Congratulations to Gramma, Mommy, Daddy, and Auntee! I got misty-eyed just reading about your experience awaitng the birth of that beautiful baby!
She came out in this world with a big surprise, I'm sure she will grow up to be full of vitality and life like the other wonderful women in her life. :D-->
I woulda posted congrats last night, but frankly I was not sure if our legs were getting pulled or not about the boy/girl thing. (YOU know how us chatroom buddies can be with the pulling of legs)
anyway- let me NOW offer my hardiest and HAPiest congratulations to you, Sam, Charlie and of course Aunt Kelly.
Hmm could this have had anything to do with the fact that your last hamster was transgender?
Samantha called from her hospital room at 10:30 p.m. to tell me her baby was 24 hours old :)-->
All is well in the Willis household, Charlie's mom and I have taken over their home. We've got Charlie doing laundry, vacuuming, mopping, learning how to load and run a dishwasher, taking the garbage ALL the way to the outside trash.
We've got him running to the store, fixing stuff that is broken. In between all this, Samantha will call from the hospital asking for something.
Bless his soul........ :D-->
The baby is doing wonderful, nursing, sleeping 6 hours both nights, so far, (lord lord the nuclear stuff in her nappy) and a content happy baby. Same for mama, for the most part. She's sleeping when baby does, feeling pretty well considering she said "if feels like they pulled a Mack truck outa my foot".
As soon as the baby's doctor does an exam, they can come home today.
Us two grandma's leave tomorrow morning, so we don't have much time to train Charlie.
Charlie's oldest daughter, Karly is with us too, hanging with Kelly mostly. She's met her baby sister and asked if she could also have a goat.
I spelled the babies name wrong.
It's Kaily Jade.
Thank you for all of your wonderful words and congratulations. I, too, am so proud of Kelly. That kid sat in that hospital from 7 am until 11:30 pm after the baby was born, she never complained, never seemed bored, just did whatever was asked of her, helped her sister during labor and delivery. I had prepared her for everything that she might hear and/or see and borrowed a home birth video from a midwife, talked about everything.......but I forgot the episiotomy and stitches part. uh huh, uh oh.
During the episiotomy, Kelly got a little green, but hung in there. When doc was giving her sister 12 stitches, Kelly told me later she felt like she was standing on her head in a fast elevator. hee hee. But even then she hung on and didn't hurl or crash. Sigh, amazing.
I was and will remain so humbled by this experience; my baby having a baby. During the transition of labor and the pushing; about 2-3 hours, Samantha got a really high fever which of course raised baby's heart rate. Anyway, long story shorter, I was scared!!!
My baby might be having her own baby but to me, MY baby was ill and I couldn't do a dang thing about it.
:)--> Anywho.......It's been a ride!
Other grandmothers have warned me how I'd feel about this baby, but they didn't even come close.
My mother was in a neighboring city and came and saw them this morning as well. Great grandma spent that time staring and trying to figure out how to get the alarm off the baby so she could take her home.
Ya know, one thing that has struck Samantha and I is her dad and his family. Obviously, he's dead and even with his picture in the room and thinking of him, it's sad that she can't share this with him. And his family is missing out on even more wonderful things because of a ministry that they will willingly put above the life of another precious child.
What a waste of their lives to not have any courage.
Yet another generation that you have to worry about every d...........oh never mind
My youngest was declared “kick-standless” before birth. She came out a he and has done his best to prove since birth he has a “kick-stand dang-it! From the first official squirt Dad in the face diaper change, to wearing nothing but Dad’s hat and thigh high cowboy boots in the snow and peeing on the wall because the bathroom was occupied. Well, you get the drift.
Dang, I never got my lil girl to spoil, :(-->
Congrats!!!! The world is a better place because now there is Kialyn Joy, I mean kaliyn joe, I mean Kailyn Jade in the world :D-->
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Congratulations to Gramma, Mommy, Daddy, and Auntee! I got misty-eyed just reading about your experience awaitng the birth of that beautiful baby!
She came out in this world with a big surprise, I'm sure she will grow up to be full of vitality and life like the other wonderful women in her life.
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Congratulations (((((Shellon)))).
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well Shell-
I woulda posted congrats last night, but frankly I was not sure if our legs were getting pulled or not about the boy/girl thing. (YOU know how us chatroom buddies can be with the pulling of legs)
anyway- let me NOW offer my hardiest and HAPiest congratulations to you, Sam, Charlie and of course Aunt Kelly.
Hmm could this have had anything to do with the fact that your last hamster was transgender?
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I heard last night in chat too. I'm so happy for you and your daughter.
A new little life to love and cherish--sounds like a greeting card, doesn't it?? But, so true!
Wishing you and yours all the best, GRAMAW!!!!!!
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awww grandma! i'm so happy for you! i have goosebumps! i really loved reading about your experiences regarding such a special time.
and now....
it's payback time, eh?
hee hee
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Shellon -- I forgot to say congratulations to the new parents, Sam and Charlie.
So glad to hear all went well (even with the aspiration, and *other icky* stuff), and that Kailyn is in a loving family, and *protected envirionment*.
Kelly is a trooper!! God bless her! We need more folks like her. (Where was she when lcm was ranting and raving, and making folks cry??)
Again -- congratulations to all y'all.
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This is soooooo great.
I'm so pleased for all of you.
My hubby was screamin for a boy until Camille was put in his arms and that was all she wrote.
I'm so glad that Mommy and baby are doing fine.
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Shellon, congrats
But one thing though...either you are WAY to young to be a grandmother or I'm getting too old.
My best to all.
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Samantha called from her hospital room at 10:30 p.m. to tell me her baby was 24 hours old
All is well in the Willis household, Charlie's mom and I have taken over their home. We've got Charlie doing laundry, vacuuming, mopping, learning how to load and run a dishwasher, taking the garbage ALL the way to the outside trash.
We've got him running to the store, fixing stuff that is broken. In between all this, Samantha will call from the hospital asking for something.
Bless his soul........
The baby is doing wonderful, nursing, sleeping 6 hours both nights, so far, (lord lord the nuclear stuff in her nappy) and a content happy baby. Same for mama, for the most part. She's sleeping when baby does, feeling pretty well considering she said "if feels like they pulled a Mack truck outa my foot".
As soon as the baby's doctor does an exam, they can come home today.
Us two grandma's leave tomorrow morning, so we don't have much time to train Charlie.
Charlie's oldest daughter, Karly is with us too, hanging with Kelly mostly. She's met her baby sister and asked if she could also have a goat.
I spelled the babies name wrong.
It's Kaily Jade.
Thank you for all of your wonderful words and congratulations. I, too, am so proud of Kelly. That kid sat in that hospital from 7 am until 11:30 pm after the baby was born, she never complained, never seemed bored, just did whatever was asked of her, helped her sister during labor and delivery. I had prepared her for everything that she might hear and/or see and borrowed a home birth video from a midwife, talked about everything.......but I forgot the episiotomy and stitches part. uh huh, uh oh.
During the episiotomy, Kelly got a little green, but hung in there. When doc was giving her sister 12 stitches, Kelly told me later she felt like she was standing on her head in a fast elevator. hee hee. But even then she hung on and didn't hurl or crash. Sigh, amazing.
I was and will remain so humbled by this experience; my baby having a baby. During the transition of labor and the pushing; about 2-3 hours, Samantha got a really high fever which of course raised baby's heart rate. Anyway, long story shorter, I was scared!!!
My baby might be having her own baby but to me, MY baby was ill and I couldn't do a dang thing about it.
Other grandmothers have warned me how I'd feel about this baby, but they didn't even come close.
My mother was in a neighboring city and came and saw them this morning as well. Great grandma spent that time staring and trying to figure out how to get the alarm off the baby so she could take her home.
Ya know, one thing that has struck Samantha and I is her dad and his family. Obviously, he's dead and even with his picture in the room and thinking of him, it's sad that she can't share this with him. And his family is missing out on even more wonderful things because of a ministry that they will willingly put above the life of another precious child.
What a waste of their lives to not have any courage.
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Amen Shell................
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Wonderful news, Shell! I'm glad Kelly is doing well, too.
My grandson, Jacob, was "Julia" until the moment of birth! Always have a backup plan, and don't wash ALL the baby clothes before the baby's born!
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Radar OReilly
Oh Shell.....
An experience I will never have...thanks for sharing it with me....and all of us.
You are one awesome mama, and will be one kick foot grandma!!!
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Congrats Shell. My daughter is 28 and no grandchild in site yet.
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Lifted Up
Can smiles make up for not finding the words?
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Oh Shell I'm so happy for you and Sam and all.
I too was at the birth of my granddaughter Larrisa and it was both humbling and exiting, so I know how you feel.
"Your grandaughter is a blessing from God to ya'll.
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I get home from the Grand Canyon to get this wonderful news.
Its going to make my Grand Canyon decription seem small now.
Good news Shell!
now on with the posts about baby girl,
how cute, her firsts, her moves, her smile,
baby girls....
ain't God good?
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Thank you, all, very much for the wonderful greeting for this family's new baby.
I STILL spelled her name wrong. GUFFAW.
Ok, get a pencil. This child's name is Kailyn Jade Willis.
lord lord what ever happened to simple names that grandmothers could spell?
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Yet another generation that you have to worry about every d...........oh never mind
My youngest was declared “kick-standless” before birth. She came out a he and has done his best to prove since birth he has a “kick-stand dang-it! From the first official squirt Dad in the face diaper change, to wearing nothing but Dad’s hat and thigh high cowboy boots in the snow and peeing on the wall because the bathroom was occupied. Well, you get the drift.
Dang, I never got my lil girl to spoil,
Congrats!!!! The world is a better place because now there is Kialyn Joy, I mean kaliyn joe, I mean Kailyn Jade in the world
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lol Wingnut
I have a picture to show off, but it's too big.
Paw will have to help me.
Will this attachment work?
Nope,too big. sigh
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Tom Strange
I go away for a couple of days and look what happens!
congratulations and love to all!
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Kailyn Jade Willis
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Oh, how quickly they grow up! She's already 4 days old!
Beautiful Kailyn
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