I actually did a few months ago and was thoroughly rebuffed. I had not seen this man (who was part of our wedding party and had not seen in over 15 years since the birth of our first of seven kiddoes) He wouldn`t even allow us to have some lunch together. This particular innie didn`t want love or anything else from anybody outside of twi.
To accept affection or companionship from a tripped out person would no doubt put him in mortal spiritual danger....sigh.
Who knows though, maybe it will lay the foundation for future contact if they ever escape.
In all sincerity here - my take on this is that maybe demonstrating "God's unconditional love" is best shown by leaving people alone and in peace.
It would be somewhat arrogant of me to assume that others need my contact to enhance their quality of life. I don't mind checking in on people I haven't seen in a while but I respect the fact that they might be in a different place altogether so I really need a good reason to want to interrupt them under the presumption that they need "god's love". God can handle that without needing me to intervene.
I recall getting contacted by someone from TWI who called me to see "just how you were doing" though it turned out she needed a place to store her furniture and she "seemed to recall" that I had a large basement. Of course this came up only at the very end of the conversation (though it was clear she was wanting something).
I say go for it if it on your heart. I have had people call me to sell me things, probably to rip me off and just plain ole B.S. calls. I would not mind a call if it was out of love from someone wanting to know how I am doing. Yes I know I am not in.
Like you said, rascal. It may open a door in the future and who knows that one contact may get the person thinking. I say go for it. If it does not work out, oh well, you have your answer. It wont be the first time you have been rejected I'm sure.
Active Way people I know have shown no interest in being in my circle. When out and about and one should spot me, they quickly look the other direction, and continue with their shopping.
But this also happens with people I have previously worked with as well. Sometimes at the store they will not even acknowledge me. I have done this also a few times. Neither of us loses any sleep over it. I have also happened upon ex-Way, talked with them for awhile, and then said goodbye. It was apparent we had no interest in hanging out together.
mzimagine, its cool that you want to reach out a bit. I don't have a problem with that nor do I suppose that others do here either. On the other hand please understand that we all work out or post way living on our own terms which might involve different actions and attitudes that most likely will vary from person to person. Each has his own schedule of , for lack of a better word, recovery so each makes progress in a time and fashion that accomodates the person.
There is no need for us to proress as a group or feel that we all must be of the same mind. Thats what TWI wanted but thats no longer an issue. We have the freedom to do as we wish.
Some here might remember my post about wether i should go to the party which included many innies awhile back.
I was terrified. I went through alot of brain drainage.
I had gotten the one who had the party and his wife in. We were friends before I got marked for a very long time.
i went. and it was a strange thing and I was depressed for days. I was recruited and handed a card, who eles but wafers USE a birthday party to sell their religion? but that was ok . I remeber I also had done that same thing when I was in.
the difficult part was I wanted another friend a friend they had met while in that I knew from twi, that had also been thrown outin a bad way... they fought and they refused to go.
also ok.. but to hear them seriously trash talk this couple , the ones in had nothing to say but evil about them, and they were buddy buddy while in , just tore me up .
the conversations where about LCM , and how things are so much better and what needed to be done(as far as throwing those out who were not good enough) has now been done so I quote" the household is clean NOW!!!.
I said ok so it is all great and roses and perfect now, and it does not take away from my own witness,, they knew me and they knew the truth of what happened to me and he did concede but of course that was then, it is all different and beautiful NOW.
I got very sad for weeks over it, just trying to tell ya my experience here, I did say I love you to them because I do and did and will forever, but it was the avoid your best friends at a party type thing going on and very very odd and strange. The food was good, pizza even!
I had to get to a position they could not 'hurt me" I had to love them enough to know I loved them enough to not allow them to get to me on a level of who is better or worse or right or wrong just people I care about and the life we are living. i did NOT go into it blaming anyone I will tell you now it does seem stupid it was so very difficutlt but I tell you it was. I am glad I went it put closure on wondering how they felt and how they thought about me and what my experience was I wanted to know and I believe God granted me my wish . I had zero exspectations.. I think in fact I know they wanted me to get involved in the twi again, nah I cant get that serious about anything these days it seems. call it what you will, and the fact they had such trash( whether their opinion was true or not in facts )to say about others who didnt fall in line and they also claimed to love frightened me anough to be able to walk away loving them but not willing to set up for that in my own life.
mzimagine, I don't understand fully what's going on, but reconciling with old friends and/or family members is a great thing! :)-->
Getting involved with TWI again is not. :(-->
You've learned a lot since leaving and are more in touch with your "gut feelings" and natural responses to things. If something doesn't feel right, acknowledge that and don't second guess yourself.
Have they learned a lot since you last spoke? Do they really understand how good friendships and good family members love and care for each other regardless of what church they go to? Do they have a better understanding of unconditional love? Can they and are they willing to extend that kind of true genuine relationship to you? *shrug* Only you will be able to tell. :)--> I wish the best for you!
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Have you really tried this mzimagine?
I actually did a few months ago and was thoroughly rebuffed. I had not seen this man (who was part of our wedding party and had not seen in over 15 years since the birth of our first of seven kiddoes) He wouldn`t even allow us to have some lunch together. This particular innie didn`t want love or anything else from anybody outside of twi.
To accept affection or companionship from a tripped out person would no doubt put him in mortal spiritual danger....sigh.
Who knows though, maybe it will lay the foundation for future contact if they ever escape.
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In all sincerity here - my take on this is that maybe demonstrating "God's unconditional love" is best shown by leaving people alone and in peace.
It would be somewhat arrogant of me to assume that others need my contact to enhance their quality of life. I don't mind checking in on people I haven't seen in a while but I respect the fact that they might be in a different place altogether so I really need a good reason to want to interrupt them under the presumption that they need "god's love". God can handle that without needing me to intervene.
I recall getting contacted by someone from TWI who called me to see "just how you were doing" though it turned out she needed a place to store her furniture and she "seemed to recall" that I had a large basement. Of course this came up only at the very end of the conversation (though it was clear she was wanting something).
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I say go for it if it on your heart. I have had people call me to sell me things, probably to rip me off and just plain ole B.S. calls. I would not mind a call if it was out of love from someone wanting to know how I am doing. Yes I know I am not in.
Like you said, rascal. It may open a door in the future and who knows that one contact may get the person thinking. I say go for it. If it does not work out, oh well, you have your answer. It wont be the first time you have been rejected I'm sure.
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I have a piece of paper that says so.
I made the household unclean.
God's son was NOT afraid to TOUCH the unclean.
Would you be willing to be like Christ and touch the untouchable?
I don't think God's will is for believers to live in a cloistered community so that they will not be contaminated by the unclean.
They drew a circle and put me out.
I drew a circle and included them in.
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Stayed Too Long
Active Way people I know have shown no interest in being in my circle. When out and about and one should spot me, they quickly look the other direction, and continue with their shopping.
But this also happens with people I have previously worked with as well. Sometimes at the store they will not even acknowledge me. I have done this also a few times. Neither of us loses any sleep over it. I have also happened upon ex-Way, talked with them for awhile, and then said goodbye. It was apparent we had no interest in hanging out together.
Life goes on. The past is just that, the past.
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mzimagine, its cool that you want to reach out a bit. I don't have a problem with that nor do I suppose that others do here either. On the other hand please understand that we all work out or post way living on our own terms which might involve different actions and attitudes that most likely will vary from person to person. Each has his own schedule of , for lack of a better word, recovery so each makes progress in a time and fashion that accomodates the person.
There is no need for us to proress as a group or feel that we all must be of the same mind. Thats what TWI wanted but thats no longer an issue. We have the freedom to do as we wish.
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Lone Gone,
Yes, it is.
Actually more than just a bit presumptous.
The reason I wrote , the time is now, is because of my personal experience.
I repent.
The time COULD be now.
For me, the time is now.
I am noticing that T.W.I.sters are speaking to me. They are contacting me. The are welcoming me. They are embracing..yes... even kissing me!
Maybe, just maybe...the door are opening for communication.
Of course, I have concerns. The BIG one is:
What if they hurt me yet again?
But living and loving involves risk taking.
What if the people in TWI are ready for a dialogue? Would we be ready?
I could be walking into a trap.
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I wish you well, mzimagine.
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Upon being booted from TWI, I broke contact with a lot of friends because I didn't want to get them in trouble.
After seven years, I said, What the heck, and called a few. Nobody hung up on me, and a couple of them actually were happy to hear from me.
I say, Go for it.
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Some here might remember my post about wether i should go to the party which included many innies awhile back.
I was terrified. I went through alot of brain drainage.
I had gotten the one who had the party and his wife in. We were friends before I got marked for a very long time.
i went. and it was a strange thing and I was depressed for days. I was recruited and handed a card, who eles but wafers USE a birthday party to sell their religion? but that was ok . I remeber I also had done that same thing when I was in.
the difficult part was I wanted another friend a friend they had met while in that I knew from twi, that had also been thrown outin a bad way... they fought and they refused to go.
also ok.. but to hear them seriously trash talk this couple , the ones in had nothing to say but evil about them, and they were buddy buddy while in , just tore me up .
the conversations where about LCM , and how things are so much better and what needed to be done(as far as throwing those out who were not good enough) has now been done so I quote" the household is clean NOW!!!.
I said ok so it is all great and roses and perfect now, and it does not take away from my own witness,, they knew me and they knew the truth of what happened to me and he did concede but of course that was then, it is all different and beautiful NOW.
I got very sad for weeks over it, just trying to tell ya my experience here, I did say I love you to them because I do and did and will forever, but it was the avoid your best friends at a party type thing going on and very very odd and strange. The food was good, pizza even!
I had to get to a position they could not 'hurt me" I had to love them enough to know I loved them enough to not allow them to get to me on a level of who is better or worse or right or wrong just people I care about and the life we are living. i did NOT go into it blaming anyone I will tell you now it does seem stupid it was so very difficutlt but I tell you it was. I am glad I went it put closure on wondering how they felt and how they thought about me and what my experience was I wanted to know and I believe God granted me my wish . I had zero exspectations.. I think in fact I know they wanted me to get involved in the twi again, nah I cant get that serious about anything these days it seems. call it what you will, and the fact they had such trash( whether their opinion was true or not in facts )to say about others who didnt fall in line and they also claimed to love frightened me anough to be able to walk away loving them but not willing to set up for that in my own life.
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AGAPE=Zero Expectations
Thanks, mj
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mzimagine, I don't understand fully what's going on, but reconciling with old friends and/or family members is a great thing!
Getting involved with TWI again is not.
You've learned a lot since leaving and are more in touch with your "gut feelings" and natural responses to things. If something doesn't feel right, acknowledge that and don't second guess yourself.
Have they learned a lot since you last spoke? Do they really understand how good friendships and good family members love and care for each other regardless of what church they go to? Do they have a better understanding of unconditional love? Can they and are they willing to extend that kind of true genuine relationship to you? *shrug* Only you will be able to tell.
:)--> I wish the best for you!
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The best way I've found to get in touch with innies is to post something in the FRIEND FINDER section of the forums...
....you'd be amazed at who lurks 'round here!
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