The only thing done to the photo was resizing for posting. We were on our way back from a Pinewood Derby and the sign caught my eye. Not because it was for a church, but because I'm one of those damn people who has to proof everything I read.
Another thing I find odd is, the lunatic fringe of the religious right tends to be SUPER PATRIOTS. The AK-47 is a Russian made gun. Guess they don't care where their metaphors come from as long as it suits their purpose. :D-->
Thanks for the info. Let's see if I can piece this together then. We have at least one Baptist church in our country that believes in tithing and that Jesus likes to shoot people. Not necessarily in that order. They probably think that in order to convert people you should threaten them, perhaps with financial catastrophe and that people in foreign lands that don't accept Jesus should be exterminated (murdered) to further their version of the gospel. Does anyone else see the similarity to the Spanish Inquisition, circa 16th century America? One question though. Have they or any of their congregation shot any of the locals yet?
When did the religious right lose sight of Jesus' words "love your enemies"? Or have they always blown off verses of this spirit?
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George Aar
Tee hee,
Yeah, ya gotta luv 'em.
Didja notice the name of the church as well? Kinda tells you where their priorities are at.
I especially love the grammar. No, they're not ignorant hillbillies...
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At least they're up front about what they want and how they're gonna get it.
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WWJS --- (Who Would Jesus Slaughter).
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Mark Sanguinetti
Did you take that photo? Is that photo for real? Or has that photo been photoshoped?
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
The only thing done to the photo was resizing for posting. We were on our way back from a Pinewood Derby and the sign caught my eye. Not because it was for a church, but because I'm one of those damn people who has to proof everything I read.
Another thing I find odd is, the lunatic fringe of the religious right tends to be SUPER PATRIOTS. The AK-47 is a Russian made gun. Guess they don't care where their metaphors come from as long as it suits their purpose.
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This gives new meaning to the saying "Kill them all and let God sort them out".
They are just being good stewards. Even the american made AK runs under $400.00. A good AR-15 will run a grand.
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Mark Sanguinetti
Thanks for the info. Let's see if I can piece this together then. We have at least one Baptist church in our country that believes in tithing and that Jesus likes to shoot people. Not necessarily in that order. They probably think that in order to convert people you should threaten them, perhaps with financial catastrophe and that people in foreign lands that don't accept Jesus should be exterminated (murdered) to further their version of the gospel. Does anyone else see the similarity to the Spanish Inquisition, circa 16th century America? One question though. Have they or any of their congregation shot any of the locals yet?
When did the religious right lose sight of Jesus' words "love your enemies"? Or have they always blown off verses of this spirit?
Edited by Mark SanguinettiLink to comment
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Is that sign advertising Jesus, as in "of Nazareth"...or Jesus, as in "Yo, Jesus, que paso?"...
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