Many a train of thought in this GSC. I will speak freely without the silly or soap opra which i think all life is kinda tried to be contained or classified or what ever~~~
And Oft the top oh mine mind and thank full some ONES had the BALLZ enuf to make thier thots upfront and put up with thots generated. If that makes any sence all of the we and they~~~
Spice returned to her home town and graduated with her long time buds.
She was of eighteen which seems to be some kinda magical age.
Her Grandmother calls me. Informs me i need to get in touch with Spice's Mom.
I did.
Spice had decided to use her talents an Exotic Dancer
just the woods and its thousands of acres and ya can feel the warmth of the light
no wind
all of a sudden
tick tip
tick tip
tick tip tick
tip tup
tup tup tick tick tup
tup tick tup ti up t
what is that sound?
that sound is the dew traveling from the tip top of trees one leaf to another and onto the ground. that sound is quite a genii when p peing in the woods
went through hell man trying to figure the what to do. The ones upstairs helped with her care. The one down the row named Danny, a Viet Fn Nam vet post tram, helped too.
She just loved her little girl and wanted help.
I have that
coarse lace or fringe made by knotting threads or cords in a geometrical pattern; also : the art of tying knots in patterns
around my wrist right now
i do not know what happened to that little lady with her baby
okay please believe me I will make a point this whole thread, if it's not obvious already.
Okay back to Phillip~~~ I really want to sum that story and not end it as abrupt as above few posts ago
to set the back drop from the last post ~~~It's night about 7p ~~~ the conversation is face to face and low key and of course the gist only
"Yeah I know dude, but you discharged a gun."
"I was celebrating my birthday."
"You were totally frigging drunk celebrating your birthday. he had consumed a fifth tequilla and swallowed the worm).
"Well, that's the way we do it in Valdosta."
"You give Valdosta a bad name and this is an apartment complex ~~~~ you know, a community full of people. You discharged 3 rounds from your 9mm right outside my window dude. You could have killed someone. You Need To Leave Now! I know you are here to see your little girl, but neither your wife or she is here."
"I love my family. Please I just want to see my little girl."
"Phillip, you are not being smart right now. Give me the key to your apartment and go away now. Just the fact I know you are here, you know damn good and well I am going to call the police.
If you love your wife and your little girl, give me your apartment key and leave."
Phillip turned over his key and the mail and walked away. Hands in pockets and head hung low.
I called the police and made the report.
I called his wife at work.
Turned over the key and mail to his wife the next day.
She then placed a restraining order on Phillip.
Sad very sad because I knew he loved his wife and little girl.
Forgive me. I do not mean to be confusing to anyone. Although I seem to have developed such a reputation here. Uhm like hard core jazz or something like that.
Yeah I know I am hard to follow at times here at GSC. I am working on that.
I just have so very much to say.
I keep pen and paper with me WHEReVER I am. I even write on my windshield with a Sharpie while driving & no paper available.
I even have a tape recorder when a thot zooms through on a piece of writing that I have to make note. Those I call "Bits & Pieces" .
I have even been accused of snorting coke, cleaning a bong since I was a child, being drunk when I write here. That is not so and no I am not playing a victim or poor poor pitiful me status.
I do and have h20 colours, sketches, portraits which would fill piece to piece a 60 foot long and 8' high wall ~~~
about 1200 poems,
100's of lyrics,
a few essays,
a few short stories
a 6 foot high journal my gig with TWI for TWInty years
an ongoing journal called "The Oceans Edge"
5 novels I been trying to finish for 15 years and still working on them. Chatty can vouch for some of that in re to "Amaryllis", "The Chronicles Of Talon Sparks", "Lime Jacket"~~~
I can mimic writers ... for eg give me two hours of perusal a Bulfinch and I can have about 1000 words into that world within 2 or 3 leisure hours. Spell check it later ya know.
Love to make up words that actually do have a deafinition
I play guitar & harmonica and over a hundred songs on cassett
Sad to say none published
I have over a thousand photos of my work performed in construction of which I use as a resume for potential clients which produces a 95% closing and I finish all my jobs :D-->
Damn where am I going with all this braggadocio???
okay here's another eg the way my mind travels ~~~ I just went out on the porch since my last entry, lit a cigarette and noticed a two turtles swimmin slowly west in the pond below me. A big one and a little one~~~ the little one is bumping his snout to the big one's snout like learning how to swim and it's mother's day!!!!
annnndd here I go again~~~ that thot just bought to mind a night during last hurrican season when the wind was howling the the trees and swarming the pond into a frenzzy and so dark and a pure white heron trying to find shelter from the storm landed in the tree that stands over the pond like a eybrow and stood in those branches and folded its wings like a blanket and tucked its long neck into its breat and stayed there and I watched it until the wind became so fierce i had to tune turn in and close the sliding glass door and watch its pure white and then had to close the shades for the wind was gusting suddenly over and over
dig what i'm saying
i just have to diSengage my mind from those thots because they will just stream in and i have no place to put them at times
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Many a train of thought in this GSC. I will speak freely without the silly or soap opra which i think all life is kinda tried to be contained or classified or what ever~~~
And Oft the top oh mine mind and thank full some ONES had the BALLZ enuf to make thier thots upfront and put up with thots generated. If that makes any sence all of the we and they~~~
Spice returned to her home town and graduated with her long time buds.
She was of eighteen which seems to be some kinda magical age.
Her Grandmother calls me. Informs me i need to get in touch with Spice's Mom.
I did.
Spice had decided to use her talents an Exotic Dancer
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my mind cannot comprhend
my heart feels for u
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sharon, if ya don't have children or never have been one, i surely do not understand you
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i have 3..
and once was 1.
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is this three draw one?
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m,ay i repeat my self alpha cat
what is that sound?
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does anyone know what that sound is?
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I call upon Peyton & Monty
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well do'nt know ' bout that restorationist with a beard bigger than his ssmile and his smile competition his eyes
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Spice is fine.
She gave up the exotic gig.
She did not go through hell with her Classy Kat
She met a kewl wonderful friend
And now I have two wonderful Grand Boys
I am blessed and don't even know
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as far as hell and sending people there for an eternity
i choose the compassionate wrath of god where one just never ever existed for all eternity and no one knows or remembers
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that sound is the dew traveling from the tip top of trees one leaf to another and onto the ground. that sound is quite a genii when p peing in the woods
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i love my children too
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childddetcedren are mutual arrangement for some reason of experience
Meet The Fockers for eg
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of course you do..
you confuse me
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I'm just a song with a lotta stories like that Big Fish movie~~~
New tenant moved in next to our apt. Nice couple with one child.
Apartment dwellers kinda just live together for some reason.
I go to work, my wife goes to work, we come home and do the usual routine.
I go outside to have a smoke and apartments are kinda close together ya know.
As I walk out the front door there is this new tenant sitting in front her her door composing
"I'd like for you to have this."
I lit my smoke and reached out mine hand to recieve her thought~~~
she has a beautfil child
i did not understand
I said thanks
she got up and entered into her dwelling.
I was like wht the f ever
A few many days later POP POP POP
Some one discharged a gun three rounds
Police entered the scene and wisked off with her hubby
I'm like aht the ****
she had some problems with her hubby and was asking for help to protect her child
years later i find the macrame as i continue to unpack those days since i been here at gsc cafe
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The dude that discharged the gun~~~
He went to jail.
That young teen his wife and their daughter
went through hell man trying to figure the what to do. The ones upstairs helped with her care. The one down the row named Danny, a Viet Fn Nam vet post tram, helped too.
She just loved her little girl and wanted help.
I have that
coarse lace or fringe made by knotting threads or cords in a geometrical pattern; also : the art of tying knots in patterns
around my wrist right now
i do not know what happened to that little lady with her baby
but i hope all is well
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During that time the office was well aware the situation, but yet could not control the deal.
The dude got out of jail.
Very quiet and slick.
I saw him. For some reason he was able to get back to his wife and kid very quiet like.
This dude is 6'3" solid. I am 5'10" full of **** and experienced ~~~ saw him exit toward the the mail box center~~~
He turned
"What are you doing here dude!!!"
we walked towward each other and squared
his eyes down
mine up
"I came to get my mail"
"Dude you discharged a gun"
"Iwant to see my child"
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okay please believe me I will make a point this whole thread, if it's not obvious already.
Okay back to Phillip~~~ I really want to sum that story and not end it as abrupt as above few posts ago
to set the back drop from the last post ~~~It's night about 7p ~~~ the conversation is face to face and low key and of course the gist only
"Yeah I know dude, but you discharged a gun."
"I was celebrating my birthday."
"You were totally frigging drunk celebrating your birthday. he had consumed a fifth tequilla and swallowed the worm).
"Well, that's the way we do it in Valdosta."
"You give Valdosta a bad name and this is an apartment complex ~~~~ you know, a community full of people. You discharged 3 rounds from your 9mm right outside my window dude. You could have killed someone. You Need To Leave Now! I know you are here to see your little girl, but neither your wife or she is here."
"I love my family. Please I just want to see my little girl."
"Phillip, you are not being smart right now. Give me the key to your apartment and go away now. Just the fact I know you are here, you know damn good and well I am going to call the police.
If you love your wife and your little girl, give me your apartment key and leave."
Phillip turned over his key and the mail and walked away. Hands in pockets and head hung low.
I called the police and made the report.
I called his wife at work.
Turned over the key and mail to his wife the next day.
She then placed a restraining order on Phillip.
Sad very sad because I knew he loved his wife and little girl.
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I hope this clears up some tangents of mine.
Forgive me. I do not mean to be confusing to anyone. Although I seem to have developed such a reputation here. Uhm like hard core jazz or something like that.
Yeah I know I am hard to follow at times here at GSC. I am working on that.
I just have so very much to say.
I keep pen and paper with me WHEReVER I am. I even write on my windshield with a Sharpie while driving & no paper available.
I even have a tape recorder when a thot zooms through on a piece of writing that I have to make note. Those I call "Bits & Pieces" .
I have even been accused of snorting coke, cleaning a bong since I was a child, being drunk when I write here. That is not so and no I am not playing a victim or poor poor pitiful me status.
I do and have h20 colours, sketches, portraits which would fill piece to piece a 60 foot long and 8' high wall ~~~
about 1200 poems,
100's of lyrics,
a few essays,
a few short stories
a 6 foot high journal my gig with TWI for TWInty years
an ongoing journal called "The Oceans Edge"
5 novels I been trying to finish for 15 years and still working on them. Chatty can vouch for some of that in re to "Amaryllis", "The Chronicles Of Talon Sparks", "Lime Jacket"~~~
I can mimic writers ... for eg give me two hours of perusal a Bulfinch and I can have about 1000 words into that world within 2 or 3 leisure hours. Spell check it later ya know.
Love to make up words that actually do have a deafinition
I play guitar & harmonica and over a hundred songs on cassett
Sad to say none published
I have over a thousand photos of my work performed in construction of which I use as a resume for potential clients which produces a 95% closing and I finish all my jobs
Damn where am I going with all this braggadocio???
Oh that's right
I guess I'm talking about love
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okay here's another eg the way my mind travels ~~~ I just went out on the porch since my last entry, lit a cigarette and noticed a two turtles swimmin slowly west in the pond below me. A big one and a little one~~~ the little one is bumping his snout to the big one's snout like learning how to swim and it's mother's day!!!!
Happy Mother's Day Sharon~~~
gonna finish my smoke now
dig what i'm saying
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annnndd here I go again~~~ that thot just bought to mind a night during last hurrican season when the wind was howling the the trees and swarming the pond into a frenzzy and so dark and a pure white heron trying to find shelter from the storm landed in the tree that stands over the pond like a eybrow and stood in those branches and folded its wings like a blanket and tucked its long neck into its breat and stayed there and I watched it until the wind became so fierce i had to tune turn in and close the sliding glass door and watch its pure white and then had to close the shades for the wind was gusting suddenly over and over
dig what i'm saying
i just have to diSengage my mind from those thots because they will just stream in and i have no place to put them at times
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