I moved to Michigan in the summer of '86. My husband and I lived in St. Joseph. We were twig area coordinators who were also part of the Kalamazoo branch.
But we were already ostracized by the "leadership" there when we arrived, so our participation in way things was minimal. (We had resigned our ministry position in another state, so we were suspect.) But maybe we know each other?
We lived in my husband's home town, and he was friends with alot of the Michigan old-timers before he went in the corps. So even though we weren't real involved in way activities, we hung out with alot of the Michigan folks, til we got officially kicked out. (We even got a letter from Craig and everything. :D-->)
Even after we left, we still kept in touch with many of those who left when we did, til we moved in '99. After all, we'd known many of them since forever....
Well then we knew each other maybe. My hubby worked with the band a little, I think. My memory is real fuzzy. I knew Gary from in-rez. (We were in the same twig when outandabout was our twig leader.)
From the moment we got to Michigan, until he got fired, we went toe to toe with him on several issues. Hubby and him even got into a few shouting matches. (And if anybody knows my hubby, you know that's highly unusual for him. :)--> ) So we weren't exactly welcome at the way in K-zoo. :D-->
So then, Def, you might know Tim and Coll**n Nich#ls#n?
I knew Dave and Jen before they got married. Smatter of fact, I took Dave out for his bachelor party - a few of us went to a bar in Portland called Claudia's (LingoJonny, if you're reading this, does that ring a bell?).
Beforehand, Jen had me promise that he wouldn't get too drunk to get married. Well, to keep that promise, we took him out 2 days before the wedding so that even the hangover would be (mostly) gone by that time.
We got a pitcher of beer between the 3 of us, and other bleevers kept drifting into the bar, buying him beer, so by the end of the night he'd had 8 or 9. But what he didn't know until 2 days later was that I had been spiking his beer with vodka!
Which would explain why he had no recollection whatsoever of that night or the next day.
I am So Not Dead!!! Jeez Def-thought about it some more and that kinda freaks me out and explains why I never heard from people from the old stompin ground of K-zoo.
Ha! Was this someone whom had a leadership type role? If so-I'll not bark up that tree ever again.
exxie-AhHa! Memories are coming back and I did meet you and hubby, but was consuled to "stay back-because of the issues you'd had w/ leadership!" Suspect commitment issues. Dear mr Sm*ke-once accused me of chasing after a married twig leader at a large pfiffle class-I was so freaked out but stayed did my duty even helped clean up and then went home and cried all night-Def you might recall that one.
ok-but in better memory terms...recall others from those times so very fondly. Sorry I missed the opportunity to get to know you & hubby better exxie...
Ha, Andrea. So that was what they said about us, huh? "Issues with leadership?" As if! harrumf.....
Yeah, we had big issues with the way Smoke and company operated. Funny, I never thought of him or them as my "leadership." I thought we were peers. My mistake for thinking...
Yeah, our "cmmitment" was in question because we refused to jump when he said to. And more adamantly refused to tell other people to jump when he said to. I guess that was the problem. :D-->
Wow Ex10 and Def, if you were in Michigan as late as 99, I probably met you both as well. Def when dd you leave GR? Were you there under P@t P@g@'s reign? What about during the time-frame when Lansing was considered to be part of the G.R. branch? Take any classes in Sunfield?
I wasn't involved in TWI after 1987 when my first child was born. But we still lived in hubby's home town, and whenever someone left, they usually called us, or other K-zoo exes.
So we had this gigantic network of exwayfers in Michigan that we kinda kept track of...sorta. But not wanting to be in charge of anything, or "coordinate" anything, we just sorta pointed people in the church, or maybe home fellowship, direction. Long story, sorry. :D-->
We have been here since 1985 we were in Des Moines IA before coming to GR. Got out (or rather was thrown out) in I think it was 89, might have been 88. We probably have met before. We used to be at every function there was. I never got over to Lansing much though,
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Mod Kirk
def59, I sent you a PM as a test and didn't have any trouble getting through. Let me know if you get it. Your PM feature should be functioning.
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I moved to Michigan in the summer of '86. My husband and I lived in St. Joseph. We were twig area coordinators who were also part of the Kalamazoo branch.
But we were already ostracized by the "leadership" there when we arrived, so our participation in way things was minimal. (We had resigned our ministry position in another state, so we were suspect.) But maybe we know each other?
We lived in my husband's home town, and he was friends with alot of the Michigan old-timers before he went in the corps. So even though we weren't real involved in way activities, we hung out with alot of the Michigan folks, til we got officially kicked out. (We even got a letter from Craig and everything.
Even after we left, we still kept in touch with many of those who left when we did, til we moved in '99. After all, we'd known many of them since forever....
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I was in K-zoo when Gary Smoke was the Branch leader. I was in the branch's band Higher Ground I think it was called.
I was in Dave and Jen C.'s twig, before they went FC.
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Def - would that be Dave and Jen Ch*rch*ll?
They went FC? I wouldn't have expected that. Are they still "in"?
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Well then we knew each other maybe. My hubby worked with the band a little, I think. My memory is real fuzzy. I knew Gary from in-rez. (We were in the same twig when outandabout was our twig leader.)
From the moment we got to Michigan, until he got fired, we went toe to toe with him on several issues. Hubby and him even got into a few shouting matches. (And if anybody knows my hubby, you know that's highly unusual for him.
:)--> ) So we weren't exactly welcome at the way in K-zoo.
I'll send you a private message.
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No, they got fired in Conn. Moved back to K-zoo and started a fellowship. That was about 95-96, haven't seen them since.
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So then, Def, you might know Tim and Coll**n Nich#ls#n?
I knew Dave and Jen before they got married. Smatter of fact, I took Dave out for his bachelor party - a few of us went to a bar in Portland called Claudia's (LingoJonny, if you're reading this, does that ring a bell?).
Beforehand, Jen had me promise that he wouldn't get too drunk to get married. Well, to keep that promise, we took him out 2 days before the wedding so that even the hangover would be (mostly) gone by that time.
We got a pitcher of beer between the 3 of us, and other bleevers kept drifting into the bar, buying him beer, so by the end of the night he'd had 8 or 9. But what he didn't know until 2 days later was that I had been spiking his beer with vodka!
Which would explain why he had no recollection whatsoever of that night or the next day.
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My time with the c's was from 1983-1986 in Kalamazoo.
The other couple sounds familiar, but it's been a long time.
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I am So Not Dead!!! Jeez Def-thought about it some more and that kinda freaks me out and explains why I never heard from people from the old stompin ground of K-zoo.
Ha! Was this someone whom had a leadership type role? If so-I'll not bark up that tree ever again.
exxie-AhHa! Memories are coming back and I did meet you and hubby, but was consuled to "stay back-because of the issues you'd had w/ leadership!" Suspect commitment issues. Dear mr Sm*ke-once accused me of chasing after a married twig leader at a large pfiffle class-I was so freaked out but stayed did my duty even helped clean up and then went home and cried all night-Def you might recall that one.
ok-but in better memory terms...recall others from those times so very fondly. Sorry I missed the opportunity to get to know you & hubby better exxie...
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Ha, Andrea. So that was what they said about us, huh? "Issues with leadership?" As if! harrumf.....
Yeah, we had big issues with the way Smoke and company operated. Funny, I never thought of him or them as my "leadership." I thought we were peers.
My mistake for thinking...
Yeah, our "cmmitment" was in question because we refused to jump when he said to. And more adamantly refused to tell other people to jump when he said to. I guess that was the problem.
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I just told hubby about your post, andrea. His comment, and I quote: "Yeah, the issue we had with 'leadershihp' was they were d*p....s."
I guess that pretty much sums it up.....
The funny thing is, after they got fired, we were ask to "run the branch." We said, no thanks.
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It really is nice to know you are doing well.
Ex, I do recall your names now, but that was when I too was sliding out of twi, before my last gasp in GR.
I hope you are all are doing well.
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Wow Ex10 and Def, if you were in Michigan as late as 99, I probably met you both as well. Def when dd you leave GR? Were you there under P@t P@g@'s reign? What about during the time-frame when Lansing was considered to be part of the G.R. branch? Take any classes in Sunfield?
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I was gone by 89. Rob and Clarissa N*m*r were my bc's names. they were replaced by Rob and D Lo*d*n.
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I wasn't involved in TWI after 1987 when my first child was born. But we still lived in hubby's home town, and whenever someone left, they usually called us, or other K-zoo exes.
So we had this gigantic network of exwayfers in Michigan that we kinda kept track of...sorta. But not wanting to be in charge of anything, or "coordinate" anything, we just sorta pointed people in the church, or maybe home fellowship, direction. Long story, sorry.
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Out There
We live in GR, Anyone else here?
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Out There, Cindy! and I are in the Chicago area, come on down for the GSpot Anniversary party this weekend.
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Yeah, there is someone from the cafe' in Grand Rapids, but I'd prefer to let that person make themself known (I know improper grammar).
I'm in Lansing, Out There. How long you been out, could be we know each other?
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out there, how long have you been in GR?
I am south of Abi's city.
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So def, why don't you come on down for the GSpot anniversary party?
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Out There
We have been here since 1985 we were in Des Moines IA before coming to GR. Got out (or rather was thrown out) in I think it was 89, might have been 88. We probably have met before. We used to be at every function there was. I never got over to Lansing much though,
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Give me details.
P.S. Abi's mate and I want to do a good-ole ROA Mountain Dew party.
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Hi There OutThere! Still not dead....!!
If you where in 88-ish or before in MI- I probably know you too-but have fuzzy memory probelms-too much way brain, i suppose!
Def so glad to hear you are doing well also-
are Rob & Den*se L still "in"?
By the way & just for kicks-whatever happened to Mr Sm*ke? Any body know?
Remember a huge scene the once and future corps spouse was in res when it went down and the boot administered to Mr S's backside...
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Well, Def, it was day before yesterday.
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