Hi Cherished Child, I remember you posting when I was 'lurking'.I tend to look on you as my 'Greasespot Elder of the cafe'!!
Anyway, there are new 'lurkers', some who have contacted me but still don't feel comfortable posting on GSC yet, in fact some of them are s***-scared of the Waygb.
I for one will continue to hold a torch as long as the leadership I know are still actively and aggressively recruiting.
I for one was 'over' TWI in about one week, maybe two but I guess everybodies differn't.I enjoyed your posts, bless ya.
I read you have not been around much. You may want to read a post by a newbie and what they thought. A member topoftheworld posted a good post. It is about halfway down the page on the link below.
yea well this is like the third "GS Cafe is repeating itself" thread that I've seen. If anything is repetitive as of late, its these types of threads. I'm not sure that its anyone's job to insure a steady stream of gossip and insider information a la the national enqurirer. Obviously with the dwindling number of Way members ,combined with TWI's participation in this forum to check for posters still on the inside, this results in a lack of fresh info. So why is it a huge surprise to anyone that we don't get "hot news items" like we might have on Waydale and the earlier days of Gspot.
There were lots of innies reading Waydale on the sligh long before Way leadership realized that that forum represented a legitiamte source of info and , furthermore,
a link to the "outside" for those innies who were contemplating a departure. Over time the so called "WayGB" started hanging out on Waydale and later here GSpot to determine who might still be in. They even distributed false info in certain areas to see if it showed up here so they could later bust someone for participating. Its no small wonder that innies don't post here now since its heavily monitored by TWI. So before you start blaming the forum , at least consider this.
This place is resource for anyone looking for info on TWI. Not everyone arrives at the same time or is looking for the same types of info and its a sure bet that not everyone posts. And not everyone is even a former or curent member of TWI. But there is lots here to consider and chew on even if the Way were to float into oblivion (which its seems to be doing anyway). We are all at different stages of discovery and recovery so it only makes sense that what one might assume to be old hat is indeed vital info for another.
I find it odd and somewhat arrogant that anyone would come here expecting the rest of the forum to provide entertainment or "juicy news" to satsify some neo-voyeuristic urge for new "way dirt". Do your own research if its that important. I don't recall that it was the obligation of this forum to be like some on line "entertaiment tonight" show.
Its totally amazing to me that anyone would come here and complain about this. Where in the terms of this website does it guarantee readers access to a continual stream of insider info ?
Cherished Child said:
P.S. Any expressions of righteous indignation, and misunderstanding of my post will probably go unread.
This takes the cake... This is a sign of the "I'll pick up my toys and go home now" mentality that used to be so pervasive.
Thats like saying "any posts I don't like I'll ignore". And its an odd statement since you would first have to read a post to determine if its to your liking or not. Seems to me that you want things here to be as you want them and if they are not you are going to complain and threaten to leave as if "the forum" must do something to regain your trust and support. Everyone is welcome here but Please don't come here and lay it down that GS has the problem. You as a participant have a responsibility to make it better.
Even if TWI ceased to exist as of this very moment , GS Cafe would still serve a purpose long into the future for those seeking to make sense of their Way experience. Some people made a considerable life investment in TWI and are struggling to deal with that aftermath. They have a liftime of Way experiences to match up with those of others just to see what it was all about and to see if they were perhaps imagining certain things. It might take someone years to do this and this forum is hell of a lot more convenient for them to accomplish that then writing letters or driving around the country trying to reconcile with others.
If you've "gotten over it" then cool - but others haven't and it doesn't cost you, me, or anyone a dime to be here. Let people do what they will. GS Cafe doesn't need to be like some "insider hollywood" show to be relevant.
It seems I rarely come here anymore, mostly because there never seems to be any new information or new posters on the boards. It feels like Greasespot has grown, well---stagnant.
Cherished Child -- Belle (for one) has done a very good job of changing all that.
This place is resource for anyone looking for info on TWI. Not everyone arrives at the same time or is looking for the same types of info and its a sure bet that not everyone posts. And not everyone is even a former or current member of TWI.
I happened to land here a year or so ago, thankful for what was being hashed over then, and getting more info, each time things are cussed, and discussed. :)-->
If going over things here helps others -- so be it, no matter how many times it happens to be said.
For me, I'm glad I post less now. It means I've worked through a lot of questions that plagued me while in TWI. You and many others have helped me fill in a lot of blanks.
I'm glad you continue to check in because I have learned from you and found you to be a reasonable person.
I'm new! Do I count? It's been less than a year since I had my marriage ripped apart by TWI and quit attending TWIt functions.
I am constantly in contact with quite a few "innies" who lurk and I get my kicks on GSpot in more than just the "About the Way" forums. I've actually made friends and we actually have common interests outside our common involvement with TWI. We get together and we have fun without TWI ever coming up. Imagine that!
TWI is rarely spoken of in the chat room. It's more of a place for friends to get together and hang out. We met because of TWI, but we're friends because of much more than that.
I'll second what diazbro said. Your post does sound rather condescending and it is getting rather tired reading posts of your nature. I won't go there because I'm not as politically correct as others. I will say that I'm glad people are still hanging around telling the same tired stories because I haven't heard them all and it really helps me. :D-->
I think a lot of CC comments deal with acting like a grown up. Folks still have a lot of rage and shame based issues that continually spill out as righteous indignation. At some point we have to want to find more peace and less umbrage.
I have read it all from the "one list" to "gsc" and unless it is well written, amusing and artistic I don't bother. There are still posters I enjoy, who seem to frequent the sight less and less, but GSC operates in waves. The current trend, honestly, seems more and more posters are red state, red-necks who think it is their God given and pre-ordained right to be condescending, anti-humanity, God bless America more than any other country cult followers...
Nothing personal, and to all those whose feathers I've ruffled...Go with God...You can be hurt and you can continue to heal,that is why we are here, but if you think you have THE truth,and it's you job to proclaim it, you are fooling yourself. All truth is relative....
I also think that many of us have replaced our anger or bitterness about our TWI years with other activities - and we don't come around because we're busy with other things. That's my case, anyway.
I've been out for almost 5 years and the first 3 I was on here every day - posting, responding, starting new threads, etc.
Then for a year I checked the threads every day but didn't necessarily have anything to add to the discussion.
This past year, I can go days without reading the forums. Not because I think they're boring, or repetitive - it's because I don't have time!
And we all know there's repetition - as there should be! Threads travel from page one to page 50 in a short time - and some of the things that were discussed a year ago haven't been seen by those new lurkers or innies who need to read those threads.
There's also the main GS site - with all the articles that are very valuable to those who don't want to participate in the forums. Someone recently said to me that there hasn't been anything new on there for a very long time. But what is there is pretty much timeless information with no expriation date!
Sure - I'd love to see fresh new articles and never-discussed topics in both areas of GS - but it's been around long enough that there really is no new thing under the sun....
ahh Karmicdebt-I do live in a red neck red state but hang on to my blue state of mind!
CC-well yep maybe not a lot of new here-but I can see lots of discover-ers' and new posters-it's imtimidating at the first-and it takes a long time to read all the stuff!
I've found a few old friends and just knowing that they are ok and out and relativly well adjusted helps! And people I used to know where told I was dead for heavens sakes! So glad I could clear That rumour up!
Karmic -- Heh heh! I'm a *red-neck*, from a *red state*, but am living in a *blue state*, and maintaining my *red neck* status against all the odds here. :)-->
You didn't ruffle my feathers at all. The give and take here is so frequent, that anyone who gets easily riled, will probably soon leave -- and (supposedly) be better off for it.
Which is too bad (in my mind), since there is much learning from diversity of opinion. :)-->
The reason there is no new "news" is because there is no new "news". Those predicting TWI's imminent demise were premature. Those who shout about declining numbers use information that is outdated by at least the number of years they have been out of TWI.
TWI isn't on the brink of collapse, so there is no new news on that front to report.
TWI doesn't require micro-reporting of our whereabouts, so there is no news on that issue, either.
We are encouraged to tithe, but not badgered to do wo, so, no news there, either.
New members continue to appear at my fellowship, none have left - that's not news, either, I guess.
Outreach activtivies are available, but not mandatory.
Most in my fellowhsip are responsible citizens, hold real jobs - tradesmen, professionals, etc.
We make fellowship as oft as possible, miss when we must. Some have work schedules that make attendance at all functions impossilbe. Leadership is atuned to this and respects our individual needs - no pressure to be there at all functions.
ABS is offered as an opportunity - not an obligation. Go GSBN threats in my fellowship.
From my perspective, TWI is as advertised. Nothing newsworthy to the GSC of late. We just keep on doing what we portend to do - study God's word, try to move that word, and persist in our determination to support the prevalance of that Word.
Nothing newsworthy here for GSC, that I can see.
When I first chose to associate with TWI, I came here (well, actually, to Waydale) to verify my intentions. There was a mixture of objectivity and outright scorn. I did not then, and do not now discount the experiences/perceptions of those posters opposed to TWI, but, have always measured their points of view against my own experience.
This is not exciting news to those who, for whatever reasons, would seek to discredit TWI, but, for me, it has been a welcome resource for uplifting guidance. My experience is 100% positive. Perhaps I experience TWI in some exclusive enclave where all is rosy. Could be, but, I judge my experience only by my experience.
Assuming that all the negative comments concerning the organization expressed here are true, I can only surmize that the organization, in my time, has changed for the better.
In a world where good news is boring news, I know that the above is less than newsworthy.
Since there appears to be no means to edit a post, please accept my appologies for typos, etc. Please read the above post for it's communicative intent, and forgive the obvious mispellings, etc.
Guess the conviction of the twi supported pedophile in dec is ancient history, and the upcoming Peeler case un newsworthey lol....
Twi WISHES there was no new news....lol I think it drives em nuts not to be able to control the information and hide their dirty little secrets any more hee hee.
You know if there were truly fellowships in existance in twi as you describe LLP, twi wouldn`t be in the trouble it is in.....
TWI doesn't require micro-reporting of our whereabouts, so there is no news on that issue, either.
We are encouraged to tithe, but not badgered to do wo, so, no news there, either.
New members continue to appear at my fellowship, none have left - that's not news, either, I guess.
Outreach activtivies are available, but not mandatory.
Most in my fellowhsip are responsible citizens, hold real jobs - tradesmen, professionals, etc.
We make fellowship as oft as possible, miss when we must. Some have work schedules that make attendance at all functions impossilbe. Leadership is atuned to this and respects our individual needs - no pressure to be there at all functions.
ABS is offered as an opportunity - not an obligation.
The reason there is no new "news" is because there is no new "news". Those predicting TWI's imminent demise were premature. Those who shout about declining numbers use information that is outdated by at least the number of years they have been out of TWI.
I'm not surprised that you were attracted to this thread LLP. In the past you have posted several times pointing to the lack of insider info , even going so far as to suggest that Gspot has stagnated and outlived its ustility since there is no longer choice gossip. So its no wonder , at least to me, that you would show up here.
Also I distinctly recall you saying quite a while ago that "numbers were up" in TWI though you never produced any information to back up your assertion except to say that you got this info from some leaders. Wow. What a good source they are for the truth. Its well known that TWI has been countng the children of members are "new recruits" though they have not been honest about this since they desperately need to inflate numbers to act like something is going on. The burden is on you LLP to prove that TWI is growing and flourishing. Those of us who do have contact with innies know that there is not increase and growth. If anything they are patting their own backs for being "the salt of the salt" and all that jazz.
Once again I say that you describe a Way that few here have ever experienced. What you describe simply doesn't reflect the typical Way experience. I've allowed that you might be one of those people whom the Way likes to cater to. For example we had a doctor in our area and he was exempt from all expectations and obligations. They named dropped him all the time as they were seeking credibility in the community but the guy showed up whenever he wanted to and they kissed his rear.
On the other hand as I've also said, I seriously question whether you are really in or ever have been. You always are so vague about your descriptions and never put any kind of detail behind your statements. Seems to me if you , as an insider, want to see more inside info at Gspot then why don't you post it ? Who is stopping you ? you've said that you post here freely and your leaders know it and don't care so why not take the next step and tell us who is saying what ? I mean if TWI is so great and open then they won't care would they ?
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Hi Cherished Child, I remember you posting when I was 'lurking'.I tend to look on you as my 'Greasespot Elder of the cafe'!!
Anyway, there are new 'lurkers', some who have contacted me but still don't feel comfortable posting on GSC yet, in fact some of them are s***-scared of the Waygb.
I for one will continue to hold a torch as long as the leadership I know are still actively and aggressively recruiting.
I for one was 'over' TWI in about one week, maybe two but I guess everybodies differn't.I enjoyed your posts, bless ya.
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I read you have not been around much. You may want to read a post by a newbie and what they thought. A member topoftheworld posted a good post. It is about halfway down the page on the link below.
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This is a better link, going directly to the post (if this is the post you were refering to):
To the topoftheworld
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That be the one Bob, thanks
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In places like this, there will always be peaks and valleys.
The Christmas season is usually pretty slow, middle of summer is slow.
So right now we're in a bit of a lull. It'll pick back up - it always does.
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yea well this is like the third "GS Cafe is repeating itself" thread that I've seen. If anything is repetitive as of late, its these types of threads. I'm not sure that its anyone's job to insure a steady stream of gossip and insider information a la the national enqurirer. Obviously with the dwindling number of Way members ,combined with TWI's participation in this forum to check for posters still on the inside, this results in a lack of fresh info. So why is it a huge surprise to anyone that we don't get "hot news items" like we might have on Waydale and the earlier days of Gspot.
There were lots of innies reading Waydale on the sligh long before Way leadership realized that that forum represented a legitiamte source of info and , furthermore,
a link to the "outside" for those innies who were contemplating a departure. Over time the so called "WayGB" started hanging out on Waydale and later here GSpot to determine who might still be in. They even distributed false info in certain areas to see if it showed up here so they could later bust someone for participating. Its no small wonder that innies don't post here now since its heavily monitored by TWI. So before you start blaming the forum , at least consider this.
This place is resource for anyone looking for info on TWI. Not everyone arrives at the same time or is looking for the same types of info and its a sure bet that not everyone posts. And not everyone is even a former or curent member of TWI. But there is lots here to consider and chew on even if the Way were to float into oblivion (which its seems to be doing anyway). We are all at different stages of discovery and recovery so it only makes sense that what one might assume to be old hat is indeed vital info for another.
I find it odd and somewhat arrogant that anyone would come here expecting the rest of the forum to provide entertainment or "juicy news" to satsify some neo-voyeuristic urge for new "way dirt". Do your own research if its that important. I don't recall that it was the obligation of this forum to be like some on line "entertaiment tonight" show.
Its totally amazing to me that anyone would come here and complain about this. Where in the terms of this website does it guarantee readers access to a continual stream of insider info ?
Cherished Child said:
P.S. Any expressions of righteous indignation, and misunderstanding of my post will probably go unread.
This takes the cake... This is a sign of the "I'll pick up my toys and go home now" mentality that used to be so pervasive.
Thats like saying "any posts I don't like I'll ignore". And its an odd statement since you would first have to read a post to determine if its to your liking or not. Seems to me that you want things here to be as you want them and if they are not you are going to complain and threaten to leave as if "the forum" must do something to regain your trust and support. Everyone is welcome here but Please don't come here and lay it down that GS has the problem. You as a participant have a responsibility to make it better.
Even if TWI ceased to exist as of this very moment , GS Cafe would still serve a purpose long into the future for those seeking to make sense of their Way experience. Some people made a considerable life investment in TWI and are struggling to deal with that aftermath. They have a liftime of Way experiences to match up with those of others just to see what it was all about and to see if they were perhaps imagining certain things. It might take someone years to do this and this forum is hell of a lot more convenient for them to accomplish that then writing letters or driving around the country trying to reconcile with others.
If you've "gotten over it" then cool - but others haven't and it doesn't cost you, me, or anyone a dime to be here. Let people do what they will. GS Cafe doesn't need to be like some "insider hollywood" show to be relevant.
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Cherished Child:You I could identify with,as I
have an innie wife.I have learned alot from you as well as others that is why I keep coming back
to Greasespot,
I wish you well.
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Cherished Child -- Belle (for one) has done a very good job of changing all that.
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And as Diazbro said :
I happened to land here a year or so ago, thankful for what was being hashed over then, and getting more info, each time things are cussed, and discussed.
If going over things here helps others -- so be it, no matter how many times it happens to be said.
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For me, I'm glad I post less now. It means I've worked through a lot of questions that plagued me while in TWI. You and many others have helped me fill in a lot of blanks.
I'm glad you continue to check in because I have learned from you and found you to be a reasonable person.
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I'm new! Do I count? It's been less than a year since I had my marriage ripped apart by TWI and quit attending TWIt functions.
I am constantly in contact with quite a few "innies" who lurk and I get my kicks on GSpot in more than just the "About the Way" forums. I've actually made friends and we actually have common interests outside our common involvement with TWI. We get together and we have fun without TWI ever coming up. Imagine that!
TWI is rarely spoken of in the chat room. It's more of a place for friends to get together and hang out. We met because of TWI, but we're friends because of much more than that.
I'll second what diazbro said. Your post does sound rather condescending and it is getting rather tired reading posts of your nature. I won't go there because I'm not as politically correct as others. I will say that I'm glad people are still hanging around telling the same tired stories because I haven't heard them all and it really helps me.
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I think a lot of CC comments deal with acting like a grown up. Folks still have a lot of rage and shame based issues that continually spill out as righteous indignation. At some point we have to want to find more peace and less umbrage.
I have read it all from the "one list" to "gsc" and unless it is well written, amusing and artistic I don't bother. There are still posters I enjoy, who seem to frequent the sight less and less, but GSC operates in waves. The current trend, honestly, seems more and more posters are red state, red-necks who think it is their God given and pre-ordained right to be condescending, anti-humanity, God bless America more than any other country cult followers...
Nothing personal, and to all those whose feathers I've ruffled...Go with God...You can be hurt and you can continue to heal,that is why we are here, but if you think you have THE truth,and it's you job to proclaim it, you are fooling yourself. All truth is relative....
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Hope R.
I also think that many of us have replaced our anger or bitterness about our TWI years with other activities - and we don't come around because we're busy with other things. That's my case, anyway.
I've been out for almost 5 years and the first 3 I was on here every day - posting, responding, starting new threads, etc.
Then for a year I checked the threads every day but didn't necessarily have anything to add to the discussion.
This past year, I can go days without reading the forums. Not because I think they're boring, or repetitive - it's because I don't have time!
And we all know there's repetition - as there should be! Threads travel from page one to page 50 in a short time - and some of the things that were discussed a year ago haven't been seen by those new lurkers or innies who need to read those threads.
There's also the main GS site - with all the articles that are very valuable to those who don't want to participate in the forums. Someone recently said to me that there hasn't been anything new on there for a very long time. But what is there is pretty much timeless information with no expriation date!
Sure - I'd love to see fresh new articles and never-discussed topics in both areas of GS - but it's been around long enough that there really is no new thing under the sun....
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ahh Karmicdebt-I do live in a red neck red state but hang on to my blue state of mind!
CC-well yep maybe not a lot of new here-but I can see lots of discover-ers' and new posters-it's imtimidating at the first-and it takes a long time to read all the stuff!
I've found a few old friends and just knowing that they are ok and out and relativly well adjusted helps! And people I used to know where told I was dead for heavens sakes! So glad I could clear That rumour up!
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Karmic -- Heh heh! I'm a *red-neck*, from a *red state*, but am living in a *blue state*, and maintaining my *red neck* status against all the odds here.
You didn't ruffle my feathers at all. The give and take here is so frequent, that anyone who gets easily riled, will probably soon leave -- and (supposedly) be better off for it.
Which is too bad (in my mind), since there is much learning from diversity of opinion.
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The reason there is no new "news" is because there is no new "news". Those predicting TWI's imminent demise were premature. Those who shout about declining numbers use information that is outdated by at least the number of years they have been out of TWI.
TWI isn't on the brink of collapse, so there is no new news on that front to report.
TWI doesn't require micro-reporting of our whereabouts, so there is no news on that issue, either.
We are encouraged to tithe, but not badgered to do wo, so, no news there, either.
New members continue to appear at my fellowship, none have left - that's not news, either, I guess.
Outreach activtivies are available, but not mandatory.
Most in my fellowhsip are responsible citizens, hold real jobs - tradesmen, professionals, etc.
We make fellowship as oft as possible, miss when we must. Some have work schedules that make attendance at all functions impossilbe. Leadership is atuned to this and respects our individual needs - no pressure to be there at all functions.
ABS is offered as an opportunity - not an obligation. Go GSBN threats in my fellowship.
From my perspective, TWI is as advertised. Nothing newsworthy to the GSC of late. We just keep on doing what we portend to do - study God's word, try to move that word, and persist in our determination to support the prevalance of that Word.
Nothing newsworthy here for GSC, that I can see.
When I first chose to associate with TWI, I came here (well, actually, to Waydale) to verify my intentions. There was a mixture of objectivity and outright scorn. I did not then, and do not now discount the experiences/perceptions of those posters opposed to TWI, but, have always measured their points of view against my own experience.
This is not exciting news to those who, for whatever reasons, would seek to discredit TWI, but, for me, it has been a welcome resource for uplifting guidance. My experience is 100% positive. Perhaps I experience TWI in some exclusive enclave where all is rosy. Could be, but, I judge my experience only by my experience.
Assuming that all the negative comments concerning the organization expressed here are true, I can only surmize that the organization, in my time, has changed for the better.
In a world where good news is boring news, I know that the above is less than newsworthy.
However, I continue to reap the rewards.
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Since there appears to be no means to edit a post, please accept my appologies for typos, etc. Please read the above post for it's communicative intent, and forgive the obvious mispellings, etc.
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good to see you back Lowly
so i guess nobody even cares if you read and post here
or maybe certain of the chiefs don't know that you're doing it yet
anyway don't worry about punctuation and spelling just post away
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Could you elaborate on what rewards you are reaping? To be honest, I can't name one thing of any value I got in return for my ten years in there.
And why is it considered a reward?
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Guess the conviction of the twi supported pedophile in dec is ancient history, and the upcoming Peeler case un newsworthey lol....
Twi WISHES there was no new news....lol I think it drives em nuts not to be able to control the information and hide their dirty little secrets any more hee hee.
You know if there were truly fellowships in existance in twi as you describe LLP, twi wouldn`t be in the trouble it is in.....
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Big deal - it's still a SCAM.
Always was...Always will be.
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LLP said:
The reason there is no new "news" is because there is no new "news". Those predicting TWI's imminent demise were premature. Those who shout about declining numbers use information that is outdated by at least the number of years they have been out of TWI.
I'm not surprised that you were attracted to this thread LLP. In the past you have posted several times pointing to the lack of insider info , even going so far as to suggest that Gspot has stagnated and outlived its ustility since there is no longer choice gossip. So its no wonder , at least to me, that you would show up here.
Also I distinctly recall you saying quite a while ago that "numbers were up" in TWI though you never produced any information to back up your assertion except to say that you got this info from some leaders. Wow. What a good source they are for the truth. Its well known that TWI has been countng the children of members are "new recruits" though they have not been honest about this since they desperately need to inflate numbers to act like something is going on. The burden is on you LLP to prove that TWI is growing and flourishing. Those of us who do have contact with innies know that there is not increase and growth. If anything they are patting their own backs for being "the salt of the salt" and all that jazz.
Once again I say that you describe a Way that few here have ever experienced. What you describe simply doesn't reflect the typical Way experience. I've allowed that you might be one of those people whom the Way likes to cater to. For example we had a doctor in our area and he was exempt from all expectations and obligations. They named dropped him all the time as they were seeking credibility in the community but the guy showed up whenever he wanted to and they kissed his rear.
On the other hand as I've also said, I seriously question whether you are really in or ever have been. You always are so vague about your descriptions and never put any kind of detail behind your statements. Seems to me if you , as an insider, want to see more inside info at Gspot then why don't you post it ? Who is stopping you ? you've said that you post here freely and your leaders know it and don't care so why not take the next step and tell us who is saying what ? I mean if TWI is so great and open then they won't care would they ?
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