(sorry for repeating myself from last year) when i was a kid, many of our gift baskets from fortunate people contained things that were really not special. even poor kids can tell the difference between a gift and a hand-me-down
so now i always always tell my son (he is very fortunate) to give kids what HE wants, not what he wants to get rid of
I have been on the receiving end of charity as well, and my opinion is that people do all the kindness they know how to do.
One year I didn't have anything for my children, and it wasn't twi who came to help -- it was a co-worker who went out and bought presents for my children.
I like being on both sides. Being on the receiving end cuts pride and arrogance, and being able to give is just plain awesome.
I was just thinking about all the stuff that has to have happened for some of these giving programs to be in place:
The shoeboxes from Billy Graham to the hand of an orphan in Nigera require not only the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the ascension of Jesus, all that stuff, but also people today caring and doing the work of gethering the stuff (this outreach works through churches) taking it over, delivering it. it's a real work!
I remember when I first left my ex and didn't have money for christmas. The church we went to brought so many gifts that it filled half the room. The kids and I had the best christmas ever. I will always hold that year dear to my heart.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
my point is not to make a point of how unimportant hand-me-down coats and gloves, etc., are (because they are sooooo important)
my point is when my child GIVES i want him to really put himself in the other little guy's (girl's) shoes and not just dump his stuff that he doesn't like
but belive me, we have given away a lot of toys that he no longer cares for, because we know there are many little ones that love power rangers, etc.
my heart.... always for giving
and believe me, i'm still on the receiving end....
A woman in a very small East Tennessee town left her abusive husband with her two little boys in tow. It was right before Christmas. She waitressed and worked another job to make ends meet. As the holidays approached, she knew she would have very little to buy presents and Christmas dinner for her sons. She worked long, hard hours, but it all went to repair her old car, pay her rent or utilities, pay the babysitter and what little that was left bought a meager portion of groceries.
As she dragged herself into the diner for her shift, she noticed how beautiful the christmas lights shone in the windows and daydreamed a bit of a warm, cozy, festive Christmas with the boys.
It was an ordinary night, the regulars after work for coffee, the cop coming in to get warm, teenagers coming in for dessert after a movie.
Bussing one of the tables, she finds an envelope left there. Looking around to see who might have left it, she notices it says ''open me''.
Inside was a gift certificate for one hundred dollars at the local Food Lion, a gift certificate for three hundred dollars at the WalMart, and lastly, a gift certificate to a salon for her to use herself.
Overwhelmed, she sinks down into the booth and begins to sob. Her boys will have Christmas after all.
Pay it forward, indeed.
Giving...it IS the true spirit of the season.
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
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wow, colleen we do think great things. You totally understand what I was trying to bring up in the other thread, thanks.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Kit Sober
Out in the Cruel world people work to make Jesus known
Most Christians know temples are not made of stone.
For Children and others who have been dealt a cruel blow (or two),
The Hand of Help is there to do what they can, too.
The US Marine Corps gives Toys for Tots
(As with most groups you're welcome give little or lots.)
The prison Fellowship makes happy children whose parents are in prison,
And Salvation Army works their soldiers on the street corner and soup kitchen.
Billy Graham's kids give children a Shoebox Greeting full Christmas cheer,
And Los Angeles children will have a WOW JAM complete with snow this year.
When I give to others less fortunate I can see,
That the blessing of giving is mostly for me.
And with every star of every angel tree,
Where a parent or child hangs a hope,
We find a way to make us a more nobler folk.
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i like when we talk about this kind of stuff
i grew up very poor
(sorry for repeating myself from last year) when i was a kid, many of our gift baskets from fortunate people contained things that were really not special. even poor kids can tell the difference between a gift and a hand-me-down
so now i always always tell my son (he is very fortunate) to give kids what HE wants, not what he wants to get rid of
it's been nice, he gets it
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Kit Sober
I have been on the receiving end of charity as well, and my opinion is that people do all the kindness they know how to do.
One year I didn't have anything for my children, and it wasn't twi who came to help -- it was a co-worker who went out and bought presents for my children.
I like being on both sides. Being on the receiving end cuts pride and arrogance, and being able to give is just plain awesome.
I was just thinking about all the stuff that has to have happened for some of these giving programs to be in place:
The shoeboxes from Billy Graham to the hand of an orphan in Nigera require not only the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the ascension of Jesus, all that stuff, but also people today caring and doing the work of gethering the stuff (this outreach works through churches) taking it over, delivering it. it's a real work!
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I remember when I first left my ex and didn't have money for christmas. The church we went to brought so many gifts that it filled half the room. The kids and I had the best christmas ever. I will always hold that year dear to my heart.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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my point is not to make a point of how unimportant hand-me-down coats and gloves, etc., are (because they are sooooo important)
my point is when my child GIVES i want him to really put himself in the other little guy's (girl's) shoes and not just dump his stuff that he doesn't like
but belive me, we have given away a lot of toys that he no longer cares for, because we know there are many little ones that love power rangers, etc.
my heart.... always for giving
and believe me, i'm still on the receiving end....
this is such a wonderful topic, thanks
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Ex, I totally understood what you were saying, you expressed yourself very well.
mini me
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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True Story
A woman in a very small East Tennessee town left her abusive husband with her two little boys in tow. It was right before Christmas. She waitressed and worked another job to make ends meet. As the holidays approached, she knew she would have very little to buy presents and Christmas dinner for her sons. She worked long, hard hours, but it all went to repair her old car, pay her rent or utilities, pay the babysitter and what little that was left bought a meager portion of groceries.
As she dragged herself into the diner for her shift, she noticed how beautiful the christmas lights shone in the windows and daydreamed a bit of a warm, cozy, festive Christmas with the boys.
It was an ordinary night, the regulars after work for coffee, the cop coming in to get warm, teenagers coming in for dessert after a movie.
Bussing one of the tables, she finds an envelope left there. Looking around to see who might have left it, she notices it says ''open me''.
Inside was a gift certificate for one hundred dollars at the local Food Lion, a gift certificate for three hundred dollars at the WalMart, and lastly, a gift certificate to a salon for her to use herself.
Overwhelmed, she sinks down into the booth and begins to sob. Her boys will have Christmas after all.
Pay it forward, indeed.
Giving...it IS the true spirit of the season.
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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Colleen, that is so great!!!!!! Love the story!!!!
Pay it forward is such a wonderful thing, I truly believe it!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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