I'm a Canaan Dog. Bred in Israel, an ancient breed developed through selective breeding of semi-wild pariah dogs. They were used for herding and guarding sheep. They have also been used as messengers, Red Cross helpers and mine detectors during the wars.
Their personality is home loving and loyal to family. It distrusts strangers and will guard humans and animals entrusted to it's care. It will hold it's ground as best it can.
I'm a "Cavalier King charles Spaniel" A fun loving, energetic companion that can be stubborn but are willing to please once you've gained their loyality.
Thought to have been created in the 1840's by the mayor of Leonberg to closely resemble the lion on the town crest. Developed by crossing a Landseer with a St. Bernard, then back crossed to a Pyrenees Mountain dog. Only 5 dogs survived at the end of WWI, and these were carefully nurtured and bred, but after WWII only 8 remained.
The Leonberger has a steady, balanced, and lively nature. Steadfast, affectionate & calm, the Leonberger just loves everybody. Their intelligence is extraordinary, their loyalty & love for their families is unparalleled. Most have incredible patience, even with the most obnoxious of children, but some are not as patient. A gentle giant.
Origins: Belgian. A hard working shepherd dog around since the Middle Ages. There are three other well-known varieties of Belgian Shepherd Dog, all of which are considered varieties of the Groenendael, differing only in colour and coat type. These are the Tervuren (long coat of various colours) and the Lasken (rough wiry coat). The Groenendael distinguished itself in the First World War as a messenger.
Personality: Hard working, obedient, attentive and intelligent dog. Vigilant with strong guarding and herding instincts. It makes an excellent guard. Needs a lot of exercise. Enjoys wars.
6 or 7 years ago, my boyfriend and I were trying to find the perfect dog for him. I have a pug.....after months of research, we decided on a Cavalier King Charles for him.
We have a huge Italian Greyhound Rescue here in South Eastern Carolina. I cannot think of an animal that more closely resembles you. Beautiful, elegant.....and a total companion.
Well, you know, we both appreciate fine things such as Italian Restaurants, handbags, some shoes, etc. Right Radar????
Now, where'd I put that winebottle?
ror, but sheepdogs are so cute and fluffy!!! mine looks sorta like a little rat so see you're prettier (single guys, unlike moi, she's still single. your memory's a lot like mine, girlfriend. lol!)
I'm a Standard Dachshund and the description is right on the money. Funny thing, though, is that the description also fits my very own little Border Terrier to a tee and, so, I'm going to take license with the test and say I"m a Border Terrier because they probably don't have a Border Terrier in their list of possible answers. ;)--> Besides that my bt is a cutie and I'd much rather be associated with her. :D-->
Wb...that reminds me of going into residence with 36 pairs of shoes. With the 15 inches of hanging clothes space and 2 drawers, I was hard up for space. 5 or 6 pairs were those stiletto Italian types...after breaking my ankle our first year in residence....I had to give them away :(-->
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That is a great interactive questionairre. Thanks Radar!
English Cocker Spaniel here.....woof
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I'm a Canaan Dog. Bred in Israel, an ancient breed developed through selective breeding of semi-wild pariah dogs. They were used for herding and guarding sheep. They have also been used as messengers, Red Cross helpers and mine detectors during the wars.
Their personality is home loving and loyal to family. It distrusts strangers and will guard humans and animals entrusted to it's care. It will hold it's ground as best it can.
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Im a curly coated retriever!
cute little film of him with somone pulling his tail!
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I'm an Italian Greyhound, a dainty and affectionate housepet! Hahahahahahahahaha!
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Miniature schnauzer here. Woof! Thank you Radar, that was fun
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I'm a "Cavalier King charles Spaniel" A fun loving, energetic companion that can be stubborn but are willing to please once you've gained their loyality.
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Border Collie here!
............that explains it!
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A Redbone Coonhound. I took this test last year and am still a Redboned Coonhound.
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A Leonberger here.
Origin: Germany
Thought to have been created in the 1840's by the mayor of Leonberg to closely resemble the lion on the town crest. Developed by crossing a Landseer with a St. Bernard, then back crossed to a Pyrenees Mountain dog. Only 5 dogs survived at the end of WWI, and these were carefully nurtured and bred, but after WWII only 8 remained.
The Leonberger has a steady, balanced, and lively nature. Steadfast, affectionate & calm, the Leonberger just loves everybody. Their intelligence is extraordinary, their loyalty & love for their families is unparalleled. Most have incredible patience, even with the most obnoxious of children, but some are not as patient. A gentle giant.
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Otter Hound
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Belgian Shepherd
Origins: Belgian. A hard working shepherd dog around since the Middle Ages. There are three other well-known varieties of Belgian Shepherd Dog, all of which are considered varieties of the Groenendael, differing only in colour and coat type. These are the Tervuren (long coat of various colours) and the Lasken (rough wiry coat). The Groenendael distinguished itself in the First World War as a messenger.
Personality: Hard working, obedient, attentive and intelligent dog. Vigilant with strong guarding and herding instincts. It makes an excellent guard. Needs a lot of exercise. Enjoys wars.
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Radar OReilly
Sharon and Cowgirl,
6 or 7 years ago, my boyfriend and I were trying to find the perfect dog for him. I have a pug.....after months of research, we decided on a Cavalier King Charles for him.
I would gladly adopt you both.
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Black Russian Terrier
Big Teeth
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Radar OReilly
We have a huge Italian Greyhound Rescue here in South Eastern Carolina. I cannot think of an animal that more closely resembles you. Beautiful, elegant.....and a total companion.
You single guys reading that??????????????
OEN!!----Perfect, abso--_________--- ly perfect.
Herbal.....don't get me started!!!
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Eh?? What did I miss?
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I'm not sure DM, something about a tall elegant Italian Bus Company I think
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Radar O'Reilly:
"Waterbuffalo, ... I cannot think of an animal that more closely resembles you. Beautiful, elegant.....and a total companion."
She said that she and her perfect dog are:
"I'm an Italian Greyhound, a dainty and affectionate housepet"
That sounds nice, dont need to rag on her.
Maybe she is dainty and affectionate, I dont know.
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Radar OReilly
I am not ragging on her. She and I were good friends while we were in residence in the way corps (and we still consider each other as such.)
I think she is AWESOME.
That said......how does she rate to be an Italian Greyhound and I am an Italian Sheepdog!!!!
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Well, you know, we both appreciate fine things such as Italian Restaurants, handbags, some shoes, etc. Right Radar????
Now, where'd I put that winebottle?
ror, but sheepdogs are so cute and fluffy!!! mine looks sorta like a little rat so see you're prettier (single guys, unlike moi, she's still single. your memory's a lot like mine, girlfriend. lol!)
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Yes. ma'am. I apologize.
Hmm, one is compared to a greyhound, long sleak muscular sexy.
Another is compared to a sheepdog, shaggy uh, ...
They must BOTH be wonderful dogs, to be used in comparison to such wonderful people.
I think it is time for me to shut-up.
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i'm one of those little hotdog dogs
said something about a loud bark for a little dog
pffft !
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I'm a Standard Dachshund and the description is right on the money. Funny thing, though, is that the description also fits my very own little Border Terrier to a tee and, so, I'm going to take license with the test and say I"m a Border Terrier because they probably don't have a Border Terrier in their list of possible answers.
;)--> Besides that my bt is a cutie and I'd much rather be associated with her.
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Radar OReilly
A yup Galen!!!
As a dear friend of mine often says.....
Why use just one foot......WHEN BOTH WILL FIT?"
Wb...that reminds me of going into residence with 36 pairs of shoes. With the 15 inches of hanging clothes space and 2 drawers, I was hard up for space. 5 or 6 pairs were those stiletto Italian types...after breaking my ankle our first year in residence....I had to give them away
OH!!! the rest of you are still here too?
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Okay--daddy is a Hungarian Kuvasz
and I am a Dalamtation
Lianne--Thanks radar
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