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How twi views the Pope and Pope's passing


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i found myself kind of thinking,

"who cares, he's seed" when i heard he was dying..

thats called waybrain.. then i thought

"what the hell am i thinking?"

i just remember LCM used to say "those damn RC's"

"we dont need a pope"

i wonder how many anti "RC" quotes LCM used during SNS or corpse meetings..

Edited by Kit Sober
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Yeah, Nandon. I caught myself thinking the same thing.

But then I thought....lcm demanded more respect, loyalty and devotion than the pope every thought of and, on top of that - lcm thought we should consider HIS words excathedra (no offense meant toward our local seestor). Pretty ironic when you think about it.

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A breathing tube for the breath of life

A feeding tube for his medicines and puree.

An intravenous tube is next if not already placed.

Doesn't anybody get to go gracefully anymore.

I hope with all that Catholic ritual he is actually born again.

He was a good athlete in his day and descent


Go with God Sir Go with God

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Whether it was deliberate or not, all the emphasis on people who were possessed or seed did only to foster the "us against them" mentality where...we're the standing believers; the good guys and everybody else is out to get us...that kind of crap. I agree it's always sad when someone dies, although I'm curious who the next one will be and what impact he'll have. Even LCM had respect as to JP2's impact on the church.

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Hi Raf,

I'm browsing important forums like "friend finder" and the hilarious "ninth kork" thread, and reading stuff on your site. We oughta try and hook up for a Marlins game or come out on my boat (before I sell it this fall-28 ft., twin Yamaha 200's, offshore vessel)for a day.

But as to this thread: I have watched this Pope travel the world and have personal one on one's with world leaders and dictators to try and bring about change.

He's really worked hard, and has tried to restore broken relationships from as far back as WWII and perhaps further.

As far as the RCC's doctrine: I disagree with a lot of it, but I still respect and, I guess in some way, admire this Pope for what he has tried to do, and because of his hard work.


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The pope inspires many to live in a manner that is not evil.

Some really believe that if the Doctrine is wrong he must be evil, I lol because as far as my life has been the folks freaked out in twi or an offshoot are the ONLY ones I have met that worship doctrine above goodness and love of one another.

Jesus certainly didntthink that way, He loved the unlovable and he often knew they had thoughts far removed from Gods will.

Besides this pope has such humble beginnings and such loyalty to the people his entire life and he is cute like a doll baby face.

many will grieve when he passes, and the church will be forced to change some of its ideals about what being the pope means.

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Interesting how deeply embedded waybrain can be.... Back in the day we used to fight SO hard agains the "dangerous cult" rap.

BUT. When we've stepped WAY (pun intended) far back from it, in it can be found a callous disregard for a great man's life, by assuming he must be seed because he hold the highest church office in the world ... and he's NOT twi (or "us') .

TWI has a callous disregard for life in a lot of "way's" - - a fetus is a parasite, you haven't harmed anyone by aborting it... He's seed, who gives a damn... and the inspiration for this website, the infamous, GREASESPOT my midnite."

And more that I won't bring back to mind....

Looking back, its clear that we were, and they still are, "inches" away from some of the major cult tragedies in our country's history. Even if we, individually would NEVER do something like Jonestown or Waco, we were standing on the same slippery slope they slid down.

I don't know a whole lot about this Pope. I've seen him doing everything in his power as his body fails him, to maintain his office, for his people's sake. Standing by when he hadn't the strength to speak the sacrements, sitting there when he hadn't the strength to stand. Waving from his window in his wheelchair to let those who slept outside on the ground know he's still "hanging in there" WITH them; acknowledging, via his aides that he feels uplifted by the prayers of the children outside.

What did LCM ever do in service to "HIS" followers that matches up to that?

An interesting thought... IF, "by their fruit ye shall know them is true (and it is) and you look at the above and compare that to what you know of LCM...

Which would a person who knew neither of them say was "seed?" ??? By their fruit?

When LCM is on his death bed, how many will fight the impulse to wait outside his window for a glimpse of him... to throw ROCKS???

I, post twi, have taken the position on all religious doctrines, "I rejoice that they even MENTION the name Jesus...." For as much as I personally have no use for the ritual and doctrines of the Catholic Church. I have seen that there is "enough truth" there to get people born again.

I've known many a good born again catholic, right Dave?

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Even when I was IN,

I wasn't thrilled with lcm's anti-Catholicism rants.

(Not that I have any love for the organization, but Christ died for

Roman Catholics as well as twiglets, Greasespotters, and

Christian werewolves. smile.gif:)--> )

I didn't see any profit in simple bashing of Christians OR organizations.


lcm ranted against "Apostolic Succession" and "Papal Infallibility",

and darned if he didn't carry on as if both applied to HIM.

I've not agreed with all Jean Paul II's doctrine, and I've pointed

stuff out when relevant, but, for the most part, I've said I've

liked him as popes go, and most of his rap I've been ok with.

(Yes, I ended with a preposition. Beat me.)

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He seemed like a nice old man. May he rest in peace.

I can't think of much good to say about the organization that he represented, though. Yes, the R.C. Church has done a lot of charitable things over the years, but I think they're more than outweighed by the unspeakable harm that it's done throughout it history. Weighed on the scales of history and I think it's found wanting, by a horrible degree.

But, yeah, he seemed like a nice old man.

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...The scourge of Roman catholicism aside, I think that the pope was successful as an abassador of moral decency. He encouraged millions to live with integrity and courage, he was instrumental in the downfall of communism in Europe and I understand...he spoke, in person, to more people than anyone in the history of mankind (or so they are saying on CNN)...personally, I thought he should have wore trousers instead of a gown.

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I left TWI and eventually joined the Catholic chruch. Just wanted to pop in here and say that "RC church" is yet another bit of Way jargon that drives me insane. banghead.gif It's the Catholic chuch - the Roman Catholics are only a part of it. I am not speaking about the catholic church as in the general christian body of Christ either - there are several different "Rites" within the Catholic church - Latin Rite - aka Roman Catholic being only one of them - that fall "under" the Pope's leadership. I am one of those other Catholics - I am Eastern Rite aka Byzantine Catholic. "The RC church" that LCM ranted about was to me nothing more than an ignorant and usually inaccurate stereotype of catholicism in general. So - if you are one of those people that likes to throw out all your old Wayism's - do me a favor and get rid of that one! wink2.gif;)--> If you want to speak ill of Catholics just call em Catholics. icon_razz.gif:P-->

And back into lurker oblivion I go.........

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(Yes, I ended with a preposition. Beat me.)

When criticized for ending a sentence with a preposition in article that he had written, Winston Churchill (who turned the English language into a lethal force against tyranny) responded by saying "...this is something that I cannot up with put."

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