I couldn't get the video clip to work, but I saw some on tv. I am convinced that she was responsive, and that there was no reason in the world as to why her Mom and Dad were not allowed to take over her hospice care. The husband should have bugged out and spent the rest of his days with his girlfriend of ten years..
The other thing that bothers me about this "just let 'em die, or assist the suicide in the case of a terminally ill patient, is this:
Once the person is dead, the chances of a miracle of God are out the window. Yes, a "raise them from the dead" scenario is biblical, Jesus did it, as have a few others, but for the most part, once a person has died, very very few would have the hope or the believing to raise the dead. But when a person is still alive, there is a much greater chance for a miracle of healing.
For those of you who do not believe these things possible, then this is naturally ridiculous to you. But this is my belief, as well as the belief of many others. I have seen with my own eyes, a good number of outright miracles, one being and instant healing of a massive heart attack that my father was suffering. He was healed right when I ministered to him, and it is documented at the National Navy Medical Hospital in Bethesda, MD.
I am sad that this woman was literally starved to death. Shame on those who did it...
Let me try to give you another perspective. I happen to work at the Hospice of the Florida Suncoast (the real name of the hospice). Because of federal HIPPA laws, I can't talk about any specific about any particular patient, but I can tell you that most of what the public has been getting has NOT been acurate. The public gets only what the media lets them have.
This hospice is the only hospice in Pinellas County, as there is a state law that specifies that there can only be one hospice per county. Woodside (which is only one of the many hospice teams) has approx 70 beds (and these are usually full). That means that there all these other families that have to go through all the crap just to see their loved ones, sometimes missing their deaths because of being held-up. Which side am I on? I'm on the side of ALL my patients and ALL their family members. (Yes, that means both sides of HER family too.)
BTW, about the clippits of the film they always show, it was made in 2001. There is a reason why they only show that small portion of a six-hour video.
Why don't WE make sure our papers and legal issues are in the right order to make sure WE don't let this happen to us.
"What will happen if I don't have an advance directive?
In emergency situations in which you are not able to communicate, medical professionals will provide all necessary lifesaving treatment. When there's time, a surrogate will be asked to make these decisions on your behalf. The chain of responsibility varies from state to state, but most frequently follows this order: spouse, adult child, parents and then adult siblings".
Have you spoken with any of those people in your lives
Remember that you are only seeing one side of the story thanks to the biased media. The woman was brain dead, there was absolutely no electronic activity going on in her brain and there was absolutely no way she was going to recover save a miracle. As Moony mentioned the video was years old and selectively edited to show what the parents wanted people to see. Literally hundreds of doctors examined her and all of them agreed that she was brain dead and would be nothing more than a vegetable her whole life. That's not how I would want to live. I also would not want my family paying ungodly medical bills and living in denial for years that I would some day go back to who they once knew.
I realize we all have our own opinions. My familiy has been in the position of having to decide on life support and, thankfully, we're all in agreement that when it's our time to go, it's our time to go and none of us want to be kept alive by man's machinery when it's obviously our time to die.
I'm terribly sorry for her family and I know they have a lot of healing to do, but I also pray they will find peace.
Thank you for posting on this subject and since you do work in a hospice, have you witnessed how people go when they are denied food AND water? If so, would you be able to answer this:
1) Are they in pain?
2) Would you describe anyone you've seen in this condition as "peaceful"?
3) How can you tell if the patient is conscious?
Just to clarify, these are general questions, not about Mrs. Schiavo.
Once the person is dead, the chances of a miracle of God are out the window. Yes, a "raise them from the dead" scenario is biblical, Jesus did it, as have a few others, but for the most part, once a person has died, very very few would have the hope or the believing to raise the dead.
I'm no Christian, but I think that you're using fairly faulty logic. If you really believe in the Christian God, then there are no limits to what he can do. If there really was a God, and if he really wanted to heal this woman, he would have created a new brain in her head that worked, and he would have done it already. There was no miracle to happen, and despite the propaganda that you've seen (e.g. that faked video) she wasn't responsive as far as most medical professionals involved have said, as well as all of the legal professionals involved.
This whole case was a sham that has pulled the wool over the eyes of many people like yourself. It's just another attempt to force our nation to become a theocracy using "morals" that have nothing to do with Christianity or anything good. This case was not the business of the federal government, and certainly not the business of people like you or I but the media pushed it in our faces every time we turned on the TV or walked past a newspaper. The court cases, which occurred with pretty much all very conservative judges, proved that there was no responsiveness on the part of Terri Schiavo. The many teams of doctors that saw her over the years agreed that there was no hope. Michael Schiavo even went for unconventional treatments to try to help her, but after they performed MRIs at some point they discovered that most of her brain was gone. The big deal about this case was not what happened there, but with the media and the religious nuts that tried to somehow link this with abortion and make up some conspiracy to patronize the deluded Schindlers and turn it political. This situation was interesting in that there were no liberals, no Democrats, or anyone involved except Republicans and extremist Christians. The religious right overstepped the bounds of decency and humanity, and most of America decided that it was ridiculous and to let the poor woman's body pass away like her mind did many years ago.
Also, I think it's ironic to invoke God and religion in a case where it's pretty clear that if there were a God, he had 15 years to cure her, and a little longer than that to prevent her illness. I'm sure both Michael Schiavo and the Schindlers have prayed for her over the years, yet there was no answer to their prayers. If you believe in a God, then he's pretty clearly failed in this situation. God must not have wanted her to live on artificial means either if he refused to heal her. Why don't we hear more outrage over that? Is Jerry Falwell and the rest of those people going to tell God that he's no longer Christian and that they will boycott his businesses now, and smear him as an al-Qaeda loving traitor who makes radical legislation from the bench, despite what a Christian minority of people want? It's obvious that if there is a God, then he wanted Terri Schiavo's body to pass away.
2) Would you describe anyone you've seen in this condition as "peaceful"?
3) How can you tell if the patient is conscious?
Just to clarify, these are general questions, not about Mrs. Schiavo.
I know you said general questions, and that it wasn't addressed to me, but the brain uses tiny bursts of electricity between the brain cells to communicate. These can be tracked with an EEG. The EEGs done on a normal person show brain activity as thoughts occur, and science has advanced quite a bit to a point where some scientists can even trigger certain thoughts or feelings by putting a tiny amount of electricity into certain parts of the brain. The fact that you can track brain activity is a very standard, well-established science (thought control or mind-reading is not, by the way.) In this case, the EEG on Terri Schiavo showed nothing. The only thing she had left was her brain stem which controls things like breathing, your heart beat, etc.
The combination of the EEG and the MRIs that have been done on her are pretty conclusive that her brain damage was so severe that there really wasn't a Terri Schiavo left, just a shell. A human body with no mind.
" It's just another attempt to force our nation to become a theocracy using "morals" that have nothing to do with Christianity or anything good. "
I don't want to force anyone to do anything, but what is wrong (regardless if you are religious or atheist) with a society that wants or has morals. Are morals a bad thing now??
The courts agreed with the husband which in that state had the choices to make and the right to kill her. This isnt hospice she didnt die of her brain injury she died of dehydration and stravation. It is different . If the difrectives state what she wishes it is one thing, if she is dying it is another ,neither of these facts where true in Terry's case.
We can not assume Terry thoughts and how she "wanted" to live, we know people who loved her dearly felt she should be allowed to live and without written directives I personaly think that would be enough. Why would it not be is the question.
I also would not "want to live like that" but yet many do everyday of their life and I have no right to say to them I will not give you water or food.
I will say it againin NY if your pet or live stock is found without proper food and water your charged with a felony count.
somhow tery's husband was allowed to treat her like less than a farm yard animal . I will not gues what he was thinking , I am angry he feels he could guess what terry was thinking tho. some judgement call if you ask me.
He made alot of money alot of money off her illness, and she had alot of money left for her self from the law suit. This is a case of him saying her family wanted money Why does it often come down to that? money and family fighting over it? the parents got nothing fromher illness I cant see a motive for them wanting her to live or how it could hurt her husband to allow her to live.
This weeks TIME magazine has the whole book dedicated to this case and many particalrs about what this means for folks in detail . pick up a copy if your interested in how it all falls out and what it means.
Welcome to the new era of state sponsored excution of innocent people. Of law masquerading as justice. Of a husband manipulating the state into killing an innocent person for him.
Anyone who is not repelled and appalled by what has happened and the implications - well, if you don't "get it" now you never will. If it doesn't bother you in the least, somewhere, way deep down, you have no conscience. As a nation, our love has waxed cold.
"I don't want to force anyone to do anything, but what is wrong (regardless if you are religious or atheist) with a society that wants or has morals. Are morals a bad thing now??"
Not always no.
As I often point out. On this planet, we have lots of different cultures, each with it's own sets of morals. Many of these sets of moral codes differ and in fact oppose each other.
A hungry dog that lives on the street and eats out of garbage cans and dumpsters, has his own set of morals.
Which set of morals do we choose, and why?
If you dont like abortion because you view it to be murder, then you have your moral code about that issue.
If I dont equate abortion with murder, because I see life requiring breathing; I just dont like abortion if it leads to greater sexual promiscuity.
We both have our own set of moral codes. Which one is to be chosen to act as the 'Law of the Land'?
If yours is chosen to be law, than I live in a land where I disagree with the Law and I may find myself conducting criminal activity because of it.
If dont like those 'lower' class people, and I want to mash down on them, so I support all the reasons historically for why we illegalized marijuana: then I have my own set of moral code.
If you dont see what the big fuss is over, you see marijuana as safer than: alcohol, coffee, tobacco and sex, then you want it to be legal: and we again have differing sets of morals.
Which set do we choose to be 'Law'?
We have nations where children are sold to temples to serve in those temples as sex-slaves, or to carve wooden idols of monkeys, which are later sold here in America.
We have other nations where children work in factories weaving rugs, which are later sold here in America.
Both of these other nations send people here to America weekly to become citizens. Those are NOT just moral codes of people far away, those are codes of people who make up our nation.
“We” didn’t do anything, Rejoice. Her will was honored. Those videos, btw, demonstrate careful camera work and editing, not responsiveness.
Originally posted by Jonny Lingo:
I am convinced … that there was no reason in the world as to why her Mom and Dad were not allowed to take over her hospice care.
How about honoring her will? She had the right to appoint someone to be her proxy/guardian if she were incapacitated. She (through marriage) voluntarily appointed Michael Schiavo.
Originally posted by Sunesis:
Anyone who is not repelled and appalled by what has happened and the implications - well, if you don't "get it" now you never will. If it doesn't bother you in the least, somewhere, way deep down, you have no conscience. As a nation, our love has waxed cold.
I am appalled that this poor woman’s wishes were not honored for so long. I am appalled that she was made a public spectacle. I am appalled by delusions, distortions, and outright lies being propounded as truth. I am appalled when good people, good institutions (medical, legal, etc.) and good sense are wrongly savaged. I am appalled by the hypocrisy of people who would not choose for themselves what they tried to force on Terri Schiavo.
I am really going to try and control my rant impulse on this. I've been through an extremely similar situation. I am saddened by the fact that Terri's dignity - the reason she didn't want to live like that in the first place -was totally compromised by her parents. Do you really think that Terri would have wanted the whole world to see her in that state on all the major media outlets?
I'm saddened that the parents had to demonize the husband in front of the whole world, just because they didn't get their way.
I'm saddened and sickened at all the scumbag politician's who decided to get on the Terri bandwago just because they felt it would get them good press.
Frankly, I'm saddened that both sides had to be subjected to Jessie Jackson's BS. When will we get rid of this freakin' carpetbagger?
You are so wrong. We don't know what her wishes were. Her "husband" did not say that her wishes were to die under these circumstances until 7 years after the "incident." He should have given up his rights as guardian when he began living with another woman and conceiving children. She did not have a heart attack (check the records) and there are sufficient questions about her getting to this condition that an investigation was warranted.
Terri Schiavo did NOT have a terminal illness; she only needed a feeding tube to live. Yes, she most likely, barring a miracle, would not have recovered. But, keep in mind that from the beginning michael schiavo would NOT ALLOW ANY THERAPY, including speech therapy or movement therapy.
These are NOT lies or distortions - check the records and check the sworn affadavits of her friends and some of those who cared for her.
I have no doubt that he was hiding something (she has very suspicious broken bones). There will be a very special place for this dirtball and those how allowed this to happen.
I'm saddened that the parents had to demonize the husband in front of the whole world, just because they didn't get their way.
I'm saddened and sickened at all the scumbag politician's who decided to get on the Terri bandwago just because they felt it would get them good press.
I found that michael schiavo, through his actions, did a sufficient job of demonizing himself - right down to the point of not allowing Terri's brother and sister present when she died.
I am less concerned about politicians being involved than I am the reckless judges currently running rampant in this country. Yes, some politicians were in this for the publicity, but some were truly fighting this fight because they saw the slippery slope that we are now on.
Thank you for posting on this subject and since you do work in a hospice, have you witnessed how people go when they are denied food AND water? If so, would you be able to answer this:
1) Are they in pain?
That's part of what hospice does is make sure that the patient is as pain-free as possible. As I'm sure you heard, she was given morphine. Even though, it was reported as being a miniscule amount, it was for comfort measures.
2) Would you describe anyone you've seen in this condition as "peaceful"?
From what I heard, this was considered what is described as a "good death". This is part of the aim of hospice, that the end of life is as smooth and peaceful as possible.
3) How can you tell if the patient is conscious?
I'm not sure if you are talking about before or after death. Of course after death, a person isn't conscious. Are you asking conscious as in awake or aware of what's going on.
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I wouldn't want to live that way either, but they could have at least given her some water. Sigh.
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J0nny Ling0
I couldn't get the video clip to work, but I saw some on tv. I am convinced that she was responsive, and that there was no reason in the world as to why her Mom and Dad were not allowed to take over her hospice care. The husband should have bugged out and spent the rest of his days with his girlfriend of ten years..
The other thing that bothers me about this "just let 'em die, or assist the suicide in the case of a terminally ill patient, is this:
Once the person is dead, the chances of a miracle of God are out the window. Yes, a "raise them from the dead" scenario is biblical, Jesus did it, as have a few others, but for the most part, once a person has died, very very few would have the hope or the believing to raise the dead. But when a person is still alive, there is a much greater chance for a miracle of healing.
For those of you who do not believe these things possible, then this is naturally ridiculous to you. But this is my belief, as well as the belief of many others. I have seen with my own eyes, a good number of outright miracles, one being and instant healing of a massive heart attack that my father was suffering. He was healed right when I ministered to him, and it is documented at the National Navy Medical Hospital in Bethesda, MD.
I am sad that this woman was literally starved to death. Shame on those who did it...
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I am just heartsick over the sadness of this event.
I can't even imagine.
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Tom Strange
My feelings pretty much run along the same lines as my brother Lingo's concerning this situation...
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Let me try to give you another perspective. I happen to work at the Hospice of the Florida Suncoast (the real name of the hospice). Because of federal HIPPA laws, I can't talk about any specific about any particular patient, but I can tell you that most of what the public has been getting has NOT been acurate. The public gets only what the media lets them have.
This hospice is the only hospice in Pinellas County, as there is a state law that specifies that there can only be one hospice per county. Woodside (which is only one of the many hospice teams) has approx 70 beds (and these are usually full). That means that there all these other families that have to go through all the crap just to see their loved ones, sometimes missing their deaths because of being held-up. Which side am I on? I'm on the side of ALL my patients and ALL their family members. (Yes, that means both sides of HER family too.)
BTW, about the clippits of the film they always show, it was made in 2001. There is a reason why they only show that small portion of a six-hour video.
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My condolences to all the family and friends that knew her and loved her.
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Yes, what's this WE stuff?
Why don't WE make sure our papers and legal issues are in the right order to make sure WE don't let this happen to us.
"What will happen if I don't have an advance directive?
In emergency situations in which you are not able to communicate, medical professionals will provide all necessary lifesaving treatment. When there's time, a surrogate will be asked to make these decisions on your behalf. The chain of responsibility varies from state to state, but most frequently follows this order: spouse, adult child, parents and then adult siblings".
Have you spoken with any of those people in your lives
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Remember that you are only seeing one side of the story thanks to the biased media. The woman was brain dead, there was absolutely no electronic activity going on in her brain and there was absolutely no way she was going to recover save a miracle. As Moony mentioned the video was years old and selectively edited to show what the parents wanted people to see. Literally hundreds of doctors examined her and all of them agreed that she was brain dead and would be nothing more than a vegetable her whole life. That's not how I would want to live. I also would not want my family paying ungodly medical bills and living in denial for years that I would some day go back to who they once knew.
I realize we all have our own opinions. My familiy has been in the position of having to decide on life support and, thankfully, we're all in agreement that when it's our time to go, it's our time to go and none of us want to be kept alive by man's machinery when it's obviously our time to die.
I'm terribly sorry for her family and I know they have a lot of healing to do, but I also pray they will find peace.
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I appreciate your position, but would you be willing or able to answer questions in the PT's?
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Thank you for posting on this subject and since you do work in a hospice, have you witnessed how people go when they are denied food AND water? If so, would you be able to answer this:
1) Are they in pain?
2) Would you describe anyone you've seen in this condition as "peaceful"?
3) How can you tell if the patient is conscious?
Just to clarify, these are general questions, not about Mrs. Schiavo.
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Mister P-Mosh
I'm no Christian, but I think that you're using fairly faulty logic. If you really believe in the Christian God, then there are no limits to what he can do. If there really was a God, and if he really wanted to heal this woman, he would have created a new brain in her head that worked, and he would have done it already. There was no miracle to happen, and despite the propaganda that you've seen (e.g. that faked video) she wasn't responsive as far as most medical professionals involved have said, as well as all of the legal professionals involved.
This whole case was a sham that has pulled the wool over the eyes of many people like yourself. It's just another attempt to force our nation to become a theocracy using "morals" that have nothing to do with Christianity or anything good. This case was not the business of the federal government, and certainly not the business of people like you or I but the media pushed it in our faces every time we turned on the TV or walked past a newspaper. The court cases, which occurred with pretty much all very conservative judges, proved that there was no responsiveness on the part of Terri Schiavo. The many teams of doctors that saw her over the years agreed that there was no hope. Michael Schiavo even went for unconventional treatments to try to help her, but after they performed MRIs at some point they discovered that most of her brain was gone. The big deal about this case was not what happened there, but with the media and the religious nuts that tried to somehow link this with abortion and make up some conspiracy to patronize the deluded Schindlers and turn it political. This situation was interesting in that there were no liberals, no Democrats, or anyone involved except Republicans and extremist Christians. The religious right overstepped the bounds of decency and humanity, and most of America decided that it was ridiculous and to let the poor woman's body pass away like her mind did many years ago.
Also, I think it's ironic to invoke God and religion in a case where it's pretty clear that if there were a God, he had 15 years to cure her, and a little longer than that to prevent her illness. I'm sure both Michael Schiavo and the Schindlers have prayed for her over the years, yet there was no answer to their prayers. If you believe in a God, then he's pretty clearly failed in this situation. God must not have wanted her to live on artificial means either if he refused to heal her. Why don't we hear more outrage over that? Is Jerry Falwell and the rest of those people going to tell God that he's no longer Christian and that they will boycott his businesses now, and smear him as an al-Qaeda loving traitor who makes radical legislation from the bench, despite what a Christian minority of people want? It's obvious that if there is a God, then he wanted Terri Schiavo's body to pass away.
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Mister P-Mosh
I know you said general questions, and that it wasn't addressed to me, but the brain uses tiny bursts of electricity between the brain cells to communicate. These can be tracked with an EEG. The EEGs done on a normal person show brain activity as thoughts occur, and science has advanced quite a bit to a point where some scientists can even trigger certain thoughts or feelings by putting a tiny amount of electricity into certain parts of the brain. The fact that you can track brain activity is a very standard, well-established science (thought control or mind-reading is not, by the way.) In this case, the EEG on Terri Schiavo showed nothing. The only thing she had left was her brain stem which controls things like breathing, your heart beat, etc.
The combination of the EEG and the MRIs that have been done on her are pretty conclusive that her brain damage was so severe that there really wasn't a Terri Schiavo left, just a shell. A human body with no mind.
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" It's just another attempt to force our nation to become a theocracy using "morals" that have nothing to do with Christianity or anything good. "
I don't want to force anyone to do anything, but what is wrong (regardless if you are religious or atheist) with a society that wants or has morals. Are morals a bad thing now??
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This was NOT assisted suicide.
this was murder.
The courts agreed with the husband which in that state had the choices to make and the right to kill her. This isnt hospice she didnt die of her brain injury she died of dehydration and stravation. It is different . If the difrectives state what she wishes it is one thing, if she is dying it is another ,neither of these facts where true in Terry's case.
We can not assume Terry thoughts and how she "wanted" to live, we know people who loved her dearly felt she should be allowed to live and without written directives I personaly think that would be enough. Why would it not be is the question.
I also would not "want to live like that" but yet many do everyday of their life and I have no right to say to them I will not give you water or food.
I will say it againin NY if your pet or live stock is found without proper food and water your charged with a felony count.
somhow tery's husband was allowed to treat her like less than a farm yard animal . I will not gues what he was thinking , I am angry he feels he could guess what terry was thinking tho. some judgement call if you ask me.
He made alot of money alot of money off her illness, and she had alot of money left for her self from the law suit. This is a case of him saying her family wanted money Why does it often come down to that? money and family fighting over it? the parents got nothing fromher illness I cant see a motive for them wanting her to live or how it could hurt her husband to allow her to live.
This weeks TIME magazine has the whole book dedicated to this case and many particalrs about what this means for folks in detail . pick up a copy if your interested in how it all falls out and what it means.
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Welcome to the new era of state sponsored excution of innocent people. Of law masquerading as justice. Of a husband manipulating the state into killing an innocent person for him.
Anyone who is not repelled and appalled by what has happened and the implications - well, if you don't "get it" now you never will. If it doesn't bother you in the least, somewhere, way deep down, you have no conscience. As a nation, our love has waxed cold.
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"I don't want to force anyone to do anything, but what is wrong (regardless if you are religious or atheist) with a society that wants or has morals. Are morals a bad thing now??"
Not always no.
As I often point out. On this planet, we have lots of different cultures, each with it's own sets of morals. Many of these sets of moral codes differ and in fact oppose each other.
A hungry dog that lives on the street and eats out of garbage cans and dumpsters, has his own set of morals.
Which set of morals do we choose, and why?
If you dont like abortion because you view it to be murder, then you have your moral code about that issue.
If I dont equate abortion with murder, because I see life requiring breathing; I just dont like abortion if it leads to greater sexual promiscuity.
We both have our own set of moral codes. Which one is to be chosen to act as the 'Law of the Land'?
If yours is chosen to be law, than I live in a land where I disagree with the Law and I may find myself conducting criminal activity because of it.
If dont like those 'lower' class people, and I want to mash down on them, so I support all the reasons historically for why we illegalized marijuana: then I have my own set of moral code.
If you dont see what the big fuss is over, you see marijuana as safer than: alcohol, coffee, tobacco and sex, then you want it to be legal: and we again have differing sets of morals.
Which set do we choose to be 'Law'?
We have nations where children are sold to temples to serve in those temples as sex-slaves, or to carve wooden idols of monkeys, which are later sold here in America.
We have other nations where children work in factories weaving rugs, which are later sold here in America.
Both of these other nations send people here to America weekly to become citizens. Those are NOT just moral codes of people far away, those are codes of people who make up our nation.
These are ALL morals.
Which set do we choose to be 'Law'?
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Thanks for summing that up for us Sunesis. I totally agree.
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Agreed, mj.
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“We” didn’t do anything, Rejoice. Her will was honored. Those videos, btw, demonstrate careful camera work and editing, not responsiveness.
How about honoring her will? She had the right to appoint someone to be her proxy/guardian if she were incapacitated. She (through marriage) voluntarily appointed Michael Schiavo. I am appalled that this poor woman’s wishes were not honored for so long. I am appalled that she was made a public spectacle. I am appalled by delusions, distortions, and outright lies being propounded as truth. I am appalled when good people, good institutions (medical, legal, etc.) and good sense are wrongly savaged. I am appalled by the hypocrisy of people who would not choose for themselves what they tried to force on Terri Schiavo.Link to comment
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AMEN Long Gone!
I am really going to try and control my rant impulse on this. I've been through an extremely similar situation. I am saddened by the fact that Terri's dignity - the reason she didn't want to live like that in the first place -was totally compromised by her parents. Do you really think that Terri would have wanted the whole world to see her in that state on all the major media outlets?
I'm saddened that the parents had to demonize the husband in front of the whole world, just because they didn't get their way.
I'm saddened and sickened at all the scumbag politician's who decided to get on the Terri bandwago just because they felt it would get them good press.
Frankly, I'm saddened that both sides had to be subjected to Jessie Jackson's BS. When will we get rid of this freakin' carpetbagger?
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Long Gone,
You are so wrong. We don't know what her wishes were. Her "husband" did not say that her wishes were to die under these circumstances until 7 years after the "incident." He should have given up his rights as guardian when he began living with another woman and conceiving children. She did not have a heart attack (check the records) and there are sufficient questions about her getting to this condition that an investigation was warranted.
Terri Schiavo did NOT have a terminal illness; she only needed a feeding tube to live. Yes, she most likely, barring a miracle, would not have recovered. But, keep in mind that from the beginning michael schiavo would NOT ALLOW ANY THERAPY, including speech therapy or movement therapy.
These are NOT lies or distortions - check the records and check the sworn affadavits of her friends and some of those who cared for her.
I have no doubt that he was hiding something (she has very suspicious broken bones). There will be a very special place for this dirtball and those how allowed this to happen.
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I found that michael schiavo, through his actions, did a sufficient job of demonizing himself - right down to the point of not allowing Terri's brother and sister present when she died.
I am less concerned about politicians being involved than I am the reckless judges currently running rampant in this country. Yes, some politicians were in this for the publicity, but some were truly fighting this fight because they saw the slippery slope that we are now on.
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At least now we can expect universal health care, for mental as well as physical health.
Anything less than that would seem to be a contradiction in a 'culture of life'.
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