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http://www.fafsa.com/ Is a good place to start, at least to fill out the aid forms and get started on grants. Some of the places try to charge a fee, so try a search for free fafsa, if they do.

Another place: Dept of Education's Website: http://studentaid.ed.gov/

Another well-respected source of information regarding Federal Student Aid programs can be found by visiting the Mapping Your Future site: http://www.mapping-your-future.org/

In addition to information about Fedaral Aid programs, the MYF site also contains a vast amount of information including entrance and exit counseling, chat events, job hunting info, and much more

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Commonly while registering for classes, the college office will also hand you a stack of paperwork [that is also required] that applies for Pell Grants and I think puts your name in the bucket for the local community grants bucket.

Our eldest had to fill-out a bunch of that junk when he started college. Our next one has a couple years to go.

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the FAFSA form itself is all that is needed for pell grants and government backed student or parent loans. It is generally required by any public university as partor all of their student aid applications, and in many cases, it is the only form needed.

To complete FAFSA you will however need to get your tax returns done, (both parents and student). The earlier the better.


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