Just mad at myself more than anything. I have a lot to finish up beofre moving so this accident hasn't help my timeline. It is also much harder to do woodworking with your middle finger hurting in a splint. I don't know if I can finish this piece and that pi$$es me off.
But hey now I can say **** you to eveyone. --> No offense.
The whole ministry coming before your kid thing p!sses me off too. So **** that too.
The other crazy thing that is ticking me off is how my family can't address reality at least not if it looks like negative believing or a negative confession.
Itis not like I am being dramatic or anything. All I have said is "Oh well, now I am going to have one f'ed up looking finger" and how I don't know how I'm going to finish this piece. All they can say is "don't say that, your finger will grow back perfectly" and "don't worry you'll get it done, just make a list and check it off as you get things done".
First of all, they haven't even seen what it looks like. We only spoken on the phone. My bro saw it in the splint. They don't know how it looks. I don't need positive BS believing tactics to make me feel better. It is reality. I screwed up, my finger looks like hell, I will look like hell after it heals, oh well, my bad. Don't feed me horse **** tell me it tastes like apple pie. The doctors know it won't look normal, not exactly how bad, but not like a normal finger.
Second, I am a woodworker, they are not. I know what i have to do, I know how long a piece this size will take, how long each step will take and I know I can't take short cuts or rush things. That was not the problem. Making a list will not make it come to pass. I know the list backwards and forward. I know that work 14 hour days for the next nine days might make it happen. Being unrealistic will not make it so. It is the old ignoring things = believing. So don't feed me some BS. Comfort me, make me dinner, come and see me, come clean the house and help pack while I rest or work, come and just hang out untill I feel a little better. Don't give me stale canned ministry answers to all of life's problems.
I did want to ask her if she could just miss class tonight and come over, but I didn't want to put her in that position.
My wife is talking about postponing the first day of her new job, flying back here after just driving for three days, just to help me out. That is love. I won't let her do it, but if I said OK she would be here tomarrow. It wouldn't even be a question for us. Saying "you know what you need to do is..." everytime I have a concern or a problem is more anoying than anything. Telling people what to do all the time is not the only way to help them. Physically doing something for that person isn't always needed either. Sometimes just being there, hanging out with them does the trick.
I was going to see how the night went before calling the project off. The insane thing is that I feel little to no pain at all. The Doc thought it would hurt like hell last night and gave me the good stuff, percasset (sp?). I haven't needed one. That is crazy. I cant see how I didn't cut off bone. I would think I would be writhing in pain by now, but no. Nothing. Strange. I don't know what that means.
I will probably try and work. Just some simple lite things right now and see how it goes.
If we lived close enough, me, steve, and the rugrats would be overrunning you to help get stuff done!!!
I know what it's like to have a family who does not act like family...and mine aren't even in twi...just lack the normal, healthy skills of being a family.
SO GLAD you (and I) have our own family that IS there for us (i.e. spouse and kid(s))
Our thoughts and prayers are TOTALLY with you!!! (((((lindy)))))
oh here's the damn thread :)--> sounded like a wayfer thread to me ;)-->
how are you doing today lindy ? any pain ?
what happens if you don't get the piece done and you have to move ? you're moving far away.... (where, by the way ?)
that was very kind of you not to make your mom choose between you and her "commitment to god." i feel like saying that maybe a little guilt would do her good, but i don't know, we got so much of that in the way ministry, you know ?
i hope my son turns out like you (which of course means your mom did something right and of course i'm not raising him in a cult, just screwing up like an average person ;)-->) whatever whatever.... life is nuts
So sorry to hear you got hurt! It is so distressing to wreck a body part. It feels so much a part of you, particularly when it is what you do your work with.
It's also amazing how such a little thing as a finger can put one in such a state of shock afterward. I hope you're feeling much better, soon.
Take care,
(Ow, my ring finger -- I crushed the tip of it with a gymnastics bar a couple of years ago -- aches just talking about this! There, there...)
It is awful to be cast aside by family. I'm sorry you are having to go it without their support (putting it mildly). I too had a accident, leaving me in the hospital a week with several surgeries. I was with twi, the folks another crazy group. They did come to the hospital - told me God was soon going to outright kill me if I didn't go back to them, and that this was just the start of my punishment.
It's amazing what changes a family can go through in the name of God's love. Well, history does tell us that.
I am sorry to hear of this setback. You know that I understand what it means to screw up a finger in our type of businesses. Wish I was near to you to help ya buddy.
I am near enough to your wife however, if there is something that I can do for you here. Just let me know in a PT. I will be in her town a couple of times this week. We got started on the house there.
Bummer dude. I hate it when that happens. Did my ownself once that way. Fortunately I still have it, thanks to some sutures and a good doc down in Canadia...
So sorry to hear that (both the accident, and the lack of parental concern).
I find it hard to believe that a mother would not immediately be there for her son, yet given the *road-block* of twi, I guess I can understand, and feel the "helplessness" you must have felt.
They run an effective *machine*, that systematically ruins, disrupts, and stifles normalcy in families -- but I guess I ain't telling you a thing here, am I? -->
Good Lord -- if I lost a finger like that, my fiddle picking would suck even more than it already does. :D-->
Praying for your recovery, without all the *pious platitudes* about believing, and all that crap. :)-->
I haven't had to take one pain killer. That is really insane I don't get it.
I didn't cut the whole thing off, I would say it is about a quarter of the tip. So there is only half a finger nail up thru the cuticle and about half way down thru the finger. I don't see how I didn't go thru bone. Yet all I feel is pressure more than anyting.
It was a new blade I just put on. A dado for those that know what that is. For those that don't it is a stack of blades to cut a wide channel or dado. Good thing for me I only put three together so it was only 3/8 wide. It could have been real ugly if it were like 3/4 wide. It was just one of those stupid moments when your saying to your self I probably shouldn't do thi-----AH ****. lol There were some other choice words that went along with that. So I have been doing a lot of this
Hap, thanks for the offer, but I think she will be alright for now. I think what will happen is I will stay here longer so I can fulfil my commitment. Unless you know a good daycare out there.
Being a parent with older kids and coming from being in twi I guess I can understand where she was coming from even though she was totally wrong. She was coming from being in total fear. If she didn't go to the class something else would happen to you or one of her other kids. To her, I'm sure, she thought she was being very loving. Maybe even thought that it happened because she must be out of fellowship or something weird like that.
I know its very hard and hopefully one day she will see the light.
Secondly, my dad lost two of his(not implying anything is lost here sorry -->)...and he was a seasoned woodworker...it can happen to anyone...and it only ever takes a split second.
And lastly... damn that fr*ghen stinkin' outfit they call a "christian ministry"!!!!
Don't feed me horse **** tell me it tastes like apple pie.
PERFECT!!! Says it all!
ps. lingo bro...glad to hear you got some good care from a canuckster doctor! :D-->
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And look I'm still smiling.
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Horse Called War
jesus lindy, are you all right?
hang in there - PM me if you need someone to talk to - I'm up
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I'm alright.
Just mad at myself more than anything. I have a lot to finish up beofre moving so this accident hasn't help my timeline. It is also much harder to do woodworking with your middle finger hurting in a splint. I don't know if I can finish this piece and that pi$$es me off.
But hey now I can say **** you to eveyone.
--> No offense.
The whole ministry coming before your kid thing p!sses me off too. So **** that too.
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The other crazy thing that is ticking me off is how my family can't address reality at least not if it looks like negative believing or a negative confession.
Itis not like I am being dramatic or anything. All I have said is "Oh well, now I am going to have one f'ed up looking finger" and how I don't know how I'm going to finish this piece. All they can say is "don't say that, your finger will grow back perfectly" and "don't worry you'll get it done, just make a list and check it off as you get things done".
First of all, they haven't even seen what it looks like. We only spoken on the phone. My bro saw it in the splint. They don't know how it looks. I don't need positive BS believing tactics to make me feel better. It is reality. I screwed up, my finger looks like hell, I will look like hell after it heals, oh well, my bad. Don't feed me horse **** tell me it tastes like apple pie. The doctors know it won't look normal, not exactly how bad, but not like a normal finger.
Second, I am a woodworker, they are not. I know what i have to do, I know how long a piece this size will take, how long each step will take and I know I can't take short cuts or rush things. That was not the problem. Making a list will not make it come to pass. I know the list backwards and forward. I know that work 14 hour days for the next nine days might make it happen. Being unrealistic will not make it so. It is the old ignoring things = believing. So don't feed me some BS. Comfort me, make me dinner, come and see me, come clean the house and help pack while I rest or work, come and just hang out untill I feel a little better. Don't give me stale canned ministry answers to all of life's problems.
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awww damn((((Lindy)))) the phrase *without natural affect* comes to mind.
I cannot imagine as a parent, EVER not coming to my childs aid :-( (yes, even if they ARE full grown)
I am so sorry that your mother has her priorities so scewered.....I know that you have to be really disapointed.
You know she probably just viewed it as an *attack from Satan* to keep her from the class....sigh
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I did want to ask her if she could just miss class tonight and come over, but I didn't want to put her in that position.
My wife is talking about postponing the first day of her new job, flying back here after just driving for three days, just to help me out. That is love. I won't let her do it, but if I said OK she would be here tomarrow. It wouldn't even be a question for us. Saying "you know what you need to do is..." everytime I have a concern or a problem is more anoying than anything. Telling people what to do all the time is not the only way to help them. Physically doing something for that person isn't always needed either. Sometimes just being there, hanging out with them does the trick.
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oh lindy !!! i'm so sorry. ohmygod your poor finger! i don't even know how you can do woodworking with your horrible injury.
you are a smart wise whipper snapper (
wish i was your neighbor right now
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Thanks Ex,
I was going to see how the night went before calling the project off. The insane thing is that I feel little to no pain at all. The Doc thought it would hurt like hell last night and gave me the good stuff, percasset (sp?). I haven't needed one. That is crazy. I cant see how I didn't cut off bone. I would think I would be writhing in pain by now, but no. Nothing. Strange. I don't know what that means.
I will probably try and work. Just some simple lite things right now and see how it goes.
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I guess this could go to the open forum if someone thinks it should. I was thinking more about the stupid ministry when I started it.
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God, lindy...we are SOOO sorry!!!!
If we lived close enough, me, steve, and the rugrats would be overrunning you to help get stuff done!!!
I know what it's like to have a family who does not act like family...and mine aren't even in twi...just lack the normal, healthy skills of being a family.
SO GLAD you (and I) have our own family that IS there for us (i.e. spouse and kid(s))
Our thoughts and prayers are TOTALLY with you!!! (((((lindy)))))
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Thanks Chin and the rest of the !'s
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oh here's the damn thread
:)--> sounded like a wayfer thread to me
how are you doing today lindy ? any pain ?
what happens if you don't get the piece done and you have to move ? you're moving far away.... (where, by the way ?)
that was very kind of you not to make your mom choose between you and her "commitment to god." i feel like saying that maybe a little guilt would do her good, but i don't know, we got so much of that in the way ministry, you know ?
i hope my son turns out like you (which of course means your mom did something right and of course i'm not raising him in a cult, just screwing up like an average person
;)-->) whatever whatever.... life is nuts
many mwahs
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Dear Lindy,
So sorry to hear you got hurt! It is so distressing to wreck a body part. It feels so much a part of you, particularly when it is what you do your work with.
It's also amazing how such a little thing as a finger can put one in such a state of shock afterward. I hope you're feeling much better, soon.
Take care,
(Ow, my ring finger -- I crushed the tip of it with a gymnastics bar a couple of years ago -- aches just talking about this! There, there...)
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cc ray
It is awful to be cast aside by family. I'm sorry you are having to go it without their support (putting it mildly). I too had a accident, leaving me in the hospital a week with several surgeries. I was with twi, the folks another crazy group. They did come to the hospital - told me God was soon going to outright kill me if I didn't go back to them, and that this was just the start of my punishment.
It's amazing what changes a family can go through in the name of God's love. Well, history does tell us that.
take care of yourself
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so sad about your fingie shaz and your experience, cc
hugs to you
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I am sorry to hear of this setback. You know that I understand what it means to screw up a finger in our type of businesses. Wish I was near to you to help ya buddy.
I am near enough to your wife however, if there is something that I can do for you here. Just let me know in a PT. I will be in her town a couple of times this week. We got started on the house there.
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J0nny Ling0
Bummer dude. I hate it when that happens. Did my ownself once that way. Fortunately I still have it, thanks to some sutures and a good doc down in Canadia...
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Lindy ---
So sorry to hear that (both the accident, and the lack of parental concern).
I find it hard to believe that a mother would not immediately be there for her son, yet given the *road-block* of twi, I guess I can understand, and feel the "helplessness" you must have felt.
They run an effective *machine*, that systematically ruins, disrupts, and stifles normalcy in families -- but I guess I ain't telling you a thing here, am I?
Good Lord -- if I lost a finger like that, my fiddle picking would suck even more than it already does.
Praying for your recovery, without all the *pious platitudes* about believing, and all that crap.
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thanks for the sentiments all.
I haven't had to take one pain killer. That is really insane I don't get it.
I didn't cut the whole thing off, I would say it is about a quarter of the tip. So there is only half a finger nail up thru the cuticle and about half way down thru the finger. I don't see how I didn't go thru bone. Yet all I feel is pressure more than anyting.
It was a new blade I just put on. A dado for those that know what that is. For those that don't it is a stack of blades to cut a wide channel or dado. Good thing for me I only put three together so it was only 3/8 wide. It could have been real ugly if it were like 3/4 wide. It was just one of those stupid moments when your saying to your self I probably shouldn't do thi-----AH ****. lol There were some other choice words that went along with that. So I have been doing a lot of this
Hap, thanks for the offer, but I think she will be alright for now. I think what will happen is I will stay here longer so I can fulfil my commitment. Unless you know a good daycare out there.
anyways, thanks you guys and gals.
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I came real damn close with a dato blade one time. Ya just kick yourself in the foot when stuff like that happens.
Come to think of it I have come real close with a skill saw and a chop saw.
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I'm sorry that happened to you, Lindy!!!
Being a parent with older kids and coming from being in twi I guess I can understand where she was coming from even though she was totally wrong. She was coming from being in total fear. If she didn't go to the class something else would happen to you or one of her other kids. To her, I'm sure, she thought she was being very loving. Maybe even thought that it happened because she must be out of fellowship or something weird like that.
I know its very hard and hopefully one day she will see the light.
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bout the finger -- man I am soorrry for you!
bout the project---its not going anywhere.
bout yer Mom----that aint right!
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Radar OReilly
Yeah.....what daddyhoundog said!
Hey, find a way to private topic Masterherbalist.....he has a story similar to yours that happened when he was about your age.
Lindy.....you are one awesome guy......
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A la prochaine
Firstly...((((so sorry about the finger)))
Secondly, my dad lost two of his(not implying anything is lost here sorry
-->)...and he was a seasoned woodworker...it can happen to anyone...and it only ever takes a split second.
And lastly... damn that fr*ghen stinkin' outfit they call a "christian ministry"!!!!
PERFECT!!! Says it all!
ps. lingo bro...glad to hear you got some good care from a canuckster doctor!
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