Region and limb coordinators have been EXITING twi in the past ten or so years. Here are some of them who NO LONGER could tolerate twi's lies and deception.
Region Coordinators (at one time or another) who've left twi's doors:
1) Jxhn Shrxyer (and wife)
2) Wxyne Clxpp
3) Pxul Mxsqueda
4) Alxn Licht
5) Tom Lxlly
6) Brad Thxrpe
7) Dean Sxilor
8) Larry Pxnarello
Limb coordinators.......probably about 10 - 14.
Branch coordinators.....lots of em.
Other corps.......who've gone back to college and refuse to accept relocation assignments.
Yeah.....I'd say that LOTS has changed in the past few years. No longer is there solid allegiance to twi.
The subtleties are hq, and on the field.
The corps and corps alumni that I've spoken to.....DO NOT TRUST TWI and yet, some are not ready to cut the last few strings that tie them to twi.
Weeeell, I certainly don`t see any GROWTH coming in the next five years.....seeing as any tallent, heart, love, not to mention spirituality was long ago thrown out, bullied away, or just plain ignored....
Lesseee...getting rid of any folks who disagreed with the leadership`s immoral practices, or who didn`t agree with destructive policies....didn`t strengthen the group....
Terrorizing the believers....has not resulted in any apreciable increase....
Manipulation with guilt and dishonesty hasn`t halted the exodus..
The new technique is to just be *nice* remains to be seen if the twi followers are going to be lulled back into slumber with these kinder gentler tactics....
It is so sad....if they simply attempted to be what they claimed to a christian organization (and no, as we all know, just because you can study scripture...that doesn`t make your group a Godly or Christian place to be)....they wouldn`t have to resort to different forms of manipulation and deciet.
But hey, that is what happens when you are at loggerheads with God due to your immoral practices.
As mentioned in another thread TWI never counted on Waydale and Gspot being such rich sources of information. Initially they attempted to discount the forums as a collection of malcontents though , in typical arrogant Way fashion, failed to understand its appeal to those currently in who were curious about things and wanted to know more. They ordered their members to stay away from these forums and attempted to characterize the internet in general as being evil. Of course we all know they simply didn't want followers to have access to such a detailed history of TWI and its problems. If TWI really is the one true church then why do they worry about what an internet forum says about them ?
As the information continued to emerge here Way leaders felt they had to task their "elite workers" with monitoring these forums and planting false info to "smoke out" would be traitors and those contemplating a departure. Again what do they have to fear if they are really "walking out on God's wonderful , matchless word" ?
I strongly believe that had these forums NOT been as functional as they had been then TWI would have done nothing about LCM and left him intact. But the leaders were concerned about the large amount of detail published about the case so they had to react. Also removing LCM was the thing to do since to allow him to remain might increase their liability. They certainly didn't remove him out of any sense of right or wrong (As if they even care about that kind of thing). I mean any religious organization that accepts the idea that "sex is like a handshake" is clearly not driven by biblical morals and concerns.
The interesting thing is that Way leaders cannnot deny this and expect to get away with it because plenty of people here have heard this philosophy expressed many times during their tenure with TWI and some know it even better "ginosko" (whatever that greek word was for "knowing by experience).
In terms of the status of LCM it has never been clear that he has been "booted","M&Aed","kicked out" from TWI just that he has taken a very low profile. The fact that he has taken other employment means nothing in terms of his finanical interests to TWI or what he will receive at retirement. It stands to reason that Craig probably has a lot of detailed knowlwedge on the rest of the group so for them to totally kick him out would't make sense. Of course why isn't he running a Fortune 500 company or calling the shots for his own multi-million dollar enterprise. He certainly used to brag that he could do these things.
Five years ago I started fighting for my marriage and our freedom from TWI.
Five years ago I learned that there was way more than a "one time affair" problem at TWI.
We've seen that clearly, in contradiction to what Rico Spaghetti claims, TWI followers are not (nor have they ever been) informed soup to nuts about anything TWI related.
Five years and how many dollars later is TWI still paying high priced lawyers to clean up their messes?
Five years and TWI is changing tactics on a daily basis trying to stop the bleeding, but nothing is working. (Gee, maybe apologies and the TRUTH for a change???)
Five years and TWIts are still being told it's none of their business what is going on with craig, much less craig & donna's marriage.
Five years and leaders are being passed around like used furniture.... they are either putting up with it to keep getting that paycheck or, like the F*rts, they are realizing how bad it is and working on getting free.
Five years have passed and the innies are so bored they either cry when they think about having to go to another function or they have become zombies and just show up out of habit.
Five years have passed and they are still quoting craig and reading from his book.
Five years have passed and they are teaching nothing new. They aren't even dressing up the same old ...., just re-teaching it with the same old examples, same old song and dance.
Five years later and the kool-aid is still being stirred.....
Five years have passed.......and the graduating corps numbers have become pathetically embarrassing.
Five years have passed.......and the whispering of lcm's sexcapades and threesomes have traveled coast to coast, and abroad.
Five years have passed.......and it has become general knowledge that Rosalie KNEW as early as 1995 of lcm's sex/rape assaults on corps women and did NOTHING about it.
Five years have passed.......and the Florida folk have heard that Dottie Moneyhands was instrumental in "counseling" corps women who'd had exposure to "the martindale handshake."
Five years have passed.......and martindale's wap class has fallen flat on its butt and now, twi is in the process of copying CFF's format with several teachers and presenting another foundational class.
Five years have passed.......and the man (lcm) who wanted to self-install his new assignment as Chief Research and Bottle Washer at twi is stuck in a dead-end job. What can brown (shxx) do for you??
Five years have passed.......and donna seems to have taken over Janet Myrxcle's old job as Head Housekeeping Honcho.
Five years have passed.......and donna couldn't seem to cut it as the Special Assistant to the President. :D-->
Five years have passed.......and rico spaghetti is still giving wet-noodle pr statements and an lcm-wannabe.
Five years have passed.......and the way rag continues to recycle old, crusty articles.
Five years have passed.......and each day has only MAGNIFIED the reasons why I started my exit back in 1995.
Region and limb coordinators have been EXITING twi in the past ten or so years. Here are some of them who NO LONGER could tolerate twi's lies and deception.
Region Coordinators (at one time or another) who've left twi's doors:
1) Jxhn Shrxyer (and wife)
2) Wxyne Clxpp
3) Pxul Mxsqueda
4) Alxn Licht
5) Tom Lxlly
6) Brad Thxrpe
7) Dean Sxilor
8) Larry Pxnarello
Limb coordinators.......probably about 10 - 14.
Branch coordinators.....lots of em.
This grossly under-represents the people who left in the 80s. :D-->
We had Region Coordinators (like D*b*fsk*) walk.
That was the mid-80s, with vpw's death, the pop paper, and
Schoenheit's Adultery paper being labelled possessed for saying adultery
is wrong. A number of high muck-a-mucks left then, and it was enough
of an event for Christianity Today to note the exits.
("Infighting trims branches at the Way International".)
In '89 when lcm demanded his oath of allegiance,
80% of the people PRESENTLY involved
(not counting the previous exodus)
all walked.
That's 4 out of every 5 people.
That includes Limb leaders and so on.
In the case of NY state, more than 80% left,
so I suppose more than 20% stayed in some other places.
That also doesn't count 1990,
when a number of people who stayed thru 1989 and just
drifted off after that.
From 1989 on, the group's overall numbers have continued to drop,
as they experience "negative population growth."
That means every year, some people get fed up and leave,
and there are more of them than there are people who arrive and
Five years and TWIts are still being told it's none of their business what is going on with craig, much less craig & donna's marriage.
But you twiggies better get that report in on time with the intimate details of your love and sex life with your spouse. You have until 5pm close of business day to submit the above formentioned form to your coordinator or else....
It stands to reason that Craig probably has a lot of detailed knowlwedge on the rest of the group so for them to totally kick him out would't make sense.
Speaking of C*nnie Panzer*elli, I remember a teaching she once did during the homo purge regarding going into a store to purchase an item.
She was absolutely certain that the salesperson was a "homo" so she flat out refused to allow this person to wait on her and made a big fuss with the management that she did not want a "homo" to wait on her. We all laughed and thought how great, what a stand, what a woman, that she would stand her ground like that. How sick is that.......
Thanks for the recap.....back into the 80s. Heck, I was only trying to give a glimpse of the past ten years of those exiting twi's doors. :D-->
Maybe the wierwille shrine and bookstore sales outside of new knoxville, ohio hasn't died out completely.......BUT many states don't have enough followers to fill my living room.
When the daughter of Howard Allen, cxndy fxrt and her husband mxchael.....who've been corps coordinators, trunk coordinators, limb coordinators for 20 years REQUEST to find other employment, THAT is a telling sign. The shrine of wierwille may always have a small following in today's world of fanaticism.......BUT twi is only a shell of its former self.
Twi can have their wierwille shrine in western ohio.
Twi's reputation and vitality is tarnished forever.
Well, we may have had five years of quiet, but the Asses bray has not been entirely silenced, either.. nor the asses mouthpiece.
Look at the quite VOCAL arguments put forth for "them", to reserve the right to run THEIR cemetary as they see fit.. quite appropriate, in my opinion. Do*g Mc*u**en did a greater service than he probably thinks.
Look at good ole harve's annoying little bray about how TWI had the right to dump Mrs. W, ignore their obligations and practically put her out in the street..
In five years TWI has had to admit the power, influence and effect WayDale and GSpot has had to tell people the truth, expose the skeletons and tell where the bodies are buried.
So much so that Harve acknowledged our presence and impact by submitting a letter attempting to defend their decision to break a promise and a vow. The verbal attacks, spin control and juvenile language only reinforced the things that had been posted on here about how truly evil, crooked and devilish they are.
Skyrider, amazing how much can happen in 5 short years!
5 years have passed...... since we were kicked out for among other things suggesting that LCM be relieved of being president. (It happened a few months after we wrote to Rosalie.)
5 years have passed ..... and best I can tell TWI's numbers have since been reduced by 50%.
5 years have passed........ and real estate has skyrocketed, leaving behind those who fell for the " own no man anythng, except to ABS" line of logic. Millions $ have been lost in potential equity.
5 years have passed........ and we have never experienced as much blessings and prosperity since being kicked out. And a lot less to worry about.
What will the next 5 years bring? Each man has to decide where he is headed in life. It is so short. Why waste it in a cornfield somewhere!
Thanks. And yeah, amazing how much equity and ground one can GAIN BACK in five years........AFTER leaving that cornfield cult.
FIVE YEARS HAVE PASSED........and every lawsuit, and the disgustful handling of Mrs. Wierwille, and the cemetary issue at the Way Woods, and the WayGB's monitoring of GS, and the continued hemoragging of twi.....ALL are strong indicators showing that the twi-religion is waxing worse and worse.
Good job, rosie........your grinding the thing into the ground with your high-heeled approach.
i would like to thank the fag in pink tights and rosy for all of thier effort to bring about the black death to twi! it can't happen fast enough for me
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For those of you who are new here.....
Region and limb coordinators have been EXITING twi in the past ten or so years. Here are some of them who NO LONGER could tolerate twi's lies and deception.
Region Coordinators (at one time or another) who've left twi's doors:
1) Jxhn Shrxyer (and wife)
2) Wxyne Clxpp
3) Pxul Mxsqueda
4) Alxn Licht
5) Tom Lxlly
6) Brad Thxrpe
7) Dean Sxilor
8) Larry Pxnarello
Limb coordinators.......probably about 10 - 14.
Branch coordinators.....lots of em.
Other corps.......who've gone back to college and refuse to accept relocation assignments.
Yeah.....I'd say that LOTS has changed in the past few years. No longer is there solid allegiance to twi.
The subtleties are hq, and on the field.
The corps and corps alumni that I've spoken to.....DO NOT TRUST TWI and yet, some are not ready to cut the last few strings that tie them to twi.
But hey.....lots can happen in five years.
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Weeeell, I certainly don`t see any GROWTH coming in the next five years.....seeing as any tallent, heart, love, not to mention spirituality was long ago thrown out, bullied away, or just plain ignored....
Lesseee...getting rid of any folks who disagreed with the leadership`s immoral practices, or who didn`t agree with destructive policies....didn`t strengthen the group....
Terrorizing the believers....has not resulted in any apreciable increase....
Manipulation with guilt and dishonesty hasn`t halted the exodus..
The new technique is to just be *nice* remains to be seen if the twi followers are going to be lulled back into slumber with these kinder gentler tactics....
It is so sad....if they simply attempted to be what they claimed to a christian organization (and no, as we all know, just because you can study scripture...that doesn`t make your group a Godly or Christian place to be)....they wouldn`t have to resort to different forms of manipulation and deciet.
But hey, that is what happens when you are at loggerheads with God due to your immoral practices.
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As mentioned in another thread TWI never counted on Waydale and Gspot being such rich sources of information. Initially they attempted to discount the forums as a collection of malcontents though , in typical arrogant Way fashion, failed to understand its appeal to those currently in who were curious about things and wanted to know more. They ordered their members to stay away from these forums and attempted to characterize the internet in general as being evil. Of course we all know they simply didn't want followers to have access to such a detailed history of TWI and its problems. If TWI really is the one true church then why do they worry about what an internet forum says about them ?
As the information continued to emerge here Way leaders felt they had to task their "elite workers" with monitoring these forums and planting false info to "smoke out" would be traitors and those contemplating a departure. Again what do they have to fear if they are really "walking out on God's wonderful , matchless word" ?
I strongly believe that had these forums NOT been as functional as they had been then TWI would have done nothing about LCM and left him intact. But the leaders were concerned about the large amount of detail published about the case so they had to react. Also removing LCM was the thing to do since to allow him to remain might increase their liability. They certainly didn't remove him out of any sense of right or wrong (As if they even care about that kind of thing). I mean any religious organization that accepts the idea that "sex is like a handshake" is clearly not driven by biblical morals and concerns.
The interesting thing is that Way leaders cannnot deny this and expect to get away with it because plenty of people here have heard this philosophy expressed many times during their tenure with TWI and some know it even better "ginosko" (whatever that greek word was for "knowing by experience).
In terms of the status of LCM it has never been clear that he has been "booted","M&Aed","kicked out" from TWI just that he has taken a very low profile. The fact that he has taken other employment means nothing in terms of his finanical interests to TWI or what he will receive at retirement. It stands to reason that Craig probably has a lot of detailed knowlwedge on the rest of the group so for them to totally kick him out would't make sense. Of course why isn't he running a Fortune 500 company or calling the shots for his own multi-million dollar enterprise. He certainly used to brag that he could do these things.
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So many things come rushing to mind.....
Five years ago I started fighting for my marriage and our freedom from TWI.
Five years ago I learned that there was way more than a "one time affair" problem at TWI.
We've seen that clearly, in contradiction to what Rico Spaghetti claims, TWI followers are not (nor have they ever been) informed soup to nuts about anything TWI related.
Five years and how many dollars later is TWI still paying high priced lawyers to clean up their messes?
Five years and TWI is changing tactics on a daily basis trying to stop the bleeding, but nothing is working. (Gee, maybe apologies and the TRUTH for a change???)
Five years and TWIts are still being told it's none of their business what is going on with craig, much less craig & donna's marriage.
Five years and leaders are being passed around like used furniture.... they are either putting up with it to keep getting that paycheck or, like the F*rts, they are realizing how bad it is and working on getting free.
Five years have passed and the innies are so bored they either cry when they think about having to go to another function or they have become zombies and just show up out of habit.
Five years have passed and they are still quoting craig and reading from his book.
Five years have passed and they are teaching nothing new. They aren't even dressing up the same old ...., just re-teaching it with the same old examples, same old song and dance.
Five years later and the kool-aid is still being stirred.....
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Five years have passed.......and the graduating corps numbers have become pathetically embarrassing.
Five years have passed.......and the whispering of lcm's sexcapades and threesomes have traveled coast to coast, and abroad.
Five years have passed.......and it has become general knowledge that Rosalie KNEW as early as 1995 of lcm's sex/rape assaults on corps women and did NOTHING about it.
Five years have passed.......and the Florida folk have heard that Dottie Moneyhands was instrumental in "counseling" corps women who'd had exposure to "the martindale handshake."
Five years have passed.......and martindale's wap class has fallen flat on its butt and now, twi is in the process of copying CFF's format with several teachers and presenting another foundational class.
Five years have passed.......and the man (lcm) who wanted to self-install his new assignment as Chief Research and Bottle Washer at twi is stuck in a dead-end job. What can brown (shxx) do for you??
Five years have passed.......and donna seems to have taken over Janet Myrxcle's old job as Head Housekeeping Honcho.
Five years have passed.......and donna couldn't seem to cut it as the Special Assistant to the President.
Five years have passed.......and rico spaghetti is still giving wet-noodle pr statements and an lcm-wannabe.
Five years have passed.......and the way rag continues to recycle old, crusty articles.
Five years have passed.......and each day has only MAGNIFIED the reasons why I started my exit back in 1995.
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This grossly under-represents the people who left in the 80s.
We had Region Coordinators (like D*b*fsk*) walk.
That was the mid-80s, with vpw's death, the pop paper, and
Schoenheit's Adultery paper being labelled possessed for saying adultery
is wrong. A number of high muck-a-mucks left then, and it was enough
of an event for Christianity Today to note the exits.
("Infighting trims branches at the Way International".)
In '89 when lcm demanded his oath of allegiance,
80% of the people PRESENTLY involved
(not counting the previous exodus)
all walked.
That's 4 out of every 5 people.
That includes Limb leaders and so on.
In the case of NY state, more than 80% left,
so I suppose more than 20% stayed in some other places.
That also doesn't count 1990,
when a number of people who stayed thru 1989 and just
drifted off after that.
From 1989 on, the group's overall numbers have continued to drop,
as they experience "negative population growth."
That means every year, some people get fed up and leave,
and there are more of them than there are people who arrive and
want what they have to offer.
So, the group is dying a slow death.
My main regret is the slowness.
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But you twiggies better get that report in on time with the intimate details of your love and sex life with your spouse. You have until 5pm close of business day to submit the above formentioned form to your coordinator or else....
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Speaking of C*nnie Panzer*elli, I remember a teaching she once did during the homo purge regarding going into a store to purchase an item.
She was absolutely certain that the salesperson was a "homo" so she flat out refused to allow this person to wait on her and made a big fuss with the management that she did not want a "homo" to wait on her. We all laughed and thought how great, what a stand, what a woman, that she would stand her ground like that. How sick is that.......
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Thanks for the recap.....back into the 80s. Heck, I was only trying to give a glimpse of the past ten years of those exiting twi's doors.
Maybe the wierwille shrine and bookstore sales outside of new knoxville, ohio hasn't died out completely.......BUT many states don't have enough followers to fill my living room.
When the daughter of Howard Allen, cxndy fxrt and her husband mxchael.....who've been corps coordinators, trunk coordinators, limb coordinators for 20 years REQUEST to find other employment, THAT is a telling sign. The shrine of wierwille may always have a small following in today's world of fanaticism.......BUT twi is only a shell of its former self.
Twi can have their wierwille shrine in western ohio.
Twi's reputation and vitality is tarnished forever.
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Oh golly Belle, I`ll bet the store was REALLY impressed with her spirituality...what a testimoney she was for God.....NOT!
All she showed folks is that she was a nut embarassment to Christians every where.
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Well, we may have had five years of quiet, but the Asses bray has not been entirely silenced, either.. nor the asses mouthpiece.
Look at the quite VOCAL arguments put forth for "them", to reserve the right to run THEIR cemetary as they see fit.. quite appropriate, in my opinion. Do*g Mc*u**en did a greater service than he probably thinks.
Look at good ole harve's annoying little bray about how TWI had the right to dump Mrs. W, ignore their obligations and practically put her out in the street..
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"Harve, what is three plus two?"
"hee haw, hee haw, hee haw, hee haw, hee haw".
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In five years TWI has had to admit the power, influence and effect WayDale and GSpot has had to tell people the truth, expose the skeletons and tell where the bodies are buried.
So much so that Harve acknowledged our presence and impact by submitting a letter attempting to defend their decision to break a promise and a vow. The verbal attacks, spin control and juvenile language only reinforced the things that had been posted on here about how truly evil, crooked and devilish they are.
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Skyrider, amazing how much can happen in 5 short years!
5 years have passed...... since we were kicked out for among other things suggesting that LCM be relieved of being president. (It happened a few months after we wrote to Rosalie.)
5 years have passed ..... and best I can tell TWI's numbers have since been reduced by 50%.
5 years have passed........ and real estate has skyrocketed, leaving behind those who fell for the " own no man anythng, except to ABS" line of logic. Millions $ have been lost in potential equity.
5 years have passed........ and we have never experienced as much blessings and prosperity since being kicked out. And a lot less to worry about.
What will the next 5 years bring? Each man has to decide where he is headed in life. It is so short. Why waste it in a cornfield somewhere!
Good to hear from you again! Love to the family.
John Richeson
Tampa, FL
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their silence is still consent
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Thanks. And yeah, amazing how much equity and ground one can GAIN BACK in five years........AFTER leaving that cornfield cult.
FIVE YEARS HAVE PASSED........and every lawsuit, and the disgustful handling of Mrs. Wierwille, and the cemetary issue at the Way Woods, and the WayGB's monitoring of GS, and the continued hemoragging of twi.....ALL are strong indicators showing that the twi-religion is waxing worse and worse.
Good job, rosie........your grinding the thing into the ground with your high-heeled approach.
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i would like to thank the fag in pink tights and rosy for all of thier effort to bring about the black death to twi! it can't happen fast enough for me
they have hurt enough people
thanks for the help you two dummies
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the fag in pink funny
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Who in their RIGHT MIND would trust a corporation that deliberately hides and covers for its leaders???
Isn't it OBVIOUS by NOW that twi is corrupt and deceiving???
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