Wow...this must be a city tactic. I just got one for my house that I had to replace the whole sidewalk. Now, keep in mind that I don't **own** the sidewalk...the city does. Got a nasty-gram with the title "NOTICE TO REPAIR SIDEWALK WITHIN 30 DAY!" in 26 font!!
Otherwise they would fix it themselves, place a lien on the property and charge we 10% plus daily interest to pay them back. I called and told them that I was dealing with it, but couldn't gurantee that I could find a cement contractor whose schedule could get it done in 30 days, but it was being handled.
They said, "Ok, we can extend for up to 6 months...we wanted to get your attention and have you call back now." It did work, but it felt like total harrassment.
This is what I want. I want a little yellow house on a country road. I want to sit on a green plastic chair on the porch in a ratty old button-down shirt and jeans, having used my bras and high heels as kindling. I want a shotgun on the windowsill, a laptop with wireless, an iced tea in a plastic Taco Bell cup and a big red drooling dog at my feet. I want a mean black rooster in the front yard. And I want the neighbors to be scared of me. And my dog. And the rooster.
Don't even think of stopping by. Have a nice day
I don't have a dog, I would kill any greenery and I'd not have been as pleasant about either of the folks wanting me to take care of any of it.
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Wow...this must be a city tactic. I just got one for my house that I had to replace the whole sidewalk. Now, keep in mind that I don't **own** the sidewalk...the city does. Got a nasty-gram with the title "NOTICE TO REPAIR SIDEWALK WITHIN 30 DAY!" in 26 font!!
Otherwise they would fix it themselves, place a lien on the property and charge we 10% plus daily interest to pay them back. I called and told them that I was dealing with it, but couldn't gurantee that I could find a cement contractor whose schedule could get it done in 30 days, but it was being handled.
They said, "Ok, we can extend for up to 6 months...we wanted to get your attention and have you call back now." It did work, but it felt like total harrassment.
Sounds rather gestapo-ish to me!
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Damn Shell,
for a minute there I thought that woman
was you with wanting the house on the
country road!!!
you related??
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This is actually the only part I can relate to:
I don't have a dog, I would kill any greenery and I'd not have been as pleasant about either of the folks wanting me to take care of any of it.
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