You are right. There is an incredible God and there is incredible evil in the world. The abuse you suffered in twi and the guilt they instilled in you is a part of that incredible evil. Ask the incredible God to break the bands of guilt and have the courage to step out of them.
Also, if you haven't already, I would encourage you to get professional help.
My teeth are fine, I hate burritos. For years I had what they call a flipper, a plastic tooth that was kind of fun, I could take my tounge and move it in and out of the hole in a 1/10th of a second, it was really fun to look at people and flick it or move it a little and have them take a double take, little kids and old people were the best. Now I have the porcelain best you can get.
Being on this site is healthy and helping a lot I've spent a lot of time in here watching reading others stories, pretty amazing how they all seem the same in a lot of ways.
Your story is unbelievable! Except, well, no it’s not… after all, I spent 19 years in the Way. There is just not much that surprises me anymore. (except the fact that I stayed so very long)
I’m just very happy for you, that you have a good marriage and a prosperous life. Please don’t feel guilty because you are “spiritual” enough, or aren’t “showing” your spirituality enough!! Ask yourself this question: How much of the guilt you feel is due to what you believe is “expected” of you? But where did you get those expectations? From what other people told you God wants? From what you see other people doing? Is the guilt from the fact that maybe you have achieved more in your life than others have so you feel you should be doing more? Only you can sort that out. But once you sort out WHAT you feel guilty about, and WHY you feel guilty about it, you are well on the road to resolving that guilt. You deserve a guilt-free life!!!
I, too, have not been able to find a church or group where I feel comfortable; partly because of belief issues, and partly because of control issues. So, I just go about my life marveling at the world in which we live, thankful for what has been laid out before me, and looking to do good when I can, without short-changing myself in the process. I still get blessed… every single day!! Just because others are making a more outward showing of their spiritual beliefs than I do, does not make me any less spiritual.
Incredible, Mike! Thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm sorry that you, too, have suffered at the hands of TWI.
Guilty? The short answer is, "NO" you shouldn't feel guilty. TWI set the rules and unrealistic expectations, not God. Many religions do the same thing, unfortunately. God is a personal God and does not require 1/100000000th of the things that we were taught. People, not God, try to make us feel guilty to control us and to get whatever it is they want from us.
You have a great wife, a great family and are doing very well so obviously you're doing many things right. :)--> Enjoy the fruits of your labor guilt-free and I hope that you stick around.
Jesus said, "Love God first, Love your neighbor as yourself...on these two hang all the law."
So dear Mike, you are free to be yourself as long as you live the law of love. I gave up being in an organization because it gets in the way of these two commands. I simply fellowship with like-hearted brethren.
I am glad to have someone to talk to in regards to this, thank you all, I have not talked to anyone ever about this and telling my story to complete strangers is difficult but I do feel better letting it out, I think about coucil but then again most of the shrinks I play golf with or know are nuts so why share things biblical with them they don't have a clue, and christian councelors go to church so I know where they would be comeing from. With that said you are my choice for help and I do appreciate it.
I think most of it stems from in depth teachings that if you are doing well then obviously you have the blessing of Satan, "it is his world", Bow down and worship me and all this will be yours," if you aint giving 20% don't expect God to spit in your direction. Your blessings come from the wrong God if your not in fellowship". Harderfor a camel to go through and eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Dog returning to his Vomit, Plus haveing a brother who is a minister still using my parents to live off yet he is serving God.
I think Highway hit it on the head. I watch people such as Mormons in our area prosper like crazy so I figure I must be as bad as them.
I know it's FN nuts, but were talking about GOD whom I am in total awe of. And if I had an a the least little thought that what I was doing was displeasing to him and a chance at blowing it with him or her, I would give it all away..I mean that's why I was in a cult of begin with just want to please the big dude.
Now on the other side, I am involved in all kinds of organizations and fund raisers we more than likley gave over 100,000 away just last year, hospital foundations, Red Cross, boys and girls clubs, habitat for humanity, many more.
If it wasn't for this uncontrollable guilty feeling towards God I could say I have the perfect life.
Maybe I should just buy the ministry, change a lot of things except the bless you kisses. Mike
Mike... it's such a shame that twi put such a heavy burden on its people... "God won't spit in your direction" etc. BS!!
Just think of your own kids. If your child was as desperate to please you as you are to please God, don't you think that attitude alone would be greatly pleasing to you, the father?
But if your kid, in his efforts to please you, got himself all wound up about it, and was stressed all the time, to the point of feeling guilty and actually being fearful that he wasn't constantly pleasing to you... would that make you proud and happy as a father? I doubt it.
Sure, you want your kid to try their best, and hopefully not screw up too much, but you also want them to enjoy life. You want them to explore the possibilities this life has to offer and make their own choices and watch them grow and learn along the way. Why should we think the Heavenly Father is any different?
Hi Mike K and bless you.Yes, people need to hear enough of us to believe how 'devilish' a lot of TWI's actions are.I had two guys (one was my brother in law) walk into MY house and physically assault me in front of my family!!.
What they are trying to do is discourage us from any type of moving Gods' Word, but we keep going!!
Next to fear as a Christians greatest enemy would have to be discouragement and the Adversary sure has no shortage of 'discouragers' to send our way.
If you're thinking of starting anything up let me know if you or get hold of John Shroyer or Wayne Clapp Bless You bro!!
I am glad to have someone to talk to in regards to this, thank you all, I have not talked to anyone ever about this and telling my story to complete strangers is difficult but I do feel better letting it out ... With that said you are my choice for help and I do appreciate it.
Mike K. -- Welcome to Greasespot! You can tell us anything around here, cause like you -- we all also have a *degree* from the "School Of Hard Knoxville", just like you.
If it wasn't for this uncontrollable guilty feeling towards God I could say I have the perfect life.
Don't neverrrr everrrr feel guilty about *cheating* God if you are looking at it like twi does. Of course it is possible to *cheat God* by not giving your best, or doing wrong, or sinning, etc., but my Bible seems to be missing that verse about *not even spitting my direction*, if ya catch my meaning, and get my drift.:D-->
Any-whoo -- welcome. Say what you will, and as often as you need to. You are among friends, and family. :)-->
Welcome to the world of advance mind control! You were being exploited from that first kiss, and it spiraled all downhill from there.
The mental anguish you feel still haunts all of us at some point. You're the first I heard of being both physically and mentally tortured. Your brain went into overload to the point that you burned-out and possibly suffered a breakdown.
You had a chance to put someone into the legal system and expose them for who they are, and you didn't...BUT it's not your fault. This is an abused person syndrome. Without proper nurishment your mind cannot function correctly. Without a thought out plan, you will succumb to it, day-by-day.
As far as religion, yeah, most are skeptical about it's even mention, and that Jesus not God is a biggie for all involved.
To use The Way knowledge against them: Werewolf claimed that if there is one weak link in the Bible it falls apart. TWI and Werewolf proved that their teachings had enough holes to drive a convoy of riggs through. Therefore, we were fed the BIG LIE! They were the true authors of confusion. The thief that holds people in bondage was TWI, and still is until you CHOP the head of the serpent.
Think about seeking counseling both emotional and legal. If we all pull together what was once divided will soon conquer!
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You are right. There is an incredible God and there is incredible evil in the world. The abuse you suffered in twi and the guilt they instilled in you is a part of that incredible evil. Ask the incredible God to break the bands of guilt and have the courage to step out of them.
Also, if you haven't already, I would encourage you to get professional help.
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A la prochaine
Welcome to GS...stick around and read....there's lots of information to might just get some answers to your question here.
I loved your story...very funny.. but I know it wasn't funny to experience at the time.
TWI was a nightmare for most!
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Wow, and I thought I had it tough. Glad you got out and are doing so well.
Sorry it was so bad for you. Lots of stupid things...I remember that dumb idea of moving half way through the year.
Can you stand to eat a burrito now?
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how are your poor teeth ?
you're a great writer
being raised with catholic guilt and then getting in the way which was even worse in the guilt dept., it's hard to get over
but i think a real loving person would never make me feel that way, so i figure how could god if he really loves me ?
i have not stepped foot in a church since leaving my second religion. and i won't
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My teeth are fine, I hate burritos. For years I had what they call a flipper, a plastic tooth that was kind of fun, I could take my tounge and move it in and out of the hole in a 1/10th of a second, it was really fun to look at people and flick it or move it a little and have them take a double take, little kids and old people were the best. Now I have the porcelain best you can get.
Being on this site is healthy and helping a lot I've spent a lot of time in here watching reading others stories, pretty amazing how they all seem the same in a lot of ways.
Thanks for reading,
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Thank you for sharing.
Your story is unbelievable! Except, well, no it’s not… after all, I spent 19 years in the Way. There is just not much that surprises me anymore. (except the fact that I stayed so very long)
I’m just very happy for you, that you have a good marriage and a prosperous life. Please don’t feel guilty because you are “spiritual” enough, or aren’t “showing” your spirituality enough!! Ask yourself this question: How much of the guilt you feel is due to what you believe is “expected” of you? But where did you get those expectations? From what other people told you God wants? From what you see other people doing? Is the guilt from the fact that maybe you have achieved more in your life than others have so you feel you should be doing more? Only you can sort that out. But once you sort out WHAT you feel guilty about, and WHY you feel guilty about it, you are well on the road to resolving that guilt. You deserve a guilt-free life!!!
I, too, have not been able to find a church or group where I feel comfortable; partly because of belief issues, and partly because of control issues. So, I just go about my life marveling at the world in which we live, thankful for what has been laid out before me, and looking to do good when I can, without short-changing myself in the process. I still get blessed… every single day!! Just because others are making a more outward showing of their spiritual beliefs than I do, does not make me any less spiritual.
I hope you can find your peace.
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Incredible, Mike! Thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm sorry that you, too, have suffered at the hands of TWI.
Guilty? The short answer is, "NO" you shouldn't feel guilty. TWI set the rules and unrealistic expectations, not God. Many religions do the same thing, unfortunately. God is a personal God and does not require 1/100000000th of the things that we were taught. People, not God, try to make us feel guilty to control us and to get whatever it is they want from us.
You have a great wife, a great family and are doing very well so obviously you're doing many things right.
:)--> Enjoy the fruits of your labor guilt-free and I hope that you stick around.
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Jesus said, "Love God first, Love your neighbor as yourself...on these two hang all the law."
So dear Mike, you are free to be yourself as long as you live the law of love. I gave up being in an organization because it gets in the way of these two commands. I simply fellowship with like-hearted brethren.
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I am glad to have someone to talk to in regards to this, thank you all, I have not talked to anyone ever about this and telling my story to complete strangers is difficult but I do feel better letting it out, I think about coucil but then again most of the shrinks I play golf with or know are nuts so why share things biblical with them they don't have a clue, and christian councelors go to church so I know where they would be comeing from. With that said you are my choice for help and I do appreciate it.
I think most of it stems from in depth teachings that if you are doing well then obviously you have the blessing of Satan, "it is his world", Bow down and worship me and all this will be yours," if you aint giving 20% don't expect God to spit in your direction. Your blessings come from the wrong God if your not in fellowship". Harderfor a camel to go through and eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Dog returning to his Vomit, Plus haveing a brother who is a minister still using my parents to live off yet he is serving God.
I think Highway hit it on the head. I watch people such as Mormons in our area prosper like crazy so I figure I must be as bad as them.
I know it's FN nuts, but were talking about GOD whom I am in total awe of. And if I had an a the least little thought that what I was doing was displeasing to him and a chance at blowing it with him or her, I would give it all away..I mean that's why I was in a cult of begin with just want to please the big dude.
Now on the other side, I am involved in all kinds of organizations and fund raisers we more than likley gave over 100,000 away just last year, hospital foundations, Red Cross, boys and girls clubs, habitat for humanity, many more.
If it wasn't for this uncontrollable guilty feeling towards God I could say I have the perfect life.
Maybe I should just buy the ministry, change a lot of things except the bless you kisses. Mike
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Mike... it's such a shame that twi put such a heavy burden on its people... "God won't spit in your direction" etc. BS!!
Just think of your own kids. If your child was as desperate to please you as you are to please God, don't you think that attitude alone would be greatly pleasing to you, the father?
But if your kid, in his efforts to please you, got himself all wound up about it, and was stressed all the time, to the point of feeling guilty and actually being fearful that he wasn't constantly pleasing to you... would that make you proud and happy as a father? I doubt it.
Sure, you want your kid to try their best, and hopefully not screw up too much, but you also want them to enjoy life. You want them to explore the possibilities this life has to offer and make their own choices and watch them grow and learn along the way. Why should we think the Heavenly Father is any different?
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Hi Mike K and bless you.Yes, people need to hear enough of us to believe how 'devilish' a lot of TWI's actions are.I had two guys (one was my brother in law) walk into MY house and physically assault me in front of my family!!.
What they are trying to do is discourage us from any type of moving Gods' Word, but we keep going!!
Next to fear as a Christians greatest enemy would have to be discouragement and the Adversary sure has no shortage of 'discouragers' to send our way.
If you're thinking of starting anything up let me know if you or get hold of John Shroyer or Wayne Clapp Bless You bro!!
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A la prochaine
Mike K,
I haven't had a chance to read all the above posts...but I thought of something that might help you with your guilt and shame.
There is a book here on GS that is recommended reading...The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse.
You might want to check into that. I'm sure there would be answers in it for you.
Happy Journeying.
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Mike K. -- Welcome to Greasespot! You can tell us anything around here, cause like you -- we all also have a *degree* from the "School Of Hard Knoxville", just like you.
Don't neverrrr everrrr feel guilty about *cheating* God if you are looking at it like twi does. Of course it is possible to *cheat God* by not giving your best, or doing wrong, or sinning, etc., but my Bible seems to be missing that verse about *not even spitting my direction*, if ya catch my meaning, and get my drift.
Any-whoo -- welcome. Say what you will, and as often as you need to. You are among friends, and family.
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Welcome to the world of advance mind control! You were being exploited from that first kiss, and it spiraled all downhill from there.
The mental anguish you feel still haunts all of us at some point. You're the first I heard of being both physically and mentally tortured. Your brain went into overload to the point that you burned-out and possibly suffered a breakdown.
You had a chance to put someone into the legal system and expose them for who they are, and you didn't...BUT it's not your fault. This is an abused person syndrome. Without proper nurishment your mind cannot function correctly. Without a thought out plan, you will succumb to it, day-by-day.
As far as religion, yeah, most are skeptical about it's even mention, and that Jesus not God is a biggie for all involved.
To use The Way knowledge against them: Werewolf claimed that if there is one weak link in the Bible it falls apart. TWI and Werewolf proved that their teachings had enough holes to drive a convoy of riggs through. Therefore, we were fed the BIG LIE! They were the true authors of confusion. The thief that holds people in bondage was TWI, and still is until you CHOP the head of the serpent.
Think about seeking counseling both emotional and legal. If we all pull together what was once divided will soon conquer!
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