I am sure that some gay people have been turned into alcoholics due to the pressures and neuroses that have been thrust upon them.
Coping mechanisms do vary considerably regarding how they handle their lives, some can emerge positive and unscathed (such as myself) but for others the way they are viewed and treated gets too much.
Maybe it is on the whole easier for kids to grow up gay today, but just as hard in a religious family or environment as it ever was. Religion has alas too often been the enemy of human progress and understanding and the simpleness of Christianity's essentials get hidden by the rules, regulations and thoughts of men who cite God as their ally and inspiration.
We need to fight theocracies wherever we find them - they are simply tools of oppression and self-aggrandisement.
Yes drunkenness is a sin or broken fellowship, but when people realize that such is their state, they also are the first to tell you that it is bad. They know it is bad.
"There are many,many alcholics in denial about their problem and will refuse to acknowledge the damage they have caused ..."
"... but when people realize that such is their state, they also are the first to tell you that it is bad. They know it is bad."
When they finally realize that they are alcoholics, then ...
But until that happens they live in denial. Or not, I have known a guys for whom it is really hard to say. The government's policy that anyone who has one alcohol related injury or accident is now an alcoholic. Seems a bit over the top. [to me]
I have never had any alcohol-related injuries or automobile accidents. When I drink, I drink alone. I dont drive and I dont operate tools. I dont get into fights with Bonnie or anyone for that matter.
My doctors ask me about my level of drinking every 6 months when I go in for a follow-up. I tell them: one glass of wine at dinner every night, and one fifth of rum every week. Which is well within the norms for my group. They monitor my "liver-function-panel" carefully every time I go in. But so long as I have never injured myself, or injure anyone else, or argue with anyone, and my liver is doing fine; then they really can't suggest that I do any less. And they often tell me this.
I have worked with many guys who were labeled as 'alcoholic'. It rarely had anything to do with the quantity of how much they drank. But rather the effect drinking had on them, and what they did once they had drank.
"They monitor my "liver-function-panel" carefully every time I go in. But so long as I have never injured myself or anyone else, or argue with anyone, and my liver is doing fine; then they really can't suggest that I do any less."
So as long as homosexuals are having their periodic health check-ups, aren't hurting themselves or anyone else, are not arguing with any one and their genitals are doing fine, then no one can suggest that they do anything different.
Apparently you are not able to extend the same courtesy to their lifestlye as you are to your own.....
things that make you go hmmmmm....for everything else there is MasterCard.....
I know that we are to love as Christ loves..& in my life its been super super hard to really "buddy up" to someone who in the back of their mind would have an unGodly adgenda possibly for me in their behalf..
So what you are saying is that you mentally ascent it, but you are still not mature or secure in your walk to accept it with your heart.....It's still real hard for you to buddy up with someone because you are uncomfortable....or possibly a little paranoid.
Come on guys, not every homosexual guy wants to sleep with you......talk about ego -->
"So as long as homosexuals are having their periodic health check-ups, aren't hurting themselves or anyone else, are not arguing with any one and their genitals are doing fine, then no one can suggest that they do anything different."
Except of course for the ones who shove it in my face. Yes.
If it were simply a matter of what they do to their own bodies, in private. Then yes, like my drinking, it is their own issue.
But that is not what happens now is it?
"Apparently you are not able to extend the same courtesy to their lifestlye as you are to your own....."
I beg your pardon?
As I have stated many times, whether I beleive that it is a sin or not, I still beleive that we should love everyone. God's love is still for everyone.
What are you talking about in saying that I am not able to extend somebody courtesy?
How does it happen NOW Galen?? You tell me. I am confused. You can't agrue with me about shoving it in your faces, because I already conceded that fact. I think that it is as bad as shoving Martin Luther King day down my throat. (no offense to anyone who does celebrate this day or to Mr. King himself, just an example). There is always the fringe element in any class of people. Look at the Muslim terrorists. The fringe element, full of evil.
So, I don't allow my daughter to participate - what more would you like me to teach my child as she enters the adult world to make you more comfortable? Don't hit on your straight daughter , or what? You know what Galen? I HAVE TAUGHT HER THAT!! So rest comfortably tonight. If your daughter is straight, I am sure she will be able to handle herself if ever approached. Most teens nowadays, are far more wiser than we give them credit for. And if you have raised your daughter properly (as you saw fit) then you shouldn't have any problems in this respect.
I just don't understand how this personally affects you if you have done your job as a parent (which I am sure you have, as I have done).
If I had a son who made a derogatory statement upon seeing a "hot woman" on TV, I would lay into him that women are NOT sexual objects. I teach my gay daughter the same. She knows how I feel about her treating anyone with less than the respect they deserve. Especially women, since that is her sexual preference. I teach her not to have sex even if they tell her they love her, not to tell them she loves them to have sex and I teach her about the diseases out there. I teach her all the same things that you teach your kids.
......and for everything else, there's MasterCard......
"So as long as homosexuals are having their periodic health check-ups, aren't hurting themselves or anyone else, are not arguing with any one and their genitals are doing fine, then no one can suggest that they do anything different."
You already concede that often homosexuals shove it in everyone else' face.
Then it CAN be argued that they should do something different, What someone does i sentirely their own business so long as it is not in my face.
When it does get in my face, then it does become my business.
And that is what happens now, often.
Plus 'alternative lifestyles' guidelines for Public school librarians and among public school curriculum.
Once again. Its a double standard. If someone is possessed then by Way "logic" one MUST treat anyone thus afflicted with the same approach regardless of the "type" of spirit they have.
Yet TWI let those with substance abuse problems off the hook (e.g. VPW) while choosing to heap scorn and hatred upon those who are gay. But , according to Way teachings, the cause is a devil spirit so why hate one group and embrace another ? Its not right, logical, or fair in any context. Either hold all those possessed in contempt or minister to them. It can't be a selective enforcement.
Another way to put is why is TWI so accepting of those possessed with the so called Leviathan spirit ? They are supposedly possessed with satan's minions so why let it slide ?
Lastly, I've met Way people who have told me that serial killers who get born again while in prison will be more honorable before God than the most well behaved homosexual even if that person is born again. Where is that in the bible ?
You already concede that often homosexuals shove it in everyone else' face.
Then it CAN be argued that they should do something different, What someone does i sentirely their own business so long as it is not in my face.
When it does get in my face, then it does become my business.
And that is what happens now, often.
You already concede that often homosexuals shove it in everyone else' face.
Then it CAN be argued that they should do something different, What someone does i sentirely their own business so long as it is not in my face.
I have always conceded that I don't think homosexuals should shove it down anyone else's throat. Ask Johnny Lingo, we discussed this on another gay thread. Just because I conceded that "often homosexuals throw it up in your face", that doesn't mean ALL do. If you had read my post with a true heart to "hear" my side, then you would not have re-iterated this. All muslims don't hate Americans, but the fringe element do. Calm done, hearing about homosexuality, won't make you one.
Of course I could always take the position that some on the fringe would.....hmm Galen, you sure spend alot of months on that submarine with a bunch of OTHER MEN. What's really going on? Because what else could go on with a bunch of men stuck on a submarine for months and months and months..........
Galen (and others of you who are opposed to homosexuality),
Got a question for you, and I'd like for you folks to think about this question really good before you answer, and please spare me the vague song-and-dance of "Well, God still wants us to love everybody." non-answer, OK?
The phrase "in your face". I've seen it bandied about (like a lot of other generalities are) like its something that an intrusive act that homosexuals do to you, yet it's never really clearly defined what the hell it means. So tell me, in it's meaning, does "in your face" include them publically standing up for their rights and for equal protection under the law? Does it include them trying to get society to acknowledge that they exist/they are equal human beings too, rather than to be entities to be swept under the rug as something to be ashamed of and despised? That they won't go for that?
Is all that included in the term "in your face"? ... Hmmmm?
Oh what the hell, I've got Yet Another Question? What if it were Christians being treated in such manner by society/law? (You know, as illustrated in the oft-used refrain about Christians being 'persecuted by the world!', ... right?) And what if Christians took a challenging response to that in standing up for their rights, that other people (ya know, the unbelievers? ;)--> *booo* *hiss*) might interpret as ... 'getting in your face'? Kinda like:
"Hey look, I can live with those Christians, if they didn't take an *in your face* attitude about having their religion portrayed in public, where other people can see them!"
How about that? Hmmm?
Doesn't this remind anybody about that old phrase back in the 60's, "Hey! Some of my best friends are black! (insert nervous laughter here) ... Just don't really want them living in our neighborhood, ... would you? Property values, doncha know. ;)-->"
(Makes a note to self: Rent "Look Who's Coming to Dinner!" this weekend.
Plus 'alternative lifestyles' guidelines for Public school librarians and among public school curriculum.
And I don't even know what you are talking about here, unless, you are offended by schools offering this. How would this affect you or your child? You still haven't answered that question. Just don't allow your daughter to read this just as you would not want her to read porn, the Koran, people magazine, playgirl etc. It's still America, you have that right.
Why do bible thumpers think that they are the only ones who have rights in this world?
....and for everything else there is MasterCard...
Unless I'm mistaken, nobody here holds to Way teachings or "logic."
No one has been denied the opportunity to say that that they reject the Way assertion that homosexuals are possessed. I've disclaimed my posts liberally with the idea that its a Way concept that homosexuality is the product of possession (as is alcholism) though no one has
once said "well I don't believe that gay people are possessed". If they do then the thread might take another turn.
However I know many former Way people who still hold strongly the idea that gay people are the worst of the worst and have "devil spirits" so it wouldn't at all surpise me to encounter that on line. But perhaps those who wish to state that now, that TWI teaching is wrong or was never right, will do that now.. lets hear it explicitly. I won't mind. Get it out there. But
hopefully they would do that because they really believed its as opposed to trying to get out of corner they might have painted themselves into by considering gay people as bieng possessed whereas alcoholics are just regular guys with a regular problem which would be a massive inconsistency. They would be keeping that part of Way teaching that accomodated their personal tastes and rejecting that which was distasteful. Thats not cool....
sharon.....I do not know what to say....that is certainly humbling....
Thank you for sharing that...like any other parent, i love my child uncondtionally....and to be honest.....it does hurt to hear such "conditional love" in respect to her as far as God is concerned. I do not believe that, still it does hurt my heart, but I continue to tell myself that if those who are so against lesbianism, really knew my daughter, that they would be amazed at what a loving, understanding and wise child that she is. Apparently "her affliction" has made her more compassionate and understanding than some "christians". I am very proud of her, at such a young age, she has such wisdom and understanding. She is such an awesome kid and I feel very blessed to be her mother.
To turn our backs on love is to turn against God imo. Some say love is a bunch of yelling and stuff. Bunch of bs. Someone said it on this thread about going with the flow-can't remember who. But love is the one thing we should be able to count on. Too bad some don't see that because it is quite powerful and fulfilling.
maybe we can claim to love unconditionly as a parent but for me I will not tolerate unconditionly. I have boundaries. A person and their sexuality is their business as adults, but my kids where not allowed to have sex in my house. (did they? HMMM. not that Iknew of) and I do not allow them to spend the night with the opposite sex in my house.
I know plenty of parents who are afraid of losing their kids approval or love in some way and compromise their own values.
I ask what does that really teach a growing brain about being a strong person able to stand on principle? alot in a very negative way, alot more than being a "friend or peer" . teens need adults that are able to think and JUDGE situations clearly not another buddy to cloud what they may be trying to figure out what it means to grow up in the crazy mix up world of this stage of life and help them become a person with intregity and strength.
I have a question for homosexuals.. many hetro's would like their child to grow up and be of their sexual orientation , do homo's want or desire their kids to be homosexual? As difficult it is for me to understand how one can be attracted to the same sex is it as difficult for a homosexual to understand how their child can?
not the simple answer please "oh my kid will be loved whatever" that is to easy how do ya really feel about it? I hear parents of homosexual struggle, do homosexual parents also struggle if their kids turn "straight". I would think it would be as difficult to understand or help or consel your teen or young adult in area that one can not understand. They are different experiences sex is sex but this is like a white person saying I know what it is like to have black skin in a way , we couldnt know how it is really and I would think it would be very difficult to communicate or help or understand on certain levels. Like trefor said hetro's do NOT experience what it is like and homo's do not know what it is like . It would be a much more difficult and strained process .
setting boundaries for kids and not tolerating certain behaviors, is love, mj
i guess for purposes of this discussion, it would be like, if your child was a homosexual, you wouldn't allow them to spend the night with a person of the same sex
i agree how difficult it is to understand what it's like to be in someone else's shoes
maybe we can claim to love unconditionly as a parent but for me I will not tolerate unconditionly. I have boundaries. A person and their sexuality is their business as adults, but my kids where not allowed to have sex in my house. (did they? HMMM. not that Iknew of) and I do not allow them to spend the night with the opposite sex in my house.
I know plenty of parents who are afraid of losing their kids approval or love in some way and compromise their own values.
My kids weren't/aren't allowed to have sex in my house either. Just because I say I love them unconditionally doesn't mean I don't have boundries. Neither one of those "lines of thought" were even remotely the context of my previous posts. I think your interpretation of what I said is stretching it alittle.
As far as a parent giving up their values for their child's acceptance of them, wow that would have to be a very immature parent. One with not much self esteem at all.
I don't know, I consider myself a very confident professional person, but because I accept her sexual preference means that I don't set boundaries. Cracks me up, why some people think that because you have a homosexual child that you are letting him/or her have sex all over the house. Good Lord.......
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Trefor Heywood
I am sure that some gay people have been turned into alcoholics due to the pressures and neuroses that have been thrust upon them.
Coping mechanisms do vary considerably regarding how they handle their lives, some can emerge positive and unscathed (such as myself) but for others the way they are viewed and treated gets too much.
Maybe it is on the whole easier for kids to grow up gay today, but just as hard in a religious family or environment as it ever was. Religion has alas too often been the enemy of human progress and understanding and the simpleness of Christianity's essentials get hidden by the rules, regulations and thoughts of men who cite God as their ally and inspiration.
We need to fight theocracies wherever we find them - they are simply tools of oppression and self-aggrandisement.
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"There are many,many alcholics in denial about their problem and will refuse to acknowledge the damage they have caused ..."
"... but when people realize that such is their state, they also are the first to tell you that it is bad. They know it is bad."
When they finally realize that they are alcoholics, then ...
But until that happens they live in denial. Or not, I have known a guys for whom it is really hard to say. The government's policy that anyone who has one alcohol related injury or accident is now an alcoholic. Seems a bit over the top. [to me]
I have never had any alcohol-related injuries or automobile accidents. When I drink, I drink alone. I dont drive and I dont operate tools. I dont get into fights with Bonnie or anyone for that matter.
My doctors ask me about my level of drinking every 6 months when I go in for a follow-up. I tell them: one glass of wine at dinner every night, and one fifth of rum every week. Which is well within the norms for my group. They monitor my "liver-function-panel" carefully every time I go in. But so long as I have never injured myself, or injure anyone else, or argue with anyone, and my liver is doing fine; then they really can't suggest that I do any less. And they often tell me this.
I have worked with many guys who were labeled as 'alcoholic'. It rarely had anything to do with the quantity of how much they drank. But rather the effect drinking had on them, and what they did once they had drank.
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"They monitor my "liver-function-panel" carefully every time I go in. But so long as I have never injured myself or anyone else, or argue with anyone, and my liver is doing fine; then they really can't suggest that I do any less."
So as long as homosexuals are having their periodic health check-ups, aren't hurting themselves or anyone else, are not arguing with any one and their genitals are doing fine, then no one can suggest that they do anything different.
Apparently you are not able to extend the same courtesy to their lifestlye as you are to your own.....
things that make you go hmmmmm....for everything else there is MasterCard.....
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excues me.......do anything less
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So what you are saying is that you mentally ascent it, but you are still not mature or secure in your walk to accept it with your heart.....It's still real hard for you to buddy up with someone because you are uncomfortable....or possibly a little paranoid.
Come on guys, not every homosexual guy wants to sleep with you......talk about ego
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"So as long as homosexuals are having their periodic health check-ups, aren't hurting themselves or anyone else, are not arguing with any one and their genitals are doing fine, then no one can suggest that they do anything different."
Except of course for the ones who shove it in my face. Yes.
If it were simply a matter of what they do to their own bodies, in private. Then yes, like my drinking, it is their own issue.
But that is not what happens now is it?
"Apparently you are not able to extend the same courtesy to their lifestlye as you are to your own....."
I beg your pardon?
As I have stated many times, whether I beleive that it is a sin or not, I still beleive that we should love everyone. God's love is still for everyone.
What are you talking about in saying that I am not able to extend somebody courtesy?
"things that make you go hmmmmm...."
that is what I am asking you.
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Outie,...unless you look like Brad Pitt!
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How does it happen NOW Galen?? You tell me. I am confused. You can't agrue with me about shoving it in your faces, because I already conceded that fact. I think that it is as bad as shoving Martin Luther King day down my throat. (no offense to anyone who does celebrate this day or to Mr. King himself, just an example). There is always the fringe element in any class of people. Look at the Muslim terrorists. The fringe element, full of evil.
So, I don't allow my daughter to participate - what more would you like me to teach my child as she enters the adult world to make you more comfortable? Don't hit on your straight daughter , or what? You know what Galen? I HAVE TAUGHT HER THAT!! So rest comfortably tonight. If your daughter is straight, I am sure she will be able to handle herself if ever approached. Most teens nowadays, are far more wiser than we give them credit for. And if you have raised your daughter properly (as you saw fit) then you shouldn't have any problems in this respect.
I just don't understand how this personally affects you if you have done your job as a parent (which I am sure you have, as I have done).
If I had a son who made a derogatory statement upon seeing a "hot woman" on TV, I would lay into him that women are NOT sexual objects. I teach my gay daughter the same. She knows how I feel about her treating anyone with less than the respect they deserve. Especially women, since that is her sexual preference. I teach her not to have sex even if they tell her they love her, not to tell them she loves them to have sex and I teach her about the diseases out there. I teach her all the same things that you teach your kids.
......and for everything else, there's MasterCard......
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"So as long as homosexuals are having their periodic health check-ups, aren't hurting themselves or anyone else, are not arguing with any one and their genitals are doing fine, then no one can suggest that they do anything different."
You already concede that often homosexuals shove it in everyone else' face.
Then it CAN be argued that they should do something different, What someone does i sentirely their own business so long as it is not in my face.
When it does get in my face, then it does become my business.
And that is what happens now, often.
Plus 'alternative lifestyles' guidelines for Public school librarians and among public school curriculum.
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Once again. Its a double standard. If someone is possessed then by Way "logic" one MUST treat anyone thus afflicted with the same approach regardless of the "type" of spirit they have.
Yet TWI let those with substance abuse problems off the hook (e.g. VPW) while choosing to heap scorn and hatred upon those who are gay. But , according to Way teachings, the cause is a devil spirit so why hate one group and embrace another ? Its not right, logical, or fair in any context. Either hold all those possessed in contempt or minister to them. It can't be a selective enforcement.
Another way to put is why is TWI so accepting of those possessed with the so called Leviathan spirit ? They are supposedly possessed with satan's minions so why let it slide ?
Lastly, I've met Way people who have told me that serial killers who get born again while in prison will be more honorable before God than the most well behaved homosexual even if that person is born again. Where is that in the bible ?
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Unless I'm mistaken, nobody here holds to Way teachings or "logic."
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Galen (and others of you who are opposed to homosexuality),
Got a question for you, and I'd like for you folks to think about this question really good before you answer, and please spare me the vague song-and-dance of "Well, God still wants us to love everybody." non-answer, OK?
The phrase "in your face". I've seen it bandied about (like a lot of other generalities are) like its something that an intrusive act that homosexuals do to you, yet it's never really clearly defined what the hell it means. So tell me, in it's meaning, does "in your face" include them publically standing up for their rights and for equal protection under the law? Does it include them trying to get society to acknowledge that they exist/they are equal human beings too, rather than to be entities to be swept under the rug as something to be ashamed of and despised? That they won't go for that?
Is all that included in the term "in your face"? ... Hmmmm?
Oh what the hell, I've got Yet Another Question? What if it were Christians being treated in such manner by society/law? (You know, as illustrated in the oft-used refrain about Christians being 'persecuted by the world!', ... right?) And what if Christians took a challenging response to that in standing up for their rights, that other people (ya know, the unbelievers?
;)--> *booo* *hiss*) might interpret as ... 'getting in your face'? Kinda like:
"Hey look, I can live with those Christians, if they didn't take an *in your face* attitude about having their religion portrayed in public, where other people can see them!"
How about that? Hmmm?
Doesn't this remind anybody about that old phrase back in the 60's, "Hey! Some of my best friends are black! (insert nervous laughter here) ... Just don't really want them living in our neighborhood, ... would you? Property values, doncha know.
(Makes a note to self: Rent "Look Who's Coming to Dinner!" this weekend.
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And I don't even know what you are talking about here, unless, you are offended by schools offering this. How would this affect you or your child? You still haven't answered that question. Just don't allow your daughter to read this just as you would not want her to read porn, the Koran, people magazine, playgirl etc. It's still America, you have that right.
Why do bible thumpers think that they are the only ones who have rights in this world?
....and for everything else there is MasterCard...
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Again, that is pricelss......and for everything else there is Mastercard.....
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No one has been denied the opportunity to say that that they reject the Way assertion that homosexuals are possessed. I've disclaimed my posts liberally with the idea that its a Way concept that homosexuality is the product of possession (as is alcholism) though no one has
once said "well I don't believe that gay people are possessed". If they do then the thread might take another turn.
However I know many former Way people who still hold strongly the idea that gay people are the worst of the worst and have "devil spirits" so it wouldn't at all surpise me to encounter that on line. But perhaps those who wish to state that now, that TWI teaching is wrong or was never right, will do that now.. lets hear it explicitly. I won't mind. Get it out there. But
hopefully they would do that because they really believed its as opposed to trying to get out of corner they might have painted themselves into by considering gay people as bieng possessed whereas alcoholics are just regular guys with a regular problem which would be a massive inconsistency. They would be keeping that part of Way teaching that accomodated their personal tastes and rejecting that which was distasteful. Thats not cool....
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So if you think some may be doing that, diazbro, why not ask them about their beliefs and logic, rather than discussing TWI's?
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Some of these responses sound so familiar though......
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sharon.....I do not know what to say....that is certainly humbling....
Thank you for sharing that...like any other parent, i love my child uncondtionally....and to be honest.....it does hurt to hear such "conditional love" in respect to her as far as God is concerned. I do not believe that, still it does hurt my heart, but I continue to tell myself that if those who are so against lesbianism, really knew my daughter, that they would be amazed at what a loving, understanding and wise child that she is. Apparently "her affliction" has made her more compassionate and understanding than some "christians". I am very proud of her, at such a young age, she has such wisdom and understanding. She is such an awesome kid and I feel very blessed to be her mother.
Thank you for such kind words.....
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To turn our backs on love is to turn against God imo. Some say love is a bunch of yelling and stuff. Bunch of bs. Someone said it on this thread about going with the flow-can't remember who. But love is the one thing we should be able to count on. Too bad some don't see that because it is quite powerful and fulfilling.
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Trefor Heywood
Regarding the "in your face" argument.
Gays get heterosexuality thrown in their faces every day. Yet we are tolerant of it.
As soon as gays speak out for the right to equal treatment, however, the opposite is too often true.
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maybe we can claim to love unconditionly as a parent but for me I will not tolerate unconditionly. I have boundaries. A person and their sexuality is their business as adults, but my kids where not allowed to have sex in my house. (did they? HMMM. not that Iknew of) and I do not allow them to spend the night with the opposite sex in my house.
I know plenty of parents who are afraid of losing their kids approval or love in some way and compromise their own values.
I ask what does that really teach a growing brain about being a strong person able to stand on principle? alot in a very negative way, alot more than being a "friend or peer" . teens need adults that are able to think and JUDGE situations clearly not another buddy to cloud what they may be trying to figure out what it means to grow up in the crazy mix up world of this stage of life and help them become a person with intregity and strength.
I have a question for homosexuals.. many hetro's would like their child to grow up and be of their sexual orientation , do homo's want or desire their kids to be homosexual? As difficult it is for me to understand how one can be attracted to the same sex is it as difficult for a homosexual to understand how their child can?
not the simple answer please "oh my kid will be loved whatever" that is to easy how do ya really feel about it? I hear parents of homosexual struggle, do homosexual parents also struggle if their kids turn "straight". I would think it would be as difficult to understand or help or consel your teen or young adult in area that one can not understand. They are different experiences sex is sex but this is like a white person saying I know what it is like to have black skin in a way , we couldnt know how it is really and I would think it would be very difficult to communicate or help or understand on certain levels. Like trefor said hetro's do NOT experience what it is like and homo's do not know what it is like . It would be a much more difficult and strained process .
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setting boundaries for kids and not tolerating certain behaviors, is love, mj
i guess for purposes of this discussion, it would be like, if your child was a homosexual, you wouldn't allow them to spend the night with a person of the same sex
i agree how difficult it is to understand what it's like to be in someone else's shoes
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My kids weren't/aren't allowed to have sex in my house either. Just because I say I love them unconditionally doesn't mean I don't have boundries. Neither one of those "lines of thought" were even remotely the context of my previous posts. I think your interpretation of what I said is stretching it alittle.
As far as a parent giving up their values for their child's acceptance of them, wow that would have to be a very immature parent. One with not much self esteem at all.
I don't know, I consider myself a very confident professional person, but because I accept her sexual preference means that I don't set boundaries. Cracks me up, why some people think that because you have a homosexual child that you are letting him/or her have sex all over the house. Good Lord.......
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