I remember some of other grads said that she was their high school English teacher.
My mom happened to be a high school English teacher. It seems that profession is a odd career choice for someone coming from a position of being independently wealthy, unless one had a passion for teaching, language / literature or...being in control.
actually, in the 60-70's quite a few "well-heeled" ladies would obtain degrees in education, montary wealth does not take away a person desire to learn and give, and education or nursing really were the only avenues open to women (I am not being disagreeable just my opion)
i am not an attorney nor have i played one on tv( :)-->) but in another thread i pointed out a few things which i'll re-write.
1. if in fact twi was innocent of the monetary deception (i only focus on this as the other charges require experts that i am not) then why not open their books to a forensic account.
2. twi could have made it a condition if absolved of allegations the plaintiff's would be responsible for all court cost
3. in NJ (only state i can be certain of) there are laws for "theft by deception", which is what i assume this would fall under,
a. twi says u give me a car u can walk again.
b. if you leave twi u or urs will have major
c. leave family friends cleave to us or die(overly simplified)
4. monetary giving =G-d's love
5. imo (and i have been involved in a couple of law suits)-when a defendant settles and seals the records it is viewed by society as an admission of "guilt"
I do know attorney's are expensive, and it is extremly rare for an attorney to take on a case of such magnitude with out some type of retainer or an agreement of payment in case their client would lose.
now as for my friend Oldies (thanks again 4 smileys) he has never answered a simple question which I pose again-
Is it G-dly on any level to promise someone in a wheelchair that 4 the price of a car they could walk again?
(twi settled out of court on this case as well, it is sealed so i could not optain specifics)
Gspot is not a judicial system and no one (former way or not) needs the approval of this forum to address the problems in their life using standard legal remedies.
You've posted such things before, but no one has ever suggested that GreaseSpot is a judicial system or that anyone needs or should seek the approval of anyone posting here.
In the meantime let the courts handle it.
You've said this repeatedly, too, but nobody here could possibly keep the courts from handling it, even if they wanted to.
This is a discussion forum. People discuss things. It's no big deal.
What the heck qualified Rosie-lie to be the next president?
Here's what we know so far:
--She had one year of FWC training - WC training these days is 5* years.
--She had some money.
--She had a career.
--It seems she couldn't control her own children.
--She's pals with the former president's wife, Donna.
--She has "major pets" (cats).
--She owns her own home.
--She NEVER ran a fellowship (is this true?).
--She NEVER went WOW.
--She's ordained (WHY?? What's her ministry?)
Here's my question:
What made her MORE qualified than those who'd been at HQ since the earth cooled and could actually lead, teach and manage?
Is she really the best they have anymore?
(And I'm also wondering what qualified her to be ordained! - I mean she isn't exactly a walking example of 2 Timothy, is she?)
*5 years = 1 prep year where you live with or work v. closely w/ leadership (going WD did not count a couple of years ago - I dunno about now), then your apprentice year, then your 3 years of training.
What made her MORE qualified than those who'd been at HQ since the earth cooled and could actually lead, teach and manage?
Easy, you run off all the competition and you soon become the top *dog*, ok fox, well dog is closer. -->
Is she really the best they have anymore?
Well yes, quite possibly the last of the faithful VP girls, if you know what I mean.
(And I'm also wondering what qualified her to be ordained! - I mean she isn't exactly a walking example of 2 Timothy, is she?)
Perhaps she served the MOG like no other woman had, the ministry of the rattling slats, squeakier springs. After all “faithfulness” does have its rewards!
What? You haven't heard of climbing the corporate ladder on your back?
Chas, she's president because Craig picked her to be president. Can't you see, the MOG threw his mantle on her. It's all very godly and all that other mushy stuff.
Perhaps she served the MOG like no other woman had, the ministry of the rattling slats, squeakier springs. After all “faithfulness” does have its rewards!
What? You haven't heard of climbing the corporate ladder on your back?
What the heck qualified Rosie-lie to be the next president?
Here's what we know so far:
--She had one year of FWC training - WC training these days is 5* years.
--She had some money.
--She had a career.
--It seems she couldn't control her own children.
--She's pals with the former president's wife, Donna.
--She has "major pets" (cats).
--She owns her own home.
--She NEVER ran a fellowship (is this true?).
--She NEVER went WOW.
--She's ordained (WHY?? What's her ministry?)
Someone had posted that she holds some prime real estate in NC that is worth quite a pretty penny.
Didn't one of her sons spend time in jail?
I would really like to know what her qualifications are. It seems there are those who rose up among the ranks and have more "hands on" experience and "field" knowledge than she does. She hasn't lived anywhere but hq since moving there, has she?
I would like to say that I am neither. I have other reasons for not wanting to see Ron Peeler get any money from his lawsuit .... Glad to see you still have the same kind of "either/or" mentality that was such a hit in the way.
Here is the mind blower. If someone who has left TWI seeks therapy, participates in splinter groups, goes to maintsream churches, or even avoids religion altogether no one much cares because each is free to choose their post way pat without seeking the approval of others.
We see people at GSpot debating the merits of
various approaches all the time but nothing seems to be as polarizing as a lawsuit.
The moment someone launches a lawsuit its like they did something *wrong* or are others feel that "hey they didn't suffer any more than I did" and therefore want to dismiss such activities as the result of greed or petty grievances designed to get a payday. If someone in their post way life wishes to chose this path then thats their business ( or yours or mine should we make that choice). Just like if they wanna buddy up with former Way leaders in a splinter thats their choice also. But no one gets riled unless there is a possible payout.
In the postWay life no one owns another's path to reintegration with society at large. There is no compelling need to be like-minded so let each get on with life as they see fit. If that invloves a lawyer then how does that disturb another's peace ? Some former wayfers can live with others being a die-hard for a splinter but not pursuing the Way in court ? Since when is that a bad thing ?
I did some edits on posts in this thread. And this is why. Two of the lawsuits involved women that were victims at the hands of Craig Martindale. After their lawsuits were settled, they both wanted to return to a private life free of the abuse and free of the legal entanglements.
They have done that successfully and I will continue to respect their privacy by editing their names. In the future, if someone does use their name, it will pop up in the admin queue and I will edit it.
I doubt any of this was malicious in nature. And who'd have ever thought that everyone would be quoting Garth!!!!
Unless you have been down the road, you have absolutely no idea how long that road is and how long it took to get down it. Only after being down that road and waking up and turning around does one realize how far astray one has been lead.
Association with TWI under the Vicster allowed the illusion of freedom, come and go as you please. But, some where through the homo purges and the carrot in front of our noses known as crossing that bridge, that illusion was killed.
Everything became life and death. Forsake your heretic spouse or be cut off from the only true Household and be cut off from God! You give 15% good, but best is to challenge yourself to grow into 20% and show us your plan to do so. Or be cast out of Zion where there is crying and gnashing of teeth.
Brain-washed? Oh hell no, but a very long drawn out process of mental manipulation making the only choices TWI-2 or death, at least spiritual death and cut off from the blessings of God. Oh, sure many that are single and don’t have kids or a spouse don’t have a clue what it means to be tied in knots over doing what you desire and the spiritual death of your loved ones.
Ridiculous? Only to those that never traveled that road and suffered the deceptions that gradually got us to that point. When death became an attractive alternative to life in TWI, that’s when many finally woke-up and walked away expecting the worse. Remember oh Vicster himself wrote in the most fundamental doctrine of TWI (Bluebook) that the worse prisons are the mental ones.
Is every lawsuit worthy? Don’t know, judge for yourself, I have seen some stupid selfish lawsuits. But then there have been the successful settled out of court sexual abuse cases that reveled for all to see the perverted underbelly of TWI. Perhaps the good Dr’s suit over forced giving has merit and will expose even more. One can only hope!
Supposedly RFR's ministry is of a pastor. Personally, I did not see it. My few encounters with the woman invovled her being a b i itch er to me over trivial things. She didn't impress me or minister to me in any way. She just ....ed me off.
I recall back in the late 70's and early 80's...wierwille was supposedly considering who he would select to replace himself as president...and he actually had quite a large selection of somewhat charismatic leaders to choose from. There were people from the early corps who had developed their skills in numerous areas and it was a matter of selecting one from a highly talented pool of candidates.
Jump a short time later into the future...lcm now has to pick his replacement. Let's see now, shall it be...hmmmm, gee there's nobody left to pick from! Oh well, "ladies and gentlemen, would you please stand and give a round of applause to twi's newest president...ROZILLA THE RUG MUNCHER!"
Well.. thanks, I think, heh heh. I understood the "Rozilla" part- definitely an apt description. "Rug Muncher"- I think I am starting to get it, I am a little dense at times, heh heh.
i love linda z's response to the news that rfr is a pastor - i never, ever would have picked that - i thought someone's ministry was supposed to be apparent - not a mystery!
interesting that a biblical research, teaching & fellowship ministry picks someone with the ministry of a pastor as a their 3rd prez....
what was lcm's ministry? (something tells me it wasn't teacher...)
so who's left to research & teach?
nuttin new has scampered across their mashed potatoes brains since vpw died - no one has really worked anything new, interesting or exciting. how many more years can they spend dissecting vpw's stuff before its too moldy?
if anything they could be sued for false advertising on their logo!
Where's MDVaden when you need him? ;)--> He said WE were repetitive, but I've yet to hear anything new out of TWI. Maybe the accent has changed and the volume with which it is spoken has changed, but it's still the SSDD (Same **** Different Day).
How exactly does one pastor? What does she do that qualifies her as that and why DO they have to tell people what her ministry is?? Good questions, Chas!
I think they got the spelling wrong. Her ordination certificate probably just says her "ministry" is supposed to be an expert in the art of "pestering" the saints.
Now that the baby is napping I can type with both hands...
A pastor takes care of the members of the church - Psalm 23 is a good example description, although people always associate it with death because of the "valley of darkness" line in it... Pastors are supposed to feed (with the Word), protect and nurture the members of the church....
A clergy's ministry won't always be revealed. Several that I knew did not want to discuss it because they didn't want the potential effectiveness of it taken away by people "looking" for it. Also, someone can have more than one active ministry - it all depends... God isn't limited to one ministry - just one gift of holy spirit.
With the people that RFR has run off, ....ed off and turned off to TWI, I can't believe she's a "pastor" - gimme a break! (Again, Linda Z's response is rich!)
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actually, in the 60-70's quite a few "well-heeled" ladies would obtain degrees in education, montary wealth does not take away a person desire to learn and give, and education or nursing really were the only avenues open to women (I am not being disagreeable just my opion)
i am not an attorney nor have i played one on tv(
:)-->) but in another thread i pointed out a few things which i'll re-write.
1. if in fact twi was innocent of the monetary deception (i only focus on this as the other charges require experts that i am not) then why not open their books to a forensic account.
2. twi could have made it a condition if absolved of allegations the plaintiff's would be responsible for all court cost
3. in NJ (only state i can be certain of) there are laws for "theft by deception", which is what i assume this would fall under,
a. twi says u give me a car u can walk again.
b. if you leave twi u or urs will have major
c. leave family friends cleave to us or die(overly simplified)
4. monetary giving =G-d's love
5. imo (and i have been involved in a couple of law suits)-when a defendant settles and seals the records it is viewed by society as an admission of "guilt"
I do know attorney's are expensive, and it is extremly rare for an attorney to take on a case of such magnitude with out some type of retainer or an agreement of payment in case their client would lose.
now as for my friend Oldies (thanks again 4 smileys)
he has never answered a simple question which I pose again-
Is it G-dly on any level to promise someone in a wheelchair that 4 the price of a car they could walk again?
(twi settled out of court on this case as well, it is sealed so i could not optain specifics)
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This is a discussion forum. People discuss things. It's no big deal.
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The question still remains...
What the heck qualified Rosie-lie to be the next president?
Here's what we know so far:
--She had one year of FWC training - WC training these days is 5* years.
--She had some money.
--She had a career.
--It seems she couldn't control her own children.
--She's pals with the former president's wife, Donna.
--She has "major pets" (cats).
--She owns her own home.
--She NEVER ran a fellowship (is this true?).
--She NEVER went WOW.
--She's ordained (WHY?? What's her ministry?)
Here's my question:
What made her MORE qualified than those who'd been at HQ since the earth cooled and could actually lead, teach and manage?
Is she really the best they have anymore?
(And I'm also wondering what qualified her to be ordained! - I mean she isn't exactly a walking example of 2 Timothy, is she?)
*5 years = 1 prep year where you live with or work v. closely w/ leadership (going WD did not count a couple of years ago - I dunno about now), then your apprentice year, then your 3 years of training.
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Easy, you run off all the competition and you soon become the top *dog*, ok fox, well dog is closer.
Well yes, quite possibly the last of the faithful VP girls, if you know what I mean.
Perhaps she served the MOG like no other woman had, the ministry of the rattling slats, squeakier springs. After all “faithfulness” does have its rewards!
What? You haven't heard of climbing the corporate ladder on your back?
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Chas, she's president because Craig picked her to be president. Can't you see, the MOG threw his mantle on her. It's all very godly and all that other mushy stuff.
Think about it, Craig's last act: install Rosie.
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Not even with a bag over her head!
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Someone had posted that she holds some prime real estate in NC that is worth quite a pretty penny.
Didn't one of her sons spend time in jail?
I would really like to know what her qualifications are. It seems there are those who rose up among the ranks and have more "hands on" experience and "field" knowledge than she does. She hasn't lived anywhere but hq since moving there, has she?
It IS rather odd.....Anyone know?
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WC training from what I understand:
- 1 year working closely with BC or RC
- 1 term as WD
- 2 years in-residence
although I have known WC grads who have had to go WD again after graduation.
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Here is the mind blower. If someone who has left TWI seeks therapy, participates in splinter groups, goes to maintsream churches, or even avoids religion altogether no one much cares because each is free to choose their post way pat without seeking the approval of others.
We see people at GSpot debating the merits of
various approaches all the time but nothing seems to be as polarizing as a lawsuit.
The moment someone launches a lawsuit its like they did something *wrong* or are others feel that "hey they didn't suffer any more than I did" and therefore want to dismiss such activities as the result of greed or petty grievances designed to get a payday. If someone in their post way life wishes to chose this path then thats their business ( or yours or mine should we make that choice). Just like if they wanna buddy up with former Way leaders in a splinter thats their choice also. But no one gets riled unless there is a possible payout.
In the postWay life no one owns another's path to reintegration with society at large. There is no compelling need to be like-minded so let each get on with life as they see fit. If that invloves a lawyer then how does that disturb another's peace ? Some former wayfers can live with others being a die-hard for a splinter but not pursuing the Way in court ? Since when is that a bad thing ?
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Hi Sharon.
I don't know.
Do you remember the movie "The Rainmaker"?
'ol Starbuck said "give me $100 and I will make it rain".
In the end, it rained, and he demanded $100.
Who wouldn't pay it?
He delivered on his promise...
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I did some edits on posts in this thread. And this is why. Two of the lawsuits involved women that were victims at the hands of Craig Martindale. After their lawsuits were settled, they both wanted to return to a private life free of the abuse and free of the legal entanglements.
They have done that successfully and I will continue to respect their privacy by editing their names. In the future, if someone does use their name, it will pop up in the admin queue and I will edit it.
I doubt any of this was malicious in nature. And who'd have ever thought that everyone would be quoting Garth!!!!
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Unless you have been down the road, you have absolutely no idea how long that road is and how long it took to get down it. Only after being down that road and waking up and turning around does one realize how far astray one has been lead.
Association with TWI under the Vicster allowed the illusion of freedom, come and go as you please. But, some where through the homo purges and the carrot in front of our noses known as crossing that bridge, that illusion was killed.
Everything became life and death. Forsake your heretic spouse or be cut off from the only true Household and be cut off from God! You give 15% good, but best is to challenge yourself to grow into 20% and show us your plan to do so. Or be cast out of Zion where there is crying and gnashing of teeth.
Brain-washed? Oh hell no, but a very long drawn out process of mental manipulation making the only choices TWI-2 or death, at least spiritual death and cut off from the blessings of God. Oh, sure many that are single and don’t have kids or a spouse don’t have a clue what it means to be tied in knots over doing what you desire and the spiritual death of your loved ones.
Ridiculous? Only to those that never traveled that road and suffered the deceptions that gradually got us to that point. When death became an attractive alternative to life in TWI, that’s when many finally woke-up and walked away expecting the worse. Remember oh Vicster himself wrote in the most fundamental doctrine of TWI (Bluebook) that the worse prisons are the mental ones.
Is every lawsuit worthy? Don’t know, judge for yourself, I have seen some stupid selfish lawsuits. But then there have been the successful settled out of court sexual abuse cases that reveled for all to see the perverted underbelly of TWI. Perhaps the good Dr’s suit over forced giving has merit and will expose even more. One can only hope!
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Supposedly RFR's ministry is of a pastor. Personally, I did not see it. My few encounters with the woman invovled her being a b i itch er to me over trivial things. She didn't impress me or minister to me in any way. She just ....ed me off.
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It never rains in California
But girl don't they warn ya
It pours, man it pours..
mixing 2 things here dear...is it G-dly
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Linda Z
If Rosie's a pastor, I'm a billionaire supermodel.
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"Think about it, Craig's last act: install Rosie."
I think that's kinda like, Fords first official act, pardon Nixon.
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I recall back in the late 70's and early 80's...wierwille was supposedly considering who he would select to replace himself as president...and he actually had quite a large selection of somewhat charismatic leaders to choose from. There were people from the early corps who had developed their skills in numerous areas and it was a matter of selecting one from a highly talented pool of candidates.
Jump a short time later into the future...lcm now has to pick his replacement. Let's see now, shall it be...hmmmm, gee there's nobody left to pick from! Oh well, "ladies and gentlemen, would you please stand and give a round of applause to twi's newest president...ROZILLA THE RUG MUNCHER!"
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Groucho, it sounds funny enough- just don't know what you are alluding to, heh heh. Please explain-
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Hammer...The name Rozilla is a combination of Rosalie and Godzilla...the Rug Muncher part refers to a "unique appetite" that she has developed.
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Well.. thanks, I think, heh heh. I understood the "Rozilla" part- definitely an apt description. "Rug Muncher"- I think I am starting to get it, I am a little dense at times, heh heh.
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i love linda z's response to the news that rfr is a pastor - i never, ever would have picked that - i thought someone's ministry was supposed to be apparent - not a mystery!
interesting that a biblical research, teaching & fellowship ministry picks someone with the ministry of a pastor as a their 3rd prez....
what was lcm's ministry? (something tells me it wasn't teacher...)
so who's left to research & teach?
nuttin new has scampered across their mashed potatoes brains since vpw died - no one has really worked anything new, interesting or exciting. how many more years can they spend dissecting vpw's stuff before its too moldy?
if anything they could be sued for false advertising on their logo!
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Where's MDVaden when you need him?
;)--> He said WE were repetitive, but I've yet to hear anything new out of TWI. Maybe the accent has changed and the volume with which it is spoken has changed, but it's still the SSDD (Same **** Different Day).
How exactly does one pastor? What does she do that qualifies her as that and why DO they have to tell people what her ministry is?? Good questions, Chas!
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I think they got the spelling wrong. Her ordination certificate probably just says her "ministry" is supposed to be an expert in the art of "pestering" the saints.
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Now that the baby is napping I can type with both hands...
A pastor takes care of the members of the church - Psalm 23 is a good example description, although people always associate it with death because of the "valley of darkness" line in it... Pastors are supposed to feed (with the Word), protect and nurture the members of the church....
A clergy's ministry won't always be revealed. Several that I knew did not want to discuss it because they didn't want the potential effectiveness of it taken away by people "looking" for it. Also, someone can have more than one active ministry - it all depends... God isn't limited to one ministry - just one gift of holy spirit.
With the people that RFR has run off, ....ed off and turned off to TWI, I can't believe she's a "pastor" - gimme a break! (Again, Linda Z's response is rich!)
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