Well, having joined the over 50 club a couple of years ago now, I find I'm much more acquainted with where the pharmacies are in town and that I now have a favorite flavor of Metamucil.
Yeah, getting old is bull****, but the alternative really sucks...
Retirement? *Retirement*?? ... Not while I'm able to work a computer keyboard! ((image which shows a smiley typing away at a computer keyboard would have been inserted here, but for some reason, *I can't find one* ))
That's the nice thing about using a computer for work. Turning 65 doesn't make you incapable. Just as long as you have the brain on how to use it.
I'm in agreement with Garth.. I'll retire when they pry my dead cold fingers from around my drill. But that isn't going to happen anytime soon because I'm so young and virile. DON'T let that photo under my name fool you! I'm good looking!! Here's my latest pic!!!
Let's see... I went over 50 two years ago, but for some reason, I still feel 20-ish.
I keep wondering why they don't card me when I purchase cigarettes or booze.
I've been having AARP's letters returned to sender, but they haven't gotten the message yet.
Retire?!? Doesn't that mean you get tired again? I've been doing that for years!
Every morning, I keep telling this gray haired guy in the mirror to get out of the way so I can see myself, but he won't budge. The smart-a$$ keeps copying my moves.
OMG, what happened? I feel like I'm still my 18 year old self trapped in this 40 something body.
Hey Ex10, I feel that way also except every Monday when I babysit my 5-month old nephew who weighs 20#. Then I remember that I will be 49 in July whether I 'feel like it' or not!!!
the gramma title is something I am getting used to I guess.
I do not want to be twenty again or eighteen. (well maybe the sex) but I do get tired now.
I look back at my life and the jobs and the kids and everything I did in a day and wonder how I ever did all that.
Now I like planting flowers more than going out to a social scene, my cats are more precious( lord have mercy that Does sound old doesnt it?)
I am ok where I am bloom where your planted. I will say I have little compassion for people my age that use their age as an excuse at work. to not get along or to not do the hard physical stuff... I think if I cant do it I will leave.
Im done raising kids so I enjoy the freedom this age brings but I also realize I may not be able to do some of the stuff I always wanted to do. Like travel out of the country. I will not retire at 65, I wont have the money. so im trying to pace myself for twenty more years of full time work.
God will bless me Im certain. I am most thankful I am helathy and have not been hurt or disabled, I have friends with kids still at home and Im glad mine are grown and I have friends that have gotten sick . Im thankful.
maybe these new grands will change my life when they get older!!!
Hi, this is my first post and I'm jumping right in!
I'm way too close to 50, but still having a great time. Its the number '50' that bothers me and the fact that I feel so much younger. Its almost like I get surprised when I look in the mirror...still thinking I'm 30 something?
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I turned 50 last year and it's really true; you just start dying one limb at a time.
Aw man, I'm just messin' with you.
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George Aar
Well, having joined the over 50 club a couple of years ago now, I find I'm much more acquainted with where the pharmacies are in town and that I now have a favorite flavor of Metamucil.
Yeah, getting old is bull****, but the alternative really sucks...
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I dunno George.. if Its gonna be like this,
the other alternative looks pretty attractive, heh heh.
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George Aar
Yikes! You've got a point there, Hammeroni!
Geeze Pete, won't some kind-hearted soul do the right thing and put the old girl down?
You think it's the year or the mileage?
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Heh heh heh.. come to think of it, that photo is already ten or more years old.
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Having just recently gotten that letter from AARP saying that I can now join lets talk.
Retirement is just 15 yrs away.
I took my secratery out to a job site the other day and a guy ask if she was my daughter. Ouch that hurt.
A couple of years ago the waitress ask if I wanted the senior special. I wanted to hit her.
It hurts when you fill out a form and you move up a age group.
Personaly I don't worry about gray hair. It started coming in 27 yrs ago. I'm just glad I have hair.
Don't worry there is like after 50. Just not much.
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Ex70's -- Ya want to hear something that really sux -- the last fiddle contest I was in -- they told me I was now in the *senior* category.

(and they weren't talking about ability, either).
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Retirement? *Retirement*?? ... Not while I'm able to work a computer keyboard! ((image which shows a smiley typing away at a computer keyboard would have been inserted here, but for some reason, *I can't find one*
That's the nice thing about using a computer for work. Turning 65 doesn't make you incapable. Just as long as you have the brain on how to use it.
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HA!! So you will be working, when Ex70's is sipping margaurita's somewhere, eh?
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oooohhhhh no i don't want to be working at 65
i just want enough to keep my fast car going
and take them walks on the beach
guess i need a condo on the beach though...lol
soc-sec won't cover it-ha
maybe i'll be one of them old guys at mcdonalds or something. don't think i'm cut out to be a greeter at walmart though-too much happy face
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At 56, what I use to do all night now takes all night to do.
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I'm in agreement with Garth.. I'll retire when they pry my dead cold fingers from around my drill. But that isn't going to happen anytime soon because I'm so young and virile. DON'T let that photo under my name fool you! I'm good looking!! Here's my latest pic!!!
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Hubba, hubba, Sudo! No wonder you get so many dollars for your pole dancing!
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"Retirement? *Retirement*??"
Retirement is not a bad thing.
I like being on retirement, I fully encourage everyone to get a pension as soon as possible.
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I confess to being closer to 50, than 40...
OMG, what happened? I feel like I'm still my 18 year old self trapped in this 40 something body.
I don't think I'm aging gracefully.....I think I'm still kicking and screaming, "how did this happen?????"
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Let's see... I went over 50 two years ago, but for some reason, I still feel 20-ish.
I keep wondering why they don't card me when I purchase cigarettes or booze.
I've been having AARP's letters returned to sender, but they haven't gotten the message yet.
Retire?!? Doesn't that mean you get tired again? I've been doing that for years!
Every morning, I keep telling this gray haired guy in the mirror to get out of the way so I can see myself, but he won't budge. The smart-a$$ keeps copying my moves.
My 2 cents...
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Originally posted by ex10:
I confess to being closer to 50, than 40...
OMG, what happened? I feel like I'm still my 18 year old self trapped in this 40 something body.
Hey Ex10, I feel that way also except every Monday when I babysit my 5-month old nephew who weighs 20#. Then I remember that I will be 49 in July whether I 'feel like it' or not!!!
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I've got the body of a twenty-year-old.
And is he mad at what I've done to it!!
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the gramma title is something I am getting used to I guess.
I do not want to be twenty again or eighteen. (well maybe the sex) but I do get tired now.
I look back at my life and the jobs and the kids and everything I did in a day and wonder how I ever did all that.
Now I like planting flowers more than going out to a social scene, my cats are more precious( lord have mercy that Does sound old doesnt it?)
I am ok where I am bloom where your planted. I will say I have little compassion for people my age that use their age as an excuse at work. to not get along or to not do the hard physical stuff... I think if I cant do it I will leave.
Im done raising kids so I enjoy the freedom this age brings but I also realize I may not be able to do some of the stuff I always wanted to do. Like travel out of the country. I will not retire at 65, I wont have the money. so im trying to pace myself for twenty more years of full time work.
God will bless me Im certain. I am most thankful I am helathy and have not been hurt or disabled, I have friends with kids still at home and Im glad mine are grown and I have friends that have gotten sick . Im thankful.
maybe these new grands will change my life when they get older!!!
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Hi, this is my first post and I'm jumping right in!
I'm way too close to 50, but still having a great time. Its the number '50' that bothers me and the fact that I feel so much younger. Its almost like I get surprised when I look in the mirror...still thinking I'm 30 something?
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Welcome gc!
Raf where's that coffee! lol
bring a round for all of us old people
we gotta stay awake ya know
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Welcome, CM
A few short month's to the big 50 myself-
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GC -- welcome to Greasespot!
1st post, and you're quoting Lennon/McCartney. That'll get you everywhere around here.
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Welcome, CM
A few short month's to the big 50 myself-but I look good! However-I've noticed a few things like-
When the commercials come on that say "If
you were born between the ages of"-and I
stop to listen.
When I actually read the mail from AARP
instead of throwing it away.
When I complete the survey-you know the one
to calculate how much you will need to
retire on?
When I wonder how I will look in the
Walmart greeter tunic.
Please!! All I want to do is go back to age of figuring out how to get into a Grateful Dead concert-

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