What if the next pres will be Donna? Or how about good ole Harve? He may have been a nice guy once.. I'd rather have William Jefferson Clinton in that office, or even Hillary.
And, you really do live on needs basis. As long as they "need" you, you can "live" there.
I once thought that it was the greatest thing for a person to work on staff there, so close to "da word". Face it- the word has not lived there, for a very very long time. I thank God I never got the "priviledge" to work there full time.
And some of you guys have had the "priviledge" of allowing your wives to "service" the needs of the MOG. I don't see how you can live with yourselves. But thankfully, I'm not you.
But I am not writing out of spite or bitterness, meanness, or other kind of nonsense. Just as a human being, you deserve better than that. As a brother in Christ, I implore you. Leave the degredation, and do something useful with your life. You only have one.
Life is too damn short to be so uptight all the time - constantly acting as a security guard, constantly checking every single post to see if it's from an innie or if it's pertinent to one of the current lawsuits, or whatever it is they do.
The WayGB'ers *had* to have seen the mistreatment that went on. They *had* to be in the know about loyboy martinpuke's extracurricular activities.
They *had* to have seen many mark and avoid sessions, and some of the consequences thereof.
One explanation for them staying "in" that I can think of is that their consciences are seared with a hot iron. And now as a result they are rationalizing it all away.
"Well, now the household can be strong, without all of those spiritual weaklings dragging us down. Now what's left is the elite-of-the-elite, the best of the best of God's true family. Those people whose faces were melted had it coming!"
It's gotta be that, or maybe rozilla and company have some sort of hold over the WayGB'ers, like maybe they have photographs of them in, um, interesting situations, or maybe some kind of blackmailable goods on these people.
I can't think why else these people would want to keep doing what they do.
Life is too damn short to be so uptight all the time - constantly acting as a security guard, constantly checking every single post to see if it's from an innie or if it's pertinent to one of the current lawsuits, or whatever it is they do.
With all due respect, how do you think you are going to convince Innies to come on out when you are sarcastic with terms like "Martinpuke", Rozilla", "da Word" or the keys to "da kingdom"?
Even though it is true that they are being mis-lead, when you say "da Word", you are in effect mocking something that they hold dear to themselves.
Now, when you said this:
But I am not writing out of spite or bitterness, meanness, or other kind of nonsense. Just as a human being, you deserve better than that. As a brother in Christ, I implore you. Leave the degredation, and do something useful with your life. You only have one.
Well then, that's more like it. It was confrontational and an expression of your desire that they smell the coffe and come out for a breath of fresh air, and, it was also respectful.
But when people use the terms "Vee Pee", and "Loy Boy" and things reeking with cheap sarcasm, it just seems to me that anyone who still has somewhat of a belief to be "In", might just read an otherwise helpful post, come to the sarcastic part and then say; "Oh well, **** you you cop out..."
Also with due respect...the use of sarcasm and insulting terms may not be considered helpful to some, but maybe it's helpful to the person venting.
Maybe some "innies" will be turned off by the heat and even venom in a post, but perhaps it will get the attention of some.
Personally, when I first came to WayDale & Grease Spot Cafe, I took it all as a whole; the calm reasoned speeches along with the screaming and sarcasm, and made my decision on what to believe based on an accumulation of all that I read.
Also personally :D--> I normally try to present my points in a calm and logical manner, but at other times my approach can be "Screw these @#$&%#'s and the horse they rode in on - they f---ed me over!
Keep in mind, that no matter if we present ourselves in a polite and reasonable manner or in a rude and insulting manner, to most of the "innies" we are "cop-outs", we have "left the household" or whatever term of "endearment" that they are now using to describe us. Those who really want to know will wade through it all.
It is a play on the term "KGB" to describe those in the Way who are tasked to keeping track of what goes on at GS and other anti-Way sites, as well as "smoking out" any "innies" who post here.
For any who have just joined us, the WayGB is real, although someone here at GS actually coined the term.
In 2001 I was still "in", but was also a regular poster on Grease Spot Cafe under the handle Twyril. Someone had made the connection between things I had posted on GS and things that I had expressed concern about to my "leadership".
Shortly before being kicked out of TWI I was confronted with printouts of many of my posts by the Region Coordinator Tom H. I also believe that my ex-wife was encouraged to read my email and report to the local leadership any suspicious messages.
Another poster sent a letter to an acquaintance at HQ regarding a doctrinal issue. She used the postage meter at work. TWI traced the letter to the place where it was mailed from and confronted the person who mailed it.
There are plenty of other examples if anyone remembers the specifics.
If I am not mistaking. During the Allen law suit they found out who some of the people on WayDale were and found out where they lived and dragged them into the Allen law suit. You really don't need to be worried about them.
As far as I am concerned about the WGB. and them reading messages. Some people are nasty some are not to the WGB. Nasty or not the one thing I can say. We will still be here when they quit or are thrown out of TWI and we will help them get over the cult in New Knoxville, OH.
Cripe, even anybody in a quarter of a right mind should be able to figure out that she is not God. But do they have the freedom to express even this opinion? You'd be outa that place faster than the door could slam behind you.
Do they really think she has some kind of power to be able to "conjure" up disaster for anyone who does not properly please her in all things? Get out the voodoo doll and stick pins in it? I guess I'd be afraid if I believed in that kind of thing.
The only power she has if you are in her employ, and even then what can she do? "I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but you cannot be my slave anymore."
Look what they've done to staffers that are advancing in years. They have put them out to figure out their own retirement and health package. I'd plan a way out of that place if I was them. Only a matter of time, and they'll be gone anyway.
Mr. H, they do! :D--> I know. :D--> I've heard that some of their nick-names come from GSpot.
The WAYGB also used to give out false information in different branch and limb meetings and then monitor posts to see if the deliberate mis-information is posted.
Several people and marriages have been busted up by TWIts because people were accused of posting here and on WayDale.
I know leaving that place for many is not an easy thing to do. For a lot of folks, it's almost like dealing with death or divorce.
What are they gonna do when they leave? Where are they going to go? Who can they trust? It's been drummed in them from day one that you can't trust anybody outside of "da household".
They have you on a leash, and a very short one at that. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment. You could have more of an abundant life living in a cardboard box, in my opinion.
Sure, it may hurt, but you WILL get over it- you may find that life out here is a lot better than you think.
I took up Loy's challenge that there's nothing good out here. I went out to look. In a short amount of time, I found more care and concern in a small "ungodly" civic organization than I saw YEARS of involvement with the ministry.
The old saying "Home is where the heart is." USED to mean a lot at TWI before they started booting out the people who truly cared to help people, and wanted to help make the ministry grow.
But over the years the truly good hearted people who could have made a difference are gone or the very few that are still in from those years, they are scarred stiff that if they try to help people like it used to be when I was in, they will get the axe.
The ministry used to have people who if a beliver had a problem with something and asked a person that had been in for a while for help, the person asking for help would get the exact help that they needed. Now it sounds like if someone really has need of spiritual help or even just regular help on something they get raked over the coals, chewed out and also told that thier beliving isnt in the right place.
The current settings of the ministry is just looking out for thier bottom line "money and power over others."
Sooner or later I look to see more people leave because of what the current leadership is doing.
The number of new people in the classes and the numbers of the CORPSE grads reflect the willingness of the belivers that are still in to actually bring in the numbers that TWI want. The money base will be more and more passed off to the regular people to pay. Now the tithe may be 15 or 20% of thier gross income, but as the numbers get smaller look at the ministry to put a higher percentage rate on what the belivers have to pay to keep TWI afloat.
Actually, they now call themselvesThe Way Christian Ministries of Scotland and have a website. Leader is Roger Stanley and have converted the mansion as a college and a chapel in Edinbourgh. Also, The Way of Australia is now called Another Way Ministry and is located in New Zealand with limbs in Australia(Peter Wade disaasociated himself from the group),
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thats a rasberry for ya
just remember...life is better over here....
can ya get past the troll under the bridge???? or are ya chicken?
Its just that it really is better...whats it gonna take....how much longer ya wanna get stomped on???????
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What if the next pres will be Donna? Or how about good ole Harve? He may have been a nice guy once.. I'd rather have William Jefferson Clinton in that office, or even Hillary.
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And, you really do live on needs basis. As long as they "need" you, you can "live" there.
I once thought that it was the greatest thing for a person to work on staff there, so close to "da word". Face it- the word has not lived there, for a very very long time. I thank God I never got the "priviledge" to work there full time.
And some of you guys have had the "priviledge" of allowing your wives to "service" the needs of the MOG. I don't see how you can live with yourselves. But thankfully, I'm not you.
If I was you, I would get mad. Then get out.
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Just in case anybody gets me wrong, let me state that I have the highest respect for people like P*** A**** and others that confronted those bastards.
Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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SAD but TRUE. Sad BUT True
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But I am not writing out of spite or bitterness, meanness, or other kind of nonsense. Just as a human being, you deserve better than that. As a brother in Christ, I implore you. Leave the degredation, and do something useful with your life. You only have one.
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Life is too damn short to be so uptight all the time - constantly acting as a security guard, constantly checking every single post to see if it's from an innie or if it's pertinent to one of the current lawsuits, or whatever it is they do.
The WayGB'ers *had* to have seen the mistreatment that went on. They *had* to be in the know about loyboy martinpuke's extracurricular activities.
They *had* to have seen many mark and avoid sessions, and some of the consequences thereof.
One explanation for them staying "in" that I can think of is that their consciences are seared with a hot iron. And now as a result they are rationalizing it all away.
"Well, now the household can be strong, without all of those spiritual weaklings dragging us down. Now what's left is the elite-of-the-elite, the best of the best of God's true family. Those people whose faces were melted had it coming!"
It's gotta be that, or maybe rozilla and company have some sort of hold over the WayGB'ers, like maybe they have photographs of them in, um, interesting situations, or maybe some kind of blackmailable goods on these people.
I can't think why else these people would want to keep doing what they do.
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That could be a scary thought.. who is left? Those who would "willingly execute you"? Martinpuke admitted that they such kind of folks around.
Still, you'd think that life would not be very pleasant on the end of Rozilla's leash. They'd be better off going to the slammer somewhere.
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This applies if you actually HAVE a life.
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Radar OReilly
Mr Hammeroni,
private topic please.
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J0nny Ling0
Mr. Hammeroni,
With all due respect, how do you think you are going to convince Innies to come on out when you are sarcastic with terms like "Martinpuke", Rozilla", "da Word" or the keys to "da kingdom"?
Even though it is true that they are being mis-lead, when you say "da Word", you are in effect mocking something that they hold dear to themselves.
Now, when you said this:
Well then, that's more like it. It was confrontational and an expression of your desire that they smell the coffe and come out for a breath of fresh air, and, it was also respectful.
But when people use the terms "Vee Pee", and "Loy Boy" and things reeking with cheap sarcasm, it just seems to me that anyone who still has somewhat of a belief to be "In", might just read an otherwise helpful post, come to the sarcastic part and then say; "Oh well, **** you you cop out..."
Just a thought. Peace Bruh
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Yeah, what He said....
Some will miss you message if they don't like the package.
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What is way GB?
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Also with due respect...the use of sarcasm and insulting terms may not be considered helpful to some, but maybe it's helpful to the person venting.
Maybe some "innies" will be turned off by the heat and even venom in a post, but perhaps it will get the attention of some.
Personally, when I first came to WayDale & Grease Spot Cafe, I took it all as a whole; the calm reasoned speeches along with the screaming and sarcasm, and made my decision on what to believe based on an accumulation of all that I read.
Also personally
:D--> I normally try to present my points in a calm and logical manner, but at other times my approach can be "Screw these @#$&%#'s and the horse they rode in on - they f---ed me over! 
Keep in mind, that no matter if we present ourselves in a polite and reasonable manner or in a rude and insulting manner, to most of the "innies" we are "cop-outs", we have "left the household" or whatever term of "endearment" that they are now using to describe us. Those who really want to know will wade through it all.
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For any who have just joined us, the WayGB is real, although someone here at GS actually coined the term.
In 2001 I was still "in", but was also a regular poster on Grease Spot Cafe under the handle Twyril. Someone had made the connection between things I had posted on GS and things that I had expressed concern about to my "leadership".
Shortly before being kicked out of TWI I was confronted with printouts of many of my posts by the Region Coordinator Tom H. I also believe that my ex-wife was encouraged to read my email and report to the local leadership any suspicious messages.
Another poster sent a letter to an acquaintance at HQ regarding a doctrinal issue. She used the postage meter at work. TWI traced the letter to the place where it was mailed from and confronted the person who mailed it.
There are plenty of other examples if anyone remembers the specifics.
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Hey Linder smell the coffee We are not Evil
Hell our lives are downright sucessful and oh
my gosh Godly
Gee go figure
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If I am not mistaking. During the Allen law suit they found out who some of the people on WayDale were and found out where they lived and dragged them into the Allen law suit. You really don't need to be worried about them.
As far as I am concerned about the WGB. and them reading messages. Some people are nasty some are not to the WGB. Nasty or not the one thing I can say. We will still be here when they quit or are thrown out of TWI and we will help them get over the cult in New Knoxville, OH.
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I dunno about the "Rozilla" thing. I bet that even the WayGB and staff have a few names for her when she is not listening..
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Cripe, even anybody in a quarter of a right mind should be able to figure out that she is not God. But do they have the freedom to express even this opinion? You'd be outa that place faster than the door could slam behind you.
Do they really think she has some kind of power to be able to "conjure" up disaster for anyone who does not properly please her in all things? Get out the voodoo doll and stick pins in it? I guess I'd be afraid if I believed in that kind of thing.
The only power she has if you are in her employ, and even then what can she do? "I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but you cannot be my slave anymore."
Look what they've done to staffers that are advancing in years. They have put them out to figure out their own retirement and health package. I'd plan a way out of that place if I was them. Only a matter of time, and they'll be gone anyway.
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Mr. H, they do!
:D--> I know.
:D--> I've heard that some of their nick-names come from GSpot.
The WAYGB also used to give out false information in different branch and limb meetings and then monitor posts to see if the deliberate mis-information is posted.
Several people and marriages have been busted up by TWIts because people were accused of posting here and on WayDale.
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I know leaving that place for many is not an easy thing to do. For a lot of folks, it's almost like dealing with death or divorce.
What are they gonna do when they leave? Where are they going to go? Who can they trust? It's been drummed in them from day one that you can't trust anybody outside of "da household".
They have you on a leash, and a very short one at that. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment. You could have more of an abundant life living in a cardboard box, in my opinion.
Sure, it may hurt, but you WILL get over it- you may find that life out here is a lot better than you think.
I took up Loy's challenge that there's nothing good out here. I went out to look. In a short amount of time, I found more care and concern in a small "ungodly" civic organization than I saw YEARS of involvement with the ministry.
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The old saying "Home is where the heart is." USED to mean a lot at TWI before they started booting out the people who truly cared to help people, and wanted to help make the ministry grow.
But over the years the truly good hearted people who could have made a difference are gone or the very few that are still in from those years, they are scarred stiff that if they try to help people like it used to be when I was in, they will get the axe.
The ministry used to have people who if a beliver had a problem with something and asked a person that had been in for a while for help, the person asking for help would get the exact help that they needed. Now it sounds like if someone really has need of spiritual help or even just regular help on something they get raked over the coals, chewed out and also told that thier beliving isnt in the right place.
The current settings of the ministry is just looking out for thier bottom line "money and power over others."
Sooner or later I look to see more people leave because of what the current leadership is doing.
The number of new people in the classes and the numbers of the CORPSE grads reflect the willingness of the belivers that are still in to actually bring in the numbers that TWI want. The money base will be more and more passed off to the regular people to pay. Now the tithe may be 15 or 20% of thier gross income, but as the numbers get smaller look at the ministry to put a higher percentage rate on what the belivers have to pay to keep TWI afloat.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Actually, they now call themselvesThe Way Christian Ministries of Scotland and have a website. Leader is Roger Stanley and have converted the mansion as a college and a chapel in Edinbourgh. Also, The Way of Australia is now called Another Way Ministry and is located in New Zealand with limbs in Australia(Peter Wade disaasociated himself from the group),
Phillipines, and Paupa New Gueinna(?).
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