*possibly quite a few hours with breaks, not to mention general comings and goings, depending on how long the space can be "held"
Though a live session itself seems the most direct education/demonstration/transmission of the basic and various forms, here are some links on the subject, which i'll update them here as i/we come across them:
The Law of Two Feet means you take responsibility for what you care about, show up, stand up, and use your own two feet to move into whatever conversation or activity you feel you can most learn from or contribute to.
Conversely, The Law of Two Feet challenges us to walk away from a conversation or activity in which we are neither learning nor contributing.
Four Principles: "How to Navigate in Open Space"
1. Whoever comes are the right people
Whoever is attracted to the work are the people who can contribute most to that effort because they really care and are willing to take responsibility for making something happen. There are no other experts needed to catalyze the quality of this kind of commitment.
2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could've
We are sometimes limited by our past experience and by our expectations. This principle acknowledges that the effort we are making now, with the people gathered to do the work at this time, is exactly what needs to be happening. What a relief to let go of expectations and just focus on the next few steps. What a relief to no longer be driven by the need to protect and polish something to perfection only to find the energy that initiated it has slipped away and gone somewhere else.
3. Whenever it starts is the right time
The creative spirit may not always spark the same way at a strategy meeting as it often will in the stairwell, or in the gym, or at the same meeting but on a entirely different subject. The task is to pay attention to when it sparks.
4. When it's over, it's over
Creativity has its own rhythm. So do groups, communities, partnerships. Just a reminder to pay attention to the flow of creativity not the clock. When you think it is over, ask: "Is it over?" And if it is, go on to the next thing you have passion for. This may take five minutes or five weeks.
heerz a useful model/mode from CII:
Since dynamic facilitation depends on group energy, it is most effective where there IS group energy. Group energy will tend to be present in situations like these:
*There's conflict in the group.
*The group shares a passionate interest in something.
*They are immersed in a common problem.
*They work or live together all the time.
Dynamic facilitation invites the underlying group energy out into the group space and lets it flow. The facilitator does:
*make sure people feel safe to talk,
*evoke both head and heart energies,
*help people feel heard and understood,
*help the group escape from any energy-deadening conversational "black holes" they stumble into
Unlike many other facililitators, the dynamic facilitator does not:
*direct the group,
*work for agreement or decisions
*establish behavioral norms,
*take responsibility for the group's progress
The facilitator is servant to the group's energy. The facilitator helps people share whatever information or views they brought into the meeting. This informs the group of the knowledge it has available to it, while freeing up group members' attention so they can better listen to each other and co-create together.
The facilitator writes people's comments on a number of large sheets of paper, labeled:
*Problems (or Situation Statements, or Inquiries),
*Solutions (or Possibilities or Options)
Although a particular group or purpose may require other categories, any group struggling with a situation will find these four categories invite the group's energy to flow in productive directions. When new problem statements, possible solutions, concerns and data are allowed to surface at any time, the group's collective thought becomes more fluid, nurturing shifts and breakthroughs at both the head level (e.g., a group "aha!") and the heart level (e.g., healed relationships, deepened feelings). Shifts that happen in a choice-creating meeting often have lasting effects on relationships and conversations that go on outside the meeting, which are, after all, where we live.
Dynamic facilitation is often quite non-linear, which can be disconcerting for those of us dependent on agendas or other solid evidence of progress. Most people find, however, that the freedom of expression, the energy in the room, and the remarkable creativity that so often bubbles up, are reason enough to go with the flow for a few hours and see what happens. More likely than not, the results will be more satisfying than all the efforts we usually channel into crafting a specific outcome.
The above description is intended only to give you a brief taste of this unusual process -- what it's like and why it is the way it is. For further information, see:
*My own first experience with Dynamic Facilitation by Tom Atlee
*Dynamic Facilitation for Group Transformation by Tree Bresson
*"Choice-creating process" in How to Make a Decision Without Making a Decision by Tom Atlee (written for Communities Magazine) Report on a dynamic facilitation in an organization
*Comparison of Robert's Rules of Order, Consensus Process and Dynamic Facilitation by Tom Atlee and Rosa Zubizarreta, et al.
*Exploring transactional and transformational conversations by Tom Atlee
*Dynamic Facilitation and Group Energy by DeAnna Martin
*Dynamic Facilitation as a Resource for Self-Organization by Rosa Zubizarreta
Definitely interested. Need time, date, place etc. I am an early riser though. Best time for me during the week is between 8 - 9 p.m. I can be somewhat flexible on that though.
There is a way to set up "private" rooms off the GS Cafe chatroom. I'm not exactly sure of how it works, but I know it can be done. That way if we used GS as the place we wouldn't be intruding on the regular chatters.
Another possibility is through Yahoo IM - you can set up rooms through the IM and invite whomever you want into them.
"We each contain an enduring spark of that wisdom at the heart of all creation. Isolated and unsupported, it is a small but relentless spark. United with others, those sparks grow into a flame of illumination and strength for us all."
Cool. What about an evening on the weekend? This or the next?
And Abi, yer reading my mind re: the private chat and other IMs ;)-->
I was thinking we could either address a problem or explore something new, both of which these p2p-type dialogues is a highly effective tool (like at the forums, but allowing for our more live and immediate intuitions to mingle).
And so, what sort of primers can you guys think of?
I'm thinking things simple like...
"How valuable is (or not) spiritual dialogue?"
"How valuable is (or not) spiritual change?"
"How do we choose spiritual standards?"
"How might the various religious views get along?"
I can do weekends, but I have a very strong preference to NOT use AOL. I have a new machine which is untouched by anything aohell and would like to keep it that way if possible.
Yahoo's programs are much cleaner and easier to uninstall should you ever want to get rid of them.
How about - "what rituals do you practice and how do they help you feel/be more spiritually connected?"
(btw, your presence is already a cup of tea...strange brews that we are...he he)
very cool, sharon.
(& thanks for the reminder of her, too)
ok, i combed the thread and edited the second post kinda with whatever anyone said about date and time and formats and such
and, if/as we pull this off, we can edit that info as we go along
(which is another aspect of style, i guess, of this whole/hole space-opening dialogue concept thingymajig anyway...the idea of using live timed turn-based (or other-based) sessions with only a cyber-forum, and by reserving the first fews posts for invitations and summations)
there are many styles, too. historically and emerging. especially now, it seems.
some even pray and/or meditate prior to a cyber and/or meatspace session...almost like so many 3rd millenium “pentecost parties” goin off at once (and in overlapping concentric circles to boot).
a bit like cracking open some layer off the human language, imo
even now, amidst all the deepening bull****, there are doomed to be stubbornly symmetrical wonders like this one (thank the almighty anything). and intertwined quite nicely, i might add
ok, i’ll be back in a bit with some more info and thoughts
ok, i gotta tell you guys a nifty story that kind of illustrates the potency of the circle.
This Christmas, we had the wife's parents and step parents (=4), and a few brothers (hers and mine). All K basically did was pick up a snowman ornament and explain that "we'll pass it around, and whomever holds the ornament gets to speak as long as they want and no one should interrupt." The primer was "What this Christmas means to me," and K demonstrated simply by going first.
I tell ya, the way everyone so naturally opened up was amazing to me (and ive seen some pretty crazy ****). And also, considering the usual parent and step-parent anti-chemistry...this was a real treat. :)--> It was like seeing everyone and self in a rare but simpler light.
Of course this sort of thing is at the heart of most common traditions, tho we may have never had words or understanding to explain why we are so fond of all those potent memories and communal experiences.
but, imo, we also seem to be forgetting its value as so much of society continues this runaway train of hyper-spasmodic activity.
But its when we "go in with eyes open" that turns it from happy accident to finer and more effective art forms
But that does not change my interest in what goes on, one bit. I am packing my bags after I hit "Post Now".
I am interested in ALL avenues of integrating one another. No difference... between those who believe they need to keep law to relate to God, or them who think that there is NO God... or the races, or the sexes... At some level, there is just no difference. Is that where we integrate? Could be. At least it is an easy place to realize we are one.
Sounds like you had a very, good Christmas as well.
...i hope so, friend (as long as you also promise to spill like Wilson during some critical lull in the episode...) :P--> :D-->
i have this feeling that we might leap and flop and flip and flounce and bounce a bit thru the process at first (which is gonna be fun and funny), but, if/as we play with "it" and catch on, we'll start generating and customizing our own new myriad forms (and in way more than just doctrinal yakity yak)
...and so there'll be plenty more drops and ripples...like so many drops of rain making circles over circles in waves of our collective soul...
And heerz something from one the links i think will help keep things plum:
(Picture me as some carpenter tool fanatic, saying "hey neighbor, check out these schazzy gizmos!")
Four Principles and One Law
One Law: "The Law of Two Feet"
The Law of Two Feet means you take responsibility for what you care about, show up, stand up, and use your own two feet to move into whatever conversation or activity you feel you can most learn from or contribute to.
Conversely, The Law of Two Feet challenges us to walk away from a conversation or activity in which we are neither learning nor contributing.
Four Principles: "How to Navigate in Open Space"
1. Whoever comes are the right people
Whoever is attracted to the work are the people who can contribute most to that effort because they really care and are willing to take responsibility for making something happen. There are no other experts needed to catalyze the quality of this kind of commitment.
2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could've
We are sometimes limited by our past experience and by our expectations. This principle acknowledges that the effort we are making now, with the people gathered to do the work at this time, is exactly what needs to be happening. What a relief to let go of expectations and just focus on the next few steps. What a relief to no longer be driven by the need to protect and polish something to perfection only to find the energy that initiated it has slipped away and gone somewhere else.
3. Whenever it starts is the right time
The creative spirit may not always spark the same way at a strategy meeting as it often will in the stairwell, or in the gym, or at the same meeting but on a entirely different subject. The task is to pay attention to when it sparks.
4. When it's over, it's over
Creativity has its own rhythm. So do groups, communities, partnerships. Just a reminder to pay attention to the flow of creativity not the clock. When you think it is over, ask: "Is it over?" And if it is, go on to the next thing you have passion for. This may take five minutes or five weeks.
how this can apply in online arenas is the newer trick, i guess (especially in the context of faith, spirit, religion and such)
i think some sort of focal point and tempo elements (like from the World Cafe and Wisdom Circles links) can compliment the more "chaotic" OpenSpace models in chat and forums
*all are welcome, coming and going at whim, or even if just to observe (and if someone disrupts too much, the dialogue will simply not happen like it could. and so tomorrow is another day...).
in form, i think it would be easiest to use a variation on the "talking piece" style (as in the peer spirit link), where we take turns, but not in a simple pre-arranged circular order. but more like raising hands to speak next
maybe like this....
*i'll start typing with something short n simple like "why i am in this circle today."
*at anytime while i am writing, whomever wants to go next types something like "next," which holds their place in line.
*when i am done, i'll type something like "done," and the next person in line can start whenever they like (moments of silence for gathering composure and throat clearing and such are common at this point, even in chat, i imagine)
and, for this first session, if no one minds, i'll play the role of host or keeper or whatever...meaning: i'll jump in and out when and where i think the process needs any kind of help (more like the kids who fetch the tennis balls and stage-hands who dart about in the shadows).
(But i also bet a zil that there are some hosts and hostesses way more gifted than i out there) ;)-->
and prior to the session, i hope we can pull together a small list of a half-dozen or so more primers to engage thru-out the evening.
and as far as recording this trial session...maybe we can play it by ear. maybe a designated lurker can paste throughout. if the subject gets too personal, and someone wants to keep it private before they'll participate (or something), i can honor that if everyone else can. (besides, the imprint on the pages of the epistles of our souls will be deep enough anyway, imo)
i also think a level of openness and transparency with IDs and handles (at least for those engaging in the dialogue) help the process greatly. (not that some sort of anonymous rave mask-charade chat in the dark wouldn't be interesting... )
ok, i probably forgot a few things...
(is this beginning to remind anyone of a deeper way of 1 Cor 14?)
i also think a level of openness and transparency with IDs and handles (at least for those engaging in the dialogue) help the process greatly. (not that some sort of anonymous rave mask-charade chat in the dark wouldn't be interesting...
If the computer is running, I will try to make it. I normally have a lot going on around 6pm on Saturday....please post some of the more interesting topics discussed!! :D-->
in pondering the differences between our usual more natural, unplanned, accidental ways of discussion....
...and radically freer modes of dialogue, with grace and ease and openness being the conscious ground and intent.
* one is ascending. with various uphill thrusts against gravity. we naturally compete, we climb, we struggle to find the words and navigate the trees of language, we strive and work hard for clarity and/or control. we seek outcome after outcome. like so many wonderful birds in the trees chirping to be heard.
* the other is more of a descending mode. a freefall. where we simply jump from our highest sense of being (alone or together). no effort. a non-effort, really. a drop. perhaps even a drop guided by wind and wings. we'll know best where to land when as we get there. truths pour off the tongue
of course, to choose one mode over the other as somehow superior is natural...but limited.
because its the very dance and romance of eros and agape that moves within us.
and the very same dance that we move within
ascension and descension work together, or not at all
together or not at all
a serpent rising
and a dove coming down
we all favor one over the other at times
we may even despise one
but this is the inner enmity to be removed if we really want to learn to fly
then it will naturally fade in the outer world, of course. as our intentions change. and our perceptions.
the higher you climb, the higher from which you can fall, and the higher from which you fall, the deeper you can dive
and now add those circles.
those ripples and waves of all the meez and yooz and themz.
like overlapping raindrops on a pond
and...every level of both ascension and descension has their outspreading planes and waves
like so many gowns on a goddess, or some magical holy city from above, or cloaks of many colors
what a tabernacle that is
a universal temple made without hands
one big book
these, the overlapping wings of our collective soul,
have height potentials
width potentials
depth potentials
length potentials
in and out and up and down
flesh is the reflection of this soul
not the other way around
but how often do we curse the flesh?
and damn all its many sins and consquences to our own personal hells?
if so, flesh must be all we can see
or we would know what really causes what
and we'd see that highly animate and charged living thing full of countless eyes
and stop calling it a strange otherly creature
even at a mere glance, a brilliantly blindingly burning bush
enough to make a man wander a long while wondering what to do next
if this is a singular holy self that is ever-present...
if this is the united universal presence we call most anointed
is there not a way we can see it now?
it is here, is it not?
right now?
as we speak?
as we breathe?
why cant we see it?
what is in the way?
and who is it that really wants to know?
what part of us is seeking a peek at their own true face?
if even only a little taste of twinkle of a blink? like a downpayment. or unforgettable glimpse
and so what unused eyelids might have yet to open?
and how can we open them, so we stop reacting to the illusion as if it were real?
and perhaps finally see with our own eyes, those tongues like as of fire touching each and every one of us? and hear that mighty breath fill the temple? as it always has, from the beginning?
why oh why, after all these millenia, do we still look up in the clouds waiting for Jesus to come. after all, he is coming from heaven the very same way he entered, no? and not another?
and so which way is that?
which smallest narrowest place did he enter?
cuz it is written...there is where we will see him return
and from nowhere else
and all eyes will see him some day
sometimes i think what finally dawned on the pentecost crowd...was that we do not have to wait til "death do us part" before we can learn to feed each other with these 6-foot chop-sticks.
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possible platforms:
*GSC Chatroom (open to gsc observation)
*Yahoo IM (a lil less gsc-oriented)
possible timings:
*saturday evening or day
*sunday afternoon
*weekday evening
likely duration:
*possibly quite a few hours with breaks, not to mention general comings and goings, depending on how long the space can be "held"
Though a live session itself seems the most direct education/demonstration/transmission of the basic and various forms, here are some links on the subject, which i'll update them here as i/we come across them:
4 Principles and 1 Law
Empowered Dialogue
Wisdom Circles
The World Cafe
Co-Intelligence in Politics
heerz a useful model/mode from CII:
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Hi Sirguess,
That's an interesting idea.
I'm not accustomed to using chatrooms though.
But it might be fun to try.
Much will depend for me on when I can get the PC to myself (lol).
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Definitely interested. Need time, date, place etc. I am an early riser though. Best time for me during the week is between 8 - 9 p.m. I can be somewhat flexible on that though.
There is a way to set up "private" rooms off the GS Cafe chatroom. I'm not exactly sure of how it works, but I know it can be done. That way if we used GS as the place we wouldn't be intruding on the regular chatters.
Another possibility is through Yahoo IM - you can set up rooms through the IM and invite whomever you want into them.
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Like Danny and Abi. Time is a factor. Got a full week ahead working day and night.
BUT, it is on mind, and should prove to be an exciting experience.
I have to put my soul into it. And when I'm ready I'll go for it.
Keep me informed.
"the voice of a more collective aspect of soul"
Yes, the need to open up is here.
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"We each contain an enduring spark of that wisdom at the heart of all creation. Isolated and unsupported, it is a small but relentless spark. United with others, those sparks grow into a flame of illumination and strength for us all."
from one of the sites you listed
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Cool. What about an evening on the weekend? This or the next?
And Abi, yer reading my mind re: the private chat and other IMs
I was thinking we could either address a problem or explore something new, both of which these p2p-type dialogues is a highly effective tool (like at the forums, but allowing for our more live and immediate intuitions to mingle).
And so, what sort of primers can you guys think of?
I'm thinking things simple like...
"How valuable is (or not) spiritual dialogue?"
"How valuable is (or not) spiritual change?"
"How do we choose spiritual standards?"
"How might the various religious views get along?"
Some of the ole' troublemakers, no?
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Certainly, gotta boot my kids off their games though-lol. Post it or email me the time and place.
Other IM's-yahoo is the best outside of gsc's private ones. MSN's is a pain to work with imo. Cuz you have to be in their passport system.
I have yahoo's-not sure about anyone else though.
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I've never used Yahoo, CM, but i can set it up easy enough. And as much as i try and stay away from AOL, i love their AIM.
And Danny, i'm always game to chat if you wanna fiddle with it a bit before whatever is gonna happen happens... lemme know...
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lol-yeah...AOL, the mafia of the internet.
not to offend anyone who uses aol though-just my opinion
But I've used their aim and can set it up as well.
You can use the im without being a member of aol.
In case anyone was wondering.
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I can do weekends, but I have a very strong preference to NOT use AOL. I have a new machine which is untouched by anything aohell and would like to keep it that way if possible.
Yahoo's programs are much cleaner and easier to uninstall should you ever want to get rid of them.
How about - "what rituals do you practice and how do they help you feel/be more spiritually connected?"
I'll wait to here more on date, time, and format.
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lol. i can see why yer gun-shy with aol, abi
I'll can set up the yahoo and try it out
we can set up a PM to share the IMs or something
or...there is a doctrinal chatroom set up right now at GSC chat. I just tested it..
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Well it's not serving you tea at my kitchen table, but if you are there--I'm in...send me a pm with the details
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ok deal me in..
please remember Sunday is Mom day~~~~~~~~~
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ltns karmic!
(btw, your presence is already a cup of tea...strange brews that we are...he he)
very cool, sharon.
(& thanks for the reminder of her, too)
ok, i combed the thread and edited the second post kinda with whatever anyone said about date and time and formats and such
and, if/as we pull this off, we can edit that info as we go along
(which is another aspect of style, i guess, of this whole/hole space-opening dialogue concept thingymajig anyway...the idea of using live timed turn-based (or other-based) sessions with only a cyber-forum, and by reserving the first fews posts for invitations and summations)
there are many styles, too. historically and emerging. especially now, it seems.
some even pray and/or meditate prior to a cyber and/or meatspace session...almost like so many 3rd millenium “pentecost parties” goin off at once (and in overlapping concentric circles to boot).
a bit like cracking open some layer off the human language, imo
even now, amidst all the deepening bull****, there are doomed to be stubbornly symmetrical wonders like this one (thank the almighty anything). and intertwined quite nicely, i might add
ok, i’ll be back in a bit with some more info and thoughts
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ok, i gotta tell you guys a nifty story that kind of illustrates the potency of the circle.
This Christmas, we had the wife's parents and step parents (=4), and a few brothers (hers and mine). All K basically did was pick up a snowman ornament and explain that "we'll pass it around, and whomever holds the ornament gets to speak as long as they want and no one should interrupt." The primer was "What this Christmas means to me," and K demonstrated simply by going first.
I tell ya, the way everyone so naturally opened up was amazing to me (and ive seen some pretty crazy ****). And also, considering the usual parent and step-parent anti-chemistry...this was a real treat.
:)--> It was like seeing everyone and self in a rare but simpler light.
Of course this sort of thing is at the heart of most common traditions, tho we may have never had words or understanding to explain why we are so fond of all those potent memories and communal experiences.
but, imo, we also seem to be forgetting its value as so much of society continues this runaway train of hyper-spasmodic activity.
But its when we "go in with eyes open" that turns it from happy accident to finer and more effective art forms
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Too Gray Now
Well +odd, you know me!!!
I am "in" if I am home...
2 bad I will be traveling
But that does not change my interest in what goes on, one bit. I am packing my bags after I hit "Post Now".
I am interested in ALL avenues of integrating one another. No difference... between those who believe they need to keep law to relate to God, or them who think that there is NO God... or the races, or the sexes... At some level, there is just no difference. Is that where we integrate? Could be. At least it is an easy place to realize we are one.
Sounds like you had a very, good Christmas as well.
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Too Gray Now
Can I look over the fence like Wilson on Home Improvement?
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...i hope so, friend (as long as you also promise to spill like Wilson during some critical lull in the episode...)
i have this feeling that we might leap and flop and flip and flounce and bounce a bit thru the process at first (which is gonna be fun and funny), but, if/as we play with "it" and catch on, we'll start generating and customizing our own new myriad forms (and in way more than just doctrinal yakity yak)
...and so there'll be plenty more drops and ripples...like so many drops of rain making circles over circles in waves of our collective soul...
And heerz something from one the links i think will help keep things plum:
(Picture me as some carpenter tool fanatic, saying "hey neighbor, check out these schazzy gizmos!")
how this can apply in online arenas is the newer trick, i guess (especially in the context of faith, spirit, religion and such)
i think some sort of focal point and tempo elements (like from the World Cafe and Wisdom Circles links) can compliment the more "chaotic" OpenSpace models in chat and forums
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ok...howz this...?
*this Saturday afternoon at 6pm EST
*doctrinal room of the GSC chatroom
*all are welcome, coming and going at whim, or even if just to observe (and if someone disrupts too much, the dialogue will simply not happen like it could. and so tomorrow is another day...).
in form, i think it would be easiest to use a variation on the "talking piece" style (as in the peer spirit link), where we take turns, but not in a simple pre-arranged circular order. but more like raising hands to speak next
maybe like this....
*i'll start typing with something short n simple like "why i am in this circle today."
*at anytime while i am writing, whomever wants to go next types something like "next," which holds their place in line.
*when i am done, i'll type something like "done," and the next person in line can start whenever they like (moments of silence for gathering composure and throat clearing and such are common at this point, even in chat, i imagine)
and, for this first session, if no one minds, i'll play the role of host or keeper or whatever...meaning: i'll jump in and out when and where i think the process needs any kind of help (more like the kids who fetch the tennis balls and stage-hands who dart about in the shadows).
(But i also bet a zil that there are some hosts and hostesses way more gifted than i out there)
and prior to the session, i hope we can pull together a small list of a half-dozen or so more primers to engage thru-out the evening.
and as far as recording this trial session...maybe we can play it by ear. maybe a designated lurker can paste throughout. if the subject gets too personal, and someone wants to keep it private before they'll participate (or something), i can honor that if everyone else can. (besides, the imprint on the pages of the epistles of our souls will be deep enough anyway, imo)
i also think a level of openness and transparency with IDs and handles (at least for those engaging in the dialogue) help the process greatly. (not that some sort of anonymous rave mask-charade chat in the dark wouldn't be interesting...
ok, i probably forgot a few things...
(is this beginning to remind anyone of a deeper way of 1 Cor 14?)
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Some need to be anonymous for various reasons.
As you probably know.
But it all sounds good to me.
I plan on being there.
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i hear ya.
i guess i was kinda thinking along the lines of: if you are CM at the gsc, it might help to be CM in the session
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If the computer is running, I will try to make it. I normally have a lot going on around 6pm on Saturday....please post some of the more interesting topics discussed!!
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ok...up late thinking
had some live energetic late night chat tonight
i just love the live nature of it
(inspired rant alert)
in pondering the differences between our usual more natural, unplanned, accidental ways of discussion....
...and radically freer modes of dialogue, with grace and ease and openness being the conscious ground and intent.
* one is ascending. with various uphill thrusts against gravity. we naturally compete, we climb, we struggle to find the words and navigate the trees of language, we strive and work hard for clarity and/or control. we seek outcome after outcome. like so many wonderful birds in the trees chirping to be heard.
* the other is more of a descending mode. a freefall. where we simply jump from our highest sense of being (alone or together). no effort. a non-effort, really. a drop. perhaps even a drop guided by wind and wings. we'll know best where to land when as we get there. truths pour off the tongue
of course, to choose one mode over the other as somehow superior is natural...but limited.
because its the very dance and romance of eros and agape that moves within us.
and the very same dance that we move within
ascension and descension work together, or not at all
together or not at all
a serpent rising
and a dove coming down
we all favor one over the other at times
we may even despise one
but this is the inner enmity to be removed if we really want to learn to fly
then it will naturally fade in the outer world, of course. as our intentions change. and our perceptions.
the higher you climb, the higher from which you can fall, and the higher from which you fall, the deeper you can dive
and now add those circles.
those ripples and waves of all the meez and yooz and themz.
like overlapping raindrops on a pond
and...every level of both ascension and descension has their outspreading planes and waves
like so many gowns on a goddess, or some magical holy city from above, or cloaks of many colors
what a tabernacle that is
a universal temple made without hands
one big book
these, the overlapping wings of our collective soul,
have height potentials
width potentials
depth potentials
length potentials
in and out and up and down
flesh is the reflection of this soul
not the other way around
but how often do we curse the flesh?
and damn all its many sins and consquences to our own personal hells?
if so, flesh must be all we can see
or we would know what really causes what
and we'd see that highly animate and charged living thing full of countless eyes
and stop calling it a strange otherly creature
even at a mere glance, a brilliantly blindingly burning bush
enough to make a man wander a long while wondering what to do next
if this is a singular holy self that is ever-present...
if this is the united universal presence we call most anointed
is there not a way we can see it now?
it is here, is it not?
right now?
as we speak?
as we breathe?
why cant we see it?
what is in the way?
and who is it that really wants to know?
what part of us is seeking a peek at their own true face?
if even only a little taste of twinkle of a blink? like a downpayment. or unforgettable glimpse
and so what unused eyelids might have yet to open?
and how can we open them, so we stop reacting to the illusion as if it were real?
and perhaps finally see with our own eyes, those tongues like as of fire touching each and every one of us? and hear that mighty breath fill the temple? as it always has, from the beginning?
why oh why, after all these millenia, do we still look up in the clouds waiting for Jesus to come. after all, he is coming from heaven the very same way he entered, no? and not another?
and so which way is that?
which smallest narrowest place did he enter?
cuz it is written...there is where we will see him return
and from nowhere else
and all eyes will see him some day
sometimes i think what finally dawned on the pentecost crowd...was that we do not have to wait til "death do us part" before we can learn to feed each other with these 6-foot chop-sticks.
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ok doodleys...
see whomever in chat
and see how this thing might work there
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