A true Werewolf that didn't need his sheep suit. Although obvious, many chose to follow this lemming over the cliff to crash and burn. Jim Jones was a true Christian compared to Weirwille that plagerized others and died a death that he deserved. His goal was to seek, kill and destroy those that sought God and to takeaway the abundant life from all but the truly wealthy.
In his final days it came to light that he ran a Roman Holiday in his own Babylon!
"Let's say you were asked to write a biographical sketch of the man Wierwilleso that others-who'd never heard of him-could understand him in one read."
Well here's part one of my "mini biography of VPW" I'm going to write it with facts and "Rumors/spectulation" with my personal comments. And I'll do it in successive posts, since I hate long posts. Here goes;
Fact: Victor Paul Wierwille was born on a farm in Ohio of German ancestry. Enjoyed riding motorcycles and playing Basketball.
Rumors/speculation (RS) His father was an abusive alcholohlic who forced Vic to attend a seminary college to become a preacher because they had give so much money to the church.
Comment: If this is true then perhaps VPW didn't have his heart fully into becoming a preacher, but I really have no answer for this.
Fact: VPW was a very good Basketball player.
RS: VPW invented the hook shot.
Comment: I seriously doubt VP was the inventor of the hook shot.
Fact VPW graduated from an acredited college and earned a bachalors degree, eventually he earned a masters degree.
RS: VPW earned a Doctorate.
Comment: VP took a corespondence course(s) at Pikes Peak seminary college, which was not accredited. It's been widely reported to be an "degree mill". I wonder if he did much work on these courses anyway. At any rate I don't consider him a true Doctor.
Fact: VP was ordained as a pastor and pastored two small churches in Ohio.
RS: It has been rumored that VPW committed adultry with a church secretary and when his wife found out he said too bad if you don't like it, or something to that effect.
Comment: Based on so many testimonials about VP committing adultry, the above rumor wouldn't surprise me.
Fact VPW took his family on a missionary fact finding trip to India and claims he was appalled at what he found.
RS: Wierwille claims he healed people and cast out demons, and was given a key to a city. Another reports says he started a riot and caused trouble for the missionaries.
Comment: I have no way to prove either of the above statements, but it's odd to me that if Wierwille was given the key to the city why TWI didn't have a larger following in India. I also don't recall ever seeing or hearing of VPW healing anyone in the U.S. Why could he do this in India where knowone, except his wife and his young children were eye witnesses.
Fact: VPW was asked to leave his pastorate and he mutually agreed. He decided to start his own organization and did a radio program called vesper chimes youth caravan.
RS: Wierwille prayed to God for answers and God spoke to him in an audible voice, giving VP a sign by causing it to snow in a time of year that it doesn't snow.
Comment: According to the weather reports it did not snow that day in Ohio. While this could have been phenomena, I doubt the whole snow story.
RS: God told VP that if he'd teach the word to others that God would teach VP the word as it hasn't been know since the 1st century.
Comment: Based on what I now know of the Bible, I find many errors in what VPW taught, thus I find it very questionable that God told VP the above. In addition, I find it hard to believe that God would wait almost 2000 years to teach his word accurately and why would God only teach VPW.
Fact: VPW took BG Leonards class, then started out teaching it. Eventually copying a large part of it and renaming it to PFAL. VPW inserted his own stories and some stuff he borrowed from others, like Bullinger, but copied BG's character names such as Maggie Muggins and Johnny Jump Up.
Comment: I've heard the BG Leonard was upset over VPW coping his class, but because BG did not set up copyrights Wierwille got away with it.
Fact: VPW filmed PFAL, then showed it to some Christian hippies who were mostly responsible for witnessing his class and forming groups in other areas of the country.
Fact: VPW started a program called the "Way Corps" whu=ich in theory was aimed to teach those who enlisted in it to be discolined, spiritual believers who would lead fellowships and teach God's word.
RS: The Way corps became a nazi-like
group used to brow beat believers into TWI's programs, i.e. what Wierwille wanted imo.
Comment: Like marines corps, many of the "way corps" would follow orders from the top, i.e. Wierwille. In some cases believers got hurt.
Fact: Wierwille taught tithing and had the money brought to HQ, where he was in charge.
Comment: I've heard various stories where believers who had faithfully tithed for years went without because VP taught if you don't tithe God won't bless you.
Fact: VPW accumulated buildings, two planes, motorcycles and a motorcoach. Plus he reportidly took a cruise in the carribean each year and traveled throughout the US, Canada and Europe enjoying praise and admiration and getting treated like a king.
Comment: Any other church organization I was involved in, they gave money towards charitible causes. TWI as far as I know never did, and would promote giving more cash to TWI instead.
Fact: VPW came up with the WOW program, where people would volunteer to spend a year witnessing God's word and running PFAL classes.
The volunteers payed their own way with no help from TWI.
Comment: It's been reported that many who went wow went hungry and dealt with various hardships. I've heard that some who went wow were not mentally stable and caused harm to those they lived with. What was the "leadership" thinking?
Fact VPW taught that every woman in the kingdom belonged to the king. He taught something like that in the NT it was "spiritual adultry" not physical that God thought of as sin.
RS: It's been widely reported that VPW, who set himself up like a king in twi committed adultry with many women. In some cases it was reported that women were drugged so wierwille could have his way with them. I don't know if thats true, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Fact: Wierwille taught abortion was okay, that it wasn't murder.
RS: It's been reported that VPW payed for abortions of those he knocked up.
Comment: I can't say the above statement is true, but I wouldn't doubt it. I do know of women that got abortions based on VP's erroneous teaching.
Fact: VPW went to Tulsa OK to learn how to speak in tongues.
RS: He claimed he was snowed in and because of that he was able to be led into SIT.
Comment: The weather report shows it did not snow that dat he claims it did. Kinda makes ya wonder if he was fibbing, huh?
Fact: VPW never asked anyone, at least that I know of to call him "the man of God", but he refers to himself as such on several of his teachings. And allowed people to call him that.
Comment: IMO, VPW enjoyed the adoration of his followers, which to me was egotistical and wrong.
Fact: VPW plagerized from various authors such as Stiles, Leonard, Kenyon and Bullinger.
Comment: For a man who supposedly received revelation from God, to have to plagerize is pathetic to say the least.
RS: Wierwille claims A.B. Dick corporation wanted him for their CEO or some such position.
Comment: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fact: Wierwille taught that Jesus Christ was absent, That in order to have God's blessing we have to tihte, that all believeing equals receiving, and that fear in the heart of a mother can cause the death of her child. Just to name a few erroneous teaching.
Comment: I'm not taking the time to explain why these teaching of VPW's are erroneous, but if you want email me and I'll explain further. All of these teaching put many TWI followers in bondage to some degree.
Fact: Wierwille taught Cancer was a devil spirit, yet he died from cancer. Hmmmm.
RS: At VPW's funeral, it was reported that his wife Dorothy said Vic was a mean man.
Final comments: VPW was educated, but imo not to what he led people to believe. It's possible VPW started out with good intentions, but it's also possible he started TWI as a con.
I don't honestly know which is true. But I do believe he taught some accurate bible, and also several erroneous doctrines. He was nice at times and did help some, but also used and abused some folks. He lived a lifestyle that alowed him money, sex and power. This is what I'd tell someone who asked me about VPW.
Wierwille claims A.B. Dick corporation wanted him for their CEO or some such position.
Could have been partly true- they may have had an opening for a stock boy or something. In his eyes, maybe he thought it was a ticket to the presidency or somethin..
Outin88!'s quote:RS: It has been rumored that VPW committed adultry with a church secretary and when his wife found out he said too bad if you don't like it, or something to that effect.
Comment: Based on so many testimonials about VP committing adultry, the above rumor wouldn't surprise me
This story sounds too familiar. I remember hearing it. I can't say if it was after my departure, or during my stay in hell.
Your bitterness is not God's will......Deliverence is possible.
I am being delivered, my brethren or nervecurve. I actually hold no bitterness, but awful nice of you to focus on me. Which demon are you? Craig, John, Walter, the current head lady who i don't know?
I'm sure your deliverence is in and with the Way. You know the truth, me, God, Satan, etc. Yes, yes, heard it, done it. I am in a new Christian church, that get this, ISN'T A CULT!, so get thee behind me Satan AND KISS MY @$$!
You say are being delivered? Great! Let your words reflect it and my apologizes for thinking your post sound as if you have this root of bitterness that the Bible warns about in your soul. You said it has been 25 years since you have been involved with The Way. Maybe you will see deliverrence soon!
Cripes... no matter what people have to say good or bad, they end up thinking and talking a whole heck of a lot about VPW, which is certainly a heck of a lot more than what I ever care to. I'm fairly certain anybody who was affiliated with TWI will not be thinking about or will they be discussing my life 20 years after I'm dead and gone (well ... with the possible exception of my spouse and my closest blood relatives perhaps - and even then I am not sure about that) and perhaps the same can be said for you? I guess that only proves we're not as special as VPW, huh?
Do you think it mattered to VPW what people thought of him when he was alive? What makes you think this discussion would matter to him now? Maybe he's looking down from Heaven (or up from Hell depending on where you think he is) reading all this stuff and getting real upset over it? Well, I suppose all this stuff does matter - but only to those who mostly care about the accolades the world offers. But let's get honest about what it is that is really bugging you. It's not whether or not someone thinks VPW was good or bad, whether he was a heretic or a hero, but what you're really afraid of - is the fact nobody is gonna think of, remember or talk of me once I leave this cold, heartless world.
I got a question for ya. Why should you care a rats a$$ about how much or how little people think of you - since so little do they think of you. I believe that was VPW's attitude when he was alive. He was DEAD to what the world thought and said of him and didn't marvel over the fact the world hated him (1 John 3:13). I am not saying he never reacted to it. There are times he did. He was a frail human being just like the rest of us. He just never marveled over it. THAT'S RIGHT BABY --- F*** THE WORLD! Especially what it thinks.
I'm fairly certain anybody who was affiliated with TWI will not be thinking about or will they be discussing my life 20 years after I'm dead and gone (well ... with the possible exception of my spouse and my closest blood relatives perhaps - and even then I am not sure about that) and perhaps the same can be said for you? I guess that only proves we're not as special as VPW, huh?
I think there's a few people who'd remember me in 20 years if I died today, who aren't
related to me...remember me in a memorializing way, NOT the way vpw is remembered.
I'd rather be forgotten than have his legacy behind me.
"As special as vpw?" Well, Torquemada is still being talked about centuries after HE
died, and, wonder of wonders, it's NOT because he was such a committed Christian.
Do you think it mattered to VPW what people thought of him when he was alive? What makes you think this discussion would matter to him now?
A) It's been made clear vpw was primarily concerned with what some people thought of
B) What makes you think this discussion is about what matters to HIM?
Well, I suppose all this stuff does matter - but only to those who mostly care about the accolades the world offers.
Or to those who care that he ruined lives, practiced simony, perverted the office
of minister, did so in a premeditative fashion, and sculpted his successor into
twofold the child of hell that HE was. Any good I got from him was paid for dearly
by the crushed hearts of my sisters and brothers in Christ. I find that unconscionable.
But let's get honest about what it is that is really bugging you.
I just did. Someone claimed to represent the true God, and siphoned the life from my
spiritual family like some movie vampire. Why anyone would claim this ISNT what's
bugging me is beyond me-unless they want to draw attention from the fact that
vpw raped and molested Christians in his flock, and was only stopped from doing it
more by lingering illness and an early death.
It's not whether or not someone thinks VPW was good or bad, whether he was a heretic or a hero, but what you're really afraid of - is the fact nobody is gonna think of, remember or talk of me once I leave this cold, heartless world.
If THAT was my concern, this would be a STUPID place to spend time.
Besides, my own legacy has nothing to do with twi nor this messageboard.
Could you possibly be MORE mistaken about me? I've even posted my reasons on this
thread. Are you THAT poor a reader?
Oh-I forgot who I was addressing. You ARE that poor a reader, based on how completely
you've mischaracterized me before.
I got a question for ya. Why should you care a rats a$$ about how much or how little people think of you - since so little do they think of you.
I've got a question for you. What did you smoke that led you to think that had
anything to do with this discussion?
I believe that was VPW's attitude when he was alive.
You're free to believe that, but the evidence does not support your belief.
It shows that he did his best to fashion a public persona and have thousands of
This post from earlier in the thread addressed what vpw thought about other
people's opinions,
and it didn't even go into how he insisted on being called
"THE Teacher"
and his preference for the "Dr" thing.
Originally posted by GrouchoMarxJr:
Vic Wierwille was an extremely insecure man. He desperatly needed to be the center of attention and to be adored by all...he craved this. In fact, Wierwille literally fabricated incredible stories, to make himself, not only look good...but to look "God-like". He had a lot of people conned into thinking that he was not only an apostle, but the GREATEST apostle since Paul of Tarsus. Being in his presense was the greatest priviledge of your otherwise, sorry foot life. To hear him speak...oh, how we hung on his every word...and he loved every minute of it. He ate it up like grandma's meatloaf.
The truth of the matter is that Wierwille was a self serving egomaniac with delusions of grandeur. He was dishonest, uncaring, and dangerous. The gulf between what Wierwiile wanted people to believe about him...and the truth of who he really was...is MASSIVE. Perhaps that is one reason that folks have a difficult time with hearing about the real wierwille. It's difficult to go from "greatest apostle in 2000 years" to "sexual predator and lying bastard" without some sort of "emotional short circuiting". People don't want to believe it...they rationalize..."he was a good teacher, he taught me lots of bible stuff, we all had a good time at the nightowl, etc, etc, etc. They become offended at the harshness displayed towards wierwille...
Well, IMHO, anything of value that you got out of your twi experience had very little, if anything to do with vpw. Bottom line...he lied in God's name and used people for his own self gratification. As long as people continue to worship vic the mog, they will continue to be mentally captivated within wayworld. Recognizing wierwille for what he was, is a huge step in recovery.
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A true Werewolf that didn't need his sheep suit. Although obvious, many chose to follow this lemming over the cliff to crash and burn. Jim Jones was a true Christian compared to Weirwille that plagerized others and died a death that he deserved. His goal was to seek, kill and destroy those that sought God and to takeaway the abundant life from all but the truly wealthy.
In his final days it came to light that he ran a Roman Holiday in his own Babylon!
There how's that? Not True enough?!!
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Signals -- heck-uv-a first post there!!!
Welcome to Greasespot!

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Wordwolf said;
"Let's say you were asked to write a biographical sketch of the man Wierwilleso that others-who'd never heard of him-could understand him in one read."
Well here's part one of my "mini biography of VPW" I'm going to write it with facts and "Rumors/spectulation" with my personal comments. And I'll do it in successive posts, since I hate long posts. Here goes;
Fact: Victor Paul Wierwille was born on a farm in Ohio of German ancestry. Enjoyed riding motorcycles and playing Basketball.
Rumors/speculation (RS) His father was an abusive alcholohlic who forced Vic to attend a seminary college to become a preacher because they had give so much money to the church.
Comment: If this is true then perhaps VPW didn't have his heart fully into becoming a preacher, but I really have no answer for this.
Fact: VPW was a very good Basketball player.
RS: VPW invented the hook shot.
Comment: I seriously doubt VP was the inventor of the hook shot.
Fact VPW graduated from an acredited college and earned a bachalors degree, eventually he earned a masters degree.
RS: VPW earned a Doctorate.
Comment: VP took a corespondence course(s) at Pikes Peak seminary college, which was not accredited. It's been widely reported to be an "degree mill". I wonder if he did much work on these courses anyway. At any rate I don't consider him a true Doctor.
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Part two, my mini bio of VPW:
Fact: VP was ordained as a pastor and pastored two small churches in Ohio.
RS: It has been rumored that VPW committed adultry with a church secretary and when his wife found out he said too bad if you don't like it, or something to that effect.
Comment: Based on so many testimonials about VP committing adultry, the above rumor wouldn't surprise me.
Fact VPW took his family on a missionary fact finding trip to India and claims he was appalled at what he found.
RS: Wierwille claims he healed people and cast out demons, and was given a key to a city. Another reports says he started a riot and caused trouble for the missionaries.
Comment: I have no way to prove either of the above statements, but it's odd to me that if Wierwille was given the key to the city why TWI didn't have a larger following in India. I also don't recall ever seeing or hearing of VPW healing anyone in the U.S. Why could he do this in India where knowone, except his wife and his young children were eye witnesses.
Fact: VPW was asked to leave his pastorate and he mutually agreed. He decided to start his own organization and did a radio program called vesper chimes youth caravan.
RS: Wierwille prayed to God for answers and God spoke to him in an audible voice, giving VP a sign by causing it to snow in a time of year that it doesn't snow.
Comment: According to the weather reports it did not snow that day in Ohio. While this could have been phenomena, I doubt the whole snow story.
RS: God told VP that if he'd teach the word to others that God would teach VP the word as it hasn't been know since the 1st century.
Comment: Based on what I now know of the Bible, I find many errors in what VPW taught, thus I find it very questionable that God told VP the above. In addition, I find it hard to believe that God would wait almost 2000 years to teach his word accurately and why would God only teach VPW.
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Part three of my mini bio on VPW:
Fact: VPW took BG Leonards class, then started out teaching it. Eventually copying a large part of it and renaming it to PFAL. VPW inserted his own stories and some stuff he borrowed from others, like Bullinger, but copied BG's character names such as Maggie Muggins and Johnny Jump Up.
Comment: I've heard the BG Leonard was upset over VPW coping his class, but because BG did not set up copyrights Wierwille got away with it.
Fact: VPW filmed PFAL, then showed it to some Christian hippies who were mostly responsible for witnessing his class and forming groups in other areas of the country.
Fact: VPW started a program called the "Way Corps" whu=ich in theory was aimed to teach those who enlisted in it to be discolined, spiritual believers who would lead fellowships and teach God's word.
RS: The Way corps became a nazi-like
group used to brow beat believers into TWI's programs, i.e. what Wierwille wanted imo.
Comment: Like marines corps, many of the "way corps" would follow orders from the top, i.e. Wierwille. In some cases believers got hurt.
Fact: Wierwille taught tithing and had the money brought to HQ, where he was in charge.
Comment: I've heard various stories where believers who had faithfully tithed for years went without because VP taught if you don't tithe God won't bless you.
Fact: VPW accumulated buildings, two planes, motorcycles and a motorcoach. Plus he reportidly took a cruise in the carribean each year and traveled throughout the US, Canada and Europe enjoying praise and admiration and getting treated like a king.
Comment: Any other church organization I was involved in, they gave money towards charitible causes. TWI as far as I know never did, and would promote giving more cash to TWI instead.
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Part four of my mini bio on VPW.
Fact: VPW came up with the WOW program, where people would volunteer to spend a year witnessing God's word and running PFAL classes.
The volunteers payed their own way with no help from TWI.
Comment: It's been reported that many who went wow went hungry and dealt with various hardships. I've heard that some who went wow were not mentally stable and caused harm to those they lived with. What was the "leadership" thinking?
Fact VPW taught that every woman in the kingdom belonged to the king. He taught something like that in the NT it was "spiritual adultry" not physical that God thought of as sin.
RS: It's been widely reported that VPW, who set himself up like a king in twi committed adultry with many women. In some cases it was reported that women were drugged so wierwille could have his way with them. I don't know if thats true, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Fact: Wierwille taught abortion was okay, that it wasn't murder.
RS: It's been reported that VPW payed for abortions of those he knocked up.
Comment: I can't say the above statement is true, but I wouldn't doubt it. I do know of women that got abortions based on VP's erroneous teaching.
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Part five my final post of my mini bio on VPW.
Fact: VPW went to Tulsa OK to learn how to speak in tongues.
RS: He claimed he was snowed in and because of that he was able to be led into SIT.
Comment: The weather report shows it did not snow that dat he claims it did. Kinda makes ya wonder if he was fibbing, huh?
Fact: VPW never asked anyone, at least that I know of to call him "the man of God", but he refers to himself as such on several of his teachings. And allowed people to call him that.
Comment: IMO, VPW enjoyed the adoration of his followers, which to me was egotistical and wrong.
Fact: VPW plagerized from various authors such as Stiles, Leonard, Kenyon and Bullinger.
Comment: For a man who supposedly received revelation from God, to have to plagerize is pathetic to say the least.
RS: Wierwille claims A.B. Dick corporation wanted him for their CEO or some such position.
Comment: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fact: Wierwille taught that Jesus Christ was absent, That in order to have God's blessing we have to tihte, that all believeing equals receiving, and that fear in the heart of a mother can cause the death of her child. Just to name a few erroneous teaching.
Comment: I'm not taking the time to explain why these teaching of VPW's are erroneous, but if you want email me and I'll explain further. All of these teaching put many TWI followers in bondage to some degree.
Fact: Wierwille taught Cancer was a devil spirit, yet he died from cancer. Hmmmm.
RS: At VPW's funeral, it was reported that his wife Dorothy said Vic was a mean man.
Final comments: VPW was educated, but imo not to what he led people to believe. It's possible VPW started out with good intentions, but it's also possible he started TWI as a con.
I don't honestly know which is true. But I do believe he taught some accurate bible, and also several erroneous doctrines. He was nice at times and did help some, but also used and abused some folks. He lived a lifestyle that alowed him money, sex and power. This is what I'd tell someone who asked me about VPW.
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OutIn88 - good bio!
And thanks for breaking it down like you did. Easier on the eyes that way.
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Agreed Great Bio!
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Great job, Outin88!
You won't mind being quoted on that later, will you?
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Very good job, Outin88!
Thanks for taking the time to put that together.
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Could have been partly true- they may have had an opening for a stock boy or something. In his eyes, maybe he thought it was a ticket to the presidency or somethin..
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Outin88!'s quote:RS: It has been rumored that VPW committed adultry with a church secretary and when his wife found out he said too bad if you don't like it, or something to that effect.
Comment: Based on so many testimonials about VP committing adultry, the above rumor wouldn't surprise me
This story sounds too familiar. I remember hearing it. I can't say if it was after my departure, or during my stay in hell.
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Your bitterness is not God's will......Deliverence is possible.
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This bitterness has taken root and is not our Heavenly Fathers will.......deliverence is possible.
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Just what we need here at GSpot -
another Prophet of the Most High God.
For those of you that don't know, nervecurve is a legend in his own mind.
Some have speculated that "nervecurve" might be loyboy's screen name.
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I am being delivered, my brethren or nervecurve. I actually hold no bitterness, but awful nice of you to focus on me. Which demon are you? Craig, John, Walter, the current head lady who i don't know?
I'm sure your deliverence is in and with the Way. You know the truth, me, God, Satan, etc. Yes, yes, heard it, done it. I am in a new Christian church, that get this, ISN'T A CULT!, so get thee behind me Satan AND KISS MY @$$!
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Or are you the ghost of VP BARNUM!
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You say are being delivered? Great! Let your words reflect it and my apologizes for thinking your post sound as if you have this root of bitterness that the Bible warns about in your soul. You said it has been 25 years since you have been involved with The Way. Maybe you will see deliverrence soon!
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I'll take that with a grain of salt and watch my back, thank you very much.
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Thanks for the compliments, please excuse the typos.
And wordwolf, you can quote me!
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What The Hay
Cripes... no matter what people have to say good or bad, they end up thinking and talking a whole heck of a lot about VPW, which is certainly a heck of a lot more than what I ever care to. I'm fairly certain anybody who was affiliated with TWI will not be thinking about or will they be discussing my life 20 years after I'm dead and gone (well ... with the possible exception of my spouse and my closest blood relatives perhaps - and even then I am not sure about that) and perhaps the same can be said for you? I guess that only proves we're not as special as VPW, huh?
Do you think it mattered to VPW what people thought of him when he was alive? What makes you think this discussion would matter to him now? Maybe he's looking down from Heaven (or up from Hell depending on where you think he is) reading all this stuff and getting real upset over it? Well, I suppose all this stuff does matter - but only to those who mostly care about the accolades the world offers. But let's get honest about what it is that is really bugging you. It's not whether or not someone thinks VPW was good or bad, whether he was a heretic or a hero, but what you're really afraid of - is the fact nobody is gonna think of, remember or talk of me once I leave this cold, heartless world.
I got a question for ya. Why should you care a rats a$$ about how much or how little people think of you - since so little do they think of you. I believe that was VPW's attitude when he was alive. He was DEAD to what the world thought and said of him and didn't marvel over the fact the world hated him (1 John 3:13). I am not saying he never reacted to it. There are times he did. He was a frail human being just like the rest of us. He just never marveled over it. THAT'S RIGHT BABY --- F*** THE WORLD! Especially what it thinks.
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I think there's a few people who'd remember me in 20 years if I died today, who aren't
related to me...remember me in a memorializing way, NOT the way vpw is remembered.
I'd rather be forgotten than have his legacy behind me.
"As special as vpw?" Well, Torquemada is still being talked about centuries after HE
died, and, wonder of wonders, it's NOT because he was such a committed Christian.
A) It's been made clear vpw was primarily concerned with what some people thought of
B) What makes you think this discussion is about what matters to HIM?
Or to those who care that he ruined lives, practiced simony, perverted the office
of minister, did so in a premeditative fashion, and sculpted his successor into
twofold the child of hell that HE was. Any good I got from him was paid for dearly
by the crushed hearts of my sisters and brothers in Christ. I find that unconscionable.
I just did. Someone claimed to represent the true God, and siphoned the life from my
spiritual family like some movie vampire. Why anyone would claim this ISNT what's
bugging me is beyond me-unless they want to draw attention from the fact that
vpw raped and molested Christians in his flock, and was only stopped from doing it
more by lingering illness and an early death.
If THAT was my concern, this would be a STUPID place to spend time.
Besides, my own legacy has nothing to do with twi nor this messageboard.
Could you possibly be MORE mistaken about me? I've even posted my reasons on this
thread. Are you THAT poor a reader?
Oh-I forgot who I was addressing. You ARE that poor a reader, based on how completely
you've mischaracterized me before.
I've got a question for you. What did you smoke that led you to think that had
anything to do with this discussion?
You're free to believe that, but the evidence does not support your belief.
It shows that he did his best to fashion a public persona and have thousands of
people revere and adore him.
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This post from earlier in the thread addressed what vpw thought about other
people's opinions,
and it didn't even go into how he insisted on being called
"THE Teacher"
and his preference for the "Dr" thing.
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