So he's the Way's PR guy, or was? Spin Doctor. I remember now. He's the guy on that video clip, the news story that was done in Ohio about the Way Woods, Doug Mc and that whole thing. He said on camera he doesn't believe any promise was actually made by VPW to people that buried relatives in the Way Woods that they'd be able to visit their graves freely for the rest of their lives.
I remember now. He's the misinformed lying Way Spin Doctor. I can't wait to read the report on his (*urp*) "Teaching".
I am very thankful for Rico Magn*lli's life. He provided the ultimate display of what the modern way corpse was all about. His witness was fantastic. In fact, I give him a major part of the credit for me being where I am today. After all, I could have ended up a financially and spiritually bankrupt cultie ((shudders)).
In fact, until working with Rico, I had a hard time believing that some of the outrageous rumors I'd heard were true. After working with him, nothing I'd heard about corpse-nazi's would have surprised me.
So, he has some fantastic teaching countering the counter to the teaching of the re-teaching of the updated teaching on debt submitted to the bod which was the bot which was the extension to the mogfart who was the foot-l!cker-cum-successor to the summa-cum-MOGness.
I transcripted the teaching as best I could and have it saved somewhere. I think it's at work, though. I'll look for it next week.
A few innies have asked me to post it, too. Seems my area isn't the only one where this information wasn't shared unless they thought it absolutely necessary. I think it's because they know it's b.s. and any intelligent TWIt can see through it.
Jordan's is a nice piece. I didn't read it all, just skimmed it.
One of the verses the Way gets hung up on is the "Owe no many anything but to love" verse in Romans 13. And not to just start another harangue on their hoses but it's typical. They get hung up one part and miss the greater meaning, which doesn't take a theology major to understand. It's very clear - Jordan's simple definition is in line with every source or reference I've ever checked on that verse and the definition of debt:
any obligation that becomes past due, be it financial or legal or spiritual. Any commitment not kept. Any duty not performed. Any obligation not met. It is not the commitments, obligation, or duties themselves (no matter how they are worded or what they are called). It is the non-performance that determines what becomes debt.
Oddly - sort of - the Way misses the full meaning of the verse. Don't have any unpaid debt. Love and so fulfill all of the law. Taking it from the definition of debt it's a nice twist - you could say the primary outstanding debt every Christian owes and needs to be current on is to love
Mortgages aren't true "debts". They're agreements. That verse teaches to honor your agreements. Rent is an agreement. Working for a salary is an agreement.
Living within our means is one thing. Not taking on obligations we can't meet is one thing. Agreements and contracts are one thing.
One thing the Way has trouble doing is bringing itself to openly and actively honoring it's obligation to love, without qualification or restraint. They'd obviously rather turn the simplest of teachings of Jesus and the N.T. and turn them in to laws to be obeyed "or else". If they'd just cast off their chains and let love run loose they'd fall much closer to the truth, IMO.
But then look at what happened when John S. turned out his little study on "adultery". Because it touched so close to home it enraged the guilty. But du-uh. "Adultery's wrong". Not exactly a New-Age Christian teaching.
Imagine what getting into the Way's cash flow would cause! Sex is one thing, but you start talking MONEY - Sweet Jumpin' Jellybeans!
A bit of a derail here, but all this talk of Rico M. makes me think of his wife, Robin. I knew her in Houston before they married. She was a real sweetie and quite bright, too. It's hard to imagine that she's still either, if she puts up with the nonsense Rico's involved in. Does anybody out there know how she's doing?
P.S. Yes, Socks often has very sage words. But I would expect that from anyone who digs Green Lantern (and Cosmo the Merry Martian?)!
Well, it has been quite awhile since I have been to the cafe, and in skimming through various posts it was nice to see that the fighting among patrons that used to go on seems to have died out. Hooray!
But imagine my surprise to see my name in a Greasespot topic! How honored I was! My thanks to all who still take a stand on twi's lies about God's opinion of debt. Someone was kind enough to send me notes from twi's counter teaching on my research a while back. It was quite interesting to read. It starts off by giving a definition of debt that is almost word for word the same as what I came up with. The gist was certainly there. I was thrilled to see that they too had arrived at the same conclusion. Then they went on and on and on about how evil debt was etc. It was the old teachings over and over almost as though they had completely forgotten the definition they had just given. If one left out the beginning and had to draw a conclusion of what debt was based on the context of the teaching one would come to the erroneous conclusion that debt was equal to owing. It was really quite sad.
But at any rate, hats off to all you at the cafe. It has been way too long since I popped in for a cup. Life is so good outside of twi, it is hard to find the time to visit like perhaps I should. I'm glad to see the information is still running freely here. Some of the comments I have read tonight have been priceless. Just knowing that if Rosie steps down there is a trinity of VPs ready to take over will keep me smiling for days!
Isn't it true that many PR people are basically professional liars? Are they not by definition the epitome of a "company man or woman"? So then why should we expect R*co to be any different?
The very fact that he has lasted so long in that position speaks volumes. He probably has a picture of Saddam's Information Minister on his office wall in the place where one would expect a picture of Jesus Christ...
Hey Chris, I'm sorry to say that after going past many links to your paper I never read it. That is until a number of months ago. Nice work. Thnak you. It gave me some much needed info in combating my twi family's POVs.
Funny, I just finished a PR class this past Saturday. The number one thing a PR person is suppose to do is admit the truth. Fully explain all the negative details so the opposition doesn't have a chance to be the ones exposing bad information to the public. Too bad Rico didn't sit through that class.
Wonderful posts on the subject of debt and twi's twisting of scriptures. Thanks Socks and all for posting this!!
I also knew Rico and Robin before they became waybots. They are both strong-willed people who are very passionate about what they believe... Once that was a good thing. They were refreshing and exciting to listen to... now they are both waybots of the highest magnitude.
George... the last time I saw Robin she'd been completely transformed into a "Mrs. Rev. So-and-So"... the lame dress, the badly-done makeup and frumpy hair style. (this was about 5 years ago at HQ). Sorry.
Y'all I have been looking for my notes and I can't find them....I wonder if the ex took them when he moved out. I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten, I just can't find the darn thing!
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Who's Rico Magn*lli again?
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He's just some stupid yes man that likes to flex the veins in his forehead. I think he was WC17 or something.
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Oh and he used to be a lieing PR punk.
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One of the newspaper articles has him claiming twi always keeps its
mindless drones informed on everything.
He said this without his tongue snapping off its roller,
or his nose growing like Pinocchio.
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So he's the Way's PR guy, or was? Spin Doctor. I remember now. He's the guy on that video clip, the news story that was done in Ohio about the Way Woods, Doug Mc and that whole thing. He said on camera he doesn't believe any promise was actually made by VPW to people that buried relatives in the Way Woods that they'd be able to visit their graves freely for the rest of their lives.
I remember now. He's the misinformed lying Way Spin Doctor. I can't wait to read the report on his (*urp*) "Teaching".
Thanks, LH. Take care of that finger man!
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I am very thankful for Rico Magn*lli's life. He provided the ultimate display of what the modern way corpse was all about. His witness was fantastic. In fact, I give him a major part of the credit for me being where I am today. After all, I could have ended up a financially and spiritually bankrupt cultie ((shudders)).
In fact, until working with Rico, I had a hard time believing that some of the outrageous rumors I'd heard were true. After working with him, nothing I'd heard about corpse-nazi's would have surprised me.
So, he has some fantastic teaching countering the counter to the teaching of the re-teaching of the updated teaching on debt submitted to the bod which was the bot which was the extension to the mogfart who was the foot-l!cker-cum-successor to the summa-cum-MOGness.
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Backatcha, HCW!
I transcripted the teaching as best I could and have it saved somewhere. I think it's at work, though. I'll look for it next week.
A few innies have asked me to post it, too. Seems my area isn't the only one where this information wasn't shared unless they thought it absolutely necessary. I think it's because they know it's b.s. and any intelligent TWIt can see through it.
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Heh heh heh heh heh... priceless.
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Belle said:
Intelligent TWITs are the most dangerous, that’s because they are the ones that have starting moving towards the door and
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Intelligent TWIt is an oxymoron.
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Besides, it doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense either..
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LMAO, mark
thank you.
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Horse Called War
waychrist is pat roberge's site
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Jordan's is a nice piece. I didn't read it all, just skimmed it.
One of the verses the Way gets hung up on is the "Owe no many anything but to love" verse in Romans 13. And not to just start another harangue on their hoses but it's typical. They get hung up one part and miss the greater meaning, which doesn't take a theology major to understand. It's very clear - Jordan's simple definition is in line with every source or reference I've ever checked on that verse and the definition of debt:
any obligation that becomes past due, be it financial or legal or spiritual. Any commitment not kept. Any duty not performed. Any obligation not met. It is not the commitments, obligation, or duties themselves (no matter how they are worded or what they are called). It is the non-performance that determines what becomes debt.
Oddly - sort of - the Way misses the full meaning of the verse. Don't have any unpaid debt. Love and so fulfill all of the law. Taking it from the definition of debt it's a nice twist - you could say the primary outstanding debt every Christian owes and needs to be current on is to love
Mortgages aren't true "debts". They're agreements. That verse teaches to honor your agreements. Rent is an agreement. Working for a salary is an agreement.
Living within our means is one thing. Not taking on obligations we can't meet is one thing. Agreements and contracts are one thing.
One thing the Way has trouble doing is bringing itself to openly and actively honoring it's obligation to love, without qualification or restraint. They'd obviously rather turn the simplest of teachings of Jesus and the N.T. and turn them in to laws to be obeyed "or else". If they'd just cast off their chains and let love run loose they'd fall much closer to the truth, IMO.
But then look at what happened when John S. turned out his little study on "adultery". Because it touched so close to home it enraged the guilty. But du-uh. "Adultery's wrong". Not exactly a New-Age Christian teaching.
Imagine what getting into the Way's cash flow would cause! Sex is one thing, but you start talking MONEY - Sweet Jumpin' Jellybeans!
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A la prochaine
Wow...don't think I ever saw it quite like that.
That was amazing to read.
Thanks for that little gem of a post.
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A bit of a derail here, but all this talk of Rico M. makes me think of his wife, Robin. I knew her in Houston before they married. She was a real sweetie and quite bright, too. It's hard to imagine that she's still either, if she puts up with the nonsense Rico's involved in. Does anybody out there know how she's doing?
P.S. Yes, Socks often has very sage words. But I would expect that from anyone who digs Green Lantern (and Cosmo the Merry Martian?)!
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Well, it has been quite awhile since I have been to the cafe, and in skimming through various posts it was nice to see that the fighting among patrons that used to go on seems to have died out. Hooray!
But imagine my surprise to see my name in a Greasespot topic! How honored I was! My thanks to all who still take a stand on twi's lies about God's opinion of debt. Someone was kind enough to send me notes from twi's counter teaching on my research a while back. It was quite interesting to read. It starts off by giving a definition of debt that is almost word for word the same as what I came up with. The gist was certainly there. I was thrilled to see that they too had arrived at the same conclusion. Then they went on and on and on about how evil debt was etc. It was the old teachings over and over almost as though they had completely forgotten the definition they had just given. If one left out the beginning and had to draw a conclusion of what debt was based on the context of the teaching one would come to the erroneous conclusion that debt was equal to owing. It was really quite sad.
But at any rate, hats off to all you at the cafe. It has been way too long since I popped in for a cup. Life is so good outside of twi, it is hard to find the time to visit like perhaps I should. I'm glad to see the information is still running freely here. Some of the comments I have read tonight have been priceless. Just knowing that if Rosie steps down there is a trinity of VPs ready to take over will keep me smiling for days!
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Research Geek
Isn't it true that many PR people are basically professional liars? Are they not by definition the epitome of a "company man or woman"? So then why should we expect R*co to be any different?
The very fact that he has lasted so long in that position speaks volumes. He probably has a picture of Saddam's Information Minister on his office wall in the place where one would expect a picture of Jesus Christ...
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Hey Chris, I'm sorry to say that after going past many links to your paper I never read it. That is until a number of months ago. Nice work. Thnak you. It gave me some much needed info in combating my twi family's POVs.
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Rico is the American version of Bagdad Bob.....
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Tumbleweed Kid
Yeah Chris,
Funny, I just finished a PR class this past Saturday. The number one thing a PR person is suppose to do is admit the truth. Fully explain all the negative details so the opposition doesn't have a chance to be the ones exposing bad information to the public. Too bad Rico didn't sit through that class.
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Wonderful posts on the subject of debt and twi's twisting of scriptures. Thanks Socks and all for posting this!!
I also knew Rico and Robin before they became waybots. They are both strong-willed people who are very passionate about what they believe... Once that was a good thing. They were refreshing and exciting to listen to... now they are both waybots of the highest magnitude.
George... the last time I saw Robin she'd been completely transformed into a "Mrs. Rev. So-and-So"... the lame dress, the badly-done makeup and frumpy hair style. (this was about 5 years ago at HQ). Sorry.
Thanks again, everyone, for the debt info!!
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Y'all I have been looking for my notes and I can't find them....I wonder if the ex took them when he moved out. I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten, I just can't find the darn thing!
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