Though us, THE twits, would never admit wrongdoing, but if we did, we would have to say we are "sorry" for being the dimwitted, scumsucking, muckraking, dirtbags that we are reputed being in and around the known world.
As we are fully responsable to report to "our" people everything in regards to peas and soup, we offer neither.
Now that we're so nice, you can get off our backs and let us get back to the good ole cult business.
I have gotten letters of apology as well as have sent them. I am still trying to locate one guy though. Haven't found him yet, but that sucker owes me an apology!!
No wait, I mean I want to find him so I can apologize to him for my having been a butthead... :)-->
And Vickles, I am certain that you must have been overjoyed...How cool!
If you weren`t a posessed, copped out, living in left field, rewardless at the Bema, LOSER .... one might feel compelled to offer an apology for the gross injustices visited upon you by our it is though....because of your lack of spiritual standing due to you not being worthey of functioning in the true household of God, and as you are a dog that has returned to it`s vomit......we owe you exactly SQUAT!
God bless you, sincerily, the newer kinder gentler twi
Vickles, it is nice to see at least one of them come to their senses. I have had a couple of individuals say "sorry I was such a ***** " and have accepted it. The funny thing, a couple of times it was something that I thought was no big deal- at least to me.
Yours was good too Mr. Hamm.....maybe they should send your letter to the folks that are still IN the household, and they could use mine for those that are out of the household!
I'd like to apologize to some people but don't know where they are so I'll do it here:
To the WOW Vet I lived with in Mississippi - I'm sorry I was mean to you and I don't blame you one bit for splitting out. I was a crabby b1tch.
To my cat - I'm sorry I abandoned you to go onto the WOW field and I thought some one else was going to take care of you, but I didn't follow through enough with them about it and now I don't know what happened to you. I'm so sorry.
To the WOW Vet who had lived in Greenville - I'm sorry I let your vegetable garden die and then later had your car removed from our front lawn when you didn't pick it up.
Hey, come to think of it, my room mate in the corps who left her iron on my bedspread and burnt a hole in it never apologized.
Oh, gee, I'm trolling for minutae now, rambling, sorry, must stop now...
But did I get an apology? Well, the guy who ratted on me to the branch leader because I admitted that sometimes I felt like leaving TWI (after he asked me)... and then I got reamed by branch leader, well that guy apologized later. Can't think of any others.....maybe something will come to me.
Hmmmm - My former WOW sister admitted at ROA that she had been a "B1tch" on the WOW field, but now I'm sorry I agreed with her. a "B1tch." I should have been more gracious.
I'm sorry to Mrs W that I left her in the middle of a conversation once.
Sorry I got involved with DA on the WOW field and got temporarily engaged and then broke it.
Being owed an apology does not equate with one being a victim.
Expecting an apology from folks in twi however is bound to be a waste of time..... it`s called *seared conscience* they are oblivious to their responsibility for the damage they wrought....
After all this time, I almost would think any attempt to right things would be feigned, at best.. I think the organization has more than one foot in the grave, at least in my opinion.
At least some individuals can still be reconciled.
Vickles, it is nice to see at least one of them come to their senses. I have had a couple of individuals say "sorry I was such a ***** " and have accepted it. The funny thing, a couple of times it was something that I thought was no big deal- at least to me.
Exactly Mr. Hammeroni, this is one of those times too. I was really surprised that she thought she had done so wrong. It sounded like she had thought about this for years and it really bothered her.
I wrote back and said I forgive her and that I hoped that she could forgive me too.
I think its good (if we can) to let people know as much as we can if we need to apologize. I know I also have done wrong to others that at times bother me. And I think, if I only can find them.
I think its healing for us but can be very healing for the people we apologize to.
Vickles, that got me thinking a little more- why DON'T that pack of numbnuts issue some kind of apology for vicious, destructive doctrine and practice?
Mainly- it wasn't a big deal to them to begin with. No big deal to separate families, no big deal to mark and avoid folk on a wild guess, or because they simply disagreed with a stupid notion, no big deal to sit back and let the then pres have at any woman in da kingdom he could catch..
Just "no big deal".
Kinda like the Nazis after the war, "duh, we didn't do nuttin wrong, just following orders.."
Just their job- see how many they could torture, maim and kill before the dinner bell sounded..
Loy and crowd may not have physically done it, but he said that he and others would if they could. Look at what they did to folks spiritually- quite a few coming out of that organization cannot even believe in a God- now or ever again. All done in the name of the "greatness" of "da word of God".
"No big deal" I guess..
No conscience- what they have left must be buried under years of compromise and degredation- along with all the bribes. D.M. STILL sitting pretty in the cabin in da woods. She sure won't talk. I don't know what's keeping the limb guys in line- even they have to know that they already have one foot out the door. I don't think that they have the capacity to come to their senses on their own.
At least some of us that stepped back from that hole can see what kind of jerks we were. Stuff I did STILL bothers the crap out of me at times.
I'm VERY sure that IF you ever got an apology from Twitville,Ohio...that they would include a nice little unstamped envelope for your "joy" of making a donation...don't cha think??
We received a letter of apology from the FC Coordinator, after he himself became "Mark and Avoid". In it he said ... "If there's anything I can do ..." So we wrote back and asked him to contact our daughter, who had totally severed ties with us due to HIS communication with her when WE were made "Mark and Avoid". Of course, he never followed through with his offer of "If there's anything I can do ..." when we actually asked him to do something. He never contacted her.
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OH and of course I forgive her!!!!!!
Life is wonderful!!!!!
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Apologies?? From twi??
I didn't think they existed, until you pulled that one out of the hat!
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Just a minute Vickles I'll look...
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I've gotten apologies from a few people and have given a few; no letters though
I'd like to see an "official" apology from TWI...yeah, right
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Maybe that's why nobody has heard from Martindale for awhile now...he's busy handwriting personal letters of apology to every person he abused...
...Yeah right...and I'm the fifth Beatle.
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It might be easier for them to use a form letter:
Dear (Sir, madam, or whatever)
Though us, THE twits, would never admit wrongdoing, but if we did, we would have to say we are "sorry" for being the dimwitted, scumsucking, muckraking, dirtbags that we are reputed being in and around the known world.
As we are fully responsable to report to "our" people everything in regards to peas and soup, we offer neither.
Now that we're so nice, you can get off our backs and let us get back to the good ole cult business.
Sincerely but no guarantee for the "truth"
Your "beloved" twitsters.
Maybe Rico outghta pay me for that one..
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J0nny Ling0
I have gotten letters of apology as well as have sent them. I am still trying to locate one guy though. Haven't found him yet, but that sucker owes me an apology!!
No wait, I mean I want to find him so I can apologize to him for my having been a butthead...
And Vickles, I am certain that you must have been overjoyed...How cool!
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Ummm wouldn`t it be more like
Dear sir/madam:
If you weren`t a posessed, copped out, living in left field, rewardless at the Bema, LOSER .... one might feel compelled to offer an apology for the gross injustices visited upon you by our it is though....because of your lack of spiritual standing due to you not being worthey of functioning in the true household of God, and as you are a dog that has returned to it`s vomit......we owe you exactly SQUAT!
God bless you, sincerily, the newer kinder gentler twi
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Yep Rascal.. that's probably the closest resemblence to an apology that they could produce.
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Vickles, it is nice to see at least one of them come to their senses. I have had a couple of individuals say "sorry I was such a ***** " and have accepted it. The funny thing, a couple of times it was something that I thought was no big deal- at least to me.
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Yours was good too Mr. Hamm.....maybe they should send your letter to the folks that are still IN the household, and they could use mine for those that are out of the household!
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Wow, I had no idea we had someone so famous here at da spot!
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Hey, one more "famous" PFAL graduate..
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I'd like to apologize to some people but don't know where they are so I'll do it here:
To the WOW Vet I lived with in Mississippi - I'm sorry I was mean to you and I don't blame you one bit for splitting out. I was a crabby b1tch.
To my cat - I'm sorry I abandoned you to go onto the WOW field and I thought some one else was going to take care of you, but I didn't follow through enough with them about it and now I don't know what happened to you. I'm so sorry.
To the WOW Vet who had lived in Greenville - I'm sorry I let your vegetable garden die and then later had your car removed from our front lawn when you didn't pick it up.
Hey, come to think of it, my room mate in the corps who left her iron on my bedspread and burnt a hole in it never apologized.
Oh, gee, I'm trolling for minutae now, rambling, sorry, must stop now...
But did I get an apology? Well, the guy who ratted on me to the branch leader because I admitted that sometimes I felt like leaving TWI (after he asked me)... and then I got reamed by branch leader, well that guy apologized later. Can't think of any others.....maybe something will come to me.
Hmmmm - My former WOW sister admitted at ROA that she had been a "B1tch" on the WOW field, but now I'm sorry I agreed with her. a "B1tch." I should have been more gracious.
I'm sorry to Mrs W that I left her in the middle of a conversation once.
Sorry I got involved with DA on the WOW field and got temporarily engaged and then broke it.
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My fc's who later went into the corps apologized to me for their treatment.
But I have given up waiting and know I need to apologize for some of my behavior.
I am not a victim.
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Being owed an apology does not equate with one being a victim.
Expecting an apology from folks in twi however is bound to be a waste of time..... it`s called *seared conscience* they are oblivious to their responsibility for the damage they wrought....
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Yep.. what Rascal said..
After all this time, I almost would think any attempt to right things would be feigned, at best.. I think the organization has more than one foot in the grave, at least in my opinion.
At least some individuals can still be reconciled.
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I apologize to myself and my blood family for not leaving TWI earlier.
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Exactly Mr. Hammeroni, this is one of those times too. I was really surprised that she thought she had done so wrong. It sounded like she had thought about this for years and it really bothered her.
I wrote back and said I forgive her and that I hoped that she could forgive me too.
I think its good (if we can) to let people know as much as we can if we need to apologize. I know I also have done wrong to others that at times bother me. And I think, if I only can find them.
I think its healing for us but can be very healing for the people we apologize to.
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Vickles, that got me thinking a little more- why DON'T that pack of numbnuts issue some kind of apology for vicious, destructive doctrine and practice?
Mainly- it wasn't a big deal to them to begin with. No big deal to separate families, no big deal to mark and avoid folk on a wild guess, or because they simply disagreed with a stupid notion, no big deal to sit back and let the then pres have at any woman in da kingdom he could catch..
Just "no big deal".
Kinda like the Nazis after the war, "duh, we didn't do nuttin wrong, just following orders.."
Just their job- see how many they could torture, maim and kill before the dinner bell sounded..
Loy and crowd may not have physically done it, but he said that he and others would if they could. Look at what they did to folks spiritually- quite a few coming out of that organization cannot even believe in a God- now or ever again. All done in the name of the "greatness" of "da word of God".
"No big deal" I guess..
No conscience- what they have left must be buried under years of compromise and degredation- along with all the bribes. D.M. STILL sitting pretty in the cabin in da woods. She sure won't talk. I don't know what's keeping the limb guys in line- even they have to know that they already have one foot out the door. I don't think that they have the capacity to come to their senses on their own.
At least some of us that stepped back from that hole can see what kind of jerks we were. Stuff I did STILL bothers the crap out of me at times.
At least I can sleep at night.
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Second James
I'm VERY sure that IF you ever got an apology from Twitville,Ohio...that they would include a nice little unstamped envelope for your "joy" of making a donation...don't cha think??
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We received a letter of apology from the FC Coordinator, after he himself became "Mark and Avoid". In it he said ... "If there's anything I can do ..." So we wrote back and asked him to contact our daughter, who had totally severed ties with us due to HIS communication with her when WE were made "Mark and Avoid". Of course, he never followed through with his offer of "If there's anything I can do ..." when we actually asked him to do something. He never contacted her.
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Schwaigers, it sounds like he was offering an apology for something else? Like starting his own thing?
This doesn't sound like a heartfelt apology, does it. I'm sorry that happened to you.
I hope you were able to reconcile with your daughter.
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