God works with me through books. If you are reader I might suggest the Purpose Driven Life. It is not anything like piffle, it has the gospel in many versions and offers a new look at how we should relate to the Father.
Why do we care to know about this Father? To know Spirit and spiritual things. Is it for life after death?
What's the point of it all?
I'm not trying to start a brawl. Just asking for your thoughts.
I know very little that keeps me going. It's hard to stay in the pursuit when so much is against it. But I've seen enough to know it's real.
The grind of life is wearing me down. Working too much too. But I got to take care of my family. Loneliness is getting to me. Got to get quiet and peaceful more often.
Is it a pursuit? a quest? a journey?
Are we after rewards? A pat on the back from Jesus Christ? In it for ourselves?
Or is it just for love?
For others?
I'll check back on this after work...or the next day...or the next...
Your words on pressing forth by the reason of love sound noble and courageous, - but somehow (and perhaps I'm mistaken here) you don't really come across as wholly convinced of that yourself - and I don't blame you.
The words of Leonard Cohen come to mind: "You call it love - I call it service."
You asked "What's the point of it all?"
But what point would you like to make or pursue during the remainder of your brief sojourn on this planet?
If you rewind through your memories, chances are you'll recognize it as clear as day - that which you would like to do that brings to you personally the greatest joy and and thrill and satisfaction.
It may not even have anything to do with "God", but it certainly may have everything to do with who you are.
The "grind of life" may refine us or thwart us or both. If you feel you're losing yourself for the sake of _____[fill in the blank], then you'll have to roll up your sleeves with a brawling swagger and grab some time for yourself to do whatever you want and need to do for yourself- and fight for that if need be. Whether it be time for relaxing with friends (if lonliness is an issue) - or a favorite hobby - or meditation - or whatever ...
I could be selfish and full of it, but your post compelled my mind to air these thoughts, for whatever reason.
"I want to know God's thoughts....all else is details."
-Albert Einstein.
i wonder why though..to know God's thoughts..
einstein had some hobbies huh..
shoot, mine for so many years was pfal, bible and twi
-then blowing it apart in my head...successfully
not sure what to do these days. work at night
and day during the window season (resys mostly)
a hobby...hmmmm...usually cost some money..
but worth it i'm sure..
friends? used to have some..
have some here i believe..
btw-the boys helping me today cut
my time in half on the job
good boys they are..they have a
lot of love in their hearts..
i don't think you sounded selfish at all Danny
i think it's time to do things like you suggested
still love learning God/JC/HS but need to
break away for some time at times
thankful for what the Lord has done...
he must like us-lol-to spend so many words on us
maybe i'll look up some scripture on "why"
when i get around to it
"But what point would you like to make or pursue during the remainder of your brief sojourn on this planet?
If you rewind through your memories, chances are you'll recognize it as clear as day - that which you would like to do that brings to you personally the greatest joy and and thrill and satisfaction.
It may not even have anything to do with "God", but it certainly may have everything to do with who you are."
such freedom of thought is refreshing and encouraging
Found myself tossing a turning, so I got out of bed, took a couple three "Ibyprophins", turned on the PC and ended up here.
CM, I hear ya.
It's the war between the eyeballs. The senses and all the assorted fleshly things are a SOB to cope with being a believer. I've heard all the bla bla of do this and that to make my ears spin. I find great comfort when I remember to live in and for the moment. It's seems all the controversy runs out the front door forgetting it's shoes.
About 2 months ago, I was about to throw in the towel with my company of 25 years. Things were so slow that slugs seemed to be running. Bills were piling up, and no matter what I did nobody needed any construction. A record snowfall for winter didn't seem to help.
Even the encouragement from God seemed distant. So I broke down in my wife's presence. She let me blow it out. All the crap of and in my mind. It felt pretty good dumping my thoughts on the floor. After I was done taking the mind crap we prayed. I swear as soon as I said Amen, the phone rang and a good repeat customer needed some work done. He said, "whats your plans for the next 3 weeks?" I said, I guess working on your house.....
And that was that.
It wasn't me, or my wife, or kids, or grand daughter. It was something trying to rip off my JOY.
Don't let nothing rip off your JOY!
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, in the power of {the} holy spirit. Romans 15:13
While I know we don't agree on spiritual things, I definitely feel what your saying. I think that is true of most people regardless of belief. Life is a journey, an adventure, a learning process.
Are we after rewards? A pat on the back from Jesus Christ? In it for ourselves?
Or is it just for love?
For others?
Well, I've said this before in different ways, maybe at some point it will seem palletable. I think we are in it for ourselves and for others. While being in it for others helps us help ourselves. Love is great, but without other people it doesn't doesn't do much for you, in fact it kinda hurts.
I have a wonderful wife and kid. Love them with all that I am. Although, friends are lacking and so is my side of the family. I miss those things. With the exception of a fleeting few, I haven't had friends that were friends by choice, by a genuine connection and common interest. Most have been by way of association ie. other people's friends or people thru work etc. I don't think I have had those real friends in over 10 years.
I think we all need fulfilment and contentment to a resonalble degree.
I know I'm not talking about God, but I know the grind of life, even in my short number of years. And I know that we need to find and feel that love that comes in different forms and different people and in different catagoires of out life. When it starts to lack in a major area of life, the persuit of our dreams seems to be harder and harder and become questionable....Why?
Sometimes the persuit of that need becomes this way because there are other needs we are overlooking, like me and haveing real friends. I also would like to persue some activies that i have put aside for many years like getting back in a band and making music. A hobbie I guess like you said.
I know that when all of our needs are taken care of physical, mental etc. then those dreams seem that much closer. When they are not, they are a distraction and those dreams seem almost pointless.
Hope this has helped, I know it has helped me in just the trying to help. ;)-->
Ya know I didn't know what would happen when I decided to bare my soul here at this place. I've been hanging around here for so long that it seemed the place to do it. Of course I hesitated...self doubt I suppose.
I've learned that answers lie not in doctrinal beliefs (as I have been told) but rather deep within the hearts of men and women. For therein are the issues of life, love and God Himself.
As the planet continues to fill maybe more and more people will actually open up to each other and find comfort within each other.
At night I work at the local school as a custodian. The few hours I have with some of the teachers before they leave for the day have been quite a learning and loving experience. They wear their hearts on their sleeves. They have to, because you can't hide much from kids, especially junior high kids.
Most of them know my kids and have had them in their classes. So they know me too, and even more so now. When some ask how I'm doing, it's hard for me to hide the answer. And we have had some wonderful talks about many things.
One teacher in particular has helped me more then she will probably ever know. Love pours out from every word she speaks. I've told her how much I appreciate her too. And she just continues to be herself and live her life.
Had a problem with one of the other night custodians who hates me-spiritually based I believe-(there are 3 of us at night in different parts of the building) and took it to the Principal. She just about read my mind...so much so that she brought tears to my eyes. Told me some things to avoid and how to play it smartly. Glad I went to her with it.
The other 2 day custodians are like brother and sister to me as all should be. During the summer months when school is out we all work day shift and I do windows on saturdays. It's like a vacation compared to spring and fall.
Damn-we lived such a sheltered life under twi's heavy hand of oppresion. Missed out on so much....I'd probably have a real career by now instead of working these other jobs. But I'm thankful for where I'm at at this point and looking forward to things to come.
My wife, God bless her heart, never bought into and got caught by pfal's web. She believes in God but didn't go for most of the rap. Man I sure do love her with all my heart. She doesn't understand a lot of what I've gone through and am going through but she loves me with all of her heart too.
I don't know how or when or why it happened, but I believe the hand of the Lord is with us and on this little ole place called Grease Spot Cafe.
"Why" ....i believe everyone's thoughts help everyone....
Even the encouragement from God seemed distant. So I broke down in my wife's presence. She let me blow it out. All the crap of and in my mind. It felt pretty good dumping my thoughts on the floor. After I was done taking the mind crap we prayed. I swear as soon as I said Amen, the phone rang and a good repeat customer needed some work done. He said, "whats your plans for the next 3 weeks?" I said, I guess working on your house.....
And that was that.
It wasn't me, or my wife, or kids, or grand daughter. It was something trying to rip off my JOY.
Don't let nothing rip off your JOY!
seems unloading crap is a good way to clear the brain tubes!
I can relate to that. If thine eye be single type of thing!
And yesterday my daughter was so beautiful in her Prom Gown and her Handsome Date Gent, so well, handsome, in his Tuxcedo, I had some serious tears in mine mind and a few 'pon my cheeks~~~
So many many many generations flowing into and out of this life we presently know.
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God works with me through books. If you are reader I might suggest the Purpose Driven Life. It is not anything like piffle, it has the gospel in many versions and offers a new look at how we should relate to the Father.
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not even a hint as to what it's about def?
what's it done for you and how?
I barely have time to sleep, much less find some book.
but thanks for your input...
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and please don't equate or compare my thinking with pfal...please spare me the grief...
i've distanced myself so far from it, i don't care to hear about it anymore...
once again.....not to brawl....
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I'm not trying to start a brawl. Just asking for your thoughts.
me too
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(posting from work)
thanks song....
hope i didn't offend you def
i know you were comparing that
book with pfal and not me
it must be for love...
anything else seems pointless
some seem to just want to know more
than someone else..i don't know..
whats the point in that kinda stuff...
maybe i'm just in some kind of mood...
have been for sometime now-so i ask
the questions still stand though...
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Your words on pressing forth by the reason of love sound noble and courageous, - but somehow (and perhaps I'm mistaken here) you don't really come across as wholly convinced of that yourself - and I don't blame you.
The words of Leonard Cohen come to mind: "You call it love - I call it service."
You asked "What's the point of it all?"
But what point would you like to make or pursue during the remainder of your brief sojourn on this planet?
If you rewind through your memories, chances are you'll recognize it as clear as day - that which you would like to do that brings to you personally the greatest joy and and thrill and satisfaction.
It may not even have anything to do with "God", but it certainly may have everything to do with who you are.
The "grind of life" may refine us or thwart us or both. If you feel you're losing yourself for the sake of _____[fill in the blank], then you'll have to roll up your sleeves with a brawling swagger and grab some time for yourself to do whatever you want and need to do for yourself- and fight for that if need be. Whether it be time for relaxing with friends (if lonliness is an issue) - or a favorite hobby - or meditation - or whatever ...
I could be selfish and full of it, but your post compelled my mind to air these thoughts, for whatever reason.
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Your words lighten my soul...every one of them.
I will read them a few times...
from the depth of my heart
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..yes....finding it....service-yeah...
so much of my love and satisfaction is in it...
...finding it...with much tribulation...
will seem a small thing in times to come...
..but the love we get to take with us...
tomorrow my boys are working with me on
a job for the first time-they are looking forward to it
-tears of joy to have them with me...time is so short...
in this life...
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You certainly have lightened my heart these past couple months as well. I am very grateful
to you for that.
How old are your kids?
I have a 13 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. I can't get over how fast they're growing up. They're as tall as me already.
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13 and 15...yeah tall..lol
got to get to bed now
we start early,
love always
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"I want to know God's thoughts....all else is details."
-Albert Einstein.
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i wonder why though..to know God's thoughts..
einstein had some hobbies huh..
shoot, mine for so many years was pfal, bible and twi
-then blowing it apart in my head...successfully
not sure what to do these days. work at night
and day during the window season (resys mostly)
a hobby...hmmmm...usually cost some money..
but worth it i'm sure..
friends? used to have some..
have some here i believe..
btw-the boys helping me today cut
my time in half on the job
good boys they are..they have a
lot of love in their hearts..
i don't think you sounded selfish at all Danny
i think it's time to do things like you suggested
still love learning God/JC/HS but need to
break away for some time at times
thankful for what the Lord has done...
he must like us-lol-to spend so many words on us
maybe i'll look up some scripture on "why"
when i get around to it
"But what point would you like to make or pursue during the remainder of your brief sojourn on this planet?
If you rewind through your memories, chances are you'll recognize it as clear as day - that which you would like to do that brings to you personally the greatest joy and and thrill and satisfaction.
It may not even have anything to do with "God", but it certainly may have everything to do with who you are."
such freedom of thought is refreshing and encouraging
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Found myself tossing a turning, so I got out of bed, took a couple three "Ibyprophins", turned on the PC and ended up here.
CM, I hear ya.
It's the war between the eyeballs. The senses and all the assorted fleshly things are a SOB to cope with being a believer. I've heard all the bla bla of do this and that to make my ears spin. I find great comfort when I remember to live in and for the moment. It's seems all the controversy runs out the front door forgetting it's shoes.
About 2 months ago, I was about to throw in the towel with my company of 25 years. Things were so slow that slugs seemed to be running. Bills were piling up, and no matter what I did nobody needed any construction. A record snowfall for winter didn't seem to help.
Even the encouragement from God seemed distant. So I broke down in my wife's presence. She let me blow it out. All the crap of and in my mind. It felt pretty good dumping my thoughts on the floor. After I was done taking the mind crap we prayed. I swear as soon as I said Amen, the phone rang and a good repeat customer needed some work done. He said, "whats your plans for the next 3 weeks?" I said, I guess working on your house.....
And that was that.
It wasn't me, or my wife, or kids, or grand daughter. It was something trying to rip off my JOY.
Don't let nothing rip off your JOY!
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, in the power of {the} holy spirit. Romans 15:13
The bones are feeling a little better.
Think I'll head back to the land of Nod.
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While I know we don't agree on spiritual things, I definitely feel what your saying. I think that is true of most people regardless of belief. Life is a journey, an adventure, a learning process.
Well, I've said this before in different ways, maybe at some point it will seem palletable. I think we are in it for ourselves and for others. While being in it for others helps us help ourselves. Love is great, but without other people it doesn't doesn't do much for you, in fact it kinda hurts.
I have a wonderful wife and kid. Love them with all that I am. Although, friends are lacking and so is my side of the family. I miss those things. With the exception of a fleeting few, I haven't had friends that were friends by choice, by a genuine connection and common interest. Most have been by way of association ie. other people's friends or people thru work etc. I don't think I have had those real friends in over 10 years.
I think we all need fulfilment and contentment to a resonalble degree.
I know I'm not talking about God, but I know the grind of life, even in my short number of years. And I know that we need to find and feel that love that comes in different forms and different people and in different catagoires of out life. When it starts to lack in a major area of life, the persuit of our dreams seems to be harder and harder and become questionable....Why?
Sometimes the persuit of that need becomes this way because there are other needs we are overlooking, like me and haveing real friends. I also would like to persue some activies that i have put aside for many years like getting back in a band and making music. A hobbie I guess like you said.
I know that when all of our needs are taken care of physical, mental etc. then those dreams seem that much closer. When they are not, they are a distraction and those dreams seem almost pointless.
Hope this has helped, I know it has helped me in just the trying to help.
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Ya know I didn't know what would happen when I decided to bare my soul here at this place. I've been hanging around here for so long that it seemed the place to do it. Of course I hesitated...self doubt I suppose.
I've learned that answers lie not in doctrinal beliefs (as I have been told) but rather deep within the hearts of men and women. For therein are the issues of life, love and God Himself.
As the planet continues to fill maybe more and more people will actually open up to each other and find comfort within each other.
At night I work at the local school as a custodian. The few hours I have with some of the teachers before they leave for the day have been quite a learning and loving experience. They wear their hearts on their sleeves. They have to, because you can't hide much from kids, especially junior high kids.
Most of them know my kids and have had them in their classes. So they know me too, and even more so now. When some ask how I'm doing, it's hard for me to hide the answer. And we have had some wonderful talks about many things.
One teacher in particular has helped me more then she will probably ever know. Love pours out from every word she speaks. I've told her how much I appreciate her too. And she just continues to be herself and live her life.
Had a problem with one of the other night custodians who hates me-spiritually based I believe-(there are 3 of us at night in different parts of the building) and took it to the Principal. She just about read my mind...so much so that she brought tears to my eyes. Told me some things to avoid and how to play it smartly. Glad I went to her with it.
The other 2 day custodians are like brother and sister to me as all should be. During the summer months when school is out we all work day shift and I do windows on saturdays. It's like a vacation compared to spring and fall.
Damn-we lived such a sheltered life under twi's heavy hand of oppresion. Missed out on so much....I'd probably have a real career by now instead of working these other jobs. But I'm thankful for where I'm at at this point and looking forward to things to come.
My wife, God bless her heart, never bought into and got caught by pfal's web. She believes in God but didn't go for most of the rap. Man I sure do love her with all my heart. She doesn't understand a lot of what I've gone through and am going through but she loves me with all of her heart too.
I don't know how or when or why it happened, but I believe the hand of the Lord is with us and on this little ole place called Grease Spot Cafe.
"Why" ....i believe everyone's thoughts help everyone....
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Many of us remember the Baltimore Catechism.
Whether or not you're Catholic, the answer to "why", imho, is just that simple.
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by CWF
seems unloading crap is a good way to clear the brain tubes!
yeah-ripping off the joy-I hear ya brother!
Catholic or not cool post.
I don't care what religion it is
some come up with some good thoughts-
eastern religions as well.
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I can relate to that. If thine eye be single type of thing!
And yesterday my daughter was so beautiful in her Prom Gown and her Handsome Date Gent, so well, handsome, in his Tuxcedo, I had some serious tears in mine mind and a few 'pon my cheeks~~~
So many many many generations flowing into and out of this life we presently know.
Seems like an eternal now.
author unknown
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