I used to walk my dog in the neighborhood at night after dinner and in Florida nearly everyone has RV's and they are always parked in front of the house, to the side of the house or in the driveway. It's no biggie - you see them all the time....
I wear my walkman and my dog was so good I never used a leash with him. He'd run ahead and sniff and hang out till I got past him then run ahead again.... I would sing at the top of my lungs with my walkman {i](I can't sing for **** - can't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it)[/i]. Note: Belle already has a loud voice without needing to try to be loud ;)-->
Edie Brickell, "What I Am is What I Am" was playing on my walkman and I LOVED the song, but hadn't yet learned all the words to it so I mumbled through the parts I didn't know. Singing my heart out walking down the street, right past an RV in someone's front yard....I glance over just as I'm at the door to the RV and there is a huge group of people in there playing cards and visiting...(HUGE group of people all laughing their heads off at me). I quit singing as soon as I saw them but it was already too late - they had been listening to me walking all the way down the street. To make matters worse it was a cul de sac, so I had to pass them AGAIN! AND my dog found something very interesting to smell in their yard and I couldn't get his attention that I was ready to leave the street!
Total humiliation! :o--> Oh, and I have more. Just give me time, I'll have you feeling better in no time!
Eddie Murphy singing "Roxanne" in '48 Hours' and Julia Roberts singing that Prince song in 'Pretty Woman'. I used to sing Way prod songs like "Gathering of the Family" imitating Mick Jagger's voice. God, did I get some weird looks.
This is someone else's embarassing moment - I'm glad it's not mine - but it's one of those things that you *know* could happen to you someday....
I was working as a customer service rep for a large off-set printing company in Maine and one of my fellow CSRs though she was hot stuff - real cocky, thought all the guys in the plant were *in lust* with her, etc. - I'm sure you've probably met the type...
One day, she had used the bathroom just off the plant but about 70 yards from the office, she decided to cut through the plant floor to get to the office. She had also worn a long skirt that day. (You women who have done this probably know what's coming next...)
As she crossed the plant floor about half way back to the office she noticed she had forgotten something in one of the foreman's offices, so she backtracked to get it.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out how she never felt the breeze on her @$$ because her skirt was tucked all the way into her pantyhose - she had "mooned" about 150 people TWICE through the whole plant floor that day!
WG i understand. I was 16 at home listing to Linda Ronstant and singing "your no good your no good" and my mom walked around the corner and looked at me. Seems I was disturbing them and their visiters in the living room.
OK Most embarising. I fell asleep at my desk in my office and my boss came in and woke me up.
Riding on my motorcycle with a pretty red head on the back of my bike. I had just spent about an hour and a half down on the Clackamas River, outside of Portland, Oregon, witnessing to her and telling her about Jesus Christ. She was a third generation welfare recipient, not terribly bright, but really seemed to be interested in coming to twig. As we eased into her driveway at the housing project, there was what appeared to be a fairly pregnant woman waiting at the place where I was told to pull in.
When I turned the bike off, the distended belly girl says; "Well well Sharon, where did you find this one?" And so Sharon says; "I met him at the mall (I had been out mall witnessing ya know), and this one's a minister! "Oh boy" I'm thinkin...
And so, since it was obvious that there was animosity between these two gals, I wanted to try and cool things down and get the conversation onto some sort of civil plain..
And so, I said; "And so Sharon, who is this lady here, are you going to introduce us?" And she sneers and says; "Yeah, this is my big sister Annie". And so I said; "Well hello there Annie, how are you? My name's "Johnny!" As I extended my hand for a shake. And she replied with something like, "Well, my name is Annie, nice to meet you!" And so, I looked down at her apparently pregnant belly and I say; "So, when's the Big Day?" And she says; "What?" And I said; "So when are you due?" And she says; "Huh?" And I said a third time, thoroughly placing both feet in my mouth; "So when are you Expecting?!"
And she said; "What are you talking about?"
And just then, Sharon catches on and blurts out; "Annie you fat pig! He thinks yer pregnant! Yer belly sticks out so much he thinks yer preggo!!" And OMG!! Instantly I realized my terrible, no my horrendous error, my faux pas extroardinaire'! And I began apologizing and telling her that I was so sorry, and she responded with sad things like; "Oh no, it's ok, I have been trying to diet, and I have been taking walks...." And I'm responding with desperate and really stupid things like, oh, it's ok, everybody likes to eat, I mean...I'm sorry... there's nothing wrong with you, you're just human like all of us... i mean, well, I'm so sorry...." I was so desperate to throw her a lifeline, but there was none, for I had already sunk her...
And in the mean time, that stupid younger sister kept going on and on calling her a fat pig, and it was jkust plain awful!!!
And to this day, I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life...What an idiot!!
It is things like that that I thank God for my remission of sins and His complete and total forgiveness. Not for all of the drugs, sex, and rock and roll, but for things like this where I stupidly tokk someones heart out and stomped that sucker flat...
I had been partying pretty hardy at a friend's house one night and had crashed on the couch. About 3 A.M. I woke up with the munchies and, finding no one to accompany me, I headed off to the all-night diner for an early breakfast.
There was a nominal crowd at the diner. Most everyone looking like they were getting ready to head out for work. But they all had a really disgusted look on their faces. And the waitress, hell, she wouldn't even look at me. I waited and waited to get served and finally got a little short with another of the waitresses as she scurried by. "Hey, what have I got to do to get served around here?"
About that time that waitress comes over to me and says "Did you know you had something written on your forehead?" "I DO?(!)"
"Yeah, I think maybe you might want to go into the restroom and check it out."
So I sneak off to the Men's room and look in the mirror. There in black felt-pen, in letters 3 inches high across my forehead it says "**** YOU!"
I immediately checked out the window. Nope, too small for an escape. So there's nothing to do but go for the Boraxo and scrub the ink off. After about twenty solid minutes of scrubbing, the ink is finally gone. And with a forehead now beaming red from the abrasive abuse, I slinked back out to the dining room to scarf down my - now cold - breakfast and head for the door as quickly as possible.
Riding on my motorcycle with a pretty red head on the back of my bike. I had just spent about an hour and a half down on the Clackamas River, outside of Portland, Oregon, witnessing to her and telling her about Jesus Christ. She was a third generation welfare recipient, not terribly bright, but really seemed to be interested in coming to twig. As we eased into her driveway at the housing project, there was what appeared to be a fairly pregnant woman waiting at the place where I was told to pull in.
When I turned the bike off, the distended belly girl says; "Well well Sharon, where did you find this one?" And so Sharon says; "I met him at the mall (I had been out mall witnessing ya know), and this one's a minister! "Oh boy" I'm thinkin...
And so, since it was obvious that there was animosity between these two gals, I wanted to try and cool things down and get the conversation onto some sort of civil plain..
And so, I said; "And so Sharon, who is this lady here, are you going to introduce us?" And she sneers and says; "Yeah, this is my big sister Annie". And so I said; "Well hello there Annie, how are you? My name's "Johnny!" As I extended my hand for a shake. And she replied with something like, "Well, my name is Annie, nice to meet you!" And so, I looked down at her apparently pregnant belly and I say; "So, when's the Big Day?" And she says; "What?" And I said; "So when are you due?" And she says; "Huh?" And I said a third time, thoroughly placing both feet in my mouth; "So when are you Expecting?!"
And she said; "What are you talking about?"
And just then, Sharon catches on and blurts out; "Annie you fat pig! He thinks yer pregnant! Yer belly sticks out so much he thinks yer preggo!!" And OMG!! Instantly I realized my terrible, no my horrendous error, my faux pas extroardinaire'! And I began apologizing and telling her that I was so sorry, and she responded with sad things like; "Oh no, it's ok, I have been trying to diet, and I have been taking walks...." And I'm responding with desperate and really stupid things like, oh, it's ok, everybody likes to eat, I mean...I'm sorry... there's nothing wrong with you, you're just human like all of us... i mean, well, I'm so sorry...." I was so desperate to throw her a lifeline, but there was none, for I had already sunk her...
And in the mean time, that stupid younger sister kept going on and on calling her a fat pig, and it was jkust plain awful!!!
And to this day, I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life...What an idiot!!
It is things like that that I thank God for my remission of sins and His complete and total forgiveness. Not for all of the drugs, sex, and rock and roll, but for things like this where I stupidly tokk someones heart out and stomped that sucker flat...
ohmygosh! I thought she got the axe, WG? She's still there?
most embarrrassing moment? no one here would probably think it was funny (because we're all so politically correct, you know), but I was at a pj party in 6th grade and we were eating all kinds ofjunk and my stomach was getting more and more upset and i was sitting in the middle of the room around 11:30pm and all of us were talking and laughing and then out of nowhere i moved to go to the bathrm and suddenly, for no apparent reason, at the same exact moment, the room got completely silent and a, what we used to referred to at LEAD as a RMA occurred in the loudest possible way.
I WAS MORDIFIED. WHAT WAS I TO DO???? Someone asked, "Who WAS that" and the room erupted in laughter. I just sat there hoping no one would know and then I knew how Peter felt when the women began to say, "It was you. I know it was you" and so I denied it, denied it, denied it. :o-->
Ok, a few years back, when the kiddoes were little and we were new in the community.
I had been taking the kids to awanas at the baptist church in town.....they had even been letting me help with the kids classes....so anyway, I was asked to stand up and speak to the church regarding the benefits of the prgram since there were those in the church that wanted to ax it.
I started the speech with *Hello my name is Cathy W-----, and I would like to speak to you on behalf....*
I was so honored to be asked and gave a moving testimony about *bringing up a child in the way of the lord* and how that awanas was a great tool to help parents in that quest.....
afterwards I was getting many pats on the back and praises.....folks telling me that they had seen the *spirit of the lord* working within me.....yada yada
I was feeling very proud, so very spiritual....feeling like I belonged...and was waiting in line for ice cream surrounded by some of the leaders in the community, my kids pediatrician, my vet`s office mgr, thinking how totally COOL ....feeling that I might have finally found the spiritual *home* that I had been searching for since departing twi......feeling like I had the respect of wonderfull important people....like I was ten feet tall......
A man who was also an awana teacher ....comes up to me....a big deal, deakon type.....and asks *Did you say your last name was W-----?*
And puzzled I realised that everyone there only knew me as Cathy.....well and I smiled sweetly n said why yes it is.....
And he asked do you live over their near bun--- ----? and ever more puzzled I said why yes.....
and he turnes to his wife who happened to be the vets office mgr. and in front of all of these community leaders points his finger at me and bellows....
*THAT is the wife of the guy I was telling you about*!
He turns to me and starts snarling ....*WE don`t apreciate the letters that YOUR husband has been writing...WE think that he might be crazy and are taking the police out next time we have to deal with him*.....
(a little back ground here....out in the county the electric system is allowed to drive through your yard to get to the meter.....the ahole that had been reading ours was tearing up our yard ....flying around the back of the house and seriously endangering my very young children when he would fly around the side of the house barreling into the yard where the kiddoes played....there is no way that he could have possibly seen them, or stopped in time if they happen to be playing.....he had already run over the childrens cat and we had to put it out of it`s misery in front of them......we were terrified that one day it would be a child when he came flying around the back of our house at a high rate of speed......Mark had written the electric companny a letter telling them to stay the HELL out of our yard with their trucks after the last incident with the cat.
Aaaaaanyway they decided that he was some nut job waiting for them in the bushes with his shotgun...sigh.
Soooooo as I melt with shame.....the man continues with finger jabing at my chest... to harangue me....*WE have been having meetings about YOUR husband*....the horror on all of the faces of the people that I wanted so desperatly to be liked and respected by growing ever more horrified.....it went on forever....*we don`t apreciate the language that your husband uses* maybe he needs a good talking too from a brother in Christ*....we are going to have to have the sherriffs dept. with us when we go out there....it went on and on....I truly wished that the earth would open up and swallow me ....that I could just die.....
In 5 miniutes I went from spiritual godly woman respected in the community to ...sigh .... *wife of the psycho* and even worse...my kiddoes were forever branded as *children of the psycho*....I can laugh now, but it sure as hell was heartbreaking then .... to be shamed in front of what I thought was the whole world....lol
It all worked out eventually, we put up a fence so that the guy HAD to walk to the meter....they never brought the law....lol
I did eventually laugh....matter of fact, when I had to go to the electric company just recently to sign some paper work for a line going to my bro in laws trailer....lol under occpation I filled in the blank with *wife of the psycho* ...lol The lady taking the app looked at me so puzzled....I just said *Don`t worry, if the right people see it, they`ll understand* hee hee
I was attending the methodist church up the hill.....brand new in the area ...of course we`d sit up front remembering vp`s teaching about being right up front....lol
Well when church would end....my childrenn would bolt for the back door....and I would be stopped in the isle by handshakers....it would many times be 5 miniutes before I could make it to the door....
Well after three weeks, my girls finally ratted out the boys.....sigh
They had been running out the back door, and as they were being raised in the country and only 2 and 3 yrs old......sigh thought nothing of whipping it out and peeing onna tree....unfortunatly I guess Daddy hadn`t told em NOT to do it in public...or to use the back of the church in the absense of any nearby trees....groan.......
The whole church knew what my little urchins were up too...lol
ok one more embarrasing story.....this too happened inna church.
As a deputy sheriff in a reserve unit at the time, I had a license to carry a firearm...I kept mine when I traveled in a backpack with a secret compartment .....well we had just gotten back from a trip, and I had not yet cleaned out my back pack ...I just grabbed it and headed off to church with the kiddoes....
We had only been there once or twice....(same one the boys peed on) and at one point while the offering was being collected, I had to open my bag and secret com[partment to get at my extra cash.....so my three yr old looks in and while the soft music is playing shouts out at the top of his amazing lungs...*mom...why you got a GUN in yer purse?????*
I tried to hush him up...but of course he wouldn`t be shut up ...but MOOOOM theres a and a slap my hand over his mouth and muffle the next word....looking around to see everyone staring at me in a kind of panicked way....rofl...no doubt they wondered what kindda nut job brings a fire arm to church....lol.
and as young children are,....he WOULDN`T be put off...all the REST of the way through the service he kept blurting out questions about mommie`s gun ....needless to say, I cleaned out my bag when I got home and never again resumed the practice of carrying a fire arm with me .....lol
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awwww (((((wg))))))))))) please don`t cry....that damned witch probably just couldn`t bear for someone to be happy in her presence.....
screw her!
That doesn`t even come close....maybe I will write mine.....now THERE was a situation to cry over...
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Awwwww, WG, Don't Cry!!
I used to walk my dog in the neighborhood at night after dinner and in Florida nearly everyone has RV's and they are always parked in front of the house, to the side of the house or in the driveway. It's no biggie - you see them all the time....
I wear my walkman and my dog was so good I never used a leash with him. He'd run ahead and sniff and hang out till I got past him then run ahead again.... I would sing at the top of my lungs with my walkman {i](I can't sing for **** - can't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it)[/i]. Note: Belle already has a loud voice without needing to try to be loud
Edie Brickell, "What I Am is What I Am" was playing on my walkman and I LOVED the song, but hadn't yet learned all the words to it so I mumbled through the parts I didn't know. Singing my heart out walking down the street, right past an RV in someone's front yard....I glance over just as I'm at the door to the RV and there is a huge group of people in there playing cards and visiting...(HUGE group of people all laughing their heads off at me). I quit singing as soon as I saw them but it was already too late - they had been listening to me walking all the way down the street. To make matters worse it was a cul de sac, so I had to pass them AGAIN! AND my dog found something very interesting to smell in their yard and I couldn't get his attention that I was ready to leave the street!
Total humiliation!
:o--> Oh, and I have more. Just give me time, I'll have you feeling better in no time!
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LMAO you two.WG Aww. I would not feel to bad.
Sheese I will have to think of some of the stuff I have done. Belle you should have asked them for a beer.
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Uh, what kind of songs were you singing?? That might make a big difference.
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Watered Garden
It was a CD from a contemporary worship Christmas concert last Dec. It was the only one I had. Too bad it wasn't gangsta rap!
There are some very beautiful songs on that CD. "Come Just as You Are" was probably what I was singing when she interrupted me.
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It's a good thing you weren't listening to "Singing Ladies of the Way"!
Maybe she called you on it because it was religious music and she did't like that...but show tunes could have had a different effect.
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Eddie Murphy singing "Roxanne" in '48 Hours' and Julia Roberts singing that Prince song in 'Pretty Woman'. I used to sing Way prod songs like "Gathering of the Family" imitating Mick Jagger's voice. God, did I get some weird looks.
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JustLoafing, I wasn't thinking about beer! I was trying to figure out how to do that invisible or crawl through the ground thing.
WG - Check your Private Topics If that don't make you laugh I don't know what will!
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This is someone else's embarassing moment - I'm glad it's not mine - but it's one of those things that you *know* could happen to you someday....
I was working as a customer service rep for a large off-set printing company in Maine and one of my fellow CSRs though she was hot stuff - real cocky, thought all the guys in the plant were *in lust* with her, etc. - I'm sure you've probably met the type...
One day, she had used the bathroom just off the plant but about 70 yards from the office, she decided to cut through the plant floor to get to the office. She had also worn a long skirt that day. (You women who have done this probably know what's coming next...)
As she crossed the plant floor about half way back to the office she noticed she had forgotten something in one of the foreman's offices, so she backtracked to get it.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out how she never felt the breeze on her @$$ because her skirt was tucked all the way into her pantyhose - she had "mooned" about 150 people TWICE through the whole plant floor that day!
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my favorite section of reader's digest used to be something like "was my face red!"
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"Life In These United States" was it's name.
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WG i understand. I was 16 at home listing to Linda Ronstant and singing "your no good your no good" and my mom walked around the corner and looked at me. Seems I was disturbing them and their visiters in the living room.
OK Most embarising. I fell asleep at my desk in my office and my boss came in and woke me up.
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J0nny Ling0
There I was...
Riding on my motorcycle with a pretty red head on the back of my bike. I had just spent about an hour and a half down on the Clackamas River, outside of Portland, Oregon, witnessing to her and telling her about Jesus Christ. She was a third generation welfare recipient, not terribly bright, but really seemed to be interested in coming to twig. As we eased into her driveway at the housing project, there was what appeared to be a fairly pregnant woman waiting at the place where I was told to pull in.
When I turned the bike off, the distended belly girl says; "Well well Sharon, where did you find this one?" And so Sharon says; "I met him at the mall (I had been out mall witnessing ya know), and this one's a minister! "Oh boy" I'm thinkin...
And so, since it was obvious that there was animosity between these two gals, I wanted to try and cool things down and get the conversation onto some sort of civil plain..
And so, I said; "And so Sharon, who is this lady here, are you going to introduce us?" And she sneers and says; "Yeah, this is my big sister Annie". And so I said; "Well hello there Annie, how are you? My name's "Johnny!" As I extended my hand for a shake. And she replied with something like, "Well, my name is Annie, nice to meet you!" And so, I looked down at her apparently pregnant belly and I say; "So, when's the Big Day?" And she says; "What?" And I said; "So when are you due?" And she says; "Huh?" And I said a third time, thoroughly placing both feet in my mouth; "So when are you Expecting?!"
And she said; "What are you talking about?"
And just then, Sharon catches on and blurts out; "Annie you fat pig! He thinks yer pregnant! Yer belly sticks out so much he thinks yer preggo!!" And OMG!! Instantly I realized my terrible, no my horrendous error, my faux pas extroardinaire'! And I began apologizing and telling her that I was so sorry, and she responded with sad things like; "Oh no, it's ok, I have been trying to diet, and I have been taking walks...." And I'm responding with desperate and really stupid things like, oh, it's ok, everybody likes to eat, I mean...I'm sorry... there's nothing wrong with you, you're just human like all of us... i mean, well, I'm so sorry...." I was so desperate to throw her a lifeline, but there was none, for I had already sunk her...
And in the mean time, that stupid younger sister kept going on and on calling her a fat pig, and it was jkust plain awful!!!
And to this day, I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life...What an idiot!!
It is things like that that I thank God for my remission of sins and His complete and total forgiveness. Not for all of the drugs, sex, and rock and roll, but for things like this where I stupidly tokk someones heart out and stomped that sucker flat...
I was but a wee lad of twenty years...
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George Aar
This one goes back a few years, but,
I had been partying pretty hardy at a friend's house one night and had crashed on the couch. About 3 A.M. I woke up with the munchies and, finding no one to accompany me, I headed off to the all-night diner for an early breakfast.
There was a nominal crowd at the diner. Most everyone looking like they were getting ready to head out for work. But they all had a really disgusted look on their faces. And the waitress, hell, she wouldn't even look at me. I waited and waited to get served and finally got a little short with another of the waitresses as she scurried by. "Hey, what have I got to do to get served around here?"
About that time that waitress comes over to me and says "Did you know you had something written on your forehead?" "I DO?(!)"
"Yeah, I think maybe you might want to go into the restroom and check it out."
So I sneak off to the Men's room and look in the mirror. There in black felt-pen, in letters 3 inches high across my forehead it says "**** YOU!"
I immediately checked out the window. Nope, too small for an escape. So there's nothing to do but go for the Boraxo and scrub the ink off. After about twenty solid minutes of scrubbing, the ink is finally gone. And with a forehead now beaming red from the abrasive abuse, I slinked back out to the dining room to scarf down my - now cold - breakfast and head for the door as quickly as possible.
Hmmmmm, I still owe Fred for that one...
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Indullable magic marker was one of our favorites. Either that or ductaping passed out peoples heads to the floor.
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So that kid is what, around 30 now?
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ohmygosh! I thought she got the axe, WG? She's still there?
most embarrrassing moment? no one here would probably think it was funny (because we're all so politically correct, you know), but I was at a pj party in 6th grade and we were eating all kinds ofjunk and my stomach was getting more and more upset and i was sitting in the middle of the room around 11:30pm and all of us were talking and laughing and then out of nowhere i moved to go to the bathrm and suddenly, for no apparent reason, at the same exact moment, the room got completely silent and a, what we used to referred to at LEAD as a RMA occurred in the loudest possible way.
I WAS MORDIFIED. WHAT WAS I TO DO???? Someone asked, "Who WAS that" and the room erupted in laughter. I just sat there hoping no one would know and then I knew how Peter felt when the women began to say, "It was you. I know it was you" and so I denied it, denied it, denied it.
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Watered Garden
Different SW, Buff, this one is the administrative secretary.
She is not as dangerous, but almost as obnoxious.
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Ok, a few years back, when the kiddoes were little and we were new in the community.
I had been taking the kids to awanas at the baptist church in town.....they had even been letting me help with the kids classes....so anyway, I was asked to stand up and speak to the church regarding the benefits of the prgram since there were those in the church that wanted to ax it.
I started the speech with *Hello my name is Cathy W-----, and I would like to speak to you on behalf....*
I was so honored to be asked and gave a moving testimony about *bringing up a child in the way of the lord* and how that awanas was a great tool to help parents in that quest.....
afterwards I was getting many pats on the back and praises.....folks telling me that they had seen the *spirit of the lord* working within me.....yada yada
I was feeling very proud, so very spiritual....feeling like I belonged...and was waiting in line for ice cream surrounded by some of the leaders in the community, my kids pediatrician, my vet`s office mgr, thinking how totally COOL ....feeling that I might have finally found the spiritual *home* that I had been searching for since departing twi......feeling like I had the respect of wonderfull important people....like I was ten feet tall......
A man who was also an awana teacher ....comes up to me....a big deal, deakon type.....and asks *Did you say your last name was W-----?*
And puzzled I realised that everyone there only knew me as Cathy.....well and I smiled sweetly n said why yes it is.....
And he asked do you live over their near bun--- ----? and ever more puzzled I said why yes.....
and he turnes to his wife who happened to be the vets office mgr. and in front of all of these community leaders points his finger at me and bellows....
*THAT is the wife of the guy I was telling you about*!
He turns to me and starts snarling ....*WE don`t apreciate the letters that YOUR husband has been writing...WE think that he might be crazy and are taking the police out next time we have to deal with him*.....
(a little back ground here....out in the county the electric system is allowed to drive through your yard to get to the meter.....the ahole that had been reading ours was tearing up our yard ....flying around the back of the house and seriously endangering my very young children when he would fly around the side of the house barreling into the yard where the kiddoes played....there is no way that he could have possibly seen them, or stopped in time if they happen to be playing.....he had already run over the childrens cat and we had to put it out of it`s misery in front of them......we were terrified that one day it would be a child when he came flying around the back of our house at a high rate of speed......Mark had written the electric companny a letter telling them to stay the HELL out of our yard with their trucks after the last incident with the cat.
Aaaaaanyway they decided that he was some nut job waiting for them in the bushes with his shotgun...sigh.
Soooooo as I melt with shame.....the man continues with finger jabing at my chest... to harangue me....*WE have been having meetings about YOUR husband*....the horror on all of the faces of the people that I wanted so desperatly to be liked and respected by growing ever more horrified.....it went on forever....*we don`t apreciate the language that your husband uses* maybe he needs a good talking too from a brother in Christ*....we are going to have to have the sherriffs dept. with us when we go out there....it went on and on....I truly wished that the earth would open up and swallow me ....that I could just die.....
In 5 miniutes I went from spiritual godly woman respected in the community to ...sigh .... *wife of the psycho* and even worse...my kiddoes were forever branded as *children of the psycho*....I can laugh now, but it sure as hell was heartbreaking then .... to be shamed in front of what I thought was the whole world....lol
It all worked out eventually, we put up a fence so that the guy HAD to walk to the meter....they never brought the law....lol
I did eventually laugh....matter of fact, when I had to go to the electric company just recently to sign some paper work for a line going to my bro in laws trailer....lol under occpation I filled in the blank with *wife of the psycho* ...lol The lady taking the app looked at me so puzzled....I just said *Don`t worry, if the right people see it, they`ll understand* hee hee
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Watered Garden
Rascal, some people just love to build themselves up by bringing others down. That is so sad.
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Oh gosh--two in one place--go figure.
WHAT did you ever do to deserve THAT?
You should be one tough cookie when you come out on the positive side of living through that environment someday.
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Lol...nother embarassing church story.....
I was attending the methodist church up the hill.....brand new in the area ...of course we`d sit up front remembering vp`s teaching about being right up front....lol
Well when church would end....my childrenn would bolt for the back door....and I would be stopped in the isle by handshakers....it would many times be 5 miniutes before I could make it to the door....
Well after three weeks, my girls finally ratted out the boys.....sigh
They had been running out the back door, and as they were being raised in the country and only 2 and 3 yrs old......sigh thought nothing of whipping it out and peeing onna tree....unfortunatly I guess Daddy hadn`t told em NOT to do it in public...or to use the back of the church in the absense of any nearby trees....groan.......
The whole church knew what my little urchins were up too...lol
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ok one more embarrasing story.....this too happened inna church.
As a deputy sheriff in a reserve unit at the time, I had a license to carry a firearm...I kept mine when I traveled in a backpack with a secret compartment .....well we had just gotten back from a trip, and I had not yet cleaned out my back pack ...I just grabbed it and headed off to church with the kiddoes....
We had only been there once or twice....(same one the boys peed on) and at one point while the offering was being collected, I had to open my bag and secret com[partment to get at my extra cash.....so my three yr old looks in and while the soft music is playing shouts out at the top of his amazing lungs...*mom...why you got a GUN in yer purse?????*
I tried to hush him up...but of course he wouldn`t be shut up ...but MOOOOM theres a and a slap my hand over his mouth and muffle the next word....looking around to see everyone staring at me in a kind of panicked way....rofl...no doubt they wondered what kindda nut job brings a fire arm to church....lol.
and as young children are,....he WOULDN`T be put off...all the REST of the way through the service he kept blurting out questions about mommie`s gun ....needless to say, I cleaned out my bag when I got home and never again resumed the practice of carrying a fire arm with me .....lol
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Gotta wonder why all of my most crawl in a hole and pull it in after me embarassing moments occur in church.
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