Tell me something, Oldies. Do you think that those who went after TWI in court only or mainly did it for money? Is that only what suing them for $$$ means to you?
Or is it Yet Another Way of whitewashing/making excuses for/downplaying TWI's already documented abuses throughout the years? And this doesn't even concern your teacher, VPW. Just LCM and Rosie and Co.
So why the doubt and cynicism towards someone willing to go the distance to nail them in a court of law?
... Will it be the end of the Movement of The Word as you know it? ... Is it really that frail and fragile?
I haven't heard of anyone going to jail. Past judgements have all been settled with cold hard cash, and since it's not theirs to begin with, what do they care. A lot like our wonderful Government.
If a crime has been done then the perp aught to do jail plus pay damages.
Whether the Peelers win outright or settle it doesnt make a lick of difference to me.
Every single cent that they have to pay out in settlement money and legal fees is money that they do not have to further spread their propoganda, and pay the salaries of their board of directors.
In a civil lawsuit, all the plaintiffs can get is money. It would take criminal prosecution to bring about jail or other punishments.
When civil litigants have settled with TWI in the past, they got what they sued for -- money damages. The only thing they didn't get was the chance to air TWI's dirty underwear in open court.
But there's always the court depositions and the judges comments, which have revealed quite damaging facts in the past....
Well.. if they win a substantial and tidy sum, maybe they could "adopt" a housebroken, somewhat entertaining and amusing, kind to squirrels forty eight year old college student that would like to get a master's degree in chemistry before he turns seventy, heh heh.
I'd be willing to bet that at least 60% to 70% of the 'Peons', meaning the people not involved with being in a leadership position, doesn't even have a clue as to what is going on as to this court case. Even 'IF' TWI leadership told the regular rank and file what was going on, all they would be told is that it is either a copped out 'EX' follower or the adversary attacking the Monstrocity -cough-sputter-hack-hack- I mean Ministry.
If TWI loses and has to fork over a high dollar figure it doesn't mean they wouldn't stump the regular rank and file to cough up a lot more 'ABS' money to cover what they had to pay out. Gotta keep the coffers full for 'ring around the Rosie' ya know. :D--> :P-->
If they do win, or even if TWIT settles, it might cause a response among old followers not unlike when the villagers came after the "poor" old monster en masse..
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What is more interesting is whether Peeler will accept da money.
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Tell me something, Oldies. Do you think that those who went after TWI in court only or mainly did it for money? Is that only what suing them for $$$ means to you?
Or is it Yet Another Way of whitewashing/making excuses for/downplaying TWI's already documented abuses throughout the years? And this doesn't even concern your teacher, VPW. Just LCM and Rosie and Co.
So why the doubt and cynicism towards someone willing to go the distance to nail them in a court of law?
... Will it be the end of the Movement of The Word as you know it? ... Is it really that frail and fragile?
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I haven't heard of anyone going to jail. Past judgements have all been settled with cold hard cash, and since it's not theirs to begin with, what do they care. A lot like our wonderful Government.
If a crime has been done then the perp aught to do jail plus pay damages.
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I'm interested in what inspired such a statement. Have there been new developments? Was there an offer of settlement???
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Go get 'em Doctor Peeler.
Run 'em thru the scanner and stick 'em for lots of court ordered blood tests.
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Find out how much twi has in it's coffers, then demand everything except for 20% of the total, so they can abs back to themselves.
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Radar OReilly
Whether the Peelers win outright or settle it doesnt make a lick of difference to me.
Every single cent that they have to pay out in settlement money and legal fees is money that they do not have to further spread their propoganda, and pay the salaries of their board of directors.
Dmiller......check your private topics please
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ha ha ha - "Them" abs-ing - and monkeys might fly outta my butt!!!!
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well, it's about as likely as them abs-ing
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I'd like to know how it appears so, in all seriousness.
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In a civil lawsuit, all the plaintiffs can get is money. It would take criminal prosecution to bring about jail or other punishments.
When civil litigants have settled with TWI in the past, they got what they sued for -- money damages. The only thing they didn't get was the chance to air TWI's dirty underwear in open court.
But there's always the court depositions and the judges comments, which have revealed quite damaging facts in the past....
Just so's ya know,
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I'm interested in what's going on, but like Radar, I don't care how it ends just as long as TWI has to fork over tons of money.
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Well.. if they win a substantial and tidy sum, maybe they could "adopt" a housebroken, somewhat entertaining and amusing, kind to squirrels forty eight year old college student that would like to get a master's degree in chemistry before he turns seventy, heh heh.
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IMO, It takes alot of courage, hard work and perservince to file a civil suite against an organization such as twi.
I would like the wish the Peelers the best of luck.
It is my hope that justice is being served in these law suites.
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I'd be willing to bet that at least 60% to 70% of the 'Peons', meaning the people not involved with being in a leadership position, doesn't even have a clue as to what is going on as to this court case. Even 'IF' TWI leadership told the regular rank and file what was going on, all they would be told is that it is either a copped out 'EX' follower or the adversary attacking the Monstrocity -cough-sputter-hack-hack- I mean Ministry.
If TWI loses and has to fork over a high dollar figure it doesn't mean they wouldn't stump the regular rank and file to cough up a lot more 'ABS' money to cover what they had to pay out. Gotta keep the coffers full for 'ring around the Rosie' ya know.
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If they do win, or even if TWIT settles, it might cause a response among old followers not unlike when the villagers came after the "poor" old monster en masse..
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