The most recent episode contained the most disturbing back story yet. I rarely am moved by anything on tv anymore, but I really felt for this man.
"Lost" is the only show I regularly tune in for, and I'm hoping probably against hope, that we'll start to get some real answers before the seasons over. I'm tired of more mysteries without anypayoff.
Still, I find myself coming back, and enjoy it despite feeling like I'm being manipulated.
Yes, I too am looking for a payoff for all my obsession with a few answers to these riddles. Damn, that last episode better give at least a few answers before it leaves us in a cliffhanger!
I really liked the last episode too. Locke is one of my favorite characters, along with Hurley.
Thanks for Zixar and hiway29 for responding to my post. Have a nice weekend.
I liked the last episode, but thought it didn't offer enough in terms of moving the plot forward. The extended surgery, and birth was nail biting, but offered no surprises. Boone was one of the least realized of the regulars, and was probably the easiest to kill off.
Don't be surprised if we see him 'appearing' in later episodes, only to vanish again.
They're promising the greatest cliff hanger since 'who shot J.R.?' for the season finale.
A few answers along with another tease would be welcome.
I agree that the birth and surgery/death of Boone offered no real surprises, but I believe that these two events will prove to be key in moving the plot forward. I believe that the two events happening at almost the same time is not coincidental.
It appears we will have to tolerate more reruns before the final cliffhanging episode. I wish they would either make more episodes next season or do like they're doing with "Alias" and make the season 22 weeks long with no breaks.
I'm hooked on this show! Every week when it gets to be about 15 minutes until the end, I think, "Oh, I wish it weren't almost over."
I picked up a TV Guide the week before the most recent episode because it had a feature on Lost,. It included a spoiler, telling about the impending death of one of the characters, saying it would be someone who hasn't been featured that much lately.
Boone was an obvious guess after having the airplane fall on him, but he was pretty involved in the previous couple episodes (his adventures with Locke), so I thought maybe it would be someone else.
I have more questions than answers. I hope they come through with some revelations before the finale!
Was Kate really a willing participant in the bank robbery or was she more like Patty Hearst? Was the other robber really her boyfriend? (I expect surprises there.)
Is Claire's baby going to be like Rosemary's baby?
Is all this happening because Hurley won the lottery with that mysterious number?
Is the Asian woman an MD?
Will Sawyer's good side or his evil side win out?
And why in the HECK are there polar bears on a tropical island?
What's with the French woman?
This is more intriguing than Twin Peaks!
Stay tuned, Lost fans, so the creators of this show can drive you crazy with these questions and more. But they're so yummy!
Good questions LindaZ. In response to your Kate question, I think she probably masterminded the bank caper. She didn't want anyone to get hurt, nor did she want the money. She wanted what was in the safe deposite box. The money was just to get the guy (boyfriend?) to help her pull off the job. IMHO
Besides the tropical heat, I'm wondering what the heck are those polar bears eating to survive. PR's are carnivores (fish and seal mostly); so, why aren't they incountering them on beach, instead of the island's interior? Also the bear didn't appear until after we saw the kid reading a comic-book with a polar bear in it. After the episode with the kid's backstory, it makes you wonder.
A provocative new journey through the lives of some of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 -- and a closer look at the island they're stranded on -- will be revealed.
hmm I thought this episode was going to be mainly clips from past episodes, catching people up on the backstories, before taking us into the season ending cliffhangers.
I hope I'm wrong and that SOMETHING new will be revealed. I'll be watching.
The secret of the "hatch" is out. The secret of Kate's is out. The secret of who burned the raft is out. But we knew all those secrets. The characters are getting answers, what about us?
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A) Yes.
B) Because his agent got him a fantastic play-or-pay contract.
C) The dog is with the kid.
D) It's a phone number to an all-night bikini-wax joint in Islamabad, Pakistan.
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If I had wanted spoilers, I would have...........
But do ya like the show?
What did you think of last night's episode.
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The most recent episode contained the most disturbing back story yet. I rarely am moved by anything on tv anymore, but I really felt for this man.
"Lost" is the only show I regularly tune in for, and I'm hoping probably against hope, that we'll start to get some real answers before the seasons over. I'm tired of more mysteries without anypayoff.
Still, I find myself coming back, and enjoy it despite feeling like I'm being manipulated.
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Yes, I too am looking for a payoff for all my obsession with a few answers to these riddles. Damn, that last episode better give at least a few answers before it leaves us in a cliffhanger!
I really liked the last episode too. Locke is one of my favorite characters, along with Hurley.
Thanks for Zixar and hiway29 for responding to my post. Have a nice weekend.
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Zixar and hiway29,
What did you think of that last Episode?
I thought it was a good episode though I hate that we lose the Boone character,but if the lame can walk, then maybe the dead can rise.
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I liked the last episode, but thought it didn't offer enough in terms of moving the plot forward. The extended surgery, and birth was nail biting, but offered no surprises. Boone was one of the least realized of the regulars, and was probably the easiest to kill off.
Don't be surprised if we see him 'appearing' in later episodes, only to vanish again.
They're promising the greatest cliff hanger since 'who shot J.R.?' for the season finale.
A few answers along with another tease would be welcome.
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I agree that the birth and surgery/death of Boone offered no real surprises, but I believe that these two events will prove to be key in moving the plot forward. I believe that the two events happening at almost the same time is not coincidental.
It appears we will have to tolerate more reruns before the final cliffhanging episode. I wish they would either make more episodes next season or do like they're doing with "Alias" and make the season 22 weeks long with no breaks.
Til' the finale.....
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Linda Z
I'm hooked on this show! Every week when it gets to be about 15 minutes until the end, I think, "Oh, I wish it weren't almost over."
I picked up a TV Guide the week before the most recent episode because it had a feature on Lost,. It included a spoiler, telling about the impending death of one of the characters, saying it would be someone who hasn't been featured that much lately.
Boone was an obvious guess after having the airplane fall on him, but he was pretty involved in the previous couple episodes (his adventures with Locke), so I thought maybe it would be someone else.
I have more questions than answers. I hope they come through with some revelations before the finale!
Was Kate really a willing participant in the bank robbery or was she more like Patty Hearst? Was the other robber really her boyfriend? (I expect surprises there.)
Is Claire's baby going to be like Rosemary's baby?
Is all this happening because Hurley won the lottery with that mysterious number?
Is the Asian woman an MD?
Will Sawyer's good side or his evil side win out?
And why in the HECK are there polar bears on a tropical island?
What's with the French woman?
This is more intriguing than Twin Peaks!
Stay tuned, Lost fans, so the creators of this show can drive you crazy with these questions and more. But they're so yummy!
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I've also been enjoying "Lost". I generally don't watch anything on network TV but this show and "Desperate Housewives" are two shows I don't miss.
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LindaZ and TommyZ (yews guys related?)
Welcome to the "LOST" thread.
Good questions LindaZ. In response to your Kate question, I think she probably masterminded the bank caper. She didn't want anyone to get hurt, nor did she want the money. She wanted what was in the safe deposite box. The money was just to get the guy (boyfriend?) to help her pull off the job. IMHO
Besides the tropical heat, I'm wondering what the heck are those polar bears eating to survive. PR's are carnivores (fish and seal mostly); so, why aren't they incountering them on beach, instead of the island's interior? Also the bear didn't appear until after we saw the kid reading a comic-book with a polar bear in it. After the episode with the kid's backstory, it makes you wonder.
Is next week's episode new or used?
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Linda Z
From the ABC Lost Web site
Wednesday, April 27, 8/7c
"Lost: The Journey"
A provocative new journey through the lives of some of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 -- and a closer look at the island they're stranded on -- will be revealed.
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Oh, I can hardly wait!
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hmm I thought this episode was going to be mainly clips from past episodes, catching people up on the backstories, before taking us into the season ending cliffhangers.
I hope I'm wrong and that SOMETHING new will be revealed. I'll be watching.
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Linda Z
Those ABC weasels lied, they lied, I tell ya!
I watched anyway, and saw a few scenes I'd missed the first time around.
It would have been a good night for people who missed the early episodes to catch up.
Oh well. At least next week looks exciting.
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Talk about bait and switch..........
Oh well, if next weeks episode is half as good as it appears in the previews, I'll forgive em.
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So Locke was the one who bashed Sahid on the head.
Well, that's one question answered.
I want more answers by the finale
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The secret of the "hatch" is out. The secret of Kate's is out. The secret of who burned the raft is out. But we knew all those secrets. The characters are getting answers, what about us?
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