"Do the members of this 'group' have open meetings somewhere?"
"I'd like to know more about this..."
Did you wish to join?
"What is it about America that we allow FREEDOM to groups that do harm?"
In theory someone who does 'harm' must be caught, charged and tried by a jury BEFORE sentenced.
Many groups are considered or thought to do 'harm'. I am not a member of NAMBLA, nor anything like it. However I am a member of a fraternity, of which I routinely see and hear people saying terrible things. Blaming about ever calamity of our society on, but for as many years as I have been a member, I have yet to see any proof, or even any hint, of wrong doing. Yet in our society there have been times when my fraternity has been prosecuted. The nazi's were really afraid of them, and placed a very high bounty on each member of my frat they could find.
I read where recently in a church cemetary, a minister noticed that many of his grave stones had fraternal symbols on them. He was so angered, he convinced much of the congregation that such evil should be destroyed. They dug-up, exhumed some of those interned and destroyed many monuments and headstones; before they were stopped. Come to find out some of their deacons were members, all the founders of the church had been members, and all previous ministers had been members. But the automatic persecution that the minister had set upon had already done much damage.
I do not like what NAMBLA seems to propound. But I like the idea that they are free to gather, free to peacefully discuss, and hopefully deal with their issues.
Many have fought for those rights. Many have died when those rights were denied.
"It seems that this group is just as demeted as the KKK!"
I am not a Klansman either, too much red in my hair to be allwowed membership ;-)
But I dont mind that they share our right to gather peacefully.
I was just listening to MSNBC cable news channel and they have a "reformed" sexual offender on. He is often on the cable news networks during a high peak of child molestations or murders. He seems like you really want to believe him, but there is always that doubt that you could ever trust him. I know I would never trust him with my child or any child for that matter. He did his time, yes, but I am not convinced that our country has a "handle" on keeping track of these guys. Seems like different states, let out different offenders under different standards or laws.
This is a good reason for you to be knowledgeable in this area regarding the state you are in.
Anyways, he was saying that the viagra does NOT increase the sex drive that is there, just the PERFORMANCE and that is why this is really not that big of a deal.
Just one thing about NAMBLA: Their motto is "sex before eight (age) or else it's too late." How can an adult male have consensual sex with a boy under 8 years of age?
Groups like this are sneaking around trying to get at our children~ some are having an impact... with out touching the law can do nothing~ but with Adults in positions in society, dealing with children on a daily basis... yes they are causing harm to children with their words.
Would I like to join... odd... I'd like to have a list of memebers and make sure none of them are working in the school's my children attend... like a sex offender...
What they set out to do is offensive... touching or not... & just because the law is limited, doesn't mean it's just~
He seems like you really want to believe him, but there is always that doubt that you could ever trust him. I know I would never trust him with my child or any child for that matter. He did his time, yes, but I am not convinced that our country has a "handle" on keeping track of these guys. Seems like different states, let out different offenders under different standards or laws. (bold my emphasis)
Outofdafog --- Sadly, I agree. When they've *done their time*, it should be a done deal, but with crimes like this -- it isn't easy to give them trust again. Time was done, but are they *remorseful* and rehabilitated?
Usually not. :(-->
And here in Minnesota, the state lets folks know when a convicted sex offender is moving into their neighborhood -- but there have been two instances (that I know of) where a child molester was *relocated* from prison -- to just 2 blocks from an elemetary school.
The locals in the neighborhoods, and the parents of the kids attending the schools were (justifiably) outraged, and the state quickly apologized, and moved him elsewhere -- but you made a good point about *not keeping track*.
Someone (whoever assaigned these guys those particular locations) wasn't thinking, checking things in detail, nor doing all the other *leg-work* that might have ensured a smoother transition from jail to housing.
My thought on it is -- it would have been unnoticed by the state, had not the local, concerned citizens spoken up, and that most vociferously.
Dr. Feel Goods Guide to Recreational Drugs, ever heard of that book? A high school buddies little brother wrote it. We came from a town of about 5,000 people. Dr. Feel Good set up shop in a town that wasn’t much more than a junction of 2 minor highways on a state line.
For a minimum of a 3 state area all good snorters were supplied by the good Dr. Whatever the choice was, crank or crack, Dr cook it. What’s strange is older brothers nick name had been Doc for years.
So for the decade of the 80's my home town and surrounding area snorted its brains out while I did the cult thing. During Desert Storm I returned to that area for a couple of years and was shocked to catch up on what had happened to so many of my friends.
Tommy D sat up one night and blew off second wife’s knee cap with a 357 mag. Sweet little Sara Lea had been divorced 4 times and tried suicide 5 times. Moby had served 12 of the last 15 years in 2 different state prisons for getting caught dealing the good Dr’s stuff twice. He was facing life without parole for his 3rd offence. Rosa Lea was the saddest story.
Seems she was convinced aliens had taken her babies and left clones in their place. She was ordered by the aliens to kill, chop up and distribute the clones all over the county. When she did this she would get her real children back. Her husband walked in as she was bagging the remains. They both retired to a state mental institute, understandable as he was cranked up when he walked in and saw what she had done.
Hopelessness? Everyone of these people that I had known either had very high paying jobs or were in legitimate businesses that made very good money. But the insanity is undeniable, as is the evil nature of the insanity. I wonder how many times drugs like these are involved, also alcohol abuse when people kill their kids?
I have to say, after finding out what happened to so many of my high school friends, the cult thing wasn’t so bad in comparison.
Seems she was convinced aliens had taken her babies and left clones in their place. She was ordered by the aliens to kill, chop up and distribute the clones all over the county. When she did this she would get her real children back. Her husband walked in as she was bagging the remains. They both retired to a state mental institute, understandable as he was cranked up when he walked in and saw what she had done.
I have always felt that anyone who could kill another person was insane. It seems in today's world we just make excuses for the criminals instead of standing up and for the victims....
"I have always felt that anyone who could kill another person was insane. It seems in today's world we just make excuses for the criminals instead of standing up and for the victims...."
I beg to disagree.
Not everyone who kills another person is a criminal.
Is everyone who kills another insane?
I dont know. From where I stand, it certainly does seem to have some effect on the 'killer's mental state.
Within the context of 'Criminal killers': I would certainly think that many of them could well be insane, or drug effected.
There is a huge difference between 'criminal killers' and the rest of the crowd of 'killers'. I truly dont think that most non-criminal killers are insane. Though again some do go into therapy.
I also see distinctions among those 'criminal killers. I have always felt badly for those who kill according to their orders or their duty, and yet were convicted of murder, those are the 'killer's that are really given a bad rap by our society.
"DETROIT About 19-hundred convicted sex offenders live near Michigan schools, according to a Detroit News report.
Governor Jennifer Granholm says she wants state lawmakers to set up thousand-foot 'predator-free zones' around Michigan's schools.
The zones would keep convicted sex offenders from living less than about a fifth of a mile from schools. That's roughly two city blocks.
To measure the impact of such zones, The News mapped the state's schools and offenders on the public registry. The paper found ten percent live in close proximity to schools.
The numbers are estimates because many offenders' addresses couldn't be mapped, and the locations are approximations."
Gee I feel my kids will be sooo much safer now (NOT). We have two convicted pedophiles, one a repeat offender, living right next door to each other and 3 blocks from an elementary school. Boy I bet their are glad they won't have to move. Afterall - two or three blocks is way to far to have to walk.
I also see distinctions among those 'criminal killers. I have always felt badly for those who kill according to their orders or their duty,
I know what you are saying, I was thinking in terms of the "criminal type". It is one thing to defend and act in self-defense, another thing to just take a life to satisfy a selfish lust
Hmmmmm, me thinks me smells a rat. Our wonderful govenor wants to pass a law that would prevent registered sex offenders from living within two blocks from a school, as if that is going to make a difference in child safety. Additionally, there is no distinction made between the 20 year old who got busted for having sex with his underaged girlfriend and the pedophile who molested a 6 year old.
Check out some of these figures from the Detroit News . . .
"About 1,900 of Michigan's registered sex offenders -- 1 of every 10 on the state listing available to the public -- live in close proximity to a school"
"A Detroit News investigation in April found that at least 35 Michigan school employees or those recently employed by schools had been charged or convicted of sexual misconduct in a 15-month span"
Sounds scary, no? Which is what it is intended to do. BUT again there is no distinction made between the guy who was convicted of 3rd or 4th degree criminal sexual assualt against an adult and the perv who preys on children.
Stories like this do more harm than good. They stir people up into a frenzy of fear and then a knee jerk response totally lacking in common sense follows.
It seems to cut to the chase regarding indidual responsibility and the role of the state.
On one hand we have some folks who would castrate the perverts, carry firearms and use them..in short...show resistance. We'll call them the dogs.
On the other hand, we have those who think people shouldn't be armed, people should rely on "the authorities" for protection...in short...be dependent. We'll call them the sheep.
The engine powering all this is the state that releases "facts and statistics" to frighten the sheep and alarm the dogs. The states solution is to enact worthless and unenforcable legislation regarding the problem (here, it's sex offenders) to give the sheep the feeling of security. The state, further, releases "information" convincing the sheep, through lies and fake statistics, that the dogs are rabid...to further frighten the sheep of the dogs, so they won't recognize the dogs as their true protectors.
The states purose in this is to make all dependent on the state...who we'll call the wolves.
The wolves are the only ones qualified to have claws and fangs, leaving the sheep and dogs to be slaughtered while the dogs yap and the sheep bleat helplessly.
The sad thing is, if the people would apply some common sense, the "problem, reaction, solution" process would go very differently. Seems common sense is sadly lacking in this country, though.
You appear to have strange ideas as to what constitutes a terrorist organisation oilfieldmedic.
No sane person would support NAMBLA (brought out as a red herring on every concievable subject it appears) but as far as I am aware it does not go around bombing and hacking peoples' heads off. And the ACLU may annoy some people at some of the causes it supports but neither does it bomb and maim.
I agree with you 100%. The American public needs to demand that we codify the sex offenders more clearly. It appears that child sex offenders and adults that assault adults are from different worlds.
Currently, we are lumping them all together as registered sex offenders. With technology as it is today, it would not be that hard to classify them seperately. People that prey upon and abuse children as one type, people that prey upon and abuse adults as a different classification.
I am an adult, if you have followed waydale and gspot, you may know that I am a rape victim...
but I was an adult when I was victimized. As horrible for me as it was....I was an adult. I cannot imagine what it would be like as a child.
Our minds, our lives, our ability to think and reason are different as we mature. The scars on child victims must be unbelievable.
We as Americans need to really get tough.....demand things from our lawmakers. They need to outline legal perameters for offenders against children and adults......it is something that we as Americans have the right to expect.
"The American public needs to demand that we codify the sex offenders more clearly. It appears that child sex offenders and adults that assault adults are from different worlds.
Currently, we are lumping them all together as registered sex offenders. "
Not only that, but if you are convicted of statutory rape because when you were 18 you had consensual sex with your 15 or 16 year old girlfriend you are also classified as a sex offender. In Michigan we have degrees, I don't know the differences between all the classifications. But somehow living near someone who was convicted of a 4th degree sexual offense does not worry me nearly as much as living near someone who forced their way into someones home and raped them, or someone who raped a young child.
It seems to cut to the chase regarding indidual responsibility and the role of the state.
On one hand we have some folks who would castrate the perverts, carry firearms and use them..in short...show resistance. We'll call them the dogs.
On the other hand, we have those who think people shouldn't be armed, people should rely on "the authorities" for protection...in short...be dependent. We'll call them the sheep.
The engine powering all this is the state that releases "facts and statistics" to frighten the sheep and alarm the dogs. The states solution is to enact worthless and unenforcable legislation regarding the problem (here, it's sex offenders) to give the sheep the feeling of security. The state, further, releases "information" convincing the sheep, through lies and fake statistics, that the dogs are rabid...to further frighten the sheep of the dogs, so they won't recognize the dogs as their true protectors.
The states purose in this is to make all dependent on the state...who we'll call the wolves.
The wolves are the only ones qualified to have claws and fangs, leaving the sheep and dogs to be slaughtered while the dogs yap and the sheep bleat helplessly.
How true!! How true!!
As life began for my generation, the baby boomers, it was perfectly acceptable for a person to defend themselves, their family, and property. If an attack or assualt happened you could put up a defense, up to and including, killing the perpetrator, if need be. There were no "warnings" coming from the police about "putting yourself in danger" because you own a weapon and are willing to use it to protect your child. No worry about being arrested or sued because some prosecutor or judge felt you used excessive force to save your wife's life as someone was attempting to rape her.
Then the 'do gooders' and 'feel good' people got into power. They told us murderers, rapists, and criminals in general are really just nice people, and all it will take to change them is to "help them feel good' about themselves. In actuality it is not the criminal's fault they murder or rape, but the blame belongs squarely on society. It is your fault and mine that someone's child is laying dead at their feet. It is societies fault your daughter was assualted and raped last night. All personal responsibility is taken away and the crime rests on the shoulders of society.
So we bought into this notion and decided to carry it even further. Not only should criminals feel good about themselves, but everyone else should also. So now in schools instead of having to pass math and english classes to reach the next grade level, we pass students solely for the purpose of them 'feeling good' about themselves. It is called a "social promotion", and the child bears no personal responsibility to learn or achieve.
Slowly over the past 50 years as this liberal influence has risen in society, the crime rate has also risen. Somehow it has become "immoral" to blow some jerk's brains all over the bedroom wall as he is breaking into your home. Now it is fashionable to not defend your family, let the killer or rapist do whatever they want, then call the police. Don't let it bother you your wife is dead and you might have prevented it, but 'feel good' because you did not get involved in protecting her. After all that is not your job (and if you did have a fire arm your kid might accidentally find it and be traumatized for life). The police can protect your family so much better than you. Again, just as you learned in school, you bear no responsibility, it is someone elses.
Passing more laws to restrict the movement of, or monitor perverts, is not going to work because there are just too many. If everyone convicted of a sexual offense had a monitoring device permanently attached it would be impossible to track them all the time because of their sheer numbers. Look at how many air traffic controllers it takes to know where all the planes in the country flying are located.
The solution is to keep them locked up. There is a saying the punishment must fit the crime. We know that sexual offenders can not be rehabilitated and will more than likely offend again. The first offense should be life in prison for someone who rapes. I do not see why some see that as a too harsh a punishment. It should be classified just like murder. Why the soft gloves treatment for someone who rapes a child?
Somehow we see ourselves as a 'moral' and 'caring' nation if we let rapist's run free in the streets. After all that is their right. That same 'moral' nation has made the decision it is also 'moral' to see children raped. If rapists are in prison they can not rape again. That seems very moral, and logical, to me.
By definition a terrorist is someone who attempts to attain a goal by using schocking acts against innocent life, property and individual liberty to create fear to demoralize and control their opposition. It's a common tactic in war and always has been. The firebombings of Hamburg and Dresden by the RAF and USAF is a good example.
The "war on terrorism" seems almost like an oxymoron to me. How to you wage war against a tactic of war?
NAMBLA seeks to destroy kids lives to further their perverse agenda of self gratification. The ACLU and Morris Sleaze seek to destroy liberty via over the top tort abuse in order to further the states agenda of reducing citizens to totally dependent serfdom. Obviously, OFM was quite accurate in his assessment.
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"Do the members of this 'group' have open meetings somewhere?"
"I'd like to know more about this..."
Did you wish to join?
"What is it about America that we allow FREEDOM to groups that do harm?"
In theory someone who does 'harm' must be caught, charged and tried by a jury BEFORE sentenced.
Many groups are considered or thought to do 'harm'. I am not a member of NAMBLA, nor anything like it. However I am a member of a fraternity, of which I routinely see and hear people saying terrible things. Blaming about ever calamity of our society on, but for as many years as I have been a member, I have yet to see any proof, or even any hint, of wrong doing. Yet in our society there have been times when my fraternity has been prosecuted. The nazi's were really afraid of them, and placed a very high bounty on each member of my frat they could find.
I read where recently in a church cemetary, a minister noticed that many of his grave stones had fraternal symbols on them. He was so angered, he convinced much of the congregation that such evil should be destroyed. They dug-up, exhumed some of those interned and destroyed many monuments and headstones; before they were stopped. Come to find out some of their deacons were members, all the founders of the church had been members, and all previous ministers had been members. But the automatic persecution that the minister had set upon had already done much damage.
I do not like what NAMBLA seems to propound. But I like the idea that they are free to gather, free to peacefully discuss, and hopefully deal with their issues.
Many have fought for those rights. Many have died when those rights were denied.
"It seems that this group is just as demeted as the KKK!"
I am not a Klansman either, too much red in my hair to be allwowed membership ;-)
But I dont mind that they share our right to gather peacefully.
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I was just listening to MSNBC cable news channel and they have a "reformed" sexual offender on. He is often on the cable news networks during a high peak of child molestations or murders. He seems like you really want to believe him, but there is always that doubt that you could ever trust him. I know I would never trust him with my child or any child for that matter. He did his time, yes, but I am not convinced that our country has a "handle" on keeping track of these guys. Seems like different states, let out different offenders under different standards or laws.
This is a good reason for you to be knowledgeable in this area regarding the state you are in.
Anyways, he was saying that the viagra does NOT increase the sex drive that is there, just the PERFORMANCE and that is why this is really not that big of a deal.
Any comments......
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Groups like this are sneaking around trying to get at our children~ some are having an impact... with out touching the law can do nothing~ but with Adults in positions in society, dealing with children on a daily basis... yes they are causing harm to children with their words.
Would I like to join... odd... I'd like to have a list of memebers and make sure none of them are working in the school's my children attend... like a sex offender...
What they set out to do is offensive... touching or not... & just because the law is limited, doesn't mean it's just~
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That was rather odd to say. I didn't take Safari's question that way......
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Outofdafog --- Sadly, I agree. When they've *done their time*, it should be a done deal, but with crimes like this -- it isn't easy to give them trust again. Time was done, but are they *remorseful* and rehabilitated?
Usually not.
And here in Minnesota, the state lets folks know when a convicted sex offender is moving into their neighborhood -- but there have been two instances (that I know of) where a child molester was *relocated* from prison -- to just 2 blocks from an elemetary school.
The locals in the neighborhoods, and the parents of the kids attending the schools were (justifiably) outraged, and the state quickly apologized, and moved him elsewhere -- but you made a good point about *not keeping track*.
Someone (whoever assaigned these guys those particular locations) wasn't thinking, checking things in detail, nor doing all the other *leg-work* that might have ensured a smoother transition from jail to housing.
My thought on it is -- it would have been unnoticed by the state, had not the local, concerned citizens spoken up, and that most vociferously.
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Dr. Feel Goods Guide to Recreational Drugs, ever heard of that book? A high school buddies little brother wrote it. We came from a town of about 5,000 people. Dr. Feel Good set up shop in a town that wasn’t much more than a junction of 2 minor highways on a state line.
For a minimum of a 3 state area all good snorters were supplied by the good Dr. Whatever the choice was, crank or crack, Dr cook it. What’s strange is older brothers nick name had been Doc for years.
So for the decade of the 80's my home town and surrounding area snorted its brains out while I did the cult thing. During Desert Storm I returned to that area for a couple of years and was shocked to catch up on what had happened to so many of my friends.
Tommy D sat up one night and blew off second wife’s knee cap with a 357 mag. Sweet little Sara Lea had been divorced 4 times and tried suicide 5 times. Moby had served 12 of the last 15 years in 2 different state prisons for getting caught dealing the good Dr’s stuff twice. He was facing life without parole for his 3rd offence. Rosa Lea was the saddest story.
Seems she was convinced aliens had taken her babies and left clones in their place. She was ordered by the aliens to kill, chop up and distribute the clones all over the county. When she did this she would get her real children back. Her husband walked in as she was bagging the remains. They both retired to a state mental institute, understandable as he was cranked up when he walked in and saw what she had done.
Hopelessness? Everyone of these people that I had known either had very high paying jobs or were in legitimate businesses that made very good money. But the insanity is undeniable, as is the evil nature of the insanity. I wonder how many times drugs like these are involved, also alcohol abuse when people kill their kids?
I have to say, after finding out what happened to so many of my high school friends, the cult thing wasn’t so bad in comparison.
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Just when you think you have heard it all....
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I have always felt that anyone who could kill another person was insane. It seems in today's world we just make excuses for the criminals instead of standing up and for the victims....
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"I have always felt that anyone who could kill another person was insane. It seems in today's world we just make excuses for the criminals instead of standing up and for the victims...."
I beg to disagree.
Not everyone who kills another person is a criminal.
Is everyone who kills another insane?
I dont know. From where I stand, it certainly does seem to have some effect on the 'killer's mental state.
Within the context of 'Criminal killers': I would certainly think that many of them could well be insane, or drug effected.
There is a huge difference between 'criminal killers' and the rest of the crowd of 'killers'. I truly dont think that most non-criminal killers are insane. Though again some do go into therapy.
I also see distinctions among those 'criminal killers. I have always felt badly for those who kill according to their orders or their duty, and yet were convicted of murder, those are the 'killer's that are really given a bad rap by our society.
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"DETROIT About 19-hundred convicted sex offenders live near Michigan schools, according to a Detroit News report.
Governor Jennifer Granholm says she wants state lawmakers to set up thousand-foot 'predator-free zones' around Michigan's schools.
The zones would keep convicted sex offenders from living less than about a fifth of a mile from schools. That's roughly two city blocks.
To measure the impact of such zones, The News mapped the state's schools and offenders on the public registry. The paper found ten percent live in close proximity to schools.
The numbers are estimates because many offenders' addresses couldn't be mapped, and the locations are approximations."
Gee I feel my kids will be sooo much safer now (NOT). We have two convicted pedophiles, one a repeat offender, living right next door to each other and 3 blocks from an elementary school. Boy I bet their are glad they won't have to move. Afterall - two or three blocks is way to far to have to walk.

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I know what you are saying, I was thinking in terms of the "criminal type". It is one thing to defend and act in self-defense, another thing to just take a life to satisfy a selfish lust
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Hmmmmm, me thinks me smells a rat. Our wonderful govenor wants to pass a law that would prevent registered sex offenders from living within two blocks from a school, as if that is going to make a difference in child safety. Additionally, there is no distinction made between the 20 year old who got busted for having sex with his underaged girlfriend and the pedophile who molested a 6 year old.
Check out some of these figures from the Detroit News . . .
"About 1,900 of Michigan's registered sex offenders -- 1 of every 10 on the state listing available to the public -- live in close proximity to a school"
"A Detroit News investigation in April found that at least 35 Michigan school employees or those recently employed by schools had been charged or convicted of sexual misconduct in a 15-month span"
Sounds scary, no? Which is what it is intended to do. BUT again there is no distinction made between the guy who was convicted of 3rd or 4th degree criminal sexual assualt against an adult and the perv who preys on children.
Stories like this do more harm than good. They stir people up into a frenzy of fear and then a knee jerk response totally lacking in common sense follows.
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Ron G.
What a FASCINATING thread!!
It seems to cut to the chase regarding indidual responsibility and the role of the state.
On one hand we have some folks who would castrate the perverts, carry firearms and use them..in short...show resistance. We'll call them the dogs.
On the other hand, we have those who think people shouldn't be armed, people should rely on "the authorities" for protection...in short...be dependent. We'll call them the sheep.
The engine powering all this is the state that releases "facts and statistics" to frighten the sheep and alarm the dogs. The states solution is to enact worthless and unenforcable legislation regarding the problem (here, it's sex offenders) to give the sheep the feeling of security. The state, further, releases "information" convincing the sheep, through lies and fake statistics, that the dogs are rabid...to further frighten the sheep of the dogs, so they won't recognize the dogs as their true protectors.
The states purose in this is to make all dependent on the state...who we'll call the wolves.
The wolves are the only ones qualified to have claws and fangs, leaving the sheep and dogs to be slaughtered while the dogs yap and the sheep bleat helplessly.
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Ron G.
I think you're onto something. Do a Google on "Hegelian dialectic". You'll learn much.
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Interesting and disturbing read, Arkie.
The sad thing is, if the people would apply some common sense, the "problem, reaction, solution" process would go very differently. Seems common sense is sadly lacking in this country, though.
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There are terrorist everywhere, not just in Baghdad...and they have different names...ACLU, NAMBLA, AL Qaeda...the list goes on.
When are we going to stop this tip-toeing around? Never me thinks!
My favorite gospel song has always been and still is: This World Is Not My Home
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Trefor Heywood
You appear to have strange ideas as to what constitutes a terrorist organisation oilfieldmedic.
No sane person would support NAMBLA (brought out as a red herring on every concievable subject it appears) but as far as I am aware it does not go around bombing and hacking peoples' heads off. And the ACLU may annoy some people at some of the causes it supports but neither does it bomb and maim.
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Radar OReilly
I agree with you 100%. The American public needs to demand that we codify the sex offenders more clearly. It appears that child sex offenders and adults that assault adults are from different worlds.
Currently, we are lumping them all together as registered sex offenders. With technology as it is today, it would not be that hard to classify them seperately. People that prey upon and abuse children as one type, people that prey upon and abuse adults as a different classification.
I am an adult, if you have followed waydale and gspot, you may know that I am a rape victim...
but I was an adult when I was victimized. As horrible for me as it was....I was an adult. I cannot imagine what it would be like as a child.
Our minds, our lives, our ability to think and reason are different as we mature. The scars on child victims must be unbelievable.
We as Americans need to really get tough.....demand things from our lawmakers. They need to outline legal perameters for offenders against children and adults......it is something that we as Americans have the right to expect.
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"The American public needs to demand that we codify the sex offenders more clearly. It appears that child sex offenders and adults that assault adults are from different worlds.
Currently, we are lumping them all together as registered sex offenders. "
Not only that, but if you are convicted of statutory rape because when you were 18 you had consensual sex with your 15 or 16 year old girlfriend you are also classified as a sex offender. In Michigan we have degrees, I don't know the differences between all the classifications. But somehow living near someone who was convicted of a 4th degree sexual offense does not worry me nearly as much as living near someone who forced their way into someones home and raped them, or someone who raped a young child.
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Explains the details
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Stayed Too Long
How true!! How true!!
As life began for my generation, the baby boomers, it was perfectly acceptable for a person to defend themselves, their family, and property. If an attack or assualt happened you could put up a defense, up to and including, killing the perpetrator, if need be. There were no "warnings" coming from the police about "putting yourself in danger" because you own a weapon and are willing to use it to protect your child. No worry about being arrested or sued because some prosecutor or judge felt you used excessive force to save your wife's life as someone was attempting to rape her.
Then the 'do gooders' and 'feel good' people got into power. They told us murderers, rapists, and criminals in general are really just nice people, and all it will take to change them is to "help them feel good' about themselves. In actuality it is not the criminal's fault they murder or rape, but the blame belongs squarely on society. It is your fault and mine that someone's child is laying dead at their feet. It is societies fault your daughter was assualted and raped last night. All personal responsibility is taken away and the crime rests on the shoulders of society.
So we bought into this notion and decided to carry it even further. Not only should criminals feel good about themselves, but everyone else should also. So now in schools instead of having to pass math and english classes to reach the next grade level, we pass students solely for the purpose of them 'feeling good' about themselves. It is called a "social promotion", and the child bears no personal responsibility to learn or achieve.
Slowly over the past 50 years as this liberal influence has risen in society, the crime rate has also risen. Somehow it has become "immoral" to blow some jerk's brains all over the bedroom wall as he is breaking into your home. Now it is fashionable to not defend your family, let the killer or rapist do whatever they want, then call the police. Don't let it bother you your wife is dead and you might have prevented it, but 'feel good' because you did not get involved in protecting her. After all that is not your job (and if you did have a fire arm your kid might accidentally find it and be traumatized for life). The police can protect your family so much better than you. Again, just as you learned in school, you bear no responsibility, it is someone elses.
Passing more laws to restrict the movement of, or monitor perverts, is not going to work because there are just too many. If everyone convicted of a sexual offense had a monitoring device permanently attached it would be impossible to track them all the time because of their sheer numbers. Look at how many air traffic controllers it takes to know where all the planes in the country flying are located.
The solution is to keep them locked up. There is a saying the punishment must fit the crime. We know that sexual offenders can not be rehabilitated and will more than likely offend again. The first offense should be life in prison for someone who rapes. I do not see why some see that as a too harsh a punishment. It should be classified just like murder. Why the soft gloves treatment for someone who rapes a child?
Somehow we see ourselves as a 'moral' and 'caring' nation if we let rapist's run free in the streets. After all that is their right. That same 'moral' nation has made the decision it is also 'moral' to see children raped. If rapists are in prison they can not rape again. That seems very moral, and logical, to me.
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Ron G.
By definition a terrorist is someone who attempts to attain a goal by using schocking acts against innocent life, property and individual liberty to create fear to demoralize and control their opposition. It's a common tactic in war and always has been. The firebombings of Hamburg and Dresden by the RAF and USAF is a good example.
The "war on terrorism" seems almost like an oxymoron to me. How to you wage war against a tactic of war?
NAMBLA seeks to destroy kids lives to further their perverse agenda of self gratification. The ACLU and Morris Sleaze seek to destroy liberty via over the top tort abuse in order to further the states agenda of reducing citizens to totally dependent serfdom. Obviously, OFM was quite accurate in his assessment.
Now do a google on "consensus facilitaion".
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ohmygod wingie i'm so sorry. how shocking. how horrible. i'm speechless.
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new jersey's website for finding the sick basturds ..... has reported that 1 in 5 is wrongly reported (left off the list) ....
so he / she may be nextdoor after all
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