Yep- keep at it- for me, the real bad urges only lasted about thirty seconds at a time. Had to quit coffee for a while. The morning coffee screamed for it's cigarette companion.
You started smoking 18 months ago? Man, that is soooooo atypical. That's not the kind of thing you're wanting to hear, I know but inquiring minds want to know... how did that happen??
P.S. I quit smoking cold turkey after having picked up the habit while in TWI.. seems like everyone smoked and I got to thinking I was invincible because of my BELIEVING! Ha! Anyways.. it ain't that hard. These folks coming out and saying nicotine is the most addictive substance known are full of it, IMO!!
Yeah, I know, you don't need to hear condemnations at a time like this.
But it really is *so* beyond pathetic!
Okay, I'll stop now.
I took up smoking when I was 11 - for about a week. During that time I "smoked" a total of 3 cigarettes. And after a week I wondered "What the hell's the big deal?"
Funny thing is, I still felt cravings for nicotine 3 weeks later . . .
These folks coming out and saying nicotine is the most addictive substance known are full of it, IMO!!
Sudo, how right you are! because I believe SUGAR is the most addictive substance on earth (in addition to being the best tasting thing ever invented along with chocolate--hehe).
You can do it Raf! It doesn't even come CLOSE to tasting as good as dessert--and you KNOW chocolate is one of the basic food groups!!!
Raf: Don't read posts by Mike for awhile; he seems to affect you. Also, substituting something to put in your mouth would probably help. I smoked for 2 yrs ages 15-17. One night my buds and I were headed downtown and I had a pack with 19 cigs still in it and with no premeditation I quit. After 3 days I gave the pack to a friend figuring I really did want to do this. The 5th day was the worst but I held out. After 84 days I lit one up confident it wouldn't become a habit (I was tripping and y'know, you wave it in front of your face and see it go by 10 times or so) and it didn't. My dad smoked Camel non filters from age 20 till his smoking related death at age 52 so I don't miss them. Quit you like men, buddy. Rah rah, you can do this!
There is only one other person in my family who doesn't smoke (and that's my uncle).
You can tell if you enter a smokers house (if the smoker smokes inside)...
1. The smell of cig smoke in the house.
2. A brownish yellow tinge on the walls, curtains, lamp shade etc...
smokers tend to wash there ashtrays with there dishes... think about that one...
I also tend to laugh at smokers who are outside taking there smoke break in miserable weather conditions. I might ask them if they are enjoying there cigerette :D-->
If it gets too rough quitting cold turkey - I highly suggest Commit losengez. That was the only thing that did any good for me, and it worked like a charm (yeah - I know - no evil intended, though)
Sudo, professional addiction counselors say that nicotiene is more compelling than heroin.
I quit more than 32 months ago, after smoking for about 30 years. I figure I’d still be smoking if I had used special filters, motivational tapes, or the patch. Did I quit cold turkey? Not quite. I sniffed secondhand smoke several times a day for a couple months, and hit a box of cheese crackers hard for the first couple nights.
Well, if you smoke again, you haven't quit; you've only paused!
My mom tried to quit several times bu never succeeded. My dad just decided that he was done wih it one Christmas, and he was! He said the hardest thing to overcome wasn't the desire to smoke a cigarette but the habit of having one in his hand.
I took one puff on a cigarette when I was seven. It's all the smoking I ever want to do!!
My husband quit after smoking for twenty some years. He used a patch system he got at Wal Mart--it gradually decreases the nicotine. It worked very well for him. He had tried several times before with no success. For him the patch made a difference.
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For some reason that I can't quite understand, I started smoking about 18 months ago. I had a few this morning, but then... I threw out the rest of the pack... and I threw out the lighter... and I...
Maybe too soon. But I'm counting on all of you to keep the pressure on!
Raf, You started smoking 18 months ago? Man, that is soooooo atypical. That's not the kind of thing you're wanting to hear, I know but inquiring minds want to know... how did that happen??
Well, I hope it's the right thing to say: congratulations!
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I quit eighteen years ago.. no regrets about quitting.
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Maybe too soon. But I'm counting on all of you to keep the pressure on!
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Yep- keep at it- for me, the real bad urges only lasted about thirty seconds at a time. Had to quit coffee for a while. The morning coffee screamed for it's cigarette companion.
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My wife has been smoking for 30 years and tried to stop many times and just couldn't do it. You are wise to stop now before it becomes harder to do.
Myself, I never smoked, at least nothing addictive
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Raf, you don't REALLY want to quit, do you?
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You started smoking 18 months ago? Man, that is soooooo atypical. That's not the kind of thing you're wanting to hear, I know but inquiring minds want to know... how did that happen??
P.S. I quit smoking cold turkey after having picked up the habit while in TWI.. seems like everyone smoked and I got to thinking I was invincible because of my BELIEVING! Ha! Anyways.. it ain't that hard. These folks coming out and saying nicotine is the most addictive substance known are full of it, IMO!!
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Byproduct of the karaoke bar scene.
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Raf, that is *so* beyond pathetic.
Yeah, I know, you don't need to hear condemnations at a time like this.
But it really is *so* beyond pathetic!
Okay, I'll stop now.
I took up smoking when I was 11 - for about a week. During that time I "smoked" a total of 3 cigarettes. And after a week I wondered "What the hell's the big deal?"
Funny thing is, I still felt cravings for nicotine 3 weeks later . . .
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I'm not justifying it.
Besides, I'd rather you call it pathetic rather than understandable.
It's now been five hours since the last one.
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Well, if you feel you absolutely must grab a cig, call me so that I can browbeat you.
Keep in mind - you don't need will power to quit smoking.
You need WON'T power.
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Sudo, how right you are! because I believe SUGAR is the most addictive substance on earth (in addition to being the best tasting thing ever invented along with chocolate--hehe).
You can do it Raf! It doesn't even come CLOSE to tasting as good as dessert--and you KNOW chocolate is one of the basic food groups!!!
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Raf: Don't read posts by Mike for awhile; he seems to affect you. Also, substituting something to put in your mouth would probably help. I smoked for 2 yrs ages 15-17. One night my buds and I were headed downtown and I had a pack with 19 cigs still in it and with no premeditation I quit. After 3 days I gave the pack to a friend figuring I really did want to do this. The 5th day was the worst but I held out. After 84 days I lit one up confident it wouldn't become a habit (I was tripping and y'know, you wave it in front of your face and see it go by 10 times or so) and it didn't. My dad smoked Camel non filters from age 20 till his smoking related death at age 52 so I don't miss them. Quit you like men, buddy. Rah rah, you can do this!
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When I decide to quit drinking, I'll ignore the Mike threads in their entirety.
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I have smoked less than 5 cig in my life.
There is only one other person in my family who doesn't smoke (and that's my uncle).
You can tell if you enter a smokers house (if the smoker smokes inside)...
1. The smell of cig smoke in the house.
2. A brownish yellow tinge on the walls, curtains, lamp shade etc...
smokers tend to wash there ashtrays with there dishes... think about that one...
I also tend to laugh at smokers who are outside taking there smoke break in miserable weather conditions.
I might ask them if they are enjoying there cigerette

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If it gets too rough quitting cold turkey - I highly suggest Commit losengez. That was the only thing that did any good for me, and it worked like a charm (yeah - I know - no evil intended, though)
Sudo, professional addiction counselors say that nicotiene is more compelling than heroin.
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Keep at it, Raf...I quit smoking 4 years ago you can do it!!! (Steve! game me the "that's pathetic" line, too)
Sooooo glad I did!!!!!
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I dunno, Raf, I'm thinkin' you will stick with it just to get back at Oldies!
Never smoked,
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I quit more than 32 months ago, after smoking for about 30 years. I figure I’d still be smoking if I had used special filters, motivational tapes, or the patch. Did I quit cold turkey? Not quite. I sniffed secondhand smoke several times a day for a couple months, and hit a box of cheese crackers hard for the first couple nights.
(Never touched karaoke.)
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Well, if you smoke again, you haven't quit; you've only paused!
My mom tried to quit several times bu never succeeded. My dad just decided that he was done wih it one Christmas, and he was! He said the hardest thing to overcome wasn't the desire to smoke a cigarette but the habit of having one in his hand.
I took one puff on a cigarette when I was seven. It's all the smoking I ever want to do!!
Keep at it. I'm praying for you.
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I miss my pipe. I loved Khartoum tobacco. mmmmm
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My husband quit after smoking for twenty some years. He used a patch system he got at Wal Mart--it gradually decreases the nicotine. It worked very well for him. He had tried several times before with no success. For him the patch made a difference.
Your body will thank you for quitting!
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