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God is Love


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I agree CM. God is love. icon_smile.gif:)-->

The simplest articulation of love that I've come up with is that it's action taken born out of a quality of heart. (before any definition-bombs go off, I'm not offering that as a says-all definition, but rather as one way to try and express a very expansive topic). Another way to put it, "love is giving".

The kind of love you're describing sounds to me very much like how God "acts". We could know that "God is love" because we read it in a verse but we really know it by what He does and how He does things. Love doesn't exist in a vacuum as a quality alone though or we might never really grasp what "it" is. Love expresses itself in the quality of our what we do. "Greater love hath no man than he lay down his life..." The giving of oneself for another.

Saying God is love could be as simple as saying a person "is a pianist". To be a pianist the person has to have the ability to play the piano, training, practice, etc. At some point the person "is" a pianist.

For someone to know that, experience it, requires the person to - play the piano. They know they can play the piano whether they ever stike a note or not, they've got that ability. When they play music on the piano their' ability expresses itself. I believed them when they said they could play the piano, now I know it and what that means directly from them.

That's how I see our lives and "love". It's an expression of the type of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that we have. As a father I have that love for my children based on learning about them, knowing them and dealing with them as children who need to be raised in a day to day manner that builds them ultimately to - leave. Be on their own, be parents themselves perhaps. The quality of life that I live with them is what builds my relationship with them over the course of our lives.

I heard a presentation recently at church where the pastor described how we as parents raise our children when they're babies with love and using "size and position" as our primary tools. We pick them up, sit them down, feed them and guide them directly in everything when they're little because that's what they need. As they get older, that doesn't work well though as a primary method. If they're 18 and we don't have a relationship built on communication, trust and reason we're probably going to have a tough time. At some point they'll just say @#$! you! and leave if we're at odds all the time. Then we don't have the size and position advantage anymore and we don't have meaningful communication in our relationship. At that point we would no longer have the influence or opportunity to "love" directly and openly.

One of the nicest habits we have in our fam is that we say "I love you" a lot. All the time. My son's 23 and he'll be over with his friends and when they're ready to leave he'll tell Mom and I, "I love you" and give us a hugs. He's big, so are most of his friends. He's not the least bit ashamed of expressing his feelings toward us in public. Same with The Girl, our daughter's 21 and the same exact way. We love to talk. We're a love bunch. icon_smile.gif:)-->

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Sounds like a nice family Socks. We tell our 15year old son we love him, but, being a 15 year old boy, he usually just gets embarrassed and draws away when we do. But he will give us spontaneous hugs to show his affection. He has is extremely affectionate and will be a very loving man when he grows up. I expect the lucky woman with whom he ends up will be showered with genuine and undying affection.

Don't tell him I said that. He'd only blush. :-)



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I have 3 son's my pride, my joy, and my heart

they are 10/7/and Jack is 2,because of there age differnce I don't have bickering(much).

My boys have heard since the minute they were born that they are loved, kisses and hugs all over the place.

My older 2 sons are from my 1st marriage they call their father Daddy, they call their step-father Dad, Jack is talking now, he calls my 1st husband Daddy and his natural father Dad.

My ex and current husband don't really care what the boys call them, as long as they know that they are loved.

Yesterday, was my 1st husband's Mother's birthday, they had a party, I was to tired to go, my husband took the boys and had a great time.

Sad note my oldest won't kiss me in public anymore, but he does give me 2 at home to make up for it.

People don't understand our family, I don't care we put G-d first, and do our best.

Oh, by the way my ex has a wonderful new girlfriend, I had lunch with her, I think she'll fit in our family fine.

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I suppose it takes many words to communicate it socks. As you did. Love is the most powerful force there is. Nothing can equal it.

And to experience the love of God is how to know it. We can read about it and learn. But to know the love, it has to be lived from the heart, which is where it is. It's built and crafted into us, it will not come from an outside source. And some will brush up against it and stir up it's heat.

The pianist is there, ready, willing and able.

It's not too Hot for me to handle anymore.

Just tickling the tip of it has brought out some things.

But it is so hot that it will burn some things before our eyes. A rough ride for some. Some cannot taste it's full power yet.

The force is with us and will not be destroyed.

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God first

Beloved All

God bless you all and thank you CM for beginning this topic

I want to take the time to tell yall a story about a Pig

We call it Little Bit

When I was about 12 years old my Uncle Bill came over with a baby pig that would fix in one of my hands

The pig was to young to be without a mother but the mother did not have enough milk for that one the littlest one

I took the pig and a baby bottle and got it raised

When it was young I hold it like a bady person and if you know any thing about pigs their do not like that

(because thier back I have been told)

but she little bit got to trust me more and more

She get out of the pen and walk in the house to look for me or my dad many times

She follow my dad around the garden never touching the food unless he thow it to her because it went bad (like a bad tomatoe )

When she got older to have her own bady pigs I went in and pick up one like I used to do her and she look up and saw it was me

Then she push the other two toward me like to show them off I pick up all three as my dad did

One time my Uncle Bill came over to visit and see her pigs she would not let him near her babies pigs

You see even a pig can understand love the way God set it up

with love and an holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Thanks JB. You too.

CM, gettin' on the love train! wave.gif:wave:--> Get yo' ticket punched here!

I'm with you Roy. Love is the Natural Way, on all levels, super and otherwise. The tendency to deal with others in a way that's thoughtful and considerate of what the other's needs are seems to be the Gold Standard of living. Like - we all need forgiveness. Without it we'd be scorched fields.

So often "the walk of love" as it's been called really seems to be more a matter of livin' in the Flow of life of all things. Sounds psyko-delic but really, I think of how hard it is sometimes to navigate all of the possible elements affecting any given moment of a day and it's impossible. There's too many things I have no awareness of, no control over. But if there were only 10 things going on in the whole world, I could probably figure out how to step through the maze. But when there's a 100 trillion things going on before I even brush my teeth in the morning, forget it. How can there be any kind of "harmony"? I can't manage that kind of activity. But...if there were a flow to it all, the whole of life as it's happening, I think Love would put a person in the perfect place to proceed with a smile on their face if only from the constant Surprises that presented themselves at every turn. They'd seem cool.

No worries about if You are "Right or Wrong" by my preferences, just a desire to help you be better. Happier. Healthier. More...You. If I could pour myself through that filter I might make the fountain clearer to drink from.

I've always felt children are like glass. Clean, clear glass that the Light shines through. Over time the glass can get dirty from handling, even cracked or broken. But if they were maintained for their purpose they'd be like windows to a world we'd love to see everyday, all the time. We're all big kids, maybe taped up a little or a lot but still, high quality glass. icon_smile.gif:)--> . And it's a real joy to bring another generation up and move it all a few more steps ahead.

Let's get Real Kleen. icon_cool.gif

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I like the way you are thinking sirg.

And if God is Light then

isn't Light also God?

and all the colors within that light

Love and Light coming from within...

Sure does brighten up the place a bit!

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Every night in my dreams

I see you, I feel you,

That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance

And spaces between us

You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

Once more you open the door

And you're here in my heart

And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time

And last for a lifetime

And never let go till we're one

Love was when I loved you

One true time I hold to

In my life we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

Once more you open the door

And you're here in my heart

And my heart will go on and on

There is some love that will not go away

You're here, there's nothing I fear,

And I know that my heart will go on

We'll stay forever this way

You are safe in my heart

And my heart will go on and on

(Theme Song-Titanic)

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Grew up in a small town

And when the snow would fall down

I’d just stare out my window

Dreamin’ of what could be

And if I’d end up happy

I would pray

Trying hard to reach out

But when I tried to speak out

Felt like no one could hear me

Wanted to belong here

But something felt so wrong here

So I prayed I could break away

I’ll spread my wings

And I’ll learn how to fly

I’ll do what it takes

Till I touch the sky

And I’ll make a wish, take a chance, make a change

And break away

Out of the darkness

And into the sun

But I won’t forget all the ones that I love

I’ll take a risk, take a chance, make a change

And break away

Want to feel the warm breeze

Sleep under a palm tree

Feel the rush of the ocean

Get on board a fast train

Travel on a jet plane

Far away and break away

Buildings with a hundred floors

Swinging round revolving doors

Maybe I don’t know where they’ll take me but

Gotta keep movin’ on movin’ on

Fly away break away

I’ll spread my wings

And I’ll learn how to fly

Though it’s not easy

To tell you goodbye

I gotta take a risk, take a chance make a change

And break away

Out of the darkness and into the sun

But I won’t forget the place I come from

I gotta take a risk, take a chance make a change

And break away


(Kelly Clarkson)

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