It's based upon years of observation and experience cm.
But the biggest difference is that I am not dogmatic nor do I make judgements based upon misinterpretations and mistranslations of a book that could only have been perfect at original point of delivery. Nor do I take the fulminations of those who claim to speak for the Creator at face value.
I try to compare like with like and not throw in red herrings of comparisons that try to equate unrelated things.
Sexuality is not related to drug dependence or kleptomania def. Nor is there any such thing as one type of "lifestyle". Outside of sexual acts the gay lifestyle is very similar to that of anyone else.
So then will this "God's Love" thing also work on my fatass? I know it's not God's will I have a fatass...I'm guessing it must work on all things not God's will... Will it also work on the minds of people who think homosexuality is a sin because I am sure it is God's will that we not judge. So if we take "God's love" then will we all automatically stop having fatasses, drinking, taking drugs and having certain kinds of sex? Man oh Manichevitz does that sound sweet!
Can I get this God's love in pill form or injections?
It's not a sin to have a fatass. Or a skinny
What could be a sin is to drive people away from God by telling them that they are "possessed" or spiritually manipulated. When they DO NOT know what they are talking about.
Have they ever faced a demon? Have they ever faced their own demons? If they did they wouldn't be talking about it on this forum-that's for sure.
Tell you what-when we get to heaven there's neither male nor female....
I can't believe you said this because I brought up the exact thing in another gay thread and no one wanted to respond to it. As a matter of fact I was told by at least one poster, one didn't have anything to do with the other.
I am hearing you when you talk about if anyone had to face a true demon, as Jesus Christ, they would be hightailing it in another direction.
The true spiritual realities that are on going are really beyond our spiritual comprehension.
It's based upon years of observation and experience cm.
But the biggest difference is that I am not dogmatic nor do I make judgements based upon misinterpretations and mistranslations of a book that could only have been perfect at original point of delivery. Nor do I take the fulminations of those who claim to speak for the Creator at face value.
I try to compare like with like and not throw in red herrings of comparisons that try to equate unrelated things.
Sexuality is not related to drug dependence or kleptomania def. Nor is there any such thing as one type of "lifestyle". Outside of sexual acts the gay lifestyle is very similar to that of anyone else.
But the gays want to slap our faces with their lifestyle, so it must go deeper than that.
I would say deviant sexuality can be a symptom or a source of other problems.
Look at children who are molested, they often exhibit other dangerous behaviors. It takes years of counseling to get them through their ordeals.
Look at the yo-yos from NAMBLA who want to legalize and normalize adults having sex with kids. They are criminals masquerading behind the "gay lifestyle" smokescreen.
But the gays want to slap our faces with their lifestyle, so it must go deeper than that.
How do they do this? As far as I can tell, all that the gay rights movement is trying to do is to be on equal footing with heterosexuals. If anyone is putting their sexuality in anyone's faces, it's heterosexuals. When I go to the Border's or Barnes and Nobles bookstores on the weekends, the seating areas are always makeout places for teenagers (note to ex10, don't let your daughter go do "homework" at those places on the weekend if you don't know that is what happens there) and legit customers who simply want to sit and read have nowhere to go. This is a direct result of heterosexuals infringing on my time and space, and forcing their sexuality on my surroundings in public. This does not mean that I oppose heterosexuality, since I am straight myself, but I don't like people doing stuff like that which affects the public negatively.
On the other hand, if I were to see two men walking down the street holding hands or cuddling, I would not be harmed by it. Sure, they are acting gay in public (sort of like George W. Bush does with the Saudis) but it doesn't affect me.
Originally posted by def59:
I would say deviant sexuality can be a symptom or a source of other problems.
Look at children who are molested, they often exhibit other dangerous behaviors. It takes years of counseling to get them through their ordeals.
On the other hand, if people are gay they are harassed and told that they are not normal and deviant, so they grow up with mental problems as well. If someone is gay and their parents hate them and kick them out of their house as a child, they will grow up with problems. Since being homosexual is considered to be horribly wrong in our culture, this happens a lot, and thus the numbers of homosexuals with mental illnesses is higher than the number of heterosexuals with mental illnesses. There's no proof that the actual homosexuality is the cause of them, but rather how others behave with them and treat them.
Originally posted by def59:
Look at the yo-yos from NAMBLA who want to legalize and normalize adults having sex with kids. They are criminals masquerading behind the "gay lifestyle" smokescreen.
There are straight "NAMBLA-styled" groups as well. Would you feel any better if 50 year old men were wanting to go after your teenage girls? The thing that is so offensive is that they target children who are not responsible enough to make their own decisions in life and have an instinctive trust of adults that gets breached.
"Gays want to slap our faces with their lifestyle"...
Mr PM has already made some good comments here. If you want to define sexuality as a "lifestyle" def you have to ignore all the other usages of that word which define it far better. A gay lifestyle involves doing and liking a helluvalot of things that any other lifestyle does. Def, if you deny equality, at least on a secular level then you are slapping faces far harder than you think. You also do it when you raise red herrings of extremes whilst conveniently forgetting the extremes some heterosexuals get up to - most kiddie porn has been heterosexual for instance.
"Gays want to slap our faces with their lifestyle"...
Well gosh, really, how many gays do you encounter in a day's time that "slap it in your face"? And again, just remember, every gay man you meet doesn't want to sleep with you, nor does every gay woman or girl you meet wants to sleep with you. They do have their standards also. Chances are you are hearing this on the news or reading it in the newspaper. The media has a way of "exaggerating" things because of the repetitive nature of their reporting.
So they have a gay pride parade, don't listen to it, turn to another channel. That's your right as a God-fearing American.
My child's life-style is pretty much as normal as the next teen. I don't have any problems that a mother or father wouldn't face with a heterosexual child.
I do have to remember though not to allow girls to come over and have a slumber party. Boys are okay. And if you think that is sick or perverted, spend some time really listening to the news about parents killing their children. According to LCM, homo's don't deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us. I say parents who murder their children don't deserve their next breath. You can't even begin to compare the two.
....and for everything else there is MasterCard...
 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Do we want to condemn anyone to a life separated from God just because some in society say that alternative lifestyles are OK?
did ya see that part about slanderers? i sure hope you have received an audible okay from God regarding all your judgements of others. Or according to you - you will spend eternity in the company of those you rail against...
Clearly one where the translators have tried to put the worst possible slant on the Greek to suit their own viewpoint.
It sure as hell aint the KJV.
I quote from Dr Rembert Truluck:
The English word "homosexual" is a composite word made from a Greek term (homo, "the same") and a Latin term (sexualis , "sex"). The term "homosexual" is of modern origin and was not used until about 100 years ago. There is no word in biblical Greek or Hebrew that is parallel to the word "homosexual." No Bible before the Revised Standard Version in 1946 used "homosexual" in any Bible translation.
The word translated as "homosexual" or "sexual pervert" or some other similar term is Greek arsenokoites, which was formed from two words meaning "male" and "bed". This word is not found anywhere else in the Bible and has not been found anywhere in the contemporary Greek of Paul's time. We do not know what it means. The word is obscure and uncertain. It probably refers to male prostitutes with female customers, which was a common practice in the Roman world, as revealed in the excavations at Pompeii and other sites.
When early Greek speaking Christian preachers condemned homosexuality, they did not use this word. John Chrysostom (A.D. 345-407) preached in Greek against homosexuality, but he never used this word for homosexuals, and when he preached on 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10, he did not mention homosexuals. See the full discussion of this in John Boswell's book: Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality - Appendix 1, "Lexicography and Saint Paul," pages 335-353.
"Soft" does not mean "effeminate." The word translated "effeminate in 1 Corinthians 6:9 is Greek malakoi and means "soft" or "vulnerable." The word is translated as "soft" in reference to clothing in Matthew 11:8 and Luke 7:25 and as "illness" in Matthew 4:23 and 9:35. It is not used anywhere else in the New Testament and carries no hint of reference to sexual orientation. Malakoi in 1 Corinthians 6:9 probably refers those who are "soft," "pliable," "unreliable," or "without courage or stability." The translation of malakoi as "effeminate" is incorrect, ignorant, degrading to women, and impossible to justify based on ancient usage compared to the meaning of "effeminate" today.
This incorrect rendering of malakoi and arsenokoites as references to gender orientation has been disastrous for millions of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual people. This mistaken translation has enlisted a mighty army of ignorant religious fanatics against homosexual people and has turned many Lesbians and Gays against the Bible, which holds for them as for all people the good news of God's love in Christ.
Evil homophobic Bible "translations from hell" must not go unchallenged. The use of these translations by ignorant religious bigots to incite fear and hate against Gays demands a clear, academically sound, credible and easily understood response. Material given in this web site is only a beginning. Every Bible word that has been incorrectly used to wound, alienate and oppress people must be examined in detail and carefully exposed. God has called us to return the Bible to the oppressed and outcast people for whom it was written.
So as you can see it is dishonest to use modern words which did not exist at the time and to try to make an obscure passage fit with one's own prejudices.
One of the first problems asexuals face is understanding themselves. During teenage years most of an asexual's friends will be getting interested in romantic relationships and sex. Some teenagers will be realising that they may be gay/lesbian/bisexual, and struggling with the pressures of being "non-straight". Asexual teenagers may be aware they are not attracted to the opposite gender and assume they must be gay, others may be aware they aren't attracted to the same gender and assume they must be straight, others find themselves equally (un)attracted to both and assume they are bisexual. It can be very difficult to discover that you are asexual, as it is more difficult to discover something that isn't there (no sexual attraction), than something that is (sexual attraction to a particular gender). Many asexuals assume they must be "late bloomers" and wait for sexual attraction to develop, others try out sexual relationships and find them problematic.
Sexual desire and attraction are considered universal so it can be very difficult for asexuals and others to even consider it possible to be without them. Asexuality is not well-known, unlike homosexuality, so many asexuals don't know there is a word for the way are. Many asexuals go for years believing something is wrong with them, or that they are the only person who is asexual. Discovering other asexuals on the net or in real life, or being told about asexuality can be a major revalation.
Being asexual is sometimes seen as "easier" than being sexual, and some people think that asexuals lead simple, happy lives without the stress brought by problematic relationships. This not the case at all. Being asexual brings a slightly different set of problems including:
negotiating life as a single in a world of couples
negotiating sexual and/or asexual relationships with non-asexual others
problems associated with coming out
not coming out and feeling like you cannot be yourself
feeling overwhelmed by or learning to ignore the emphasis on sex in modern life
feeling isolated as the only asexual you know
Coming out can be difficult for an asexual as it usually involves spending a lot of time trying to explain what asexuality is. It can sometimes be difficult to understand and cope with others reactions. There is more on the different ways people can react to asexuality and more on the kind af relationships asexuals have
Home What is asexuality? Why are people asexual? What is being asexual like? Science and asexuality Links and resources Questions and answers Sitemap
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What other choice do you have?
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Trefor Heywood
It's based upon years of observation and experience cm.
But the biggest difference is that I am not dogmatic nor do I make judgements based upon misinterpretations and mistranslations of a book that could only have been perfect at original point of delivery. Nor do I take the fulminations of those who claim to speak for the Creator at face value.
I try to compare like with like and not throw in red herrings of comparisons that try to equate unrelated things.
Sexuality is not related to drug dependence or kleptomania def. Nor is there any such thing as one type of "lifestyle". Outside of sexual acts the gay lifestyle is very similar to that of anyone else.
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God's love can overpower "sin".
And yes homosexuality is a sin, but so are a lot of things. SO WHAT! And much many more worse sins are around then that.
"years of observation and experience"
And who has a better understanding of it?
Perhaps taking a fresh look at it would help Trefor. From outside your own self and what you want.
I can't give you or anyone answers. You have to see it for yourself.
Tell you what-when we get to heaven there's neither male nor female....
Def-"But God's love does not call for accepting or tolerating sin" Noone is saying that Def.
Talking about loving people.
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So then will this "God's Love" thing also work on my fatass? I know it's not God's will I have a fatass...I'm guessing it must work on all things not God's will... Will it also work on the minds of people who think homosexuality is a sin because I am sure it is God's will that we not judge. So if we take "God's love" then will we all automatically stop having fatasses, drinking, taking drugs and having certain kinds of sex? Man oh Manichevitz does that sound sweet!
Can I get this God's love in pill form or injections?
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lol karmicdept....
It's not a sin to have a fatass. Or a skinny
What could be a sin is to drive people away from God by telling them that they are "possessed" or spiritually manipulated. When they DO NOT know what they are talking about.
Have they ever faced a demon? Have they ever faced their own demons? If they did they wouldn't be talking about it on this forum-that's for sure.
Consider Jesus and the love he showed...
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def59 What other choices do I have then? You are asking me to love my child conditionally.
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Trust me I have thought about this for a couple years now. Here are some my options:
a) kick her out of the house until she swears off homosexuality
b) have her prayed over by the pedophile priest down the road
c) make her wear a scarlett L
d) have the "demons" exercised" out of her by the current pope
e) take her to church and have her confess her "sin" in front of a bunch of strangers
f) pay a therapist $100.00 an hour to convince her she is not who she really says she is
g) tell her I wished I had never given birth to her, that she is defective
h) burn her as a steak, oops I meant "at the stake"
i) how about public humiliation in the square down town, that will teach her
.....and for everything else, there is MasterCard
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It's always right to love...
You are a great example of that outofdafog.
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CM thank you, that was sweet of you to say
I can't believe you said this because I brought up the exact thing in another gay thread and no one wanted to respond to it. As a matter of fact I was told by at least one poster, one didn't have anything to do with the other.
I am hearing you when you talk about if anyone had to face a true demon, as Jesus Christ, they would be hightailing it in another direction.
The true spiritual realities that are on going are really beyond our spiritual comprehension.
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But the gays want to slap our faces with their lifestyle, so it must go deeper than that.
I would say deviant sexuality can be a symptom or a source of other problems.
Look at children who are molested, they often exhibit other dangerous behaviors. It takes years of counseling to get them through their ordeals.
Look at the yo-yos from NAMBLA who want to legalize and normalize adults having sex with kids. They are criminals masquerading behind the "gay lifestyle" smokescreen.
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Mister P-Mosh
How do they do this? As far as I can tell, all that the gay rights movement is trying to do is to be on equal footing with heterosexuals. If anyone is putting their sexuality in anyone's faces, it's heterosexuals. When I go to the Border's or Barnes and Nobles bookstores on the weekends, the seating areas are always makeout places for teenagers (note to ex10, don't let your daughter go do "homework" at those places on the weekend if you don't know that is what happens there) and legit customers who simply want to sit and read have nowhere to go. This is a direct result of heterosexuals infringing on my time and space, and forcing their sexuality on my surroundings in public. This does not mean that I oppose heterosexuality, since I am straight myself, but I don't like people doing stuff like that which affects the public negatively.
On the other hand, if I were to see two men walking down the street holding hands or cuddling, I would not be harmed by it. Sure, they are acting gay in public (sort of like George W. Bush does with the Saudis) but it doesn't affect me.
On the other hand, if people are gay they are harassed and told that they are not normal and deviant, so they grow up with mental problems as well. If someone is gay and their parents hate them and kick them out of their house as a child, they will grow up with problems. Since being homosexual is considered to be horribly wrong in our culture, this happens a lot, and thus the numbers of homosexuals with mental illnesses is higher than the number of heterosexuals with mental illnesses. There's no proof that the actual homosexuality is the cause of them, but rather how others behave with them and treat them.
There are straight "NAMBLA-styled" groups as well. Would you feel any better if 50 year old men were wanting to go after your teenage girls? The thing that is so offensive is that they target children who are not responsible enough to make their own decisions in life and have an instinctive trust of adults that gets breached.
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Trefor Heywood
"Gays want to slap our faces with their lifestyle"...
Mr PM has already made some good comments here. If you want to define sexuality as a "lifestyle" def you have to ignore all the other usages of that word which define it far better. A gay lifestyle involves doing and liking a helluvalot of things that any other lifestyle does. Def, if you deny equality, at least on a secular level then you are slapping faces far harder than you think. You also do it when you raise red herrings of extremes whilst conveniently forgetting the extremes some heterosexuals get up to - most kiddie porn has been heterosexual for instance.
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I thought about that after I wrote that. Maybe it could be called something like:
def - you never answered my question - what's a mother to do?
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Well gosh, really, how many gays do you encounter in a day's time that "slap it in your face"? And again, just remember, every gay man you meet doesn't want to sleep with you, nor does every gay woman or girl you meet wants to sleep with you. They do have their standards also. Chances are you are hearing this on the news or reading it in the newspaper. The media has a way of "exaggerating" things because of the repetitive nature of their reporting.
So they have a gay pride parade, don't listen to it, turn to another channel. That's your right as a God-fearing American.
My child's life-style is pretty much as normal as the next teen. I don't have any problems that a mother or father wouldn't face with a heterosexual child.
I do have to remember though not to allow girls to come over and have a slumber party. Boys are okay. And if you think that is sick or perverted, spend some time really listening to the news about parents killing their children. According to LCM, homo's don't deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us. I say parents who murder their children don't deserve their next breath. You can't even begin to compare the two.
....and for everything else there is MasterCard...
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Here's the passage that sums up my statements
1 Cor. 6:9-10.
 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Do we want to condemn anyone to a life separated from God just because some in society say that alternative lifestyles are OK?
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God is way bigger than my actions or lack thereof.
Didn't God say that he who hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be filled?
If someone is separated from God, it is that person him or herself that is doing the separating, not me, and NOT God.
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all in all it's just a
'nother brick in the wall
-Pink Floyd
hang in there outof
whats those about no unclean person will inherit...all have sinned...
ya know the other ones that count everyone out of life
and they SLAPPED him again and said "which way did the spirit go"
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did ya see that part about slanderers? i sure hope you have received an audible okay from God regarding all your judgements of others. Or according to you - you will spend eternity in the company of those you rail against...
we all have our karmic debt to pay...
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Trefor Heywood
Which version did you choose for Corinthians def?
Clearly one where the translators have tried to put the worst possible slant on the Greek to suit their own viewpoint.
It sure as hell aint the KJV.
I quote from Dr Rembert Truluck:
So as you can see it is dishonest to use modern words which did not exist at the time and to try to make an obscure passage fit with one's own prejudices.
NO wonder gay people get turned off!
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Does this gentleman have a website trefor? If so could you post the URL address?
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allan would you hate your wife if she had a hairy chest!!
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Crud Mr. P.
Barnes and Noble in The Woodlands is a major teen-age hangout. Thanks for the heads up.
By the way, so is Starbucks in Panter Creek. If I cussed, I think I'd be using major cuss words here.
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What about asexual teenagers??? :
What is being asexual like?
One of the first problems asexuals face is understanding themselves. During teenage years most of an asexual's friends will be getting interested in romantic relationships and sex. Some teenagers will be realising that they may be gay/lesbian/bisexual, and struggling with the pressures of being "non-straight". Asexual teenagers may be aware they are not attracted to the opposite gender and assume they must be gay, others may be aware they aren't attracted to the same gender and assume they must be straight, others find themselves equally (un)attracted to both and assume they are bisexual. It can be very difficult to discover that you are asexual, as it is more difficult to discover something that isn't there (no sexual attraction), than something that is (sexual attraction to a particular gender). Many asexuals assume they must be "late bloomers" and wait for sexual attraction to develop, others try out sexual relationships and find them problematic.
Sexual desire and attraction are considered universal so it can be very difficult for asexuals and others to even consider it possible to be without them. Asexuality is not well-known, unlike homosexuality, so many asexuals don't know there is a word for the way are. Many asexuals go for years believing something is wrong with them, or that they are the only person who is asexual. Discovering other asexuals on the net or in real life, or being told about asexuality can be a major revalation.
Being asexual is sometimes seen as "easier" than being sexual, and some people think that asexuals lead simple, happy lives without the stress brought by problematic relationships. This not the case at all. Being asexual brings a slightly different set of problems including:
negotiating life as a single in a world of couples
negotiating sexual and/or asexual relationships with non-asexual others
problems associated with coming out
not coming out and feeling like you cannot be yourself
feeling overwhelmed by or learning to ignore the emphasis on sex in modern life
feeling isolated as the only asexual you know
Coming out can be difficult for an asexual as it usually involves spending a lot of time trying to explain what asexuality is. It can sometimes be difficult to understand and cope with others reactions. There is more on the different ways people can react to asexuality and more on the kind af relationships asexuals have
Home What is asexuality? Why are people asexual? What is being asexual like? Science and asexuality Links and resources Questions and answers Sitemap
just a thot worth something or nothing
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