She has several great series. The largest and most popular being The Dragonriders of Pern series. They are awesome, and you absolutely won't be able to tear yourself away from them once you get into them. There are 17 books in the series to. heh heh. They are working on movie deals for them right now, so if you want to read them before they get chopped up into a movie, do it soon. :)-->
Rottie: Chick flick? Well, it does have True Love™ in it, of course, but it's actually one of the best comedies to come out of the 80s. It's almost as quotable as Monty Python & The Holy Grail! (PLEASE tell me you've seen THAT, at least!)
"He didn't fall? Inconceivable!"
"You keep using that word. I do not thin' it means what you thin' it means..."
"I would go up to the six-fingered man and say to him, 'Allo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!'"
"Those, Princess, are the Shrieking Eels!"
"Truly, yours is a dizzying intellect."
"Wait till I get going!"
"Finish him off, YOUR way!"
"What's my way again?"
"When his head comes around the corner, HIT IT WITH A ROCK!"
I thought I'd mention Robert Aspirin's "Myth" series. Dry humor here too.
C.S. Lewis, a close friend of Tolkien.
Anthologies of short fantasy stories, or short fantasy fiction Magazines offer a lot of variety. But only half the mag racks seem to carry them. Worth a look.
Rottie, if you really want to read some adult fantasy lit, look into the uncensored Brother's Grimm. Classic stuff.
Or any of the "Conan" series. Or Heavy Metal magazine.
Even Lewis Carrol's "children's stories" are ripe with mature content, hidden in plain sight.
And heerz a movie that you might like..."Fire and Ice."
It was done by the guy who did the original animated Lord of the Rings, Ralph Bakshi, where he filmed actors, then animated over them. The movie was based on the work of a legendary fantasy artist and cartoonist, Frank Frazetta. Real Conan-inspired work. Swords and sorcery. Tasteful nudity. "Meaningful" violence. Religion and myth with an edge and a depth.
And I think this is kinda cool...
ALL of the background watercolors where done by two currently very famous artists/illustrators, Thomas Kinkade (Painter of Light) and James Gurney (the creator of Dinotopia).
Fantasy fiction (or mythical fiction, as I like to call it, cuz I like a good redundancy) is one of the High Arts (when it is done well), IMO.
He has been known as the father of fantasy. A must read, "The Eternal Champion" series by Michael Moorcock. Just borrow any part of the series at your local pub lib. Does not really matter which one ya pick up and peruse.
Also, "The Sun Trilogy", by CJ Cherryh is an excellent sci fantasty.
Those are my picks, BUT, the suggestions offered on this thread are truly excellent!!!
Hey Sir G: Will rent the vid , "Fire & Ice" this weekend!!! Thanks for the reminder.
I'll echo that about Watership Down. It sounds ridiculous at first, an adventure story about RABBITS, but it's far more adult of a book than you'd think on first glance. Extremely entertaining reading.
Oh yeah! Michael Moorcock (author's name even sounds like adult fantasy :o-->). This guy was writing, editing and publishing fantasy fiction as early as his teen years.
And thanks for mentioning "Watership Down." It reminded me of another excellent series by Brian Jacques (sp?), beginning with the novel "Redwall." In fact, I suggest looking into this series more than anything else I've mentioned, Rottie. An awesome animal adventure in adult fantasy. Mice, rats, badgers, foxes, etc... Are the main characters.
Wrestle: Thanks for the info on the books and stuff. Sounds really interesting.Looks like a cool website. I hearted it and will look at it more later.
Zix, well, I'm afraid I'm not much of a Monty Python fan. I kind of don't get English humor. The only scene I remember seeing from a Monty Python movie is this scene where this fat man blows up from eating too much or something. I thought that scene was rather humorous but I don't think I cared for the rest of the movie!
Wordwolf :you really sound like you know your stuff! Like I said I just like a good story, but nothing to far over my head. I remember my dad used to read that Issac Asimov (I know I'm slaughtering his name but screw it) stuff and WHOA. That's WAY to far. So it can't be too out there or I just won't get it.
I will rent that movie soon though, I've heard about it for ages.
Okay okay ALL these suggestions are GREAT. I didn't know there were such fantasy experts aficionados here!
And Raf yeah thats why I stressed NO SEX please.
Although I'm curious if anyone has read any of Ann Rices sleeping beauty series. I only ask cause I know she's a respected educated author and was wondering how that was.
Anyway thanks a bunch! I'm going to have to save this thread and keep it on my harddrive.
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You might want to read "The Hobbit" though. It's kind of Tolkien-Lite (which isn't saying much...
;)--> )
How about William Goldman's "The Princess Bride"?
Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" books? (they satirize the whole genre)
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were you looking for some book recommendations?
What genre?
Offhand, I'd recommend 2 series.
A) the Wheel of Time series, by Robert Jordan.
"The Eye of the World" is the first book.
B) The Recluce series, by L.E. Modesitt Jr.
"The Magic of Recluce" is the first book.
I'd be happy to elaborate, offer recommendations for
different settings, or give critiques. Just give me a
specific question for what you want.
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All your suggestions are great. Looking for some new lit to read for the cold months coming up ahead.
I just like a good story. I'm not to particular, as long as it's a Good story. Escapism.
The Princess Bride, never thought of that! Was the movie good? Never saw it!
Thanks for ALL the suggestions. Going to start compiling my reading list.
Word and Zixie thanks.
On a quest, to destroy...the Nothing...
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PS, yeah I heard the Hobbit is a good one to start off with. Then the rest of the series makes sense. I will have to read that. I've NEVER read it!
On a quest, to destroy...the Nothing...
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Never seen Princess Bride?!?!?!
Go out and rent it tonight, you silly, silly,'s a CLASSIC!
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Okay Zixie, I'll rent it real soon. This weekend perhaps. I guess I thought it sounded like a Chick movie.
On a quest, to destroy...the Nothing...
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I used to work for Sci-Fi author Anne McCaffrey.
She has several great series. The largest and most popular being The Dragonriders of Pern series. They are awesome, and you absolutely won't be able to tear yourself away from them once you get into them. There are 17 books in the series to. heh heh. They are working on movie deals for them right now, so if you want to read them before they get chopped up into a movie, do it soon.
Here is Annes website.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while
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Rottie: Chick flick? Well, it does have True Love™ in it, of course, but it's actually one of the best comedies to come out of the 80s. It's almost as quotable as Monty Python & The Holy Grail! (PLEASE tell me you've seen THAT, at least!)
"He didn't fall? Inconceivable!"
"You keep using that word. I do not thin' it means what you thin' it means..."
"I would go up to the six-fingered man and say to him, 'Allo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!'"
"Those, Princess, are the Shrieking Eels!"
"Truly, yours is a dizzying intellect."
"Wait till I get going!"
"Finish him off, YOUR way!"
"What's my way again?"
"When his head comes around the corner, HIT IT WITH A ROCK!"
"My way isn't very sporting..."
"Have fun storming the castle!"
"Then there's the"
"Rodents Of Unusual Size?"
"I give you my word as a Spaniard."
"No good. I've known too many Spaniards..."
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If you like sci-fi with a dry sence of humor...
Hitchhikers guide to the galexy (and sequals)
"A friend in need, is a pest".
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
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A lot of good suggestions here.
I thought I'd mention Robert Aspirin's "Myth" series. Dry humor here too.
C.S. Lewis, a close friend of Tolkien.
Anthologies of short fantasy stories, or short fantasy fiction Magazines offer a lot of variety. But only half the mag racks seem to carry them. Worth a look.
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Rottie do go see the princess bride Iv'e seen it several times and just love it. Andre the giant is in it and he is so
sweet. You'll love it.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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ooh! I just thought of a few more.
Rottie, if you really want to read some adult fantasy lit, look into the uncensored Brother's Grimm. Classic stuff.
Or any of the "Conan" series. Or Heavy Metal magazine.
Even Lewis Carrol's "children's stories" are ripe with mature content, hidden in plain sight.
And heerz a movie that you might like..."Fire and Ice."
It was done by the guy who did the original animated Lord of the Rings, Ralph Bakshi, where he filmed actors, then animated over them. The movie was based on the work of a legendary fantasy artist and cartoonist, Frank Frazetta. Real Conan-inspired work. Swords and sorcery. Tasteful nudity. "Meaningful" violence. Religion and myth with an edge and a depth.
And I think this is kinda cool...
ALL of the background watercolors where done by two currently very famous artists/illustrators, Thomas Kinkade (Painter of Light) and James Gurney (the creator of Dinotopia).
Fantasy fiction (or mythical fiction, as I like to call it, cuz I like a good redundancy) is one of the High Arts (when it is done well), IMO.
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Okay, I'll say it...
Am I the only one who thought this thread was about something else entirely?
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Hey Grrrl!!!
He has been known as the father of fantasy. A must read, "The Eternal Champion" series by Michael Moorcock. Just borrow any part of the series at your local pub lib. Does not really matter which one ya pick up and peruse.
Also, "The Sun Trilogy", by CJ Cherryh is an excellent sci fantasty.
Those are my picks, BUT, the suggestions offered on this thread are truly excellent!!!
Hey Sir G: Will rent the vid , "Fire & Ice" this weekend!!! Thanks for the reminder.
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Me too Rafe.
Anyway, for something a little deeper, I recommend Watership Down. It's a classic.
And it's about bunnies.
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Awe now come on Hopefull, Watership Down, is more than just "bunnies"... it can get pretty mean and ugly...
Loved the novel 2wce...
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I'll echo that about Watership Down. It sounds ridiculous at first, an adventure story about RABBITS, but it's far more adult of a book than you'd think on first glance. Extremely entertaining reading.
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Then there's always 5x Harry Potter...there's a reason she's sold a zillion books...
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Oh yeah! Michael Moorcock (author's name even sounds like adult fantasy
:o-->). This guy was writing, editing and publishing fantasy fiction as early as his teen years.
And thanks for mentioning "Watership Down." It reminded me of another excellent series by Brian Jacques (sp?), beginning with the novel "Redwall." In fact, I suggest looking into this series more than anything else I've mentioned, Rottie. An awesome animal adventure in adult fantasy. Mice, rats, badgers, foxes, etc... Are the main characters.
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Oh my, my! dear sirguessalot, i am surprised ya missed the "Cherryh" >>>
Well, well Raf, I supposse you are not the only one, "...who thought this thread was about something else entirely?..."
Hey Grrrl, also try on, "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"
by Richard Bach. Would go well as an appitizer to Zshot's reccomendation, "Hitchhikers guide to the galexy (and sequals)..."
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I know, I know, Song.
But I tell ya, its on my list ever since ya mentioned it.
But "Illusions" I have read (awesome). And the first Hitchhikers Guide (but too long ago to even remember why it was a good book).
btw - I have found that "Fantasy Fiction" is an easy way to avoid the common mix-up of genres.
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For lighter fare, Robert Aspirin's "Myth" adventure series IS a good
recommendation. The first is "Another Fine Myth".
He also writes "Phule's Company" and the rest of the series, which is
light science fiction.
Douglas Adams' "Hitchhikers Guide" series is funny, but his Dirk Gently
series, well, I couldn't find something funny in it to save my life.
Harry Harrison's "The Stainless Steel Rat" is a great read which slowly
gets lighter and more humourous as it progresses. (Science Fiction)
For the Star Wars fans, the "X-Wing" series is a lot of fun, and MUCH
better than this year's Star Wars books. Timothy Zahn's trilogy is also a
good read-"Heir to the Empire", "Dark Force Rising" and "The Last Command."
Kevin Anderson's Jedi Academy trilogy isn't bad-"Jedi Search", "Dark
Apprentice", and "Champions of the Force". If you're really interested,
some of the other books are worth reading, and some aren't. Since I doubt
you care, I'm not going to keep rattling off names.
Were you looking for humourous or light? Heavy and involved?
Anything and everything good? A specific genre, or any and all fiction?
There are other books in other genres, also.
Oh, Zixar?
"Never get involved with a land war in Asia."
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Wrestle: Thanks for the info on the books and stuff. Sounds really interesting.Looks like a cool website. I hearted it and will look at it more later.
Zix, well, I'm afraid I'm not much of a Monty Python fan. I kind of don't get English humor. The only scene I remember seeing from a Monty Python movie is this scene where this fat man blows up from eating too much or something. I thought that scene was rather humorous but I don't think I cared for the rest of the movie!
Wordwolf :you really sound like you know your stuff! Like I said I just like a good story, but nothing to far over my head. I remember my dad used to read that Issac Asimov (I know I'm slaughtering his name but screw it) stuff and WHOA. That's WAY to far. So it can't be too out there or I just won't get it.
I will rent that movie soon though, I've heard about it for ages.
Okay okay ALL these suggestions are GREAT. I didn't know there were such fantasy experts aficionados here!
And Raf yeah thats why I stressed NO SEX please.
Although I'm curious if anyone has read any of Ann Rices sleeping beauty series. I only ask cause I know she's a respected educated author and was wondering how that was.
Anyway thanks a bunch! I'm going to have to save this thread and keep it on my harddrive.
On a quest, to destroy...the Nothing...
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Mervyn Peake-"Titus Groan", "Gormenghast"
If I were stuck on an island and could only bring 10 books-these would be 2 of them.
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