basic kindness and manners are for cultheads!!!!! damn it
but no, seriously, you have a great point. hierarchy is an interesting term. i felt for the longest time (still not sure) that i am in another cult by being here
yet i've gotten so helped and healed
with me, the problem might be, i don't know when it's cult thinking or just regular dysfuctional-people-thinking
but kindness and manners should rule no matter what. and i'm guilty for not doing that
but "chilling" doesn't negate good manners, trust me I have enough to lose sleep over, people being rude to me is low on my list, but if this site is to be a safe harbor it's just something to think of
ps. got the fiddle and started lessons, when does the cat die?
I read the posts, and don't understand why people are so hateful, not just disagreeing but hateful, for heaven's sake throw on silver tights and we got Loy
I think there is a "message board" mentality on a lot of boards on the Internet, where people just spout off some really mean stuff, because they are anonymous. I wonder of that carries over here sometimes.
But I agree with you, I don't blame people for using biting humor (like "silver tights") to feel like they have overcome TWI, but I also think our message is more effective when we don't bite each other over disagreeing.
Communication is difficult enough face to face let alone on posts. I say be an example of what you want to see on these posts and don't get caught up in the nasty stuff.
The naysayer's have to put their two cents in when it isn't always asked for and that has not always been pleasant. I actually kindive liked it when you couldn't swear in chat and if you did you had to be creative. It made it more fun.
However it was pointed out to me in a most loving and caring way that this is a PUBLIC forum.
We do still have a certain amount of free speech left and we need to be able to keep it. Part of that is letting it go when people don't speak the way we would like.
I like good manners and try to watch what I say on the forums. I'm concerned about the long run and am lucky to have people I can rant to when needed off the forums and chat and in.
The spirit of this site and the people on it are enchanting and so with most things, I have to take the seemingly good with the seemingly bad.
I am sorry if you have had some bad experiences in the forums or been offended by posts that have been made. I am hopeful that none of them are my posts, but if I have perosnally offended you, please let me know in a private message.
That being said...
Yes, some people who post here are rude. Some are just so passionate about their beliefs that they are willing to stoop to personal attacks against others posters. A personal attack is the lowest form of logic - it's a neathandertholien way of making their point, but they do it by verbally clubbing others to do it.
There are also people who can give a good debate - man, I love a good debate - and actually 'broaden' others perspectives about things. I appreciate and respect that kind of passion. Those are the posters who are polite and willing to share their knowledge, experiences, etc. with others to prove a good point.
I've been posting on the Cafe and Waydale now for over 5 years - I've taken my share of knocks and knocked back a few times, too (Hey, I'm not ChasUFarley for nuttin') After a while you'll know who's threads and posts are worth your time and trouble and those threads and posts that are just "trouble"....
And if things get too rough, lemme know... I can change my handle to "Guido" for you, if you need me to... ;-)
First let me preface this by saying I have met some of the most wonderful people here at GS., truely kind and loving, people who really care and who I am "blessed" to have met.
There are also people who can give a good debate - man, I love a good debate - and actually 'broaden' others perspectives about things. I appreciate and respect that kind of passion. Those are the posters who are polite and willing to share their knowledge, experiences, etc. with others to prove a good point.
1) -- go to and click the blue circle to get free smileys. It will then create a smiley icon on your browser bar that will give you access to all the smileys.
2) -- when the smiley icon is on your browser bar, click it and as you see there will be multiple categories of smileys to choose from. Choose one, then right click on it and choose "copy smiley HTML"
3) -- next, go back on GS Cafe and when you're ready to reply to a post, click reply, then you will see a bar at the top and one of the choices will be "Display Image UBB-CODE".
4) -- Click that and you will see a box there to paste your image URL from smiley central.
5) -- click ok, then when the url is displayed, just take out the two [/url]
Sharon - one thing you will need to do if you go to smileycentral is be sure to install some spyware blaster or adware removal software on your computer.
Smileycentral loads all kinds of crap on your computer.
In my year at the Cafe, I've seen about every imgaginable version of ex-TWI. I know that there's at least one poster who thinks that PFAL IS the Word, and at least one who's an atheist. Unfortunately, when people come across others here whose experience with TWI wasn't the same as theirs, sometimes they don't understand that just because we all left the "same" TWI, we don't all see it the same way. It's like driving on the highway: the cars behind me are driving too fast; those ahead of me are driving too slow. Don't they know that I'M driving the right speed? ;)-->
You don't have to excuse bad manners. I just hope you don't miss something valuable that someone has to say because you don't like the way he said it.
Preparing a position of polite police prosecutor? Your presumptions concerning various platitudes perplex presumed perpetrators of piety. Pondering the penning of people perplexed some propose a perspective to put a problem in comparison. Polluting the perspective perplexes the people who offer perspectives. The pre-mentioned polite police position title should be re-named to: the Protector Of Obligatory Politeness or the P.O.O.P.
I never went WOW, WD or WC. Heck, I only left my state twice - once for the AC and once for an AC Special. I don't feel like I'm second rate here (I feel like a thread killer sometimes, but that's beside the point). I think those who were closer to the fire, so to speak, have more knowledge and more to share and I, for one, am darn glad they post here and continue to do so for the people who keep moving through.
Hang around and get to know us. It's just like in the "real world": you like some people; you don't like others; some frustrate the pi$$ out of you; some you avoid like the plague. The nice thing is that we can all be ourselves here and we don't have POOP telling us how to act or what to think, say and do. Coming from a group that did, it's rather refreshing, even if I don't always agree with everyone.
Being judgemental is something I had to work really hard on after leaving TWI and I still catch myself comparing myself to others and condescending to others because they don't think, act or say things I think they should. I'm getting much better, but it's something that we had ingrained in us in TWI and it's a good thing to be aware of. ;)-->
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basic kindness and manners are for cultheads!!!!! damn it
but no, seriously, you have a great point. hierarchy is an interesting term. i felt for the longest time (still not sure) that i am in another cult by being here
yet i've gotten so helped and healed
with me, the problem might be, i don't know when it's cult thinking or just regular dysfuctional-people-thinking
but kindness and manners should rule no matter what. and i'm guilty for not doing that
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Aww -- Sharon.
(can you say chill??)
Wherever you go, whatever you do, you will NEVER please everyone, and that is most certainly true of this site.
I learned that early on.
Give what you can, take what you will, and ignore the rest.
Btw -- You're great to talk to in chat. You offer as much as anyone else, and in chat -- there is no *hierarchy*.
Quickest *wit* rules -- in that room.
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notice i seperated the 2/
but "chilling" doesn't negate good manners, trust me I have enough to lose sleep over, people being rude to me is low on my list, but if this site is to be a safe harbor it's just something to think of
ps. got the fiddle and started lessons, when does the cat die?
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true -- but it helps.
:D--> The cat dies, when you use cat-gut strings for that *authentic* sound, with no complaints from said cat. 
(I always knew cats were good for something!!)
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Perhaps it's time to have a seance to get Dorothy Owens to advise for a GSC Ettiquette booklet.
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Dear Sharon,
Love your name, BTW!
And I'm ROFL at this...
I think there is a "message board" mentality on a lot of boards on the Internet, where people just spout off some really mean stuff, because they are anonymous. I wonder of that carries over here sometimes.
But I agree with you, I don't blame people for using biting humor (like "silver tights") to feel like they have overcome TWI, but I also think our message is more effective when we don't bite each other over disagreeing.
Shaz, the "other" Sharon
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Communication is difficult enough face to face let alone on posts. I say be an example of what you want to see on these posts and don't get caught up in the nasty stuff.
The naysayer's have to put their two cents in when it isn't always asked for and that has not always been pleasant. I actually kindive liked it when you couldn't swear in chat and if you did you had to be creative. It made it more fun.
However it was pointed out to me in a most loving and caring way that this is a PUBLIC forum.
We do still have a certain amount of free speech left and we need to be able to keep it. Part of that is letting it go when people don't speak the way we would like.
I like good manners and try to watch what I say on the forums. I'm concerned about the long run and am lucky to have people I can rant to when needed off the forums and chat and in.
The spirit of this site and the people on it are enchanting and so with most things, I have to take the seemingly good with the seemingly bad.
Bright Blessings!!!!!
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I am sorry if you have had some bad experiences in the forums or been offended by posts that have been made. I am hopeful that none of them are my posts, but if I have perosnally offended you, please let me know in a private message.
That being said...
Yes, some people who post here are rude. Some are just so passionate about their beliefs that they are willing to stoop to personal attacks against others posters. A personal attack is the lowest form of logic - it's a neathandertholien way of making their point, but they do it by verbally clubbing others to do it.
There are also people who can give a good debate - man, I love a good debate - and actually 'broaden' others perspectives about things. I appreciate and respect that kind of passion. Those are the posters who are polite and willing to share their knowledge, experiences, etc. with others to prove a good point.
I've been posting on the Cafe and Waydale now for over 5 years - I've taken my share of knocks and knocked back a few times, too (Hey, I'm not ChasUFarley for nuttin') After a while you'll know who's threads and posts are worth your time and trouble and those threads and posts that are just "trouble"....
And if things get too rough, lemme know... I can change my handle to "Guido" for you, if you need me to... ;-)
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ok teach me how 2 do the little dancing guys and i'll let u slide
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Hi Sharon,
It's quite simple once you get the knack for it.
Here are the steps:
1) -- go to and click the blue circle to get free smileys. It will then create a smiley icon on your browser bar that will give you access to all the smileys.
2) -- when the smiley icon is on your browser bar, click it and as you see there will be multiple categories of smileys to choose from. Choose one, then right click on it and choose "copy smiley HTML"
3) -- next, go back on GS Cafe and when you're ready to reply to a post, click reply, then you will see a bar at the top and one of the choices will be "Display Image UBB-CODE".
4) -- Click that and you will see a box there to paste your image URL from smiley central.
5) -- click ok, then when the url is displayed, just take out the two
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Sharon - one thing you will need to do if you go to smileycentral is be sure to install some spyware blaster or adware removal software on your computer.
Smileycentral loads all kinds of crap on your computer.
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thanks both of you..will try after my computer queek son comes home so i don't get viruses
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You're welcome Sharon!
I prefer to keep all that on mine.
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Hey, Sharon!
In my year at the Cafe, I've seen about every imgaginable version of ex-TWI. I know that there's at least one poster who thinks that PFAL IS the Word, and at least one who's an atheist. Unfortunately, when people come across others here whose experience with TWI wasn't the same as theirs, sometimes they don't understand that just because we all left the "same" TWI, we don't all see it the same way. It's like driving on the highway: the cars behind me are driving too fast; those ahead of me are driving too slow. Don't they know that I'M driving the right speed?
You don't have to excuse bad manners. I just hope you don't miss something valuable that someone has to say because you don't like the way he said it.
George (I don't need no special smileys)
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Are you…
Preparing a position of polite police prosecutor? Your presumptions concerning various platitudes perplex presumed perpetrators of piety. Pondering the penning of people perplexed some propose a perspective to put a problem in comparison. Polluting the perspective perplexes the people who offer perspectives. The pre-mentioned polite police position title should be re-named to: the Protector Of Obligatory Politeness or the P.O.O.P.
Pardon the puns...
Tounge firmly in cheek during this post
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I never went WOW, WD or WC. Heck, I only left my state twice - once for the AC and once for an AC Special. I don't feel like I'm second rate here (I feel like a thread killer sometimes, but that's beside the point). I think those who were closer to the fire, so to speak, have more knowledge and more to share and I, for one, am darn glad they post here and continue to do so for the people who keep moving through.
Hang around and get to know us. It's just like in the "real world": you like some people; you don't like others; some frustrate the pi$$ out of you; some you avoid like the plague. The nice thing is that we can all be ourselves here and we don't have POOP telling us how to act or what to think, say and do. Coming from a group that did, it's rather refreshing, even if I don't always agree with everyone.
Being judgemental is something I had to work really hard on after leaving TWI and I still catch myself comparing myself to others and condescending to others because they don't think, act or say things I think they should. I'm getting much better, but it's something that we had ingrained in us in TWI and it's a good thing to be aware of.
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and after my ranting and raving today, perhaps i need to brush up on my manners.
george, this 1's for u
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I read everyday, and respond often, but rarely hit the "post now" button. Why? Because so often I want to start my reply with:
Jane, you ignorant sl*t!
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