I just want to put it on record, that I do not "hate homosexuals". I have a few women friends who are gay chicks, and I get along with them just fine. I drink beer with 'em and play pool with them, and our son plays with the son of one of them.
I don't preach at 'em, I don't tell them they are going to hell. At one time one of the gals asked me of my opinion of the gay thing, and carefully, I told her that I believed in the Bible, and that the Bible doesn't support such a lifestyle, and; "Should I go on?" I asked. And she said yes.
I told her that God loved her as much as He does me or anyone else, but that I believe that God says "No" to this lifestyle because He knows that it is not good for the participant, and etc. That His clearly saying "No" to it in the Bible was like a "stop sign" designed to protect the sojourner. I also told her that I wouldn't try to change her opinion, but if she had serious questions about the Bible's opinion of it all, I would be glad to provide it to her in an uncondemning, yet straightforward manner.
To this she said "thanks but no thanks", And I said "fine". I have far more respect for her than a good number of my co-workers. I just do not agree with that aspect of her life.
So your child comes to and says they are gay. According to some, we should welcome them and find out who they are having sex with and welcome them into our homes.
Has anyone here suggested that? I don’t know if you have teenage children or not, but let’s assume you have a 15-year-old daughter. Suppose she comes to you and says she is heterosexual (more likely by expressing an attraction toward boys than by saying “I’m heterosexual.”) Do you think any of us would suggest that you find out who she’s having sex with and welcome them into your home? Do you know anyone who would? Being homosexual does not imply having sex any more than being heterosexual implies having sex. It simply means being attracted to members of the same sex in the way that your teenage daughter is attracted to members of the opposite sex.
First, maybe you would want to ask your child why they feel this way, why they want to act out in this way and how old is their partner.
In my state it is a crime to have sex with anyone under 16.
Would you automatically assume that your 15-year-old daughter has a sex partner and ask the partner’s age?
Second, ask yourself what you say if your child was having sex with an adult? Would this change your view of their "lifestyle"?
What do you think? Would that change your view of your heterosexual 15-year-old daughter’s “lifestyle?”
Or what would you say if they said they were seducing/raping younger children.
What would you say if an older man were seducing/raping your daughter?
And what kind of gay person are they planning on being? There are many types and not all live healthy lifestyles — nor do they want to.
What kind of heterosexual person is your daughter planning on being? There are many types and not all live healthy lifestyles.
Are you knowledgeable enough about gay sex practices to counsel them about the consequences?
Are you knowledgeable enough about heterosexual practices to counsel your daughter about the consequences? (Everything homosexuals do is also done by heterosexuals.)
Will you ask your child to be celibate until they are an adult? How will/would you enforce it.
Back at you.
Would you deny them access to pornography or homoerotic literature so they can better express themselves?
Would you deny your daughter access to pornography or heteroerotic literature?
Now fill in some of these questions with drugs, alcohol, gossip, stealing, lying, cheating, and see what answers you get.
What do you get if you fill them in with heterosexuality?
You’d be offended as hell if I assumed that your heterosexual teenaged daughter is a slut. Well, consider the assumptions you are making about other people’s children.
No what is really silly is equating homosexuality with drugs, alcohol, gossip, stealing, lying and cheating, lust, possession etc etc etc.
First of all I counsel my child (whether straight or gay - I got one of each),regarding their treatment of other people and the consequences of any of their behaviors.
"According to some, we should welcome them and find out who they are having sex with and welcome them into our homes."
I say let's just let them have sex in our homes. After all that's all those homos and gays want to do anyway.
"First maybe you would want to ask your child why they feel this way, why they want to act out this way and how old is their partner?"
Let's see, she doesn't know why she is attracted to other girls, she just is. I asked the straight one why she is attracted to boys, she says she didn't know, she just is. The gay gals and straight kids that hang out with her are about her age. I try to discourage her dating older women. Unless of course they are rich older women.
In my state it is also a crime to have sex with a 16 year old whether you are straight or homosexual.
"Second ask yourslef what you would say if your child was having sex with an adult. Would this change your view of their lifestyle.?"
I would be concerned if either of my children were having sex with an adult.
"What would you say if they said they were seducing/raping younger children"
I'd say straight or gay, they belong in jail. That's perverted from any way you look at it. I did notice the last five or ten young girls that have been kidnapped, raped and murdered, had these atrocious acts commited on them by staight, white older males.
"And what kind of gay person are they planning to be? There are many types and not all live healthy lifestyles - nor do they want to."
DITTO with heterosexuals too, so that question is really invalid.
"Are you knowledgeable enough about gay practices to counsel them about the consequences?"
Yep, I counsel them both about being promiscuous and what repercussions could occur. Hey the one who is straight can get the same disease and consequences as the one that is gay. Actually the straight one could get pregnant, but I know how that happens, so I did counsel her on that.
"Will you ask your child to be celibate until they are an adult? How/will you enforce it?"
Will you ask your child to do the same and how will you enforce it?
"Would you deny them access to pornography or homoerotic literature so they can better express themselves?"
I don't have boys so I don't have to worry about them hiding in the bathroom with girlie magazines.
And filling in these questions with your list, doesn't make sense.
For the record I equated extremist type thinking with lust. Since I brought the word up (lust) I should clarify.
Lust is prevalent in our society whether it be for money, power or sex (hetero or homo). And it will block rational/logical thinking. And therefore understanding and wisdom will not be realized.
And btw, better be careful, seems some are deciding who goes to heaven, like they are the lord or something. :)--> lol...good thing the real Lord has it in His hands.
CM - good thing the real Lord has it in His hands. LOL and thanks CM - I needed that. I thank the Lord above every night that this great big old world is ultimately in his hands.
I am trying to tread carefully here, or maybe I am just treading water :)-->
Being homosexual does not imply having sex any more than being heterosexual implies having sex. It simply means being attracted to members of the same sex
Oh BS LG. Being homosexual does indicate a desire to have sex with the same sex. Just like being heterosexual. When I was attracted to girls in the seventh grade, I wanted to kiss 'em, and feel up their breasts, and maybe even go a little further if possible. I was and am hetero-SEX-ual, and this was and is my desire.
This is why gay people are called homo-SEX-ual...
The key word here is SEX, so don't try to cloud the issue. Hot, wet, gnarly SEX...
so if your child came home and said that they were gay, there out a here..wow, that's rough.
I have 3 sons, there are things that i to would not accept, them loving someone isin't one of those things.
i mean no disrepect (and remember you've got that apology)
sigh... I did not say I would kick them out. I simply said I would not accept that behavior. We have two children ages 15 and 18. There is a lot of behavior that is not accepted in hour house and some of it has been habitual. No one has ever been kicked out of the house.
I just want to put it on record, that I do not "hate homosexuals". I have a few women friends who are gay chicks, and I get along with them just fine. I drink beer with 'em and play pool with them, and our son plays with the son of one of them.
I don't preach at 'em, I don't tell them they are going to hell. At one time one of the gals asked me of my opinion of the gay thing, and carefully, I told her that I believed in the Bible, and that the Bible doesn't support such a lifestyle, and; "Should I go on?" I asked. And she said yes.
I told her that God loved her as much as He does me or anyone else, but that I believe that God says "No" to this lifestyle because He knows that it is not good for the participant, and etc. That His clearly saying "No" to it in the Bible was like a "stop sign" designed to protect the sojourner. I also told her that I wouldn't try to change her opinion, but if she had serious questions about the Bible's opinion of it all, I would be glad to provide it to her in an uncondemning, yet straightforward manner.
To this she said "thanks but no thanks", And I said "fine". I have far more respect for her than a good number of my co-workers. I just do not agree with that aspect of her life.
That's a very wise and loving way to present the truth Johnny.
So your child comes to and says they are gay. According to some, we should welcome them and find out who they are having sex with and welcome them into our homes.
Has anyone here suggested that?
Actually, yes. Sharon suggested it with the question she posed to Galen and me---three times.
So, you have 2 children, and one comes home and says they have a wonderful relationship it just happens to be with someone of the same sex, would you accept it? Would you love their partner?
That's how all this got started. Sharon thinks that if my son comes home and says he's in love with another boy I should say, "Gee son, I don't think that's right. The Bible says homosexuality is "against nature", a "vile affection", and "reprobate". But what the heck. I love you! Bring this fine young man in so he can meet the family!"
If we're talking about silly concepts, I'd like to nominate this one. Truth is truth unless it's contradicted by one of my darling children. Now THAT'S silly.
EX10 didn't say her daughter is gay. She said, "My most precious 15 year old daughter is having a hard time with Christianity and going to church.
Reason being, she has some gay friends. She says, she can't understand why all the Christians shun the gay kids at school." In the subsequent discussion, Outofdafog said her daughter is gay.
Note to Trefor.
You make a good point about the shellfish. But take a good look at Romans chapter one. Homosexuality is referred to as "vile affection" "that which is against nature", and "error" which results in personal consequences. The Biblical condemnation of homosexuality cannot honestly be tossed aside by singling out one word in Leviticus or comparing it to eating non-kosher food.
Note to Garth.
YOu asked why I quote the Bible if I'm not a fundamentalist. Good question sir. I don't belive the Bible is inerrant and without contradiction, so I think that disqualifies me as a fundamentalist. But I do believe that it's full of truth. And I have experienced physical healing on more than one occasion simply by meditating on scripture. Therefore I believe it's more than somebody's outdated opinion. And there's that little matter of speaking in tongues, which is explained only in the Bible, and manifested in my life.
Sooooo, it doesn't fit together perfectly according to my logic, but that doesn't mean I have to discount everything it says.
And even if it is only the opinions of Peter, Paul, & company, I'd have to say I trust the opinions of chosen Apostles of Jesus Christ much more than my own, or those of the average psychiatrist. In short, I've seen lots of logical conundrums in the Bible, but I've seen too much benefit from its words to be able to count them as worthless.
Oh my. Have a busy couple of days at work and look what happens....
Thanks, JerryB for clearing up the misconception. My daughter is not gay, just wondering how to reconcile her christian faith with being involved with gay friends because of her interest in theatre.
sheesh....I want to be a good parent and give her sound advice. I just thought maybe someone else here might've encountered the same issues. Guess I thought wrong. :)-->
I don't condone homosexuality. But I do believe in respecting all humans. I work with lotza gay people and I know exactly how I function and treat others, etc. and I'm totally okay with it, and so far, my colleagues are as well.
But I'm not 15 and trying to figure it all out. I thought maybe someone would have some words of wisdom concerning the whole subject.
Being homosexual does not imply having sex any more than being heterosexual implies having sex. It simply means being attracted to members of the same sex
Oh BS LG. Being homosexual does indicate a desire to have sex with the same sex. Just like being heterosexual.
Come on, Jonny, you can read and think better than that! I didn't say a thing about not having desires. I clearly said that being homosexual meant being attracted to members of the same sex. What the heck kind of attraction do you think I meant? Not gravitational, I assure you.
Do you have a young teenaged daughter? Is she attracted to boys but not to girls? Then she is heterosexual. Does that imply that she is having sex, and has been since she first became aware of her attraction to boys? Of course not! You'd be highly offended if we assumed that. You might want to think about that before you start making assumptions about other people's children.
Sorry about the missunderstanding. After reading so many post past midnight i guess the facts got all mixed up. But still honesty always wins. I have friends that i just don't mix together . I know some of them just don't click for many reasons. It is the love of God she has in heart that allows her to be friends with anyone she pleases. She sees the good in people and that's what counts.
Since romans 1 has come up let's look at a couple of key scriptures in it;
Romans 1
21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
1st of all "when they knew God". So who is to judge that?
2nd "worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator"
now there's a big topic
3rd "Who changed the truth of God into a lie"
Yeah "knew God" don't underestimate what that means
it's more then knowing scripture
many know scripture but do not know God
"the truth of God" tell me, who has known this.
Most are still searching for it.
To change truth to a lie, you must have the truth first.
Watch that you don't take Romans 1 to extremes and hang yourself
(figuratively of course-don't take that literally and go hanging yourself).
Originally posted by ex10:...just wondering how to reconcile her christian faith with being involved with gay friends because of her interest in theatre.
If I may offer some simplistic advise, she should:
Enjoy her theatre experiences.
Enjoy her friends, gay and straight.
Don't have sex, gay or straight - wait 'til you're an adult (preferably married). As Jack Handey says, "I believe in making the world safe for children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." :)-->
But I'm not 15 and trying to figure it all out
Ah yes - Didn't we all feel the weight of the world at that age? I know I did, (or at least the weight of the future) and was looking earnestly for some sort of answers that made sense. I thought I might have found some in a class I took given by a Midwestern preacher. -->
In the end, she will get her cues and clues from you, not only your answers, but how you view and treat people. And I think it's wonderful she comes to you with these kinds of questions. It indicates the lines of communication are open, regardless of the conclusions to which you both come.
Excerpt from letter in July 1994 to the Way Corps declaring war on homosexuals. The author is Loy Craig Martinadale (now former President of the Way International.
I would like to say to you "closet homosexuals" in the corps household that you better run, because you cannot hide! If I have to take on personally
continued....if I have to take on every corps fellowship in this country and world to smoke this out, then I will. You will be exposed and embarrassed and flushed; so you might as well make up your mind to get out now. Even you who are genuinely convicted of your terrible behavior and finally and genuinely want help, you will probably still be dropped from the Corps household because you have lied to God and me and your Corps brothers and sisters for so many years to justify your insane thinking and sneaky behavior. However, that is not the end of the world if you genuinely want help...we could still allow you to be a part of Way ministry fellowships, although not in the corps household; and perhaps somewhere down the road you could do the corps again and do it clean and proper and pure in your thinking.
Remember that the Words says homos are the "lowest of the people" and that certainly is true. You femal fags, called lesbians, might as well have dogs lick your slimy t*ats as another woman! You wimp-foot fag men who still think that somehow you have the right to take the grace of God in vain, might as well be corn-holing hourses with your dung-infested d*icks. Thats the way I feel about you and your thoughts and repugnancy. You are an abomination to God and the household of the Way Corps and The Way Ministry. You are detestable, and despicable and repugnant and worthy of death. You are so far beyond saltiness that you are the ultimate illustration of being worthless and not even fit for the dunghill. You are liars to God and His Word and a total disgrace to everything God did in Jesus Christ to bring the Corps training to you. I want these fag-foot, lilly-livered, rump-ranger, butt-pirate, turd-burblar, pillow-biter slime balls out of the Corps household..................
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JohnnyBuck -
One thing you want to keep in mind is that when you install smileycentral on your computer, you are installing a bunch of spyware at the same time.
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I understand that it's just a little bit of spyware
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J0nny Ling0
I just want to put it on record, that I do not "hate homosexuals". I have a few women friends who are gay chicks, and I get along with them just fine. I drink beer with 'em and play pool with them, and our son plays with the son of one of them.
I don't preach at 'em, I don't tell them they are going to hell. At one time one of the gals asked me of my opinion of the gay thing, and carefully, I told her that I believed in the Bible, and that the Bible doesn't support such a lifestyle, and; "Should I go on?" I asked. And she said yes.
I told her that God loved her as much as He does me or anyone else, but that I believe that God says "No" to this lifestyle because He knows that it is not good for the participant, and etc. That His clearly saying "No" to it in the Bible was like a "stop sign" designed to protect the sojourner. I also told her that I wouldn't try to change her opinion, but if she had serious questions about the Bible's opinion of it all, I would be glad to provide it to her in an uncondemning, yet straightforward manner.
To this she said "thanks but no thanks", And I said "fine". I have far more respect for her than a good number of my co-workers. I just do not agree with that aspect of her life.
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J0nny Ling0
Oh, why thank you Oldies, Steve! But I think I'll pass.
I'm not that smart when it comes to all of that. Just reading your instructions seemed a bit hazy...But thanks!
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You’d be offended as hell if I assumed that your heterosexual teenaged daughter is a slut. Well, consider the assumptions you are making about other people’s children.
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No what is really silly is equating homosexuality with drugs, alcohol, gossip, stealing, lying and cheating, lust, possession etc etc etc.
First of all I counsel my child (whether straight or gay - I got one of each),regarding their treatment of other people and the consequences of any of their behaviors.
"According to some, we should welcome them and find out who they are having sex with and welcome them into our homes."
I say let's just let them have sex in our homes. After all that's all those homos and gays want to do anyway.
"First maybe you would want to ask your child why they feel this way, why they want to act out this way and how old is their partner?"
Let's see, she doesn't know why she is attracted to other girls, she just is. I asked the straight one why she is attracted to boys, she says she didn't know, she just is. The gay gals and straight kids that hang out with her are about her age. I try to discourage her dating older women. Unless of course they are rich older women.
In my state it is also a crime to have sex with a 16 year old whether you are straight or homosexual.
"Second ask yourslef what you would say if your child was having sex with an adult. Would this change your view of their lifestyle.?"
I would be concerned if either of my children were having sex with an adult.
"What would you say if they said they were seducing/raping younger children"
I'd say straight or gay, they belong in jail. That's perverted from any way you look at it. I did notice the last five or ten young girls that have been kidnapped, raped and murdered, had these atrocious acts commited on them by staight, white older males.
"And what kind of gay person are they planning to be? There are many types and not all live healthy lifestyles - nor do they want to."
DITTO with heterosexuals too, so that question is really invalid.
"Are you knowledgeable enough about gay practices to counsel them about the consequences?"
Yep, I counsel them both about being promiscuous and what repercussions could occur. Hey the one who is straight can get the same disease and consequences as the one that is gay. Actually the straight one could get pregnant, but I know how that happens, so I did counsel her on that.
"Will you ask your child to be celibate until they are an adult? How/will you enforce it?"
Will you ask your child to do the same and how will you enforce it?
"Would you deny them access to pornography or homoerotic literature so they can better express themselves?"
I don't have boys so I don't have to worry about them hiding in the bathroom with girlie magazines.
And filling in these questions with your list, doesn't make sense.
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For the record I equated extremist type thinking with lust. Since I brought the word up (lust) I should clarify.
Lust is prevalent in our society whether it be for money, power or sex (hetero or homo). And it will block rational/logical thinking. And therefore understanding and wisdom will not be realized.
And btw, better be careful, seems some are deciding who goes to heaven, like they are the lord or something.
:)--> lol...good thing the real Lord has it in His hands.
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Trefor Heywood
The translators of the Bible called it an abomination.
The same word is used of several things you would not think abominable - eating shellfish and wearing mixed fibres for example.
Just shows how we can be selective and fit things to our own views doesn't it.
So easy to get God to speak in terms we personally agree with.
What I would term the Mrs Proudie Syndrome
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CM - good thing the real Lord has it in His hands. LOL and thanks CM - I needed that. I thank the Lord above every night that this great big old world is ultimately in his hands.
I am trying to tread carefully here, or maybe I am just treading water
Long gone - thanks for your kind ways
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J0nny Ling0
Long Gone said;
Oh BS LG. Being homosexual does indicate a desire to have sex with the same sex. Just like being heterosexual. When I was attracted to girls in the seventh grade, I wanted to kiss 'em, and feel up their breasts, and maybe even go a little further if possible. I was and am hetero-SEX-ual, and this was and is my desire.
This is why gay people are called homo-SEX-ual...
The key word here is SEX, so don't try to cloud the issue. Hot, wet, gnarly SEX...
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sigh... I did not say I would kick them out. I simply said I would not accept that behavior. We have two children ages 15 and 18. There is a lot of behavior that is not accepted in hour house and some of it has been habitual. No one has ever been kicked out of the house.
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That's a very wise and loving way to present the truth Johnny.
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Actually, yes. Sharon suggested it with the question she posed to Galen and me---three times.
That's how all this got started. Sharon thinks that if my son comes home and says he's in love with another boy I should say, "Gee son, I don't think that's right. The Bible says homosexuality is "against nature", a "vile affection", and "reprobate". But what the heck. I love you! Bring this fine young man in so he can meet the family!"
If we're talking about silly concepts, I'd like to nominate this one. Truth is truth unless it's contradicted by one of my darling children. Now THAT'S silly.
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Note to Lilly;
EX10 didn't say her daughter is gay. She said, "My most precious 15 year old daughter is having a hard time with Christianity and going to church.
Reason being, she has some gay friends. She says, she can't understand why all the Christians shun the gay kids at school." In the subsequent discussion, Outofdafog said her daughter is gay.
Note to Trefor.
You make a good point about the shellfish. But take a good look at Romans chapter one. Homosexuality is referred to as "vile affection" "that which is against nature", and "error" which results in personal consequences. The Biblical condemnation of homosexuality cannot honestly be tossed aside by singling out one word in Leviticus or comparing it to eating non-kosher food.
Note to Garth.
YOu asked why I quote the Bible if I'm not a fundamentalist. Good question sir. I don't belive the Bible is inerrant and without contradiction, so I think that disqualifies me as a fundamentalist. But I do believe that it's full of truth. And I have experienced physical healing on more than one occasion simply by meditating on scripture. Therefore I believe it's more than somebody's outdated opinion. And there's that little matter of speaking in tongues, which is explained only in the Bible, and manifested in my life.
Sooooo, it doesn't fit together perfectly according to my logic, but that doesn't mean I have to discount everything it says.
And even if it is only the opinions of Peter, Paul, & company, I'd have to say I trust the opinions of chosen Apostles of Jesus Christ much more than my own, or those of the average psychiatrist. In short, I've seen lots of logical conundrums in the Bible, but I've seen too much benefit from its words to be able to count them as worthless.
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Oh my. Have a busy couple of days at work and look what happens....
Thanks, JerryB for clearing up the misconception. My daughter is not gay, just wondering how to reconcile her christian faith with being involved with gay friends because of her interest in theatre.
sheesh....I want to be a good parent and give her sound advice. I just thought maybe someone else here might've encountered the same issues. Guess I thought wrong.
I don't condone homosexuality. But I do believe in respecting all humans. I work with lotza gay people and I know exactly how I function and treat others, etc. and I'm totally okay with it, and so far, my colleagues are as well.
But I'm not 15 and trying to figure it all out. I thought maybe someone would have some words of wisdom concerning the whole subject.
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Do you have a young teenaged daughter? Is she attracted to boys but not to girls? Then she is heterosexual. Does that imply that she is having sex, and has been since she first became aware of her attraction to boys? Of course not! You'd be highly offended if we assumed that. You might want to think about that before you start making assumptions about other people's children.
Edited by LGLink to comment
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Sorry about the missunderstanding. After reading so many post past midnight i guess the facts got all mixed up. But still honesty always wins. I have friends that i just don't mix together . I know some of them just don't click for many reasons. It is the love of God she has in heart that allows her to be friends with anyone she pleases. She sees the good in people and that's what counts.
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Since romans 1 has come up let's look at a couple of key scriptures in it;
Romans 1
21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
1st of all "when they knew God". So who is to judge that?
2nd "worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator"
now there's a big topic
3rd "Who changed the truth of God into a lie"
Yeah "knew God" don't underestimate what that means
it's more then knowing scripture
many know scripture but do not know God
"the truth of God" tell me, who has known this.
Most are still searching for it.
To change truth to a lie, you must have the truth first.
Watch that you don't take Romans 1 to extremes and hang yourself
(figuratively of course-don't take that literally and go hanging yourself).
Just a little advise-take it or leave it...
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If I may offer some simplistic advise, she should:
Enjoy her theatre experiences.
Enjoy her friends, gay and straight.
Don't have sex, gay or straight - wait 'til you're an adult (preferably married). As Jack Handey says, "I believe in making the world safe for children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex."
Ah yes - Didn't we all feel the weight of the world at that age? I know I did, (or at least the weight of the future) and was looking earnestly for some sort of answers that made sense. I thought I might have found some in a class I took given by a Midwestern preacher.
In the end, she will get her cues and clues from you, not only your answers, but how you view and treat people. And I think it's wonderful she comes to you with these kinds of questions. It indicates the lines of communication are open, regardless of the conclusions to which you both come.
What a wonderful treasure that is!
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Excerpt from letter in July 1994 to the Way Corps declaring war on homosexuals. The author is Loy Craig Martinadale (now former President of the Way International.
I would like to say to you "closet homosexuals" in the corps household that you better run, because you cannot hide! If I have to take on personally
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continued....if I have to take on every corps fellowship in this country and world to smoke this out, then I will. You will be exposed and embarrassed and flushed; so you might as well make up your mind to get out now. Even you who are genuinely convicted of your terrible behavior and finally and genuinely want help, you will probably still be dropped from the Corps household because you have lied to God and me and your Corps brothers and sisters for so many years to justify your insane thinking and sneaky behavior. However, that is not the end of the world if you genuinely want help...we could still allow you to be a part of Way ministry fellowships, although not in the corps household; and perhaps somewhere down the road you could do the corps again and do it clean and proper and pure in your thinking.
Remember that the Words says homos are the "lowest of the people" and that certainly is true. You femal fags, called lesbians, might as well have dogs lick your slimy t*ats as another woman! You wimp-foot fag men who still think that somehow you have the right to take the grace of God in vain, might as well be corn-holing hourses with your dung-infested d*icks. Thats the way I feel about you and your thoughts and repugnancy. You are an abomination to God and the household of the Way Corps and The Way Ministry. You are detestable, and despicable and repugnant and worthy of death. You are so far beyond saltiness that you are the ultimate illustration of being worthless and not even fit for the dunghill. You are liars to God and His Word and a total disgrace to everything God did in Jesus Christ to bring the Corps training to you. I want these fag-foot, lilly-livered, rump-ranger, butt-pirate, turd-burblar, pillow-biter slime balls out of the Corps household..................
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Me thinks he doth protest TOO MUCH.......
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This type of hate is frightening.....
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J0nny Ling0
Wow. That really was disgusting.
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