His illness is potentially bad. If he responds to the antibiotics he may be ok (he'll never be in good health again even if he recovers from this), but if not he's likely to die. If the infection spreads to his blood he's a goner.
They are reporting that he is in critical conditon. His heart stopped and they restarted it. He's had quite a run, an assassionation attempt, 84 years old and 26 years as pope. I wish him peace and rest.
There was an apparently incorrect report earlier that he had died. I started a thread, and Paw was kind enough to delete it at my request. I apologize for spreading the false alarm.
Drudge: Italian media gave contradictory reports about Pope John Paul's vital signs on Friday, first saying his heart and brain activity had stopped and then reporting this was not true...
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul's health worsened further on Friday when his breathing became shallow and his blood pressure deteriorated, said the Vatican, and one Italian news agency reported he had lost consciousness.
Church officials tried to prepare the world and its 1.1 billion Roman Catholics for the end of one of the longest papal reigns in history after the Vatican said the long-ailing Pope had declined further hospital treatment.
"The general conditions and cardio-respiratory conditions of the Holy Father have further worsened," said Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls.
"A gradual worsening of arterial hypotension has been noted, and breathing has become shallow. The clinical picture indicates cardio-circulatory and renal insufficiency. The biological parameters are notably compromised."
Sky Italia TV, quoting a report from Italy's Aplomb news agency, said the Pope had lost consciousness but there was no independent confirmation. "There's no hope any more," the ANSA news agency quoted an unidentified medical source as saying.
The 84-year-old Pope received the blessing for the dying after his health suddenly deteriorated overnight, drawing anguished prayers from Catholics around the globe reluctant to accept his end may be near.
"The Holy Father -- with visible participation -- is joining in the continual prayers of those assisting him," said Navarro-Valls.
Catholics flocked to churches to light candles and pray for the man who became Pope in 1978 and revitalised the papacy. Groups of faithful gathered in the Vatican's vast St. Peter's Square, some gazing up at the papal apartments.
Best thing to do is check every report and what their sources are. I failed to do that this time, figuring no one would blunder on something this big. Me! And I'm in Florida! :)-->
I would really... really like access to the kinds of news sources you have at the tips of your fingers.. but seems one must be a paid subscriber first. Even getting the latest AP can be a challenge.
And FYI, just before I posted on the now deleted thread, Fox on-line had not yet reported El Papa's demise.
While I mourn for his loss and appreciate the many significant strides he made, not only for the Catholic Church but for mankind as well, I have to temper that with firsthand knowledge of the cruel history his sect represents.
Karol Joseph , you had a good run and I believe you have a place in God's heart
Salve Regina, mater misericordiae: vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle. Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.
mj, I understand requesting prayer for a peaceful death. That's exactly what's needed sometimes.
When my aunt, who had cancer, reached the point where she was in great physical pain and mental distress, that's exactly what my family and I began praying for her. She was suffering and she was ready. Within a couple hours, she slipped peacefully away.
Indeed Im certain it is as the pope dictates, but it is a govt. and they are in the rally call stage now with the back stage set for what will happen next.
mj, it is kind of strange to think of it, right now, but it is hardly a surprise. And its not like they haven't had to go through this before, once or twice. With 263 pontiffs preceding him (out of a total of 266, if you subscribe to the writings of St. Malachy) they probably have a very refined process by now.
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Mister P-Mosh
His illness is potentially bad. If he responds to the antibiotics he may be ok (he'll never be in good health again even if he recovers from this), but if not he's likely to die. If the infection spreads to his blood he's a goner.
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Indeed! The Parkinson's makes everything more difficult.
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They are reporting that he is in critical conditon. His heart stopped and they restarted it. He's had quite a run, an assassionation attempt, 84 years old and 26 years as pope. I wish him peace and rest.
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Are there any reports of anybody wanting to pull his feeding tube?
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What does a Pope need last rites for? I mean, he's the Vicar of Christ!
He's one tough nut...I was impressed by his perserverence in sickness and distress.
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There was an apparently incorrect report earlier that he had died. I started a thread, and Paw was kind enough to delete it at my request. I apologize for spreading the false alarm.
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I still would like to know what news sources you consider late-breaking and authoritative.
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Best thing to do is check every report and what their sources are. I failed to do that this time, figuring no one would blunder on something this big. Me! And I'm in Florida!
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Well Raf, that's what you get for reading World News Daily all the time.
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CNN, Reuters and Fox news all reported he'd died, but none had Vatican confirmation (no pun intended).
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Tom Strange
I'm surprised he even saw it since it wasn't on page 3!
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I would really... really like access to the kinds of news sources you have at the tips of your fingers.. but seems one must be a paid subscriber first. Even getting the latest AP can be a challenge.
And FYI, just before I posted on the now deleted thread, Fox on-line had not yet reported El Papa's demise.
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They had reported it on the air.
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I also likewise as well had heard it, on the radio.
Maybe it's just wishful thinking on the part of the newsmedia.
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Drudge had "Pope Dead" in big headlines early in the day, then pulled it about 5 minutes later.
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While I mourn for his loss and appreciate the many significant strides he made, not only for the Catholic Church but for mankind as well, I have to temper that with firsthand knowledge of the cruel history his sect represents.
Karol Joseph , you had a good run and I believe you have a place in God's heart
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Salve Regina, mater misericordiae: vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle. Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.
O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria. Amen.
Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genetrix.
Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.
Requiescat in pace Papa
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I have great respect for him and believe he gave with heart.
I also like this person here better than I did the one that supported hateful teachings regarding him.
God's peace be with you Sir.
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Mister P-Mosh
It gets all of the news and sorts by what stories seem to be getting the most press, as well as what is most recently updated.
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The nuns were ordered not to pray for his recovery.
it is assumed he will die now, I watch the priests this morning saying he is "tranquil" .
How can I be ordred to pray for a peaceful death?
man that is strange to me, but it as the church dictates.
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Linda Z
mj, I understand requesting prayer for a peaceful death. That's exactly what's needed sometimes.
When my aunt, who had cancer, reached the point where she was in great physical pain and mental distress, that's exactly what my family and I began praying for her. She was suffering and she was ready. Within a couple hours, she slipped peacefully away.
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Indeed Im certain it is as the pope dictates, but it is a govt. and they are in the rally call stage now with the back stage set for what will happen next.
kind of eery but needs to be done I guess.
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mj, it is kind of strange to think of it, right now, but it is hardly a surprise. And its not like they haven't had to go through this before, once or twice. With 263 pontiffs preceding him (out of a total of 266, if you subscribe to the writings of St. Malachy) they probably have a very refined process by now.
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