i gotta be honest. the lack of specific participation and interest has got me second guessing the whole thing. tho im sure my own usual haphazard approach and crude descriptions have had a lot to do with it, not to mention poor timing or something. (i'll still be there tomorrow, tho)
the way i see it, the development (primarily by way of simply toying with) of these "open space" and "fourth order" kinds of processes can have a deeply positive impact on all of us. personally and collectively. and quite rapidly too. especially in the highly sensitive biblical christian religious contexts.
and you've gotta admit, i've made some pretty bold claims regarding this stuff in these contexts. and have even gone as far as to imply that this is another demonstration of those things which "the prophets of old desired to look into." yet another vital element that most modern christianity is sorely lacking in understanding, doctrine and practice. this has been an open invitation to taste of that holy wedding we often say we seek. an open invitation to deepen that spiritual communion we often say we have.
and so...am i the only one who is baffled by the lack of feedback, negative or otherwise?
is it boring? offensive?
too much of a thrill?
who can tell?
for those regulars who have often said that they are seekers of God and/or guardians and teachers of truth, who are interested but perhaps challenged by some of this stuff: what can i do to help you? i am basically claiming a means and a path for an ascending of sorts. a distinct shift in understanding and praxis of biblical spiritual matters, right here, right now. demonstrable. observable. open to criticism and inquiry. if it is of worthless and of Baal, why not say so? if it has potential to be worth much in our relationship with God...why not inquire?
for those who have and have wanted to play along: thank you from the bottom of my heart...i can only say that i could easily spend the next decade or more of my life studying and developing these kinds of means into more coherent and dynamic forms. yes, towards some sort of positive spiritual evolution/revolution and redemption in our oldest truest selves. i can only hope to play a bit more here before i move on to the next stage with it. other venues and such.
tho i cherish this place like a sort of childhood stomping grounds
please understand if i sound somewhat heartbroken over all this...cuz i kinda am. but not to the shame or blame of anyone either, i hope you see. just the situation.
*biblical/textual/linguistic prejudices and shadows
*what are the difference and similarities between prayer and meditation?
again...in these sessions, i mostly play the role of space-keeper. and so i'm not nearly as long-winded in the live cyber-salon as i am in these bulletin boards. ;)--> honest (in case anyone is worried about that...i know me ok)
Some think it'll be like the ole way meetings maybe. But it's not like that at all. Everyone can speak, you don't have to be "likeminded".
Yeah, are people seeking truth? Good question. Some are happy with their carnal thinking, rather then building upon spiritual insight that is within them.
Taking the bible at face value and only understanding it from the surface is carnal thinking. We have to go deeper to see truth.
i hear ya about the nice weather keeping us from the ole cyber box at times, Abi. it is gorgeous here. i cant seem to keep myself out of the yard.
in fact, speaking of getting out into nature, some others and i hope to expand these kinds of spiritual circle sessions into meatspace this summer: camping trips, hikes, bonfires on the beach, etc...
that ole mountain top schticke without all the control (the way it should have been, imo)
quick reminder in case the info has been buried up yonder....
to find the chatroom...
*go to the regular GSC chatroom
*look to the right of the screen and click "rooms"
*then double click "doctrinal"
*if you arrive once it gets going, don't be surprised if the usual greetings dont happen. you'll probably pop in in the middle of someone's thoughts
*also, dont be afraid to leave the chatroom without saying googbye. its not rude in this context
*thus far, we've developed a simple "talking stick" type of session. whomever is speaking has the floor. when they are done, they type "done." at any time, if you wanna be next, type "next."
*also, if you want to ask someone something, you give them the floor, and when they type "done" it comes back to you.
and maybe we'll play with some other ideas today
but above all, imoae, "play" is one of the most vital elements of being in this process. add to it things like compassion and respect...and we might be onto something old/new
a quick oops...i meant 8pm eastern time for the 2nd session (which ckeer got right), due to abi's request.
and so, if no one objects...i'll be there 8pm eastern time to facilitate
a few thoughts on this morning's session...
in case i haven't said it enough...i really dig the live nature of these open space sessions. cuz live seems to more easily draw out the deeper layers of our spontaeneous, authentic and unplanned selves. more quickeningly, if you will. and also, that quickening of the co-intelligent and collective-soul type atmospheres.
all the while, retaining the strength of our individuality
standing alone together, if you will
or standing together alone
(though i still think we're barely scratching the surface on this kind of process..which is natural, considering how little time we've been at it)
So, it's been months since I had been to GSC. Last night I figured - what the heck - and started browsing around the forums. Lo and behold I found this thread. Just in time to participate in this morning's session. Serendipity.
A chance to bounce the questions I've gathered off other inquiring minds. To consider different points of view, different discoveries.
i hope i didnt step out of my space-keeping role too much for anyone. sorry if i did. the topic and discourse was quite inspiring. besides, i'm quite the novice at all this. :o-->
a few thoughts on making space...
it seems to me that the idea of spaciousness and openness and inclusivity is akin to what we seek when we speak of things like love and holiness and Spirit
it is some sort of clearing that we either make or find or are given
like the womb - a holy space given for our physical and spiritual births
or a clean clear altar of the soul - where we make our sacrifices
or a black hole - where stars and galaxies are born
it was the eye of the whirlwind where God had a chat with Job
it was a place of silence and stillness where prophets saw their visions
that nothing is there, is what is so special about it
there is a freedom in that
a liberty
when we speak of spiritual things...what is it but vast clarity and emptiness of form and comeliness? no ugliness. no beauty. no judgement.
body is not clear (but full of .... and blood and bones)
soul is not clear (but full of feelings and thoughts and dreams)
but both of these manifest in some sort of space
some sort of much much thinner medium
spirit itself manifests from nothing
and nothing is not an evil word
it is neither dark (black) nor light (white)
in a sense "to create is to bring into being from nothing" is just as true as when it was taught in PFAL, but perhaps for more reasons than ole vp himself had respect for
like the pupil of an eye
without such a space, one would not see
without such a space, one would lack the clarity to percieve of much at all
deep down inside, do we each have such a space in which to defrag our hard drives?
is not this space our truest most reliable selves?
what would happen if we were to practice manifesting this spaciousness?
this graciousness? this inclusivity? this level of love?
in such wide open space...agape love does not need to be lifted up
it simply choicelessly falls everywhere like rain from above
tho i'm not sure if i will be holding any spaces this week or this weekend, but i do intend to try some new formats someday soon. maybe not as much here at the gsc, but at some other venues. if i do, i'll still post an invite here.
(btw - that is one of the coolest things about making open space...all you really need to start one is for someone to invite others to it and simply go. most all of the details arise at that time, in that place, among those present. just start with an invitation to a crowd)
on a side note, as i've stated from the beginning, one of my wishes for the gsc is to pass on the knowledge of the processes, in hope that they might catch on independent of me. if nothing else, by providing some simple demonstrations for us to consider.
and sure, the sessions can and does function like a therapy of sorts, and there are plenty of wonderful open space support groups and AAs and therapies and such in this world.
but as a "spiritual doctrinal group therapy," if you will...now there is an angle i have yet to see much of in modern Christian application. Christianity seems to prefer either the single MOG in front model, an inner circle-only "open" space (i.e. a cabal), a friendly-only panel of "experts", conversion-only driven groups (which are primarily agenda driven), etc....
and if an open space environment is functioning at all in Christianity, it seems to be restricted to things like a group of women deciding how to put together a meal or event (cuz the feminine is already naturally a natural at such forms of "holy communion")
i like to think of it as more of a salon. a think tank. present day prophets and saints reasoning together by following unrestricted lines of inquiry. sure, that Controller within is present, but tamed and subordinate and subject to our more creative and compassionate inner natures (i.e. "Christ within, the hope of glowry").
on a personal note, i am still somewhat disappointed (which is my own fault) that none of the usual fundamental biblical doctrinal posters of truth and righteousness and such never even bothered to at least post on this thread regarding the subject. i long for a constructive dialogue within Christianity these days, but i think i may have perhaps cut myself off from that here over the years (here, at least...who knows)
regardless, i think and hope Christians (especially American and Evangelical) have a lot to re-learn about the good Book we hold. especially as it regards use of the tongue. and i hope we do it soon, before the isolation gets worse (and it can get way worse), thereby further postponing the fabled "return of Christ" we so long for.
as it is written: our tongues are connected directly to our hearts, and our hearts are connected directly to our tongues. and so, knowing it is such an unruly beast, why not teach it a new trick?
seems to me...that a large part of the struggles of any religion and faith rises from that primal intersection of the sexuality of its communication and interactions of the members
of all pairings from eden, which is most sacred?
which is most fundamental?
which screams the loudest when it is damaged?
which most fosters (or threatens) the advent of divine offspring (Christness)
one initiates and single-mindedly leads ever upward
the other spreads outward in folds and ripples to embrace it
one is simple
the other is complex
one is hard
the other soft
if successful, the result of the marriage is an equilibrium, a unity
and so, the ability to simply move differently
like giving birds pairs of wings
this is true of marriages in earth
of trees in the elements
of dreams in the void
but the locus of this harmonious union's potential to do good outwardly, spills most directly from the hearts and minds and mouths of humans together.
any truly holy communion will allow the widest and heightest and longest and deepest range of its dunamis, if you will. and i believe the scriptural accounts of "speaking via tongues of angels" has more to with what we've been dabbling with than any silly lo shanta shantas
which is why there has to be an method of explaination, or "interpretation," or newcomers are confused and might even call you crazy
as it is written, it is more than just how well we eat with each other that pollutes the temple, but how well we talk to one another
and sure, the hard body is a functional leverage point over the soul, just not the most efficient way to move things. in this, one can succeed and fail in one stroke (as in: "we got Saddam didn't we? i think the bombings worked pretty good. he he")
because the more liquified nature of soul has much more leverage over the body (whether applied accidentally or consciously)
and the tangible mediums (like oil paint or clay or blown glass) and channels (like river beds or branches or streets) of our souls are quite "real" and rational and measureable.
and organs like eyes, tongues, and hands can all be considered kinds of tongues for manipulating this "actual stuff" of soul (direct heart to heart via string theory, and as in lines, waves and ripples)
and so...just as a claw can reach out and manipulate a tear into someone's flesh, the tongue or eyes or writing can reach inside of another's being and manipulate a tear in the soul
or reach out and massage a sore in the soul
it is written, out of the hearts flow streams of living water flowing into an open sea
perhaps ask yourself...what is the actual substance and location of that sea?
to somehow finally come to believe and understand that how we naturally speak is yet a birth and death away from how we can spiritually speak...not, not a condemnation of the unborn, but a call for the unborn soul to leap and leap in the womb of the flesh if its ready. a call to start tick tick ticking away at that egg shell.
and that this same "leap" becomes more of a little step, that is so unbelieveably already sooo near to our hearts (via these tongues as ive described them)...this is good news, imo.
a heralded bulletin board account of a "new" and better fertilizer for positive spiritual growth, if you will
the only thing really special or strange about it is that its missing from the equation
hidden in the shadows of the dirt, waiting to be uncovered
our own true faces (not faces of flesh)
like a circle of angels standing on a lake of glass looking down (or is it up?)
even simple fear...like shyness, timidity, shock, being wierded-out, or strangeness
important question: how can we make it easier for each other to come near and "disrobe" for a "new garment" of the soul. this seems important. what offering would be holy enough to prove sincerity after all we've been burned by? i mean, how can we repaint the temple and spruce up the cushions? what sort of transparency and openess might entreat by revealing that "there is no hook hiding in this worm"
oh yeah...what does all that have to do with sexuallity and spirituallity in communication?
if masculine "fallen"...communication will be mostly competitive and argumentative. and some top dog will sit atop his pyramid like a pharoah and want to control communication via this upside down half-tree and call it a tree. and so if the feminine is also "fallen"...communication for the fem side will be like birds chirping over the top of each other in natural sub-circles. like an excellor session, or loud twig/cocktail party
but if masculine is "risen from this death"...he will use his gift of single-mindedness lift the feminine dialogue upward, and marry the types for a 3rd type (i.e. "son of man", or simply, the offspring or product of the balanced union...a single step (but never last) in spiritual evolution). Try reading what Ephesians says about marriage in this light.
as long as the masculine soul can sit without flinching and hold open some sort of space for the "birds," they will come and light on "his" branches (those branches being the very soulish channels of communion via dialogue i have been describing). this is something any man or woman can learn to do (as both have a masculine "wing" within).
as easy as eating a new cookie recipe and digesting it.
(btw - when i speak of men and women...i speak more or less equally of the masc and fem in each of us and the masc and fem of flesh...like Ezekial's first vision)
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i gotta be honest. the lack of specific participation and interest has got me second guessing the whole thing. tho im sure my own usual haphazard approach and crude descriptions have had a lot to do with it, not to mention poor timing or something. (i'll still be there tomorrow, tho)
the way i see it, the development (primarily by way of simply toying with) of these "open space" and "fourth order" kinds of processes can have a deeply positive impact on all of us. personally and collectively. and quite rapidly too. especially in the highly sensitive biblical christian religious contexts.
and you've gotta admit, i've made some pretty bold claims regarding this stuff in these contexts. and have even gone as far as to imply that this is another demonstration of those things which "the prophets of old desired to look into." yet another vital element that most modern christianity is sorely lacking in understanding, doctrine and practice. this has been an open invitation to taste of that holy wedding we often say we seek. an open invitation to deepen that spiritual communion we often say we have.
and so...am i the only one who is baffled by the lack of feedback, negative or otherwise?
is it boring? offensive?
too much of a thrill?
who can tell?
for those regulars who have often said that they are seekers of God and/or guardians and teachers of truth, who are interested but perhaps challenged by some of this stuff: what can i do to help you? i am basically claiming a means and a path for an ascending of sorts. a distinct shift in understanding and praxis of biblical spiritual matters, right here, right now. demonstrable. observable. open to criticism and inquiry. if it is of worthless and of Baal, why not say so? if it has potential to be worth much in our relationship with God...why not inquire?
for those who have and have wanted to play along: thank you from the bottom of my heart...i can only say that i could easily spend the next decade or more of my life studying and developing these kinds of means into more coherent and dynamic forms. yes, towards some sort of positive spiritual evolution/revolution and redemption in our oldest truest selves. i can only hope to play a bit more here before i move on to the next stage with it. other venues and such.
tho i cherish this place like a sort of childhood stomping grounds
please understand if i sound somewhat heartbroken over all this...cuz i kinda am. but not to the shame or blame of anyone either, i hope you see. just the situation.
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some of my favorites...
*where is God?
*where is the Devil?
*what is a holy book?
*spiritual vows and work
*spiritual states and stages
*trust and spiritual teachers
*religion versus spiritual praxis
*spiritual work and spiritual play
*spiritual simplicities and complexities
*biblical/textual/linguistic prejudices and shadows
*what are the difference and similarities between prayer and meditation?
again...in these sessions, i mostly play the role of space-keeper. and so i'm not nearly as long-winded in the live cyber-salon as i am in these bulletin boards.
;)--> honest (in case anyone is worried about that...i know me ok)
Edited by sirguessalotLink to comment
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Don't take the lack of responses as a lack of interest. It is summer and we are away from our computers enjoying the beautiful weather.
Me, I'm still trying to figure out the time zone thing. I think 8 central is 7 eastern? I think Michigan is the eastern time zone - lol
As for topics here's some of the ones which interest me most from the list you posted . . .
where is God?
*where is the Devil?
*what is a holy book?
*trust and spiritual teachers
*religion versus spiritual praxis
*biblical/textual/linguistic prejudices and shadows
*what are the difference and similarities between prayer and meditation?
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Some think it'll be like the ole way meetings maybe. But it's not like that at all. Everyone can speak, you don't have to be "likeminded".
Yeah, are people seeking truth? Good question. Some are happy with their carnal thinking, rather then building upon spiritual insight that is within them.
Taking the bible at face value and only understanding it from the surface is carnal thinking. We have to go deeper to see truth.
I'll be there Todd.
12 central is 1 eastern
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Sirg- I'll Probably be on one or the other today to see what happens- first church of the internet chat?
so I and others have the time zone thing right
sun 12 central is
1pm eastern
11am mountain
10am pacific
8pm eastern is
7pm central
6pm mountain
5pm pacific
I still am not sure what the time adjustment is for me though since I seem to be in th O zone most of the time
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thanks guys
and good to see ya ckeer
i hear ya about the nice weather keeping us from the ole cyber box at times, Abi. it is gorgeous here. i cant seem to keep myself out of the yard.
in fact, speaking of getting out into nature, some others and i hope to expand these kinds of spiritual circle sessions into meatspace this summer: camping trips, hikes, bonfires on the beach, etc...
that ole mountain top schticke without all the control (the way it should have been, imo)
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quick reminder in case the info has been buried up yonder....
to find the chatroom...
*go to the regular GSC chatroom
*look to the right of the screen and click "rooms"
*then double click "doctrinal"
*if you arrive once it gets going, don't be surprised if the usual greetings dont happen. you'll probably pop in in the middle of someone's thoughts
*also, dont be afraid to leave the chatroom without saying googbye. its not rude in this context
*thus far, we've developed a simple "talking stick" type of session. whomever is speaking has the floor. when they are done, they type "done." at any time, if you wanna be next, type "next."
*also, if you want to ask someone something, you give them the floor, and when they type "done" it comes back to you.
and maybe we'll play with some other ideas today
but above all, imoae, "play" is one of the most vital elements of being in this process. add to it things like compassion and respect...and we might be onto something old/new
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The topic was
"where is God"
which led to many questions and
possible answers for some
when 2 or 3 are gathered...
at least a different perspective then
the same old tired crap we learned in twi..
did we really learn anything about
where God is in twi?
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a quick oops...i meant 8pm eastern time for the 2nd session (which ckeer got right), due to abi's request.
and so, if no one objects...i'll be there 8pm eastern time to facilitate
a few thoughts on this morning's session...
in case i haven't said it enough...i really dig the live nature of these open space sessions. cuz live seems to more easily draw out the deeper layers of our spontaeneous, authentic and unplanned selves. more quickeningly, if you will. and also, that quickening of the co-intelligent and collective-soul type atmospheres.
all the while, retaining the strength of our individuality
standing alone together, if you will
or standing together alone
(though i still think we're barely scratching the surface on this kind of process..which is natural, considering how little time we've been at it)
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Square Peg
So, it's been months since I had been to GSC. Last night I figured - what the heck - and started browsing around the forums. Lo and behold I found this thread. Just in time to participate in this morning's session. Serendipity.
A chance to bounce the questions I've gathered off other inquiring minds. To consider different points of view, different discoveries.
I'm looking forward to more.
Thanks for the space.
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thanks a mil, square p
btw - for anyone interested or curious...there are 3 in the session now, and we need at least 1 or 2 more to get started
however, an even slightly larger group will have more ooomph
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hi- just seeing if I can post and chat
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up to 5 peeps at once, almost 2 hours of open space dialogue...
thanks to all for being there
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i hope i didnt step out of my space-keeping role too much for anyone. sorry if i did. the topic and discourse was quite inspiring. besides, i'm quite the novice at all this.
a few thoughts on making space...
it seems to me that the idea of spaciousness and openness and inclusivity is akin to what we seek when we speak of things like love and holiness and Spirit
it is some sort of clearing that we either make or find or are given
like the womb - a holy space given for our physical and spiritual births
or a clean clear altar of the soul - where we make our sacrifices
or a black hole - where stars and galaxies are born
it was the eye of the whirlwind where God had a chat with Job
it was a place of silence and stillness where prophets saw their visions
that nothing is there, is what is so special about it
there is a freedom in that
a liberty
when we speak of spiritual things...what is it but vast clarity and emptiness of form and comeliness? no ugliness. no beauty. no judgement.
body is not clear (but full of .... and blood and bones)
soul is not clear (but full of feelings and thoughts and dreams)
but both of these manifest in some sort of space
some sort of much much thinner medium
spirit itself manifests from nothing
and nothing is not an evil word
it is neither dark (black) nor light (white)
in a sense "to create is to bring into being from nothing" is just as true as when it was taught in PFAL, but perhaps for more reasons than ole vp himself had respect for
like the pupil of an eye
without such a space, one would not see
without such a space, one would lack the clarity to percieve of much at all
deep down inside, do we each have such a space in which to defrag our hard drives?
is not this space our truest most reliable selves?
what would happen if we were to practice manifesting this spaciousness?
this graciousness? this inclusivity? this level of love?
in such wide open space...agape love does not need to be lifted up
it simply choicelessly falls everywhere like rain from above
then lifts us up like a flood
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sorry I missed it
I sure hope there will be more..
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hi sharon
i hope there are more, too
tho i'm not sure if i will be holding any spaces this week or this weekend, but i do intend to try some new formats someday soon. maybe not as much here at the gsc, but at some other venues. if i do, i'll still post an invite here.
(btw - that is one of the coolest things about making open space...all you really need to start one is for someone to invite others to it and simply go. most all of the details arise at that time, in that place, among those present. just start with an invitation to a crowd)
on a side note, as i've stated from the beginning, one of my wishes for the gsc is to pass on the knowledge of the processes, in hope that they might catch on independent of me. if nothing else, by providing some simple demonstrations for us to consider.
and sure, the sessions can and does function like a therapy of sorts, and there are plenty of wonderful open space support groups and AAs and therapies and such in this world.
but as a "spiritual doctrinal group therapy," if you will...now there is an angle i have yet to see much of in modern Christian application. Christianity seems to prefer either the single MOG in front model, an inner circle-only "open" space (i.e. a cabal), a friendly-only panel of "experts", conversion-only driven groups (which are primarily agenda driven), etc....
and if an open space environment is functioning at all in Christianity, it seems to be restricted to things like a group of women deciding how to put together a meal or event (cuz the feminine is already naturally a natural at such forms of "holy communion")
i like to think of it as more of a salon. a think tank. present day prophets and saints reasoning together by following unrestricted lines of inquiry. sure, that Controller within is present, but tamed and subordinate and subject to our more creative and compassionate inner natures (i.e. "Christ within, the hope of glowry").
on a personal note, i am still somewhat disappointed (which is my own fault) that none of the usual fundamental biblical doctrinal posters of truth and righteousness and such never even bothered to at least post on this thread regarding the subject. i long for a constructive dialogue within Christianity these days, but i think i may have perhaps cut myself off from that here over the years (here, at least...who knows)
regardless, i think and hope Christians (especially American and Evangelical) have a lot to re-learn about the good Book we hold. especially as it regards use of the tongue. and i hope we do it soon, before the isolation gets worse (and it can get way worse), thereby further postponing the fabled "return of Christ" we so long for.
as it is written: our tongues are connected directly to our hearts, and our hearts are connected directly to our tongues. and so, knowing it is such an unruly beast, why not teach it a new trick?
a new song?
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consider this...
seems to me...that a large part of the struggles of any religion and faith rises from that primal intersection of the sexuality of its communication and interactions of the members
of all pairings from eden, which is most sacred?
which is most fundamental?
which screams the loudest when it is damaged?
which most fosters (or threatens) the advent of divine offspring (Christness)
one initiates and single-mindedly leads ever upward
the other spreads outward in folds and ripples to embrace it
one is simple
the other is complex
one is hard
the other soft
if successful, the result of the marriage is an equilibrium, a unity
and so, the ability to simply move differently
like giving birds pairs of wings
this is true of marriages in earth
of trees in the elements
of dreams in the void
but the locus of this harmonious union's potential to do good outwardly, spills most directly from the hearts and minds and mouths of humans together.
any truly holy communion will allow the widest and heightest and longest and deepest range of its dunamis, if you will. and i believe the scriptural accounts of "speaking via tongues of angels" has more to with what we've been dabbling with than any silly lo shanta shantas
which is why there has to be an method of explaination, or "interpretation," or newcomers are confused and might even call you crazy
as it is written, it is more than just how well we eat with each other that pollutes the temple, but how well we talk to one another
and sure, the hard body is a functional leverage point over the soul, just not the most efficient way to move things. in this, one can succeed and fail in one stroke (as in: "we got Saddam didn't we? i think the bombings worked pretty good. he he")
because the more liquified nature of soul has much more leverage over the body (whether applied accidentally or consciously)
and the tangible mediums (like oil paint or clay or blown glass) and channels (like river beds or branches or streets) of our souls are quite "real" and rational and measureable.
and organs like eyes, tongues, and hands can all be considered kinds of tongues for manipulating this "actual stuff" of soul (direct heart to heart via string theory, and as in lines, waves and ripples)
and so...just as a claw can reach out and manipulate a tear into someone's flesh, the tongue or eyes or writing can reach inside of another's being and manipulate a tear in the soul
or reach out and massage a sore in the soul
it is written, out of the hearts flow streams of living water flowing into an open sea
perhaps ask yourself...what is the actual substance and location of that sea?
to somehow finally come to believe and understand that how we naturally speak is yet a birth and death away from how we can spiritually speak...not, not a condemnation of the unborn, but a call for the unborn soul to leap and leap in the womb of the flesh if its ready. a call to start tick tick ticking away at that egg shell.
and that this same "leap" becomes more of a little step, that is so unbelieveably already sooo near to our hearts (via these tongues as ive described them)...this is good news, imo.
a heralded bulletin board account of a "new" and better fertilizer for positive spiritual growth, if you will
the only thing really special or strange about it is that its missing from the equation
hidden in the shadows of the dirt, waiting to be uncovered
our own true faces (not faces of flesh)
like a circle of angels standing on a lake of glass looking down (or is it up?)

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fear enslaving those who could be there i suppose...just guessing...
a different way of thinking that would go against that which has been ingrained and bred into us from life and most especially twi's bs teachings
has anyone had any real spiritual experiences?
sure-we think we did but was it just mind games?
did we actually see God as Jesus promised the pure in heart could?
has the Comforter come to bring to remembrance the words of Jesus and those Holy men and women?
there is the face of Christ in each of us
how do we see it?
it is done alone but together with those who know
when jesus left in acts he said he would come back
do you really want him to or are you just happy with what you have already figured out what and who he is?
can you let the Lord show you?
doctrines of men...that's all we were taught
the toungues of angels-who can hear them?
a few words in the tougues of men will not give life-life giving words are from people in the here and now-not some book
it cannot be found in pfal
too many road blocks
do we remember our first love?
of God...his love...it lived in our minds
can you hear what the angels have to say to the churches? to you?
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yeah, cm
even simple fear...like shyness, timidity, shock, being wierded-out, or strangeness
important question: how can we make it easier for each other to come near and "disrobe" for a "new garment" of the soul. this seems important. what offering would be holy enough to prove sincerity after all we've been burned by? i mean, how can we repaint the temple and spruce up the cushions? what sort of transparency and openess might entreat by revealing that "there is no hook hiding in this worm"
oh yeah...what does all that have to do with sexuallity and spirituallity in communication?
if masculine "fallen"...communication will be mostly competitive and argumentative. and some top dog will sit atop his pyramid like a pharoah and want to control communication via this upside down half-tree and call it a tree. and so if the feminine is also "fallen"...communication for the fem side will be like birds chirping over the top of each other in natural sub-circles. like an excellor session, or loud twig/cocktail party
but if masculine is "risen from this death"...he will use his gift of single-mindedness lift the feminine dialogue upward, and marry the types for a 3rd type (i.e. "son of man", or simply, the offspring or product of the balanced union...a single step (but never last) in spiritual evolution). Try reading what Ephesians says about marriage in this light.
as long as the masculine soul can sit without flinching and hold open some sort of space for the "birds," they will come and light on "his" branches (those branches being the very soulish channels of communion via dialogue i have been describing). this is something any man or woman can learn to do (as both have a masculine "wing" within).
as easy as eating a new cookie recipe and digesting it.
(btw - when i speak of men and women...i speak more or less equally of the masc and fem in each of us and the masc and fem of flesh...like Ezekial's first vision)
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just saw this posted on another thread like scripture
(thanks highway)
like a fish does not know he is wet
our bodies may know not know it swims in soul
do we dare mingle our waters into one fishbowl?
if even only for a song or two
i wish you were here
(and so...where is here?)
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better said then i did
timid because of something new maybe
but it's nothing new-just people talking
new to those who were in twi for sure
we were so isolated, even from each other
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yeah cm
and sometimes i think the value is simply not recognized
like a thin layer of dust hiding streets of gold
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In the words of Thomas Aquinas:
"is cognitio dei experimentalis
Just thot I's toss that one in~~~~
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