes of jam sessions from as early as 1969, that even though I don't listen to them much anymore -- I would never throw them out.
I used to even keep old strings from the guitar, mandolin, fiddle, or the banjo after I changed them -- but about 10 years ago, I decided to start throwing them out after I put new ones on, and have an extra set of new ones on hand, instead of old rusty strings.
Both men and women hang onto things, just differently. My sister-in-law has an entire attic full of outfits she has purchased for herself, and many of those items were bought on the spur of the moment, and never worn. My brother told me this, and I kinda doubted it.
My Dad however, confirmed the story after visiting my brother and his wife in Texas, and told me that he was up in their attic, and many, many of those outfits were hanging there, in plastic, and still had the price tags on them. Kelly (my sister-in-law) qualifies as OCD/B, and I realize that is not the case with most women, but everyone hangs onto *stuff*
ps. --- OCD/B = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder/Behavior.
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OMG Shell!! Don't even get me started!
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This is a true statement....
I went to a garage sale yesterday, and it took up their entire yard - the men's section was this little area of a blanket and it had little jars full of various assorted nuts and bolts. That was it. Come on guys - give it up Why??
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THis is a clasic statement of the pot calling the kettle black.
Why can't a woman ever throw anything away?
Why does a woman go through the guy's stuff and throw out stuff?
Why is it the man who has to move his stuff into the garrage because every closet in the house is filled with cloths that don't fit anymore? Please note that these are all her cloths.
I spent $1 to her $100 when it comes to cloths and stuff.
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Right now I am wearing an LL Bean shirt that I bought 15 years ago. It still fits so why throw it away and buy a new one? I can honestly say that 90% of my clothing are at least 10 years old. Each year I ask for stockings, under shorts and T-shirts for fathers day. What more does a man need?
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I think Onioneater has a point... so much of what is made for men (clothes, shoes, etc.) are made very well, and tailored moderately enough to not be labeled as "trendy". On the other hand, women are expected to be trendy, eat their way thru shoes, etc. Of course, we are going to have to change out our stuff more often.
In addition, who is often most responsible for decorating the house, furnishing the kitchen, keeping the kids properly clothed and playing with age-appropriate toys? The woman. So, who's stuff is out there on the lawn for sale? Hers. It's really the whole household's but since the guy hasn't laid claim to most of it, it's not "his". I mean, what does a guy "have" that he's supposed to put out at a yard sale?
Another point is... frankly guys don't care... they don't care if its a little dirty, a little old, a little worn out, a little out of fashion... if it still fits, if it is still in one piece (mostly) it's all good.
It's beyond understanding. It's a guy thing.
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Tools - unless it's broken, why get rid of it? You never know if you'll need even the most obscure and under-used ones.
Clothing - most of us guys are'nt fashionistas; Khaki really is forever.
Plus, if you can still fit into clothes you wore 20 years ago, what an ego boost that is!
Other miscellanious items - I have memorabilia from high school (30+ years ago), and certain items will bring back a good memory or two. And at an age where memories are starting to fade, it helps to have something like that.
Way books and materials - can't really answer that one. Other that Memory Lane things, I keep thinking one day I'll trot all that stuff out and compare what I used to believe with how I believe now. It might be a hoot! (although that signed copy of Jesus Christ Our Passover might be worth a lot more on eBay someday)
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I guess I should have been born a man
I have clothes that are 15+ years old. I buy new tennis shoes and jeans because the ones I have have worn out. My mother offers to buy me new clothes and I won't have it! Most of my clothes are not 'trendy', you know, navy suit, khaki suit, black suit for funerals
;)-->, red suit for when I feel like it and 7 pairs of jeans!
I'm moving sometime in the next year so I've been going through all my things deciding what to store, what to take and what to put in a garage sale. I'm having a tough time going through my cook books..NOO, don't make me sell this book
I know this will sound gross, but I still have my son's first teeth and his first curl that I snipped off before he had a hair cut at 4. Such precious memories 
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I have to admit that I buy new shoes every 6 months (give or take). These are the shoes I play racquetball in.
Old shoes are good for doing yard work in.
Also, I have some clothes that I need to get rid of
-->, however, that project is not high on my "things to do" priority list.
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George Aar
I can't relate to the question in the slightist. Sorry.
I wear my clothes (generally a polo shirt and a pair of jeans and work boots) till they wear out and then burn them. End of story. Same with my tools, vehicles, furniture, ... anything. I use it till it wears out, then toss it.
Except for my woodblock prints, but then, they're holy...
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Just a quick heads up...
Men's fashion does change! Dump the double breasted suits and pleated pants -khaki or not...
please. pretty please...
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Love it, I'll be waiting for Geo's Spiritual dissertation on the theology of Woodblocks in Doctrinal soon....
Anyway, why is it women always want to throw out my stuff?
I happen to know that I will need the half roll of electrical tape that I have had for 7 years the moment after its thrown out.
I will get around to fixing the broken legged table one day when i have time ( I just havent had the 45 minutes required for the last 14 years. ), my old clothes could make great shop rags, and I am trying to find a way to fuse my old sneakers into a modern sculpture ( It will come to me how its done --just give me time).
Actually I am not that big of a packrat -I toss everything, welllll---not everything----most things-----about every 5 years or so..
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If it ain't broke, I don't fix it!
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I think a more important question is, Why does the woman have a whole yard full of stuff she doesn't need?
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Ron G.
We like to know we got our moneys worth out of stuff, we like to know our stuff is durable and it helps us hang onto our youth.
God help ANYONE who throws away any of my dads tools...even tho some are broken or obsolete like his Raytheon tube tester...it still works and I even have a few old tubes I can still test.
We're also sentimental. For example we like to keep the socks we wore when we hit that winning home run back in '64...still unwashed....and the pants worn when we bowled that 300 game and the undies we removed when Mille Rose Frobrush FINALLY....never mind that. You get the picture.
I just got back from the hospital with a brand new pacemaker and am off to Scout camp this afternoon. The first order of business today is to find a suitable display box for my old pacemaker so I can display it on my desk. It served me well for 11 years.
See y'uns Sunday.
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I can't assign gender to this behavior. Growing up, it was my dad that couldn't stand clutter and unused stuff accumulating. Currently, I tend to accumulate a little more than my wife, but we both have our limits and we have rules as to how much and where our clutter can be.
We visited a couple that we worked with many years ago and we were amazed at their house. They had stuff *everywhere*, mostly books and magazines, boxes, all sorts of stuff. It was all piled up waist-high with narrow paths to get around all the stuff.
I'm currently working though one of those "change of life" things where I'm trying to convince myself that if I need something I should just buy it instead of hoarding everything that I might someday need. I'm also trying to convince myself that it's time to start writing books instead of reading and saving them.
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"Men's fashion does change! Dump the double breasted suits and pleated pants -khaki or not...
please. pretty please..."
I still wear a suit that I wore in 1977. These days I wear it mostly to funerals. Most would call it 'black' with white pinstriping, but really it's colour is Navy Blue. I had good times in it, and otherwise. Sometimes I have had to re-darken some areas giving back it's original colour, I use black shoe polish and rub it in. This suit looks great. The last funeral I went to, a newspaper reporter was there and even took my photogragh in my favorite suit. Last year I went to my eldest sister's funeral, wearing that suit. It was in our home-town Baptist Church [were I attended as a child and her husband is a deacon], she had written the ceremony and it had a slide-show, in the photos that she showed was a photo of me, in that same suit back in 1978 or so. I was one of her pall-bearers, and I heard murmers from the crowd asking if that photo had been of me back then. This suit has huge bell-bottom pant legs, and the waist has a cod-peice flap held by 13 buttons. The top [called a blouse] has a big flap across the shoulders with white stripes called piping, it is for when your hair is long and greased down to keep the grease off of the suit. Around my neck I wear a large black silk neckerchief rolled-tight and tied with a square-knot in front. I wore it at my wedding, in 1981.
I think that this suit is still in fashion. :-)
So I would have to disagree with you, some clothing stays in fashion.
I also wear plaid flannel shirts, I used to really like Penaltons but they shrink too fast. This past few months I have been throwing out my flannel shirts, as Bonnie has been pointing out their holes. I admit they have a lot of holes and thread bare areas. I am down to 2 shirts left.
Bonnie on the other hand has a walk-in closet that runs the entire length of our bedroom, it is full, and she has two boxes of clothes under the bed, and I think we have 4 garbage bags in the basement that are vacuum sealed full of her clothes too.
All my clothing could fit into 2 seabags. To fit her clothes into a transportable device we would have to use our motorhome [and it would be full to the cieling].
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Clothes, nothing! Her SHOES take up that much space!
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I do admit that any man wearing Crackerjacks looks really extra bad if he has a big belly.
It is one uniform that only looks good if you are slim.
It is also the only uniform that gets gooses from strangers. Totally un-known stranger females, while in public will commonly get up close so they can grab a hand-full of buttock.
Not to say that I am complaining, but rather it does give me the more incentive to hang on to and keep wearing that uniform.
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Galen...a man in uniform is always in style!
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"Galen...a man in uniform is always in style!
Very well.
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My wife informed me that the shirt I mentioned above is over 20 years old. LLBean cost a little more but they sure last.
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"I think a more important question is, why does a woman have a whole yard full of stuff she doesn't need?"
This truly is a priceless question...for everything eles there's MasterCard...
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The only clothes I have been loathe to throw out, are the t-shirts I have gotten from past Bluegrass festivals. I keep them because of the great logos on them from the various bands I purchased them from, or the music company advertised, or the event from which it all took place at.
Granted -- some of the clothes I have are from back in 1975 and thereabouts, but they still fit me, so why get rid of them?? They are more or less "hiking and camping" clothing, and have lasted admirably all these years. I don't do much hiking or camping (these days), so I have been thinking of donating them to Goodwill. And I probably will.
Now if you are talking about music items -- well -- NOTHING goes in the trash! I have tapes of jam sessions from as early as 1969, that even though I don't listen to them much anymore -- I would never throw them out.
I used to even keep old strings from the guitar, mandolin, fiddle, or the banjo after I changed them -- but about 10 years ago, I decided to start throwing them out after I put new ones on, and have an extra set of new ones on hand, instead of old rusty strings.
Both men and women hang onto things, just differently. My sister-in-law has an entire attic full of outfits she has purchased for herself, and many of those items were bought on the spur of the moment, and never worn. My brother told me this, and I kinda doubted it.
My Dad however, confirmed the story after visiting my brother and his wife in Texas, and told me that he was up in their attic, and many, many of those outfits were hanging there, in plastic, and still had the price tags on them. Kelly (my sister-in-law) qualifies as OCD/B, and I realize that is not the case with most women, but everyone hangs onto *stuff*
ps. --- OCD/B = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder/Behavior.
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