"He has made some very scary statements about killing the next child, and we're letting him out?" Blayney said in an interview Monday with KSAT 12 News.
Blayney recalls a statement McQuay made in an interview in 2003 when he said he couldn't guarantee he wouldn't commit more crimes against children when he is released. McQuay later said it was a plea for help.
After McQuay was released in 1996 for molesting a 7-year-old boy, he admitted to another sex crime involving a child, and it was then when he was returned to prison that McQuay asked to be castrated. Prison officials will not say if they granted McQuay's request, which under Texas law, is permissible.
Blayney said if McQuay was castrated, it won't make a difference.
Castration is not the answer. The electric chair is. I honestly don't know of any other way of dealing with someone who says they will do it again, with even more horrific results.
Physical or chemical castration isn't the answer for these sick ***ers. They would still have the propensity for violence and control and power over children.
The stats I have show that 90% recidivism rate as well.
The last two incidents in Florida were committed by men who had done prison time for assaults on children. The mother of the most recent girl knew of his record and yet she dated him.
Now........that mama is in agony that I can't fathom, and I don't suggest we crucify her.
My point is that he served only 1/2 of his sentence for child sexual assault.
The other pervert that killed Jennifer was arrested, what was it....34 times in 20 years? He also did time for child sexual assault.
I don't know what the answer is. And Abi's stats about the attackers being known to the children and their families is staggering isn't it?
Sigh. I, too, have been writing letters to everyone I can think of and some letters to others that can't do anymore about it than my congress person.
All I know to do is teach my daughter what to do, how to do it and keep my eyes on every single person that has any kind of contact with her.
Just one thing about NAMBLA: Their motto is "sex before eight (age) or else it's too late." How can an adult male have consensual sex with a boy under 8 years of age?
Thanks WG, that is the quote I remember from TWI. They put out a paper on homosexuality and some extreme groups as representative of gay people. I can't think that NAMBLA is representative.
As I said it is not like I am a NAMBLA supporter, but I am at a point in my life where I question everything I was taught and told while growing up in TWI. I remember that quote, but I don't see it on the NAMBLA website. I see a lot of other crazy things but not that. I would think that if it were thier motto it would be on that site. Do you have a reference?
An inside look at how the system works/or doesn't. This is from my sister, who is now dealing with this first hand via her step-daugher and this is minor compared to what many have gone through. . .
C and her friend M were at the park and this 32 yr old guy who always carries a laptop and walkman was there making comments to C like he wanted to rub a dildo between her breasts and he could show her what a real man was and he wanted to watch her and her boyfriend have sex. He also was trying to feel up M and was trying to reach up her shorts. M is only 13 and the other kids at the park told the guy how old the girls were and he said he didn't care because they wouldn't tell anyways...
So we got with M parents and they called to police and we told the police. M parents know who the guys friends are and that they could definitely identify him - they let this guy take there 4 or 5 year old girl to the park, by himself....
so we sent the cop to their house next, and he knows those people real well - says to keep C away from them
they have 3 little girls
(me) are the gonna try to prosecute the creep?
(sister) it'll take some time - the police man has to have the police dept set up a forensic interview w/M because she's the victim and she's a minor. The officer is not allowed to interview her - the forensic officer has to do it so she will only have to be questioned once.
he said that could take up to a couple of weeks to arrange. In the meantime, this scum who goes by the name of L has already caught wind of M telling on him from a teen who lives with the K - the ones who are friends with L.
He's not on the sex offender registry, but I think he only just moved out here and if he is a registered offender, he just hasn't told the cops he moved....
but he's so blatant, I can't believe he's never been in trouble before.
Weeks to interview her and go after the guy. How many more girls will he mess with between now and then? And what of the daughters of his friends?
ROMULUS, Mich. (AP) - Northwest Airlines has agreed to pay more than 500-thousand dollars to a girl who says she was sexually molested by a man seated next to her on a flight. The Macomb County girl was ten at the time of the 2001 flight from Kansas City, Missouri to Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The FBI arrested the 28-year-old man, but a federal jury acquitted Ravichandra Thuluva. The settlement in the civil suit was filed Tuesday in Detroit federal court. (Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Fri Apr 22, 7:55 AM ET Top Stories - Los Angeles Times
By John-Thor Dahlburg Times Staff Writer
MIAMI — Outraged over the recent kidnap-slayings of two girls, Florida lawmakers gave all but final approval Thursday to legislation that would keep sexual predators of children behind bars for life, or subject the criminals to round-the-clock electronic monitoring.
Experts called the legislation the most sweeping attempt by a state to prevent convicted child molesters from hurting more victims. The measure has enjoyed unusually broad backing, from Republican Gov. Jeb Bush to the American Civil Liberties Union. Bush has indicated that he would sign into a law a final version, expected after the Florida House approves the bill adopted Thursday by the state Senate. The House had passed a version Tuesday.
The Jessica Lunsford Act is named for a 9-year-old girl from the Gulf Coast who was found dead last month, and the suspect is a man known to be a sex offender. The bill would mandate a 25-year-to-life prison term for people convicted of lewd and lascivious molestation of a child under 12, and a lifetime of tracking by radio or satellite system if they were released.
"We want to make sure that with people with records, we have them under supervision, that we know where they are going to be every minute for the rest of their lives, as long as they are subject to the monitoring," said Republican state Rep. Charles Dean, sponsor of the House bill.
Dean is the former sheriff of Citrus County, where Jessica lived. The body of the Homosassa, Fla., girl was unearthed March 19 after John Evander Couey, a registered sex offender who hadn't told police he had moved, told authorities where to look.
According to the case file released Wednesday, Couey, 46, said he took the girl from her bed during a night in late February. She was sexually assaulted, and apparently buried alive inside two plastic trash bags, the documents show. The cause of death has been tentatively listed as asphyxiation.
When Jessica's body was found, her hands were bound, and she was clutching a purple stuffed dolphin.
Three weeks later, in the Tampa area, another known sex offender was charged with killing 13-year-old Sarah Michelle Lunde. David Onstott, who had dated her mother, has reportedly confessed to choking the girl to death, then dumping her body in a pond.
The cases, prominently covered by the media, galvanized the Florida Legislature into action.
"Everyone has a sense of sickness, disgust — and a sense of fear for our children," Dean said by telephone from Tallahassee, the state capital.
To reconcile minor differences in the bills, the Senate version would be sent to the lower house today for approval, said Judy Wells, chief legislative assistant to Republican state Sen. Nancy Argenziano, the Senate sponsor.
Bush said he "wholeheartedly supported" a crackdown on child molesters. Jacob DiPietre, the governor's press secretary, said Florida had more than 35,000 sexual predators and offenders in its data base.
All 50 states have passed laws requiring sex offenders to register with local law enforcement agencies since 1996 when Congress enacted Megan's Law, inspired by the case of a 7-year-old New Jersey girl raped and killed by a child molester living across the street from her family.
But a national survey conducted in 2003 by Parents for Megan's Law, an advocacy group in Stony Brook, N.Y., found that 24% of the more than 500,000 sex offenders in the country were not complying with the registration requirements, said Laura Ahearn, the group's executive director.
"We have a system where we expect the most cunning and devious of our criminals to register themselves," Ahearn said. "What we'd like to see is lifetime supervision."
Carl Wicklund, executive director of the American Probation and Parole Assn., said the Florida legislation was of unprecedented scope and severity. No other state, he said, had legislation on the books that would subject people to electronic monitoring for life.
GPS monitoring systems use signals from satellites to calculate an accurate location. Florida uses GPS and radio monitoring to help supervise 150,000 people on probation, said Sterling Ivey, spokesman for the state Department of Corrections.
Ivey said an offender was required to wear an ankle bracelet and to carry a lunchbox-sized transmitter that showed his location, calculated from the satellite navigation system to his probation officer on a computer screen. An alert sounds if the bracelet is tampered with or separated from the transmitter.
Ivey cautioned, though, that technology "is not a steel cage around an offender preventing him or her from committing a new crime."
The legislation also creates a new felony: the harboring of a registered sex offender or predator without notifying authorities.
Police in Homosassa had arrested Couey's half-sister and two others for failing to notify authorities that Couey had moved in with them, but prosecutors declined to file charges, saying Florida law did not require someone to inform police of a sex offender's whereabouts.
The Jessica Lunsford Act would close that loophole.
(could be a good idea for priests too.... those retreats they send them to don't work out very well)
Well that is a very good development. :)--> Now we just have to get the rest of the states to follow suit. I am unsure, how many states have the tracking device, but I know Texas does for sure. It is great when the voice of "one people" is heard by our elected officials. Never think that your voice doesn't matter on important issues that we as a society face. If enough people take action, they will hear us.
It is unfortunate though that so many young children have to be sacrificed in order for lawmakers to get a clue. :(-->
Every American Citizen has the right to bear arms.
Every person in American should be brought up with guns just as they are brought up with knives, baseball bats etc. If the fear of guns was gone and the same respect & knowledge of guns was taught we would have less killers on the loose. I see kids 8 & up going hunting with rifles for deer etc., so if they can handle it all people can handle it. Then we shoot the bad guys..........You screw with my family you are dead....Kids should be taught, the nuts will be out there with their guns, knives, "box cutters" anyway so what's all the bs with the anti-gun idiots.
"Every American Citizen has the right to bear arms."
Not meaning to start an argument.
But that statement is not correct.
There are in fact American Citizens whose 'right to bear arms' has been revoked. They simply no longer have the 'right' to bear arms.
We also have areas [cities mostly] where that 'right' is deligated to governmental officials who determine whether or not they think that you should have the 'right' to bear arms. I have lived in areas where I had to 'apply' for a permit from the local Police Cheif, requesting permission to purchase and own a firearm.
To my understanding the phrase: "right" is thought to mean somethign that can not be taken away from an individual, but in fact many of our "rights" as American Citizens do get taken away. Whereas "Privledge" is usually the phrase for something that can come and go.
I am a member of the NRA, too.
I know of people who have had their "right" totaly revoked.
I personally have had my "right" severely restricted for periods of years at a time. And I have had to "request in writing" for permission to own, purchase, or transport firearms.
"Every person in American should be brought up with guns just as they are brought up with knives, baseball bats etc."
I agree.
"... If the fear of guns was gone and the same respect & knowledge of guns was taught we would have less killers on the loose. ..."
I am not sure about that, maybe.
I have seen many many stupid people, who simply do somthing frm impulse and really dont think about the consequences of what they do.
Whether they smoke crack, or inject something made in a bath-tub, or have sex with someone they find passed out in an alley, or 'joy-ride', etc.
"... I see kids 8 & up going hunting with rifles for deer etc., so if they can handle it all people can handle it."
I do agree.
"... Then we shoot the bad guys..........You screw with my family you are dead....Kids should be taught, the nuts will be out there with their guns, knives, "box cutters" anyway so what's all the bs with the anti-gun idiots."
Lets all move to the Republic of Texas. :-)
" ... All I can say is "we don't dial 911"."
Well not until the problem has already been resolved at least. You really dont want to be burying the bad guys too, eventually the police will be investigating their disappearance.
Better to be judged by 12, then carried by 6.
But along with that is the assumption that you use good judgement and common sense.
One time I was working as a Military-Police Watch-Commander in Europe. One guy that worked for me, a 19 year old, with lots of training and certifications, carrying a loaded pistol, and he had even been 'under-fire' with me previously. But one day, we had to wait at a pier for a ship to come into port, to give them a briefing about the local crime-rate and customs. I was walking along the pier and he was sitting in our 'Militare-Policia' car. He thought it would be funny to run me over. So he drove our vehicle at me from behind at maybe 25mph, hit me from behind, flipping me up over the hood, the windshield hit me and threw me up in the air, and I landed solidly on the pier behind vehicle, as he drove it back around in a circle, and walked over to me laughing. He thought it was the funniest thing, to watch me fly over the windshield. Now we were both armed, I was the only one wearing a bullet-proof vest though. But how do you over-come the stupidness of 'youth'?
What 'screening' process can filter out that kind of lack-of-impulse-control?
Yes I think he should have recieved 39 lashes, but such is not our society.
Even with a society wherein everyone is raised with firearms, given training, and experience. Some portion of them will still, get an impulse to 'see what would happen if'. Now you know what would happen if .... and I know what would happen if. But just such a question, will take control of their minds, and ... I read about a group of marines, thankfully not at my base. Who were wondering just how strong their flak-vests were, and whether any of them were strong enough to puch a Kabar knife through such a flak-vest. After a few challenges were made, one young marine doned his vest and braced himself, while another young marine ran at him with knife and thrusted it through the first man's chest. Through the flak-vest and directly through his heart.
I can see the argument that more people should be more freely trained with firearms and armed.
But I also see that WE have a lot of just plain stupid people.
Find someone raping your child, and shoot him or her, fine.
On one hand, we would experience a much higher rate of those deaths.
But we would also have a lot of firearm-related deaths from people being stupid, too.
Not to imply that many of those self-same stupid people dont die today, but the statistics would change. Some of those who today die from swallowing beer-caps, or fall out of trees when they saw through the limb they are standing on, etc; many of those kinds of 'stupid' deaths would shift over to firearms related deaths.
Which is a biggy that the 'anti-firearms' people try to use as their arguments for restricting firearms.
So Lorna, you think a return to the gun-slingin' Wild West, or maybe the vigilante spirit so rampant in the South in the previous two centuries would solve the problem of child molestation?
The hell with relying on law enforcement to keep the peace. And forget the right to a fair trial. Shoot 'em. Shoot 'em all!
I don't think so.
Sometimes my emotional reaction to hearing stories like these is similar to yours. But then I remember that not all people think like me--sanely.
When I think about it more rationally, it quickly dawns on me how many stupid people I encounter in the course of a week. I certainly wouldn't want all of them armed and going around shooting everyone they think is doing something wrong.
I'm all in favor of responsible citizen's right to keep and bear arms. But to carry out their own on-the-spot executions? Sometimes there are misunderstandings. Sometimes things simply aren't as they appear. "Shoot first and ask questions later" doesn't fly when hysteria sets in among the citizenry.
If the fear of guns was gone and the same respect & knowledge of guns was taught we would have less killers on the loose.
Then we shoot the bad guys..........You screw with my family you are dead....
So what happens when, as in the vast majority of cases, the child molester is either a relative or a friend of the family? Why would daddy shoot himself when he's the one molesting the kids?
Not only that, but as satisfying as it would be to shoot a molester, it's not just to do what you are asking for. People who molest kids don't turn purple or have any other easily identifiable features to prove they are guilty. All that you have in many cases is the word of a kid vs. the word of an adult, and in some cases such as divorces, one parent (often with the help of psychiatrists) get the kids to lie about molestation. Are you willing to murder innocent people just because there is a chance that they might be a molester?
It's one thing to catch someone raping your kid and put a bullet between their ears. That's defense. However, you have no right to murder someone just because there is a chance that they could be a child rapist. That's what we have the justice system for. Yes, there are problems with it, but that requires us to fix it so we can use a legal, fair basis for determining who does these evil things and who is really innocent. If you want to go around shooting people because they "look like" they might have molested a kid, you'd be better off in Iraq.
Originally posted by LornaDoone:
Kids should be taught, the nuts will be out there with their guns, knives, "box cutters" anyway so what's all the bs with the anti-gun idiots.
All I can say is "we don't dial 911".
The thing is, there are very few "anti-gun idiots" around. They have no political influence, they have fewer numbers than the pro-eugenics movement. However, fear-based groups like the NRA like to trump up a fake "anti-gun" agenda that doesn't really exist, so they can keep getting your money and get pro-NRA politicians elected.
By the way, I am a former NRA member, and a proud gun owner. However, I'll never give another cent to that corrupt political group that runs off of making people afraid ever again. If they were honest and stuck with their programs of teaching gun safety and working towards acceptance of those types of things, I'd gladly donate money and sign back up. Unfortunately though, they've gone to a group of political lunatics fighting against their own shadows.
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Castration is not the answer. The electric chair is. I honestly don't know of any other way of dealing with someone who says they will do it again, with even more horrific results.
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I just heard on the news this morning that there is a 90% recidivism rate that a sexual predator will strike again.
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Physical or chemical castration isn't the answer for these sick ***ers. They would still have the propensity for violence and control and power over children.
The stats I have show that 90% recidivism rate as well.
The last two incidents in Florida were committed by men who had done prison time for assaults on children. The mother of the most recent girl knew of his record and yet she dated him.
Now........that mama is in agony that I can't fathom, and I don't suggest we crucify her.
My point is that he served only 1/2 of his sentence for child sexual assault.
The other pervert that killed Jennifer was arrested, what was it....34 times in 20 years? He also did time for child sexual assault.
I don't know what the answer is. And Abi's stats about the attackers being known to the children and their families is staggering isn't it?
Sigh. I, too, have been writing letters to everyone I can think of and some letters to others that can't do anymore about it than my congress person.
All I know to do is teach my daughter what to do, how to do it and keep my eyes on every single person that has any kind of contact with her.
What a shameful place our system is in.
Just a few and more recent.
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Watered Garden
Just one thing about NAMBLA: Their motto is "sex before eight (age) or else it's too late." How can an adult male have consensual sex with a boy under 8 years of age?
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It would have to be one real sick man to desire that..........
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Thanks WG, that is the quote I remember from TWI. They put out a paper on homosexuality and some extreme groups as representative of gay people. I can't think that NAMBLA is representative.
As I said it is not like I am a NAMBLA supporter, but I am at a point in my life where I question everything I was taught and told while growing up in TWI. I remember that quote, but I don't see it on the NAMBLA website. I see a lot of other crazy things but not that. I would think that if it were thier motto it would be on that site. Do you have a reference?
OK I'll start a thread. After I eat.
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most of the things I see on the site refer to teens.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
if any parent allows their child to see a known child molester they should be shot too
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An inside look at how the system works/or doesn't. This is from my sister, who is now dealing with this first hand via her step-daugher and this is minor compared to what many have gone through. . .
C and her friend M were at the park and this 32 yr old guy who always carries a laptop and walkman was there making comments to C like he wanted to rub a dildo between her breasts and he could show her what a real man was and he wanted to watch her and her boyfriend have sex. He also was trying to feel up M and was trying to reach up her shorts. M is only 13 and the other kids at the park told the guy how old the girls were and he said he didn't care because they wouldn't tell anyways...
So we got with M parents and they called to police and we told the police. M parents know who the guys friends are and that they could definitely identify him - they let this guy take there 4 or 5 year old girl to the park, by himself....
so we sent the cop to their house next, and he knows those people real well - says to keep C away from them
they have 3 little girls
(me) are the gonna try to prosecute the creep?
(sister) it'll take some time - the police man has to have the police dept set up a forensic interview w/M because she's the victim and she's a minor. The officer is not allowed to interview her - the forensic officer has to do it so she will only have to be questioned once.
he said that could take up to a couple of weeks to arrange. In the meantime, this scum who goes by the name of L has already caught wind of M telling on him from a teen who lives with the K - the ones who are friends with L.
He's not on the sex offender registry, but I think he only just moved out here and if he is a registered offender, he just hasn't told the cops he moved....
but he's so blatant, I can't believe he's never been in trouble before.
Weeks to interview her and go after the guy. How many more girls will he mess with between now and then? And what of the daughters of his friends?
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Another brilliant screw up in the system.
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Al Poole
Gee... maybe "his God within him" is telling him that it's his religious duty to molest little girls... that's "his truth".
What right do "we" have to deny him the priviledge of honoring his God's instructions??
I'm sure the ACLU would defend him.
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Al Poole
Just couldn't help it...... But seriously...
This crap will NEVER end until the courts, judges, prosecutors, parole bosrds are held accountable through civil actions.
Would you turn loose any convict knowing you could lose everything you had if you were sued??
They decide that this person is "no longer a threat to society" and turn em loose.
That ain't gonna happen though...
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4/22/2005 - Molested Passenger
ROMULUS, Mich. (AP) - Northwest Airlines has agreed to pay more than 500-thousand dollars to a girl who says she was sexually molested by a man seated next to her on a flight. The Macomb County girl was ten at the time of the 2001 flight from Kansas City, Missouri to Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The FBI arrested the 28-year-old man, but a federal jury acquitted Ravichandra Thuluva. The settlement in the civil suit was filed Tuesday in Detroit federal court. (Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
but a federal jury acquitted
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Florida Readies Sex Offender Bill
Fri Apr 22, 7:55 AM ET Top Stories - Los Angeles Times
By John-Thor Dahlburg Times Staff Writer
(could be a good idea for priests too.... those retreats they send them to don't work out very well)Link to comment
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Well that is a very good development.
:)--> Now we just have to get the rest of the states to follow suit. I am unsure, how many states have the tracking device, but I know Texas does for sure. It is great when the voice of "one people" is heard by our elected officials. Never think that your voice doesn't matter on important issues that we as a society face. If enough people take action, they will hear us.
It is unfortunate though that so many young children have to be sacrificed in order for lawmakers to get a clue.
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Every American Citizen has the right to bear arms.
Every person in American should be brought up with guns just as they are brought up with knives, baseball bats etc. If the fear of guns was gone and the same respect & knowledge of guns was taught we would have less killers on the loose. I see kids 8 & up going hunting with rifles for deer etc., so if they can handle it all people can handle it. Then we shoot the bad guys..........You screw with my family you are dead....Kids should be taught, the nuts will be out there with their guns, knives, "box cutters" anyway so what's all the bs with the anti-gun idiots.
All I can say is "we don't dial 911".
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Oh & don't forget Moses was a murderer "NOT".
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"Every American Citizen has the right to bear arms."
Not meaning to start an argument.
But that statement is not correct.
There are in fact American Citizens whose 'right to bear arms' has been revoked. They simply no longer have the 'right' to bear arms.
We also have areas [cities mostly] where that 'right' is deligated to governmental officials who determine whether or not they think that you should have the 'right' to bear arms. I have lived in areas where I had to 'apply' for a permit from the local Police Cheif, requesting permission to purchase and own a firearm.
To my understanding the phrase: "right" is thought to mean somethign that can not be taken away from an individual, but in fact many of our "rights" as American Citizens do get taken away. Whereas "Privledge" is usually the phrase for something that can come and go.
I am a member of the NRA, too.
I know of people who have had their "right" totaly revoked.
I personally have had my "right" severely restricted for periods of years at a time. And I have had to "request in writing" for permission to own, purchase, or transport firearms.
"Every person in American should be brought up with guns just as they are brought up with knives, baseball bats etc."
I agree.
"... If the fear of guns was gone and the same respect & knowledge of guns was taught we would have less killers on the loose. ..."
I am not sure about that, maybe.
I have seen many many stupid people, who simply do somthing frm impulse and really dont think about the consequences of what they do.
Whether they smoke crack, or inject something made in a bath-tub, or have sex with someone they find passed out in an alley, or 'joy-ride', etc.
"... I see kids 8 & up going hunting with rifles for deer etc., so if they can handle it all people can handle it."
I do agree.
"... Then we shoot the bad guys..........You screw with my family you are dead....Kids should be taught, the nuts will be out there with their guns, knives, "box cutters" anyway so what's all the bs with the anti-gun idiots."
Lets all move to the Republic of Texas. :-)
" ... All I can say is "we don't dial 911"."
Well not until the problem has already been resolved at least. You really dont want to be burying the bad guys too, eventually the police will be investigating their disappearance.
Better to be judged by 12, then carried by 6.
But along with that is the assumption that you use good judgement and common sense.
One time I was working as a Military-Police Watch-Commander in Europe. One guy that worked for me, a 19 year old, with lots of training and certifications, carrying a loaded pistol, and he had even been 'under-fire' with me previously. But one day, we had to wait at a pier for a ship to come into port, to give them a briefing about the local crime-rate and customs. I was walking along the pier and he was sitting in our 'Militare-Policia' car. He thought it would be funny to run me over. So he drove our vehicle at me from behind at maybe 25mph, hit me from behind, flipping me up over the hood, the windshield hit me and threw me up in the air, and I landed solidly on the pier behind vehicle, as he drove it back around in a circle, and walked over to me laughing. He thought it was the funniest thing, to watch me fly over the windshield. Now we were both armed, I was the only one wearing a bullet-proof vest though. But how do you over-come the stupidness of 'youth'?
What 'screening' process can filter out that kind of lack-of-impulse-control?
Yes I think he should have recieved 39 lashes, but such is not our society.
Even with a society wherein everyone is raised with firearms, given training, and experience. Some portion of them will still, get an impulse to 'see what would happen if'. Now you know what would happen if .... and I know what would happen if. But just such a question, will take control of their minds, and ... I read about a group of marines, thankfully not at my base. Who were wondering just how strong their flak-vests were, and whether any of them were strong enough to puch a Kabar knife through such a flak-vest. After a few challenges were made, one young marine doned his vest and braced himself, while another young marine ran at him with knife and thrusted it through the first man's chest. Through the flak-vest and directly through his heart.
There will always be some percentage of 'stupid'.
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I'm not understanding.
Are we saying that if more of us were armed, there would be less child sexual assault and murder?
If we taught out children to shoot, that would help as well?
Or is the point being that these sick *****s have too much access to guns and other forms of threat?
I am an NRA member and gun owner. My oldest daughter was taught by me how and when to shoot. My youngest will be taught the same.
But, is that the point of the recent posts?
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I can see the argument that more people should be more freely trained with firearms and armed.
But I also see that WE have a lot of just plain stupid people.
Find someone raping your child, and shoot him or her, fine.
On one hand, we would experience a much higher rate of those deaths.
But we would also have a lot of firearm-related deaths from people being stupid, too.
Not to imply that many of those self-same stupid people dont die today, but the statistics would change. Some of those who today die from swallowing beer-caps, or fall out of trees when they saw through the limb they are standing on, etc; many of those kinds of 'stupid' deaths would shift over to firearms related deaths.
Which is a biggy that the 'anti-firearms' people try to use as their arguments for restricting firearms.
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Linda Z
So Lorna, you think a return to the gun-slingin' Wild West, or maybe the vigilante spirit so rampant in the South in the previous two centuries would solve the problem of child molestation?
The hell with relying on law enforcement to keep the peace. And forget the right to a fair trial. Shoot 'em. Shoot 'em all!
I don't think so.
Sometimes my emotional reaction to hearing stories like these is similar to yours. But then I remember that not all people think like me--sanely.
When I think about it more rationally, it quickly dawns on me how many stupid people I encounter in the course of a week. I certainly wouldn't want all of them armed and going around shooting everyone they think is doing something wrong.
I'm all in favor of responsible citizen's right to keep and bear arms. But to carry out their own on-the-spot executions? Sometimes there are misunderstandings. Sometimes things simply aren't as they appear. "Shoot first and ask questions later" doesn't fly when hysteria sets in among the citizenry.
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Mister P-Mosh
So what happens when, as in the vast majority of cases, the child molester is either a relative or a friend of the family? Why would daddy shoot himself when he's the one molesting the kids?
Not only that, but as satisfying as it would be to shoot a molester, it's not just to do what you are asking for. People who molest kids don't turn purple or have any other easily identifiable features to prove they are guilty. All that you have in many cases is the word of a kid vs. the word of an adult, and in some cases such as divorces, one parent (often with the help of psychiatrists) get the kids to lie about molestation. Are you willing to murder innocent people just because there is a chance that they might be a molester?
It's one thing to catch someone raping your kid and put a bullet between their ears. That's defense. However, you have no right to murder someone just because there is a chance that they could be a child rapist. That's what we have the justice system for. Yes, there are problems with it, but that requires us to fix it so we can use a legal, fair basis for determining who does these evil things and who is really innocent. If you want to go around shooting people because they "look like" they might have molested a kid, you'd be better off in Iraq.
The thing is, there are very few "anti-gun idiots" around. They have no political influence, they have fewer numbers than the pro-eugenics movement. However, fear-based groups like the NRA like to trump up a fake "anti-gun" agenda that doesn't really exist, so they can keep getting your money and get pro-NRA politicians elected.
By the way, I am a former NRA member, and a proud gun owner. However, I'll never give another cent to that corrupt political group that runs off of making people afraid ever again. If they were honest and stuck with their programs of teaching gun safety and working towards acceptance of those types of things, I'd gladly donate money and sign back up. Unfortunately though, they've gone to a group of political lunatics fighting against their own shadows.
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