"I work in an old building. A very old building. Somewhere in its lifetime elevators were installed, and so the corner stairs don't seem to get used much. Every once in a while I get the urge to exercise my desk-job-bound legs and I take these stairs. And sometimes when I do, I am instantly transported to Rome City, IN."
"Work in old buildings":
Do you or your work-mates ever feel that you suffer more respiratory illnesses than you should?
Mold in air-ducts can be a culprit. My wife [bonnie] suffered 2 heart attacks [one in November and one in December], they are now thinking that the primary culprit may have been mold growing in the air-ducts where she works.
The ducting has been tested by a EPA air quality company and they did find way too much stuff growing up there. Now we begin the process of getting her employer to re-emburse us for that portion of the medical bills that came out of our pocket. She had her first heart-attack while at work. Even though I am military, so the military's insurance [Tri-care] covered some of the expenses, we did have to pay a few thousand in partial payments for various treatments.
'Old build' air ducts need to be cleaned routinely. And those filters are not a joke.
Yes, I know that I am starting an 'off-thread' rant. I apologize to the 'Off-Thread' Police, but it is important.
Now back to your regular thread topic.
"Smells effecting memorys":
I really dont smell much, I think. Perhaps the chemicals used to manufacture atomospheres on-board subs are at fault. Everyone has always complained that every item of clothing that I ever took under-water carried a strong smell, and most of my uniforms have to be stored in the garage due to their smell.
But yes it is my understanding that smell is often strongly connected to memory.
In France, it is common occurrence that when a woman breaks up with her lover, she will break a bottle of her perfume in his bedroom, just because of smell memory.
I didn't spend any time at any of the TWIt locations to have any smell memories, but I do know they are awfully powerful.
One of my favorite smells in the whole wide world is old house, cigarette smoke and fried food all combined together. Smells like my grandmother's house and it takes me back to growing up and her love and the great times I had with her. My favorite restaurant here not only serves food like she used to cook, but also has the same smells. :D--> Gross to some, but I love it!
There's a deodorant commercial on nowadays where these 2 college age girls are sitting at a table talking and 2 guys are in the next room going ape over a sports program and part of the 'going ape' has one guy run in the room where the girls are and give one girl a spontaneous hug. The picture freezes on the girl getting the hug wearing an ecstatic grin and then the narrator says that smell is the sense most tied to memory.
For me my memory is triggered by the smell of marijuana. I used it from '70-'78. Don't smell it much anymore, but last summer I saw the Dead at an outside venue. This place doesn't even allow cigarette smoking in the seats we were in. I even saw Ozzy Osbourne 2 yrs ago there and one time smelled it ten feet away from me for a couple minutes. The ushers there are pretty good at staying on top of that stuff, but were no match for a Dead crowd. The last hour of the show I could smell it constantly. Next day I had a headache.
The only other strong smell-memories I have of twi are: cleaning out the chicken wagon the week after ROA (oh... my... gawd) and of course, Iowa Beef (for all you Emporia fans.) But I have never smelled anything like those smells anywhere else but there. (thank you jeezus!!)
I worked for a company that had a HUGE office building and a cafeteria - they employed over 2000 people (first shift alone) but the whole place was run very efficiently... AND it smelled just like Founder's Hall! Creeped me out every morning going in to work!
I suppose if I had to name one, it would be the cheap coffee served at functions. The generic c**p that would fit the limb budget. Ugh! I still cringe at that burnt, nasty smell.
The drawer in my dresser that houses a pile of my aunt's scarves still smells of her perfume. She died in 2000. I still remember her gentle presence every time I open the drawer.
The smell of Murphy's Oil Soap always reminds me of TWI. I'd never used that cleaner before Rome City, and it has a very distinct smell. (What is that -- creosote?)
You're not gonna believe what brought that smell memory back one day. A few years ago, I was renting a house that was infested with carpenter ants. They mostly left us alone. But one day each year, the winged males would swarm on my front porch. By the hundreds! One time, I tried stepping on them. They gave off a very pungent, distinct smell -- Murphy's Oil Soap!
Gawd, the ants reminded me of TWI!!! (Your own punchline goes here....)
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I've heard once that smell is the one sense that is the most effective at evoking memory of things past.
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The sound and smell of generators running always transports me back to a sunny day at the roa standing outside of the meal tents.
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George Aar
The smell of Ohio eggwater. Ugh! (and we were supposed to drink more of that crap?)
Yeah, lots of pleasant memories that invokes...
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"I work in an old building. A very old building. Somewhere in its lifetime elevators were installed, and so the corner stairs don't seem to get used much. Every once in a while I get the urge to exercise my desk-job-bound legs and I take these stairs. And sometimes when I do, I am instantly transported to Rome City, IN."
"Work in old buildings":
Do you or your work-mates ever feel that you suffer more respiratory illnesses than you should?
Mold in air-ducts can be a culprit. My wife [bonnie] suffered 2 heart attacks [one in November and one in December], they are now thinking that the primary culprit may have been mold growing in the air-ducts where she works.
The ducting has been tested by a EPA air quality company and they did find way too much stuff growing up there. Now we begin the process of getting her employer to re-emburse us for that portion of the medical bills that came out of our pocket. She had her first heart-attack while at work. Even though I am military, so the military's insurance [Tri-care] covered some of the expenses, we did have to pay a few thousand in partial payments for various treatments.
'Old build' air ducts need to be cleaned routinely. And those filters are not a joke.
Yes, I know that I am starting an 'off-thread' rant. I apologize to the 'Off-Thread' Police, but it is important.
Now back to your regular thread topic.
"Smells effecting memorys":
I really dont smell much, I think. Perhaps the chemicals used to manufacture atomospheres on-board subs are at fault. Everyone has always complained that every item of clothing that I ever took under-water carried a strong smell, and most of my uniforms have to be stored in the garage due to their smell.
But yes it is my understanding that smell is often strongly connected to memory.
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Out There
There was nothing more stimulating to the senses than that of 16 guys living in the same room in Owens hall.
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In France, it is common occurrence that when a woman breaks up with her lover, she will break a bottle of her perfume in his bedroom, just because of smell memory.
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I didn't spend any time at any of the TWIt locations to have any smell memories, but I do know they are awfully powerful.
One of my favorite smells in the whole wide world is old house, cigarette smoke and fried food all combined together. Smells like my grandmother's house and it takes me back to growing up and her love and the great times I had with her. My favorite restaurant here not only serves food like she used to cook, but also has the same smells.
:D--> Gross to some, but I love it!
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There's a deodorant commercial on nowadays where these 2 college age girls are sitting at a table talking and 2 guys are in the next room going ape over a sports program and part of the 'going ape' has one guy run in the room where the girls are and give one girl a spontaneous hug. The picture freezes on the girl getting the hug wearing an ecstatic grin and then the narrator says that smell is the sense most tied to memory.
For me my memory is triggered by the smell of marijuana. I used it from '70-'78. Don't smell it much anymore, but last summer I saw the Dead at an outside venue. This place doesn't even allow cigarette smoking in the seats we were in. I even saw Ozzy Osbourne 2 yrs ago there and one time smelled it ten feet away from me for a couple minutes. The ushers there are pretty good at staying on top of that stuff, but were no match for a Dead crowd. The last hour of the show I could smell it constantly. Next day I had a headache.
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The only other strong smell-memories I have of twi are: cleaning out the chicken wagon the week after ROA (oh... my... gawd) and of course, Iowa Beef (for all you Emporia fans.) But I have never smelled anything like those smells anywhere else but there. (thank you jeezus!!)
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At least you could remember SOMETHING when you smoked it!
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I worked for a company that had a HUGE office building and a cafeteria - they employed over 2000 people (first shift alone) but the whole place was run very efficiently... AND it smelled just like Founder's Hall! Creeped me out every morning going in to work!
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Yeah, the smell of Scambuie on someone's breath.
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I suppose if I had to name one, it would be the cheap coffee served at functions. The generic c**p that would fit the limb budget. Ugh! I still cringe at that burnt, nasty smell.
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Wet grass in the summer always brings me back to the ROA, since it always seemed to rain at the friggin' thing!
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Hey I resemble that remark. I always used every second of my 2 minute shower.
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I thought the dining room in the basement of the BRC had kind of a funny smell to it.
Nothing like the farmer spreading manure on his field across the road though.
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Watered Garden
The drawer in my dresser that houses a pile of my aunt's scarves still smells of her perfume. She died in 2000. I still remember her gentle presence every time I open the drawer.
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Watered Garden
No smells remind me of TWI. Thank God.
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The iron smell of the water in the ROA showers, coupled with Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap ... now THERE'S a TWI smell.
If I ever smelled the Deo-Cide they used in cleaning, I think I would remember it. They were a tidy bunch ... at least in the literal sense.
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The smell of Murphy's Oil Soap always reminds me of TWI. I'd never used that cleaner before Rome City, and it has a very distinct smell. (What is that -- creosote?)
You're not gonna believe what brought that smell memory back one day. A few years ago, I was renting a house that was infested with carpenter ants. They mostly left us alone. But one day each year, the winged males would swarm on my front porch. By the hundreds! One time, I tried stepping on them. They gave off a very pungent, distinct smell -- Murphy's Oil Soap!
Gawd, the ants reminded me of TWI!!! (Your own punchline goes here....)
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Out There
Carpenter ants? Are you sure you don't mean Way Builders?
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I remember thinking the cafeteria at Rome City smelled like a nursing home.
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That DEPENDS on what part of the nursing home you're referring to.... :-)
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