I was able to participate in a small way last night during the circle discussion, and enjoyed the format very much. It is great to have a choice between the light and free-flowing chat in the general room, and the more disciplined discussion in the doctrinal room that we had last night. I see benefits to both methods.
Sirguess, I appreciate how you “moderated” the discussion, and I hope you will post another planned meeting time with discussion topic in advance.
thanks for the feedback, cm and nellie (and welcome to the gsc, nellie)
last night was a test run, of sorts, and we kind of just ran with the subject that spilled. and i think the way it so quickly went deep and personal is a testimony to the potency of the dialogue form. it has a tendency to crack us wide open, so to speak. and so it might help to keep this in mind. in other words...try to be somewhat prepared for gears to shift.
i am game for another session this weekend. same time, same place. but maybe we can be a bit more specific about what we want to discuss, either before-hand, such as on this thread, or at the start of the session itself (or a mix of both).
again, not exactly sure how it will work out, but i am pretty sure it simply will. ;)-->
and Song...bring yer cue, i hope to see ya there. its a pretty quick game to learn
I would live to be there as well, and pending something urgent, will be.
Song do you have yahoo IM? If so you can find me there as Abigail0900 and I will help you rack em or you can email me at the same addy with the yahoo.com and I will write you back and tell you how to do it.
Look forward to sharing some heart with you again - been a long time
altho...i am still also very game for an open session of doctrinal discussion re: ways of interpretations and translations and canons and such, if not this weekend, then another.
Song do you have yahoo IM? If so you can find me there as Abigail0900 and I will help you rack em or you can email me at the same addy with the yahoo.com and I will write you back and tell you how to do it.
Look forward to sharing some heart with you again - been a long time
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
two stomps the wood floor my que and a tear or two ~~~ been a long time been a long time ~~~
so to the very kewl mine heart to shoot some billiards with ya again ~~~
I choose em ~~~
and ya know why?
Because ... for some reason sleep was invented, which i consider a total waste of time
annnnnd i thinks ya oughta change "To every man his own truth and his own God within."
The gods, by whatever names they may be called are but one, as there is really only One Source with many aspects. Religion is a mirror teaching us as much about ourselves as it does about God.
The gods, by whatever names they may be called are but one, as there is really only One Source with many aspects. Religion is a mirror teaching us as much about ourselves as it does about God.
I would respectfully disagree. The many gods are not one.
The world would like all religions to be different sides of the same coin, but the tenets of Islam do not line up with Christianity, nor does Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, atheism or animism.
the tenets of Christianity do not line up with the tenets of Christianity, def
you have got to realize sooner or later, much of our depictions of Christianity here at the gsc are but more recent sub-developments of many many other things.
and all other -isms have the same problem, to varying degrees
i think this also, would be a valuable subject for a session of open dialogue
"I would respectfully disagree. The many gods are not one.
The world would like all religions to be different sides of the same coin, but the tenets of Islam do not line up with Christianity, nor does Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, atheism or animism.
How do you equate a tree with a Creator?"
Toss aside the names, rituals and images/idols [and yes, all religions have images/idols - even if no where but in the imagination of the individual] which are but symbols to help us understand the divine and you will find that at the root, those who seek God, are ultimately seeking an understanding of Ultimate Truth and Wisdom as a guide to living a holy life. You will also find that those who seek God see only in part. And finally, you will find that part of what is seen is not ultimate truth but simply a reflection of self.
Most people - regardless of religious persuasion, have more principles in common than areas of contention. The difficulty comes in that we chose to focus on the differences instead of building upon the commonality.
Although, I am not sure about the timing. I am usually a late nighter, spending as much time as I can with the family. Or as it is now I am here on occasion during the day.
Howz that for removing the usual yoke of religion, eh?
tho id love to see ya there
The difficulty comes in that we chose to focus on the differences instead of building upon the commonality.
I just wanted to repeat this, because i think it really captures the essence of open space dialogue (or whatever you feel like naming it), and captures the essence of all general good intention.
Intending to make peace with "enemies," even to the point of sacrifice if necessary, is a primary quality of the/a prince of peace, no?
what is different?
start here and you'll be stuck with yer stone
what is most common?
start here and we'll move entire mountains together...especially those doctrinal mountains that have grown up between people after all these millenia
tho we can also appreciate the differences as one would appreciate different recipes for bread
a note for those who wanna check out the session coming up:
the doctrinal chatroom is found off to the right of the regular chatroom.
please do not be offended if you are not greeted when you enter, or if someone leaves without all the usual goodbyes.
you will also most likely enter smack dab in the middle of someone's many lines of thought, and considering how the chatrooms work, you will obviously miss anything posted prior to your arrival. so be patient. feel free to be slightly disoriented.
the basic structure we used last time was this:
*when someone is done speaking, they will type "done" when they are done
*do not interrupt, unless you want to speak next. then simply type "next" whenever you like. I will keep track if it gets too fast.
most of all, i guess, prepare to exercise your patience and listening skills, and perhaps practicing a greater level of mutual respect
A few immediate thoughts on tonight’s schindig....
It never ceases to amaze me how rich we all are, just as we are, in this moment now
And whatever it is that we can find to undo and open this wealth of being, both within and for each other, so we can simply somehow radiate as we should, has gotta be worth more than just about anything bought or sold
If we can find and fashion rituals like these small sessions, ones that generate a general inclusivity in life, as opposed to a general exclusivity, we might experience what we were seeking when we signed those green cards...only, this holy temple is built on and destroyed at the sound of a gong, or upon the lighting and snuffing of the wick of a candle flame. No lifetime commitments here, except that simple vow from the heart which often comes to us and from us quite unbidden. That vow to simply be, as we are, all in this together, until the end of time. Made in a wide open space called love. What radical clarity might we find here?
And what else is it to become pillars in the temple of the living God? But to stand and be counted. To raise our voices in simultaneous inquiry and expression of that which is simply and elegently divine.
Of all things we might call church or temple or Zion or holy city of God, I can think of no better then that of so many saints and angels singing in tune and on time, regardless of the language being spoken, and regardless of the color of their halos or wings.
in the end, it was quite unanimous: "more sessions like this!"
but most of this week and next weekend will find me in the air and on the road. so if it is to happen before then, someone else is going to have try and play "space-keeper."
but regardless, i do fully intend to play at it some more once i am settled again. this has been such a treat.
also, feel free to suggest more topics here (or email or pt), as well as thoughts on the process, what to do (or not) about transcripts, or anything else. :)-->
ya know, i found it amazing, how, using the process itself, we added another useful element to it during the session, which was a smooth way of posing questions to each other without disturbing the flow of the live turn-based dialogue.
and i think the live aspect of the process is a large part of what makes it a quickening thing
Would love to do another one, Sharon. I would even be willing to take a stab at "moderating" if SirG isn't back. BUT Saturday's at 6:00 p.m. are a difficult time for me. Actually, any day at 6:00 is a difficult time for me. Generally, 8:00 on is the best for me on any day because then my little ones are tucked snuggly into bed. :)-->
not sure what my cyber-situation will be this weekend, but i'll know by this weekend. but feel free to take a stabattit anyway, Abi. or anyone else who saw or has seen how it works.
i can also see a role for someone to help orient new arrivals via the private chat
also, if/as there is enough interest, maybe we can try holding 2 or more sessions in one evening...for different time zones and schedules and such. maybe a sun noon central and a sun 8pm pacific? or more sessions for different topics, and different "mods" (or "un-mods")
(for future reference: i was also fiddlin with the idea of a 3 or 4-round session. where we pick 3 or 4 clear elements or stages of a topic, and then move from component-to-component in the dialogue as we feel we've exhausted them (or everyone present has had a chance to contribute). i think it will make for a longer and more "rich" and detailed experience) (and kinda tricky, i know....but maybe if we get a bit more interest, and a bit more used to the process...something to keep in mind))
and so...topics, anyone? format ideas?
spiritual/doctrinal problems/questions/delights/observations to offer on the live altar of we?
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I think it helped everyone involved more than we even realize at this moment. All I can come up with for now.
It was a first for me and hopefully not the last.
Love Always,
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I can dig it. Whoops did I miss it? I'm placing my quater on the pool table. I just need some one like Abi to show me how to RACK EM!!!
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I was able to participate in a small way last night during the circle discussion, and enjoyed the format very much. It is great to have a choice between the light and free-flowing chat in the general room, and the more disciplined discussion in the doctrinal room that we had last night. I see benefits to both methods.
Sirguess, I appreciate how you “moderated” the discussion, and I hope you will post another planned meeting time with discussion topic in advance.
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thanks for the feedback, cm and nellie (and welcome to the gsc, nellie)
last night was a test run, of sorts, and we kind of just ran with the subject that spilled. and i think the way it so quickly went deep and personal is a testimony to the potency of the dialogue form. it has a tendency to crack us wide open, so to speak. and so it might help to keep this in mind. in other words...try to be somewhat prepared for gears to shift.
i am game for another session this weekend. same time, same place. but maybe we can be a bit more specific about what we want to discuss, either before-hand, such as on this thread, or at the start of the session itself (or a mix of both).
again, not exactly sure how it will work out, but i am pretty sure it simply will.
and Song...bring yer cue, i hope to see ya there. its a pretty quick game to learn
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Sounds like a great time. I'd love to be there. Saturday, 6pm?
And welcome back, Sir!
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I would live to be there as well, and pending something urgent, will be.
Song do you have yahoo IM? If so you can find me there as Abigail0900 and I will help you rack em or you can email me at the same addy with the yahoo.com and I will write you back and tell you how to do it.
Look forward to sharing some heart with you again - been a long time
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thanks for the wb, Belle.
yes, Saturday at 6pm EST still sounds groovy to me
Abi, i really like the flavor of the primer you suggested: "what rituals do you practice and how do they help you feel/be more spiritually connected?"
Because i think an open dialogue of such ways of praxis is sorely needed in this world of mostly-usually-merely interpretation and translation...
...and of mostly-usually-merely spiritual pasts and futures
And so maybe, as a momentary One, we can better teach ourselves to practice a greater spiritual presence in the actual present?
Maybe we can use something as simple as "spiritual practice" as a primer this weekend? (which can also fully include your wonderful suggestion, Abi)
If we can give meaning to ritual, can we not also give ritual to meaning?
And if we are to practice what we preach, can we not also preach what we practice?
Less like a hard stone temple of old commands...and more like a simple sharing our favorite time-tested recipes of spiritual practice...
..."breaking bread" i think they called it
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altho...i am still also very game for an open session of doctrinal discussion re: ways of interpretations and translations and canons and such, if not this weekend, then another.
I think it could be just as deeply rewarding
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two stomps the wood floor my que and a tear or two ~~~ been a long time been a long time ~~~
so to the very kewl mine heart to shoot some billiards with ya again ~~~
I choose em ~~~
and ya know why?
Because ... for some reason sleep was invented, which i consider a total waste of time
annnnnd i thinks ya oughta change "To every man his own truth and his own God within."
man = one
his = ones
his = ones
man = woman
his = her
his = her
I suppose one em coming up
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Thank you Sir Todd,
Seems I have one to assist this this ole long grey/silver pepper hair to the Bingo Game
oh my ~~~ i didn't know that was stairs ~~~ i sure thot it was a ramp
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How about this one, Song . . .
The gods, by whatever names they may be called are but one, as there is really only One Source with many aspects. Religion is a mirror teaching us as much about ourselves as it does about God.
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I would respectfully disagree. The many gods are not one.
The world would like all religions to be different sides of the same coin, but the tenets of Islam do not line up with Christianity, nor does Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, atheism or animism.
How do you equate a tree with a Creator?
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the tenets of Christianity do not line up with the tenets of Christianity, def
you have got to realize sooner or later, much of our depictions of Christianity here at the gsc are but more recent sub-developments of many many other things.
and all other -isms have the same problem, to varying degrees
i think this also, would be a valuable subject for a session of open dialogue
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"I would respectfully disagree. The many gods are not one.
The world would like all religions to be different sides of the same coin, but the tenets of Islam do not line up with Christianity, nor does Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, atheism or animism.
How do you equate a tree with a Creator?"
Toss aside the names, rituals and images/idols [and yes, all religions have images/idols - even if no where but in the imagination of the individual] which are but symbols to help us understand the divine and you will find that at the root, those who seek God, are ultimately seeking an understanding of Ultimate Truth and Wisdom as a guide to living a holy life. You will also find that those who seek God see only in part. And finally, you will find that part of what is seen is not ultimate truth but simply a reflection of self.
Most people - regardless of religious persuasion, have more principles in common than areas of contention. The difficulty comes in that we chose to focus on the differences instead of building upon the commonality.
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Sounds cool, Sir G.
Although, I am not sure about the timing. I am usually a late nighter, spending as much time as I can with the family. Or as it is now I am here on occasion during the day.
But I will try.
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Whomever shows is meant to be there. Lindy.
Howz that for removing the usual yoke of religion, eh?
tho id love to see ya there
I just wanted to repeat this, because i think it really captures the essence of open space dialogue (or whatever you feel like naming it), and captures the essence of all general good intention.
Intending to make peace with "enemies," even to the point of sacrifice if necessary, is a primary quality of the/a prince of peace, no?
what is different?
start here and you'll be stuck with yer stone
what is most common?
start here and we'll move entire mountains together...especially those doctrinal mountains that have grown up between people after all these millenia
tho we can also appreciate the differences as one would appreciate different recipes for bread
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a note for those who wanna check out the session coming up:
the doctrinal chatroom is found off to the right of the regular chatroom.
please do not be offended if you are not greeted when you enter, or if someone leaves without all the usual goodbyes.
you will also most likely enter smack dab in the middle of someone's many lines of thought, and considering how the chatrooms work, you will obviously miss anything posted prior to your arrival. so be patient. feel free to be slightly disoriented.
the basic structure we used last time was this:
*when someone is done speaking, they will type "done" when they are done
*do not interrupt, unless you want to speak next. then simply type "next" whenever you like. I will keep track if it gets too fast.
most of all, i guess, prepare to exercise your patience and listening skills, and perhaps practicing a greater level of mutual respect
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also, a reminder:
this is an unmoderated session, for the most part. no passwords. no screening. so it is live, without a net, in the wilderness...yada yada yada.
keep this in mind when you share, considering the cyber wilderness as it is.
if it turns out to be too much of a problematic mask-charade, maybe we can change the venue, or otherwise adapt.
but...i dont mind anonymity, as long as it aint being used to manipulate
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Well...always a good time there.
A suggestion to put it on sunday around noon though. Seems that may be a better time for many.
Open to other times though...
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A few immediate thoughts on tonight’s schindig....
It never ceases to amaze me how rich we all are, just as we are, in this moment now
And whatever it is that we can find to undo and open this wealth of being, both within and for each other, so we can simply somehow radiate as we should, has gotta be worth more than just about anything bought or sold
If we can find and fashion rituals like these small sessions, ones that generate a general inclusivity in life, as opposed to a general exclusivity, we might experience what we were seeking when we signed those green cards...only, this holy temple is built on and destroyed at the sound of a gong, or upon the lighting and snuffing of the wick of a candle flame. No lifetime commitments here, except that simple vow from the heart which often comes to us and from us quite unbidden. That vow to simply be, as we are, all in this together, until the end of time. Made in a wide open space called love. What radical clarity might we find here?
And what else is it to become pillars in the temple of the living God? But to stand and be counted. To raise our voices in simultaneous inquiry and expression of that which is simply and elegently divine.
Of all things we might call church or temple or Zion or holy city of God, I can think of no better then that of so many saints and angels singing in tune and on time, regardless of the language being spoken, and regardless of the color of their halos or wings.
blessings all
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in the end, it was quite unanimous: "more sessions like this!"
but most of this week and next weekend will find me in the air and on the road. so if it is to happen before then, someone else is going to have try and play "space-keeper."
but regardless, i do fully intend to play at it some more once i am settled again. this has been such a treat.
also, feel free to suggest more topics here (or email or pt), as well as thoughts on the process, what to do (or not) about transcripts, or anything else.
ya know, i found it amazing, how, using the process itself, we added another useful element to it during the session, which was a smooth way of posing questions to each other without disturbing the flow of the live turn-based dialogue.
and i think the live aspect of the process is a large part of what makes it a quickening thing
Edited by sirguessalotLink to comment
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Will there be one this weekend?
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Would love to do another one, Sharon. I would even be willing to take a stab at "moderating" if SirG isn't back. BUT Saturday's at 6:00 p.m. are a difficult time for me. Actually, any day at 6:00 is a difficult time for me. Generally, 8:00 on is the best for me on any day because then my little ones are tucked snuggly into bed.
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peeking out from behind a pile of moving boxes
not sure what my cyber-situation will be this weekend, but i'll know by this weekend. but feel free to take a stabattit anyway, Abi. or anyone else who saw or has seen how it works.
i can also see a role for someone to help orient new arrivals via the private chat
also, if/as there is enough interest, maybe we can try holding 2 or more sessions in one evening...for different time zones and schedules and such. maybe a sun noon central and a sun 8pm pacific? or more sessions for different topics, and different "mods" (or "un-mods")
(for future reference: i was also fiddlin with the idea of a 3 or 4-round session. where we pick 3 or 4 clear elements or stages of a topic, and then move from component-to-component in the dialogue as we feel we've exhausted them (or everyone present has had a chance to contribute). i think it will make for a longer and more "rich" and detailed experience) (and kinda tricky, i know....but maybe if we get a bit more interest, and a bit more used to the process...something to keep in mind))
and so...topics, anyone? format ideas?
spiritual/doctrinal problems/questions/delights/observations to offer on the live altar of we?
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