another brilliant, pointless essay of obfuscation by the wierwille-worshipping waddahayseed.........
.."But let's get honest about what it is that is really bugging you. It's not whether or not someone thinks VPW was good or bad, whether he was a heretic or a hero, but what you're really afraid of - is the fact nobody is gonna think of, remember or talk of me once I leave this cold, heartless world. "
But I really don't care about him. See the offshoot cults and the reverends from him(legions that they are) are still leading people astray.
You're right VPW couldn't care about what is said now or then. VPW can't give me what I want which is Ca-Ching! I care about the pockets not the maggot food! Besides it's useless here talking about him. I talk to FBI, Homeland Security, My Congressman, Senators, Attorneys, etc. Sure I know TWI has politicians, but mine don't play that game!
When old Rose finally kicks der bucket, I wonder if we will start seeing postings about former followers under her rule dancing and singing in the streets, "ding dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the wicked witch" heh heh.
Well.. one thing is true, when the wicked perish, there is a shout of joy..
It may take a little while- some take quite a while to wake up and see what kind of wickedness they were really dealing with.
As expected, Mr. Wordwolf completely missed the context of my last post. The only poor reader would be him, as he goes so far to use another opininated posters sentiments about VPW to try to prove VPW cared what others thougth of him. Well gee whiz then, VPW sure missed the boat fashioning a public persona and impressing me since I just stated:
no matter what people have to say good or bad, they end up thinking and talking a whole heck of a lot about VPW, which is certainly a heck of a lot more than what I ever care to.
I am fully aware of Mr. WordWolf's reasons for posting on this thread. -- And this is just one of his reasons:
Someone claimed to represent the true God, and siphoned the life from my spiritual family like some movie vampire.
Yeah well, before you and a host of others go about accusing VPW of that, take a good look at yourself in a mirror and ask the one in the mirror what they are doing and offering people today - the Word of God or merely anectdotes about VPW? Don't blame VPW for siphoning the life from your spiritual family just because your testimony of Jesus Christ is lost in a mire of anecdotes, chicken soup stories, three points and a poem. (With apologies to Dr. Suess).
It's not VPW's fault the "spiritual family" has been reduced to a political, isolated fringe social activist group. In an effort to be contemporary and relevant, many have forsaken the Word of God altogether and have become nothing more than religious social clubs. For the most part, their mentalitiy is no different than TWI's "remnant mentality" today, which only ends up being a cloak for nothing more than religious pride.
The question I would ask, 'Is that the vision and purpose I have for my life?' If it is, then I am sure I wouldn't want to join your church. Your church is too contemporary. A church is too contemporary when the eternal destinies of men and women are trivialized by anecdotes about people (like VPW), the pursuit of career and money, and the short-lived pleasures of this life. On the other hand some of us are committed to preaching the uncompormised Word of God, whether it is popular, politically correct or seen as intolerant. It's too bad that we're not going to change enough to statisfy your desires, huh.
Are you talkin' to me Alfakat? Why waste time asking who Victor Paul Wierwielle was. More importantly, Who are you? If you know who you are, who I am wouldn't matter to you anymore than what VPW matters to me.
I would think WTH, that as for what folks have to offer, it surely isn`t the pain and evil on the scale that vpw chose to *give*
If in looking in the mirror this day, we decide to simply apply the 2nd commandment, and refrain from hurting, stealing from, raping, or destroying our neighbor....even if we never *offered* a single other good to mankind...we would have a far better impact for people and God.
He darn sure wouldn`t have so much damage control to deal with.
On the other hand, If you teach scripture like vp no matter how much or how accuratly....and then procede maim and steal from people, AND teach others that it is ok to do likewise....using said scripture as a justification for your vile acts, I would think, that rather than having done any possible good for people or God that reality, it gives God a great big black eye.
Kindda silly, if God wants us to know that he is love through the bible, and you teach folks the and then USE said bible to control and hurt, it really hasn`t really taught about who/what God is supposed to be.
I don`t think vpw did God OR his bretheren any big favors, buddy.
As far as when I personally look in the mirror? (I am sure that there are many gspotters as well) that rather than having to utilize the epitaph to describe what they see as *I WISH I were the man I knew to be* .... can with all honesty look ourselves straight in the eye and say that I AM the man/woman that I know to be.
As expected, Mr. Wordwolf completely missed the context of my last post.
That's Doctor WordWolf, and you missed your OWN context.
The only poor reader would be him, as he goes so far to use another opininated posters sentiments about VPW to try to prove VPW cared what others thougth of him.
Actually, it was nicely representative, and was as accurate as if I'd spent an hour
writing up example after example. Amazing you seem to have missed every example
vpw gave in his own life. If it wasn't YOU missing them, I'd wonder how someone
could fail to see it.
Well gee whiz then, VPW sure missed the boat fashioning a public persona and impressing me
As you've demonstrated aptly, with you, he succeeded beyond his expectations.
If he'd drawn a pistol and shot into the crowd at the Big Top, killing some of them,
you'd criticize us for still discussing it, after all, everyone affected is now dead.
since I just stated:
no matter what people have to say good or bad, they end up thinking and talking a whole heck of a lot about VPW, which is certainly a heck of a lot more than what I ever care to.
This seems to periodically surprise you, but law forums discuss the law, car forums
us to discuss vpw, his classes, his structures, his felonies.
I am fully aware of Mr. WordWolf's reasons for posting on this thread.
No, you're not. This is fairly unique, since I've explained in my posts why I post here.
Therefore, most people here know why I post here.
-- And this is just one of his reasons:
Someone claimed to represent the true God, and siphoned the life from my spiritual family like some movie vampire.
Yeah well, before you and a host of others go about accusing VPW of that,
He DID ruin people's lives.
Amazing how you can absolutely live in denial of that.
People whose lives were ruined-PERSONALLY-by him have posted here.
In GREAT detail.
New arrivals seem to pick this up, after a short time reading the accounts here.
There are several reasons you might have missed this, but by now, it's obvious this is
Even the vpw apologists usually don't try to deny that
vpw spent the group's money on his personal vices and luxuries while insisting others not spend money on THEIR luxuries and vices,
and he raped and molested lots of women in twi, resorting to drugging them when they were reluctant.
take a good look at yourself in a mirror
Ooo, WTH's famous mirror that he brings up all the time! Maybe he's got some sort of mirror
and ask the one in the mirror what they are doing and offering people today - the Word of God or merely anectdotes about VPW? Don't blame VPW for siphoning the life from your spiritual family just because your testimony of Jesus Christ is lost in a mire of anecdotes, chicken soup stories, three points and a poem. (With apologies to Dr. Suess).
Ok, I can play this game!
See the new thread for this game....
It's not VPW's fault the "spiritual family" has been reduced to a political, isolated fringe social activist group.
Rather than offer the timeless principles of God, vpw cut all corners. He slapped together
an organization "prefab", and his doctrine "prefab" (he plagiarized the best he could find.)
He then put forth the propaganda campaign that he himself was some great one. All the
members gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying 'this man is the great power of
God', and they all gave heed to him, and for long time he bewitched them with his line of bs.
He used the zeitgeist's disaffection with organized religion to pretend he was offering
something "DISorganized", then slowly added more rules that suited him.
HE was the one who dabbled in politics.
HE was the one who dabbled in "social activism" (depending on what one means with that-
there's currently insufficient numbers in twi to be "activist" in anything bigger than a
PTA or Community Planning Board.)
HE was the one who isolated it from everyone else. ("We're BETTER than the rest! Don't ever
trust organized religion!")
Sounds like vpw was primarily responsible for twi, from early on, attempting to operate as a
"political isolated fringe activist group."
In an effort to be contemporary and relevant, many have forsaken the Word of God altogether and have become nothing more than religious social clubs. For the most part, their mentalitiy is no different than TWI's "remnant mentality" today, which only ends up being a cloak for nothing more than religious pride.
I suppose that applies to a FEW.
I'd say thousands upon thousands more-either from WayDale, the GSC or having never posted here
and just getting on with their lives-attempted to be their best for God in other fashions
and just cared more about that than they did about money, sex or luxuries.
The question I would ask, 'Is that the vision and purpose I have for my life?' If it is, then I am sure I wouldn't want to join your church.
The minorities who have done so, I AGREE, are sad and misguided.
(See-we actually agree on something!)
Most people here can't say that this applies to them.
Most of those who that DOES apply to post here once or twice a year, make a drive-by
posting ad, explain how they know what we don't, and leave.
(Hm. That sounds familiar.)
Further, you STILL have no idea what I do when I'm not logged in to the GSC.
Finally, when I encounter all the superholy people who feel qualified to pass judgement on
me while lacking basic information to form an opinion, I make a mental note not to invite nor
direct them anywhere. So, don't worry about having to refuse an invitation to my church.
Your church is too contemporary. A church is too contemporary when the eternal destinies of men and women are trivialized by anecdotes about people (like VPW), the pursuit of career and money, and the short-lived pleasures of this life.
Now, THAT's a ridiculous caricature. (A "strawman".) Nobody's formed the
"Church of the anti-vpw". If you count GSC as a "church", you've forgotten what a church IS.
Then again, why am I surprised?
On the other hand some of us are committed to preaching the uncompormised Word of God, whether it is popular, politically correct or seen as intolerant. It's too bad that we're not going to change enough to statisfy your desires, huh.
Yes, that's too bad.
First of all, you're vision has frozen to the level that you're unable to recognize the
Christian efforts of anyone other than yourselves.
If you had macular degeneration, you could have surgery.
Sadly, spiritual macular degeneration is not solved so easily-there is no "surgery of the
heart"-short of the direct intervention of God Almighty.
If one was to judge YOUR spiritual life based purely on the content of your posts at GSC,
one's logical conclusions would be
"WTH spends all his time denying testimony of hundreds of witnesses, and bends all his effort
towards obscuring evidence and misdirecting attention away from the truth.
WTH does nothing profitable to God with his time."
Harsh, perhaps, but you were the one who was making the comparison.
I just used your OWN standard on your OWN behaviour.
You didn't INTEND to be a typical
"do as I say not as I do" hypocrite
like you say most churches are LOADED with, did you?
You DO think it's fair to apply your own standard to your own life, right?
"WTH spends all his time denying testimony of hundreds of witnesses, and bends all his effort towards obscuring evidence and misdirecting attention away from the truth.
I would say that is a more apt and accurate description of yourself Mr. Wordwolf (but then, I am fully aware that your not the only one) ... using all your effort toward obscuring evidence and misdirecting people's attention away from the truth.
Of course it's not the truth regarding VPW I am refering to, but The Truth of Jesus Christ. You would prefer people forget the testimonies of the thousands whose lives were redeemeed and saved by the preaching of the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of VPW, in favor of the few hundred, who today for the most part care less about the Word of God, the Lord, and more about VPW! If that weren't so, they would be discussing the Lord more than VPW. But then, you will discount the tesimony of the thousands in favor of the few hundred - because the thousands haven't posted their personal testimonies at GSC? Well don't hold your breath and expect them to simply because they have a much larger vision for their life than your silly game.
As I had stated in my last post:
Don't blame VPW for siphoning the life from your spiritual family just because your testimony of Jesus Christ is lost in a mire of anecdotes, chicken soup stories, three points and a poem. (With apologies to Dr. Suess).
Ok, I can play this game!
See the new thread for this game....
Thanks for adding that to the list of how one can also siphon the life from their spiritual family. I forgot that one.
I'm not sure what point your trying to make by bringing up Jeffrey Dahmer and comparing him to VPW. I don't recall Mr. Dahmer claiming he cared about the Lord one way or the other. I don't see the point you're trying to make - other than the point is a classic example of an idiotic comparrison between two entirely and completely different people.
In your last post you mentioned people should remember all the good he (Mr. Dahmer) did. I got some shocking news if you weren't aware of this already. Mr. Dahmer did contribute good to the benefit of our society. I read an article in 2000 where they were examining the brains of one of "his victims" and were totally astounded by the skill Mr. Dahmer used and diplayed in disecting the human brain. There are nuerosurgeons today studing his skills simply because they are astounded by his workmanship.
Mr. Dahmer could have been one of the worlds greatest top notch nuerosurgeons himself - had he decided to use his knowledge of human anatomy and skill for good rather than evil. But I have found that to be true with any body of knowledge. Knowledge can be used for good or evil - for man's benefit or demise. It all depends on the man.
Why do you think there's so much debate today about "stem-cell research"? I'm not so certain it is a debate over the advancement of human life or the ending of a human life, as much as it is the fear that someone ends up with having total control over a certain body of knowledge. I'm more convinced of the latter. God forbid a certain "body of knowledge" should ever get into the wrong hands! I guess we can say pretty much the same thing about biblical research too, huh?
I'm not sure what point your trying to make by bringing up Jeffrey Dahmer and comparing him to VPW. I don't recall Mr. Dahmer claiming he cared about the Lord one way or the other. I don't see the point you're trying to make - other than the point is a classic example of an idiotic comparrison between two entirely and completely different people.
I'm not surprised that you can't see the comparison and therefore write it off as 'idiotic." If I had any respect for your analytical skills, I'd try to explain it to you. But I don't. So I won't.
Thanks for compiling these quotes. Years after leaving twi, adjusting to real life again, finding a church I'm comfortable with, I still find myself benefitting from the discussion here. I remain friends/acquaintances with former twi folks - - some of whom choose no formal church involvement, some who do the offshoot thing, some who are happy with their christian church or other form of spiritual participation - - and from time to time one of them inevitably puts on the rose colored glasses about ol' vp.
To read a compilation of info that was only discovered (via the Internet) following his death and the near-death of his organization, must be quite mentally jarring for the first-time readers - - as it still provokes thoughtful consideration in my mind after multiple readings and participation here at GSC.
I can't help but reiterate the following:
1. From Shaz:
Even the Bible that Wierwille held to be The Word of God
says that he was not qualified to be a leader of the church, because of his sins.
Not because he was human like the rest of us, but because he was inhuman.
See, even God doesn't look upon every sin the same.
2. From Rascal:
The *TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ* as you termed it wth, as I see it, was simply the candy that the pervert used to lure the children into his car.
Yeah sure the candy looked tasty, that is why a predator utilizes it to lure a naieve child to them.
The child focuses on the brightly wrapped goody and is unaware untill too late of the impending doom.
3. From GrouchoMarxJr.:
He was dishonest, uncaring, and dangerous.
The gulf between what Wierwiile wanted people to believe about him...
and the truth of who he really MASSIVE....
Perhaps that is one reason that folks have a difficult time with hearing about the real wierwille.
It's difficult to go from "greatest apostle in 2000 years"
to "sexual predator and lying bastard" without some sort of "emotional short circuiting".
People don't want to believe it...they rationalize...
"he was a good teacher, he taught me lots of bible stuff,
we all had a good time at the nightowl, etc, etc, etc.
They become offended at the harshness displayed towards wierwille...
Well, IMHO, anything of value that you got out of your twi experience
had very little, if anything to do with vpw.
Bottom line...he lied in God's name and used people for his own self gratification.
As long as people continue to worship vic the mog,
they will continue to be mentally captivated within wayworld.
Recognizing wierwille for what he was, is a huge step in recovery.
Makes me so thankful to have discovered this place.
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another brilliant, pointless essay of obfuscation by the wierwille-worshipping waddahayseed.........
.."But let's get honest about what it is that is really bugging you. It's not whether or not someone thinks VPW was good or bad, whether he was a heretic or a hero, but what you're really afraid of - is the fact nobody is gonna think of, remember or talk of me once I leave this cold, heartless world. "
classic horse-spit from the master, waddaklown..
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Yeah he's dead, hooray!
But I really don't care about him. See the offshoot cults and the reverends from him(legions that they are) are still leading people astray.
You're right VPW couldn't care about what is said now or then. VPW can't give me what I want which is Ca-Ching! I care about the pockets not the maggot food! Besides it's useless here talking about him. I talk to FBI, Homeland Security, My Congressman, Senators, Attorneys, etc. Sure I know TWI has politicians, but mine don't play that game!
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Not to derail too much but..
When old Rose finally kicks der bucket, I wonder if we will start seeing postings about former followers under her rule dancing and singing in the streets, "ding dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the wicked witch" heh heh.
Well.. one thing is true, when the wicked perish, there is a shout of joy..
It may take a little while- some take quite a while to wake up and see what kind of wickedness they were really dealing with.
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Good grief. I hope that is not the kind of legacy I'll leave behind..
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What The Hay
As expected, Mr. Wordwolf completely missed the context of my last post. The only poor reader would be him, as he goes so far to use another opininated posters sentiments about VPW to try to prove VPW cared what others thougth of him. Well gee whiz then, VPW sure missed the boat fashioning a public persona and impressing me since I just stated:
I am fully aware of Mr. WordWolf's reasons for posting on this thread. -- And this is just one of his reasons:
Yeah well, before you and a host of others go about accusing VPW of that, take a good look at yourself in a mirror and ask the one in the mirror what they are doing and offering people today - the Word of God or merely anectdotes about VPW? Don't blame VPW for siphoning the life from your spiritual family just because your testimony of Jesus Christ is lost in a mire of anecdotes, chicken soup stories, three points and a poem. (With apologies to Dr. Suess).It's not VPW's fault the "spiritual family" has been reduced to a political, isolated fringe social activist group. In an effort to be contemporary and relevant, many have forsaken the Word of God altogether and have become nothing more than religious social clubs. For the most part, their mentalitiy is no different than TWI's "remnant mentality" today, which only ends up being a cloak for nothing more than religious pride.
The question I would ask, 'Is that the vision and purpose I have for my life?' If it is, then I am sure I wouldn't want to join your church. Your church is too contemporary. A church is too contemporary when the eternal destinies of men and women are trivialized by anecdotes about people (like VPW), the pursuit of career and money, and the short-lived pleasures of this life. On the other hand some of us are committed to preaching the uncompormised Word of God, whether it is popular, politically correct or seen as intolerant. It's too bad that we're not going to change enough to statisfy your desires, huh.
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yeah, waddaklown, you must be THE MAN O GOD, now, huh?? B.I.O.Y.A., woodja??
I wouldn't go to your pompous, self-righteous, chest-pounding "church" for all the tea in China...
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What The Hay
Are you talkin' to me Alfakat? Why waste time asking who Victor Paul Wierwielle was. More importantly, Who are you? If you know who you are, who I am wouldn't matter to you anymore than what VPW matters to me.
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I would think WTH, that as for what folks have to offer, it surely isn`t the pain and evil on the scale that vpw chose to *give*
If in looking in the mirror this day, we decide to simply apply the 2nd commandment, and refrain from hurting, stealing from, raping, or destroying our neighbor....even if we never *offered* a single other good to mankind...we would have a far better impact for people and God.
He darn sure wouldn`t have so much damage control to deal with.
On the other hand, If you teach scripture like vp no matter how much or how accuratly....and then procede maim and steal from people, AND teach others that it is ok to do likewise....using said scripture as a justification for your vile acts, I would think, that rather than having done any possible good for people or God that reality, it gives God a great big black eye.
Kindda silly, if God wants us to know that he is love through the bible, and you teach folks the and then USE said bible to control and hurt, it really hasn`t really taught about who/what God is supposed to be.
I don`t think vpw did God OR his bretheren any big favors, buddy.
Edited by rascalLink to comment
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As far as when I personally look in the mirror? (I am sure that there are many gspotters as well) that rather than having to utilize the epitaph to describe what they see as *I WISH I were the man I knew to be* .... can with all honesty look ourselves straight in the eye and say that I AM the man/woman that I know to be.
We do not have to make excuses.
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That's Doctor WordWolf, and you missed your OWN context.
Actually, it was nicely representative, and was as accurate as if I'd spent an hour
writing up example after example. Amazing you seem to have missed every example
vpw gave in his own life. If it wasn't YOU missing them, I'd wonder how someone
could fail to see it.
As you've demonstrated aptly, with you, he succeeded beyond his expectations.
If he'd drawn a pistol and shot into the crowd at the Big Top, killing some of them,
you'd criticize us for still discussing it, after all, everyone affected is now dead.
This seems to periodically surprise you, but law forums discuss the law, car forums
discuss cars, and twi forums discuss twi.
This is the purpose of the GreaseSpot Cafe. Therefore, anyone who is even partially aware of why we're here should expect
us to discuss vpw, his classes, his structures, his felonies.
No, you're not. This is fairly unique, since I've explained in my posts why I post here.
Therefore, most people here know why I post here.
He DID ruin people's lives.
Amazing how you can absolutely live in denial of that.
People whose lives were ruined-PERSONALLY-by him have posted here.
In GREAT detail.
New arrivals seem to pick this up, after a short time reading the accounts here.
There are several reasons you might have missed this, but by now, it's obvious this is
Even the vpw apologists usually don't try to deny that
vpw spent the group's money on his personal vices and luxuries while insisting others not spend money on THEIR luxuries and vices,
and he raped and molested lots of women in twi, resorting to drugging them when they were reluctant.
Ooo, WTH's famous mirror that he brings up all the time! Maybe he's got some sort of mirror
Ok, I can play this game!
See the new thread for this game....
Rather than offer the timeless principles of God, vpw cut all corners. He slapped together
an organization "prefab", and his doctrine "prefab" (he plagiarized the best he could find.)
He then put forth the propaganda campaign that he himself was some great one. All the
members gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying 'this man is the great power of
God', and they all gave heed to him, and for long time he bewitched them with his line of bs.
He used the zeitgeist's disaffection with organized religion to pretend he was offering
something "DISorganized", then slowly added more rules that suited him.
HE was the one who dabbled in politics.
HE was the one who dabbled in "social activism" (depending on what one means with that-
there's currently insufficient numbers in twi to be "activist" in anything bigger than a
PTA or Community Planning Board.)
HE was the one who isolated it from everyone else. ("We're BETTER than the rest! Don't ever
trust organized religion!")
Sounds like vpw was primarily responsible for twi, from early on, attempting to operate as a
"political isolated fringe activist group."
I suppose that applies to a FEW.
I'd say thousands upon thousands more-either from WayDale, the GSC or having never posted here
and just getting on with their lives-attempted to be their best for God in other fashions
and just cared more about that than they did about money, sex or luxuries.
The minorities who have done so, I AGREE, are sad and misguided.
(See-we actually agree on something!)
Most people here can't say that this applies to them.
Most of those who that DOES apply to post here once or twice a year, make a drive-by
posting ad, explain how they know what we don't, and leave.
(Hm. That sounds familiar.)
Further, you STILL have no idea what I do when I'm not logged in to the GSC.
Finally, when I encounter all the superholy people who feel qualified to pass judgement on
me while lacking basic information to form an opinion, I make a mental note not to invite nor
direct them anywhere. So, don't worry about having to refuse an invitation to my church.
Now, THAT's a ridiculous caricature. (A "strawman".) Nobody's formed the
"Church of the anti-vpw". If you count GSC as a "church", you've forgotten what a church IS.
Then again, why am I surprised?
Yes, that's too bad.
First of all, you're vision has frozen to the level that you're unable to recognize the
Christian efforts of anyone other than yourselves.
If you had macular degeneration, you could have surgery.
Sadly, spiritual macular degeneration is not solved so easily-there is no "surgery of the
heart"-short of the direct intervention of God Almighty.
If one was to judge YOUR spiritual life based purely on the content of your posts at GSC,
one's logical conclusions would be
"WTH spends all his time denying testimony of hundreds of witnesses, and bends all his effort
towards obscuring evidence and misdirecting attention away from the truth.
WTH does nothing profitable to God with his time."
Harsh, perhaps, but you were the one who was making the comparison.
I just used your OWN standard on your OWN behaviour.
You didn't INTEND to be a typical
"do as I say not as I do" hypocrite
like you say most churches are LOADED with, did you?
You DO think it's fair to apply your own standard to your own life, right?
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What The Hay
I would say that is a more apt and accurate description of yourself Mr. Wordwolf (but then, I am fully aware that your not the only one) ... using all your effort toward obscuring evidence and misdirecting people's attention away from the truth.
Of course it's not the truth regarding VPW I am refering to, but The Truth of Jesus Christ. You would prefer people forget the testimonies of the thousands whose lives were redeemeed and saved by the preaching of the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of VPW, in favor of the few hundred, who today for the most part care less about the Word of God, the Lord, and more about VPW! If that weren't so, they would be discussing the Lord more than VPW. But then, you will discount the tesimony of the thousands in favor of the few hundred - because the thousands haven't posted their personal testimonies at GSC? Well don't hold your breath and expect them to simply because they have a much larger vision for their life than your silly game.
As I had stated in my last post:
Ok, I can play this game!
See the new thread for this game....
Thanks for adding that to the list of how one can also siphon the life from their spiritual family. I forgot that one.
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You know, the vast majority of people who met Jeffrey Dahmer did not end up on his dinner plate. Why judge him based on what happened to a few?
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Yep. I suppose it just wouldn't be "Christian" not to go to meal with ole Jeffrey either..
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Well, at the very least, people should remember all the good he did done and not focus so much on his diet. Have some respect for the dead, after all.
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WTH, I see it in a more sinister light....vpw used the TRUTH of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to achieve his ends....
Look at the fruit if his teaching ....much pain and destruction, I don`t think that comes from the truth.
VP was no better than any other wolf in history that masqueraded as a sheep in order to sneak in close enough to devour the flock.
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Trefor Heywood
I guess we all looked at the good at the time, or at least what we saw as good.
But we many of us did not know the truth of what was going on at the time.
When someone is dead we would normally only concentrate on the good times and a person's good points.
To quote George Orwell:
"An Englishman is always virtuous when he is dead" (Burmese Days)
But in the case of someone who built themselves up as THE Man of God for our time, such a focus upon their bad points is more inevitable.
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What The Hay
I'm not sure what point your trying to make by bringing up Jeffrey Dahmer and comparing him to VPW. I don't recall Mr. Dahmer claiming he cared about the Lord one way or the other. I don't see the point you're trying to make - other than the point is a classic example of an idiotic comparrison between two entirely and completely different people.
In your last post you mentioned people should remember all the good he (Mr. Dahmer) did. I got some shocking news if you weren't aware of this already. Mr. Dahmer did contribute good to the benefit of our society. I read an article in 2000 where they were examining the brains of one of "his victims" and were totally astounded by the skill Mr. Dahmer used and diplayed in disecting the human brain. There are nuerosurgeons today studing his skills simply because they are astounded by his workmanship.
Mr. Dahmer could have been one of the worlds greatest top notch nuerosurgeons himself - had he decided to use his knowledge of human anatomy and skill for good rather than evil. But I have found that to be true with any body of knowledge. Knowledge can be used for good or evil - for man's benefit or demise. It all depends on the man.
Why do you think there's so much debate today about "stem-cell research"? I'm not so certain it is a debate over the advancement of human life or the ending of a human life, as much as it is the fear that someone ends up with having total control over a certain body of knowledge. I'm more convinced of the latter. God forbid a certain "body of knowledge" should ever get into the wrong hands! I guess we can say pretty much the same thing about biblical research too, huh?
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I'm not surprised that you can't see the comparison and therefore write it off as 'idiotic." If I had any respect for your analytical skills, I'd try to explain it to you. But I don't. So I won't.
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The *TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ* as you termed it wth, as I see it, was simply the candy that the pervert used to lure the children into his car.
Yeah sure the candy looked tasty, that is why a predator utilizes it to lure a naieve child to them.
The child focuses on the brightly wrapped goody and is unaware untill too late of the impending doom.
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Thanks for compiling these quotes. Years after leaving twi, adjusting to real life again, finding a church I'm comfortable with, I still find myself benefitting from the discussion here. I remain friends/acquaintances with former twi folks - - some of whom choose no formal church involvement, some who do the offshoot thing, some who are happy with their christian church or other form of spiritual participation - - and from time to time one of them inevitably puts on the rose colored glasses about ol' vp.
To read a compilation of info that was only discovered (via the Internet) following his death and the near-death of his organization, must be quite mentally jarring for the first-time readers - - as it still provokes thoughtful consideration in my mind after multiple readings and participation here at GSC.
I can't help but reiterate the following:
1. From Shaz:
2. From Rascal: Edited by jardineroLink to comment
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he was like the thief in the night
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