Thanks for all the wonderful well wishes!!! Yes we are full of wonderful occasions. I kept my mouth shut for about 6 months on Grease Spot not saying anything about our engagement until we were closer to setting an actual date...
Oak cooked a marvelous dinner after a long day at work and he is such a great cook!!! Then he gave me a beautiful necklace with peridot.
As I sit here tonight in front of the computer there is a big smile on my face. Three years ago I was stuck. Then little by little steps were taken to take back my life. Out of the seemingly bad can come the seemingly good. If I hadn't gotten hurt, Village Inn might still have me as a server and that was not the direction I needed to continue in.
happy birthday sweet fellow 56'er :)--> and i'm very very happy for you and dear oak
the 14th ahat my little sis ? my brother dennis will be 41 on the 17th. my sister-in-law will be 40 or 41 on your birthday. my other sister will be 50 on the 16th. april's a big month. so glad you were born.
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Mark Sanguinetti
Happy Birthday Reikilady
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Well let me be the second to wish you an AWESOME BIRTHDAY !!!!
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Happy birthday.
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Happy Birthday!!
(ps -- you are still young.)
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Happy Birthday, Reiki!!!!
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Happy Birthday, Reikilady. Hope it is the best one you've ever had
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Have a Happy Birthday!!! tcat
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Oh! I missed this yesterday!
Happy belated birthday, Susie!!!! Hope it was wonderful!
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Watered Garden
Happy Birthday!
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Happy Birthday!!
And congratulations (or,rather best wishes) on your upcoming nuptials!!
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You guys are just full of joyous occasions, aren't you?
p.s. My Firebolt is a 1998 model. Sturdy, reliable. Sweeps well into corners and around skyscrapers.
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1956 was indeed a good year. Happy Birthday!!
AND many more, especially when you get to share them with Oakspear!!!!!!!
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Thanks for all the wonderful well wishes!!! Yes we are full of wonderful occasions. I kept my mouth shut for about 6 months on Grease Spot not saying anything about our engagement until we were closer to setting an actual date...
Oak cooked a marvelous dinner after a long day at work and he is such a great cook!!! Then he gave me a beautiful necklace with peridot.
As I sit here tonight in front of the computer there is a big smile on my face. Three years ago I was stuck. Then little by little steps were taken to take back my life. Out of the seemingly bad can come the seemingly good. If I hadn't gotten hurt, Village Inn might still have me as a server and that was not the direction I needed to continue in.
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How wonderful......49
I'm sorry I'm a few days late, I hope it was a great day!
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HB and many happy returns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine is Thurs. I'll be 41.
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happy birthday sweet fellow 56'er
:)--> and i'm very very happy for you and dear oak
the 14th ahat my little sis ? my brother dennis will be 41 on the 17th. my sister-in-law will be 40 or 41 on your birthday. my other sister will be 50 on the 16th. april's a big month. so glad you were born.
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Linda Z
Happy birthday! 2005 is turning out to be a pretty good year for you, eh?! Enjoy!
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sorry I was out of town,
April 6!! Happy (Belated)Birthday!!
It also would have been my mommy's
birthday April 6!!!
she would have been 80 tho....
49 sounds good girl.
(I don't remember 49, sigh)
you are young and beautiful!!!!
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Happy birthday Susie and congratualations on finally making an honest man out of Oakspear.
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