What I remember is that we would always help when possible.
We would help people move or paint their house. I don't remember anyone getting sick. But getting sick was like not believing so it may have been kept secret.
I even once loaned a wow my truck because he was doing contacting work on his own. That was his job. It was also the last time I let anyone have my truck.
The people in our area were always great about helping out. With both of my c-sections, I think I didn't have to prepare a meal for two weeks. However, it was always the local "joe believers" not the leadership.
But when my mom was sick and dying, my siblings and I took care of her at home. She didn't want to die in a cold, sterile hospital. No one came to visit or helped out then. We had more help from total strangers (like my sister's boyfriend's mom) than anyone in TWI.
Belle I was wrong there was one situation I remember.
A friend who went wow got back to the ROA from the field with nothing but her daughter and her car. The car had WOW writen on the side with house paint. Anyway she ask if they could move in with me to help them get back on their feet. They moved in and Olivete got sick.
By sick I mean that she got phuemina sp. and was off work and sick for a month. I had to play dad to the daughter and nurse her for 6 weeks. I don't remember anyone calling or caring how she was.
I remember *always* being available to help people move, paint, etc. I helped LOTS of bleevers with these things.
But then when it came time for me to move, it was just the 3 of us - me, myself, and I. I didn't get any assistance despite all the times that I had helped out.
I think we all helped out. It maybe which twi you are talking about either 1,2,3. I was in 1 and part of 2.
Well I can sure say this. "This place and WayDale have healed more people than the twi and their teachings ever could." It sure is nice to know the place (twi) we were a part of would rather kick your arse out than to help.
I dunno.. around here we tried to help each other. The last corpses that were assigned here when I was involved DEMANDED special treatment. And they were not very willing to help anybody here beyond from giving reproof and criticism.
Late 90s? It was pretty much everyone for themselves.
I had some really nice corpse and joe believers types over the years who were always willing to help. There are still some folks that are in (as far as I know) who would throw their coat on in the middle of the night to come help me. The corpse though now seem to think it's beneath them. They're too busy out being "spiritual." :(-->
Before twi I had an impressive collection of tools. I didn’t loan them out.
During twi I was taught that the first century believers “had all things common”. I started loaning tools and somehow they seemed to not get returned, or returned damaged. Like using a chisel for a screwdriver. I quit loaning tools and was chastised for it.
I seldom loan tools anymore and I again have an impressive collection of tools
This was in the eighties.....went to move...no one to help me but my brother. It was the two of us that carried furniture down two flights into a U-Haul...
My parents were unable to help because of health but they did pay for the U-haul. My dad asked me why twi didn't help since I had dedicated my life for them and was always helping others. :o-->
When it came time for my first baby's shower the bc was invited and everyone was excited about her coming....she was a no show...found out later she had a headache. And I babysat for free for her kids all the time...
There are many other disappointments but can't remember everything at the top of my head. Why didn't I get the message even then?... -->
I think a lot of us helped each other out because we genuinely wanted to. We actually "liked" the people in our area. But we found it disappointing when we needed help with something and people seemed to disappear.
I think it wasn't so much among the "leaves" as it was higher up on the chain. They seemed to have absolutely no qualms about asking for help and expecting it. In fact, in our area, they always had another corpse or very commanding person "organize" the whole blasted thing. Helping would become a huge event. Of course, some of the corpse who moved in our area needed TWO full size trucks to move, so it had to be a huge event.
I know what you mean about the "special guest appearances", Vickles. It almost seemed like people didn't really want to go to things like showers because of the person, but because of the "special guest appearance".
There was a lady in our area who loved to give and do things for people. She had parties at her house quite frequently and even had the audacity to invite non TWI-ers to the parties and NOT try to make them into "witnessing events". Once she became known for doing this she was always being asked to coordinate something or to volunteer her house for things. The same house she bought years after being forced to sell her dream home or face penalty of M&A. She just got tired of moving all the time and facing so many rental nightmares.
Even with good experiences, you can't eliminate the reality that there was still usually an ulterior motive. If you did get help, it was because you were in TWI not because you were you. Most, if not all, have seen what happens when you leave.
I don't know if this is on topic or not, but I was having panic attacks and shortness of breath. The lc's wife and our hfc's wife both said it was stress. They never offered any help or suggestions on what to DO about it, just commented on it when we asked them.
I denied being stressed because, well, that's not the more abundant life. I certainly NEVER considered getting professional help (from a gen. pract. much less psychiatrist or therapist). I suffered silently and felt so weak and like such a fake pretending I was enjoying "the more abundant life" and not able to figure out WHY I was feeling so rotten.
A few YEARS later, add to this the lcm scandals, finding the internet sites AND that my husband refused to hear anything negative about TWI. The realization that he would actually choose this group over me came later and much more painfully.
I hit rock bottom and I won't go into details because it's rather private, but I did end up seeing a psychiatrist and getting diagnosed with long-term severe depression. I've been put on anti-depressants and going to therapy with an awesome doctor. I feel more "normal" than I have in so many years and my family has noticed.
If my family lived nearby or felt like they could really talk to me while I was in TWI, Mom said that they would have suggested I go to a doctor and that they would have paid for it if that had been the reason I wouldn't go. As it was, I would not have listened to them because of the stigma TWIts put on mental assistance.
It's pretty bad when your own family that TWI wants you to abandon notices and acts on things for your well being and in your best interest. Contrast that with the people who expect you to devote your lives, family and finances to them who do nothing but tell you to "renew your mind" and memorize more scriptures.
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What I remember is that we would always help when possible.
We would help people move or paint their house. I don't remember anyone getting sick. But getting sick was like not believing so it may have been kept secret.
I even once loaned a wow my truck because he was doing contacting work on his own. That was his job. It was also the last time I let anyone have my truck.
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The people in our area were always great about helping out. With both of my c-sections, I think I didn't have to prepare a meal for two weeks. However, it was always the local "joe believers" not the leadership.
But when my mom was sick and dying, my siblings and I took care of her at home. She didn't want to die in a cold, sterile hospital. No one came to visit or helped out then. We had more help from total strangers (like my sister's boyfriend's mom) than anyone in TWI.
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Belle I was wrong there was one situation I remember.
A friend who went wow got back to the ROA from the field with nothing but her daughter and her car. The car had WOW writen on the side with house paint. Anyway she ask if they could move in with me to help them get back on their feet. They moved in and Olivete got sick.
By sick I mean that she got phuemina sp. and was off work and sick for a month. I had to play dad to the daughter and nurse her for 6 weeks. I don't remember anyone calling or caring how she was.
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Now that you bring it up -
I remember *always* being available to help people move, paint, etc. I helped LOTS of bleevers with these things.
But then when it came time for me to move, it was just the 3 of us - me, myself, and I. I didn't get any assistance despite all the times that I had helped out.
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I think we all helped out. It maybe which twi you are talking about either 1,2,3. I was in 1 and part of 2.
Well I can sure say this. "This place and WayDale have healed more people than the twi and their teachings ever could." It sure is nice to know the place (twi) we were a part of would rather kick your arse out than to help.
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I dunno.. around here we tried to help each other. The last corpses that were assigned here when I was involved DEMANDED special treatment. And they were not very willing to help anybody here beyond from giving reproof and criticism.
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oh geez....dont even get me started
short one:
woman beat up by husband...
leaves husband
has to get a car....
needs loan.....
D****** H*rr*cks tells her she is going out from underneath the protection of the household by doing this.....!!!!!!!
Make me puke!
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Late 80s? Everyone seemed to help everyone.
Late 90s? It was pretty much everyone for themselves.
I had some really nice corpse and joe believers types over the years who were always willing to help. There are still some folks that are in (as far as I know) who would throw their coat on in the middle of the night to come help me. The corpse though now seem to think it's beneath them. They're too busy out being "spiritual."
Can you say Reverend Douglas Niedermyer?
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Before twi I had an impressive collection of tools. I didn’t loan them out.
During twi I was taught that the first century believers “had all things common”. I started loaning tools and somehow they seemed to not get returned, or returned damaged. Like using a chisel for a screwdriver. I quit loaning tools and was chastised for it.
I seldom loan tools anymore and I again have an impressive collection of tools
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This was in the eighties.....went to move...no one to help me but my brother. It was the two of us that carried furniture down two flights into a U-Haul...
My parents were unable to help because of health but they did pay for the U-haul. My dad asked me why twi didn't help since I had dedicated my life for them and was always helping others.
When it came time for my first baby's shower the bc was invited and everyone was excited about her coming....she was a no show...found out later she had a headache. And I babysat for free for her kids all the time...
There are many other disappointments but can't remember everything at the top of my head. Why didn't I get the message even then?...
Would have saved a lot of heartache!!!!
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I think a lot of us helped each other out because we genuinely wanted to. We actually "liked" the people in our area. But we found it disappointing when we needed help with something and people seemed to disappear.
I think it wasn't so much among the "leaves" as it was higher up on the chain. They seemed to have absolutely no qualms about asking for help and expecting it. In fact, in our area, they always had another corpse or very commanding person "organize" the whole blasted thing. Helping would become a huge event. Of course, some of the corpse who moved in our area needed TWO full size trucks to move, so it had to be a huge event.
I know what you mean about the "special guest appearances", Vickles. It almost seemed like people didn't really want to go to things like showers because of the person, but because of the "special guest appearance".
There was a lady in our area who loved to give and do things for people. She had parties at her house quite frequently and even had the audacity to invite non TWI-ers to the parties and NOT try to make them into "witnessing events". Once she became known for doing this she was always being asked to coordinate something or to volunteer her house for things. The same house she bought years after being forced to sell her dream home or face penalty of M&A. She just got tired of moving all the time and facing so many rental nightmares.
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I have a few stories but, there were some good ones too. But "especially good"? I don't think so.
What was so especially good about any of the decent things they did.
It should have been worded "be good to the household and an a$$ to most everyone else".
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Even with good experiences, you can't eliminate the reality that there was still usually an ulterior motive. If you did get help, it was because you were in TWI not because you were you. Most, if not all, have seen what happens when you leave.
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I don't know if this is on topic or not, but I was having panic attacks and shortness of breath. The lc's wife and our hfc's wife both said it was stress. They never offered any help or suggestions on what to DO about it, just commented on it when we asked them.
I denied being stressed because, well, that's not the more abundant life. I certainly NEVER considered getting professional help (from a gen. pract. much less psychiatrist or therapist). I suffered silently and felt so weak and like such a fake pretending I was enjoying "the more abundant life" and not able to figure out WHY I was feeling so rotten.
A few YEARS later, add to this the lcm scandals, finding the internet sites AND that my husband refused to hear anything negative about TWI. The realization that he would actually choose this group over me came later and much more painfully.
I hit rock bottom and I won't go into details because it's rather private, but I did end up seeing a psychiatrist and getting diagnosed with long-term severe depression. I've been put on anti-depressants and going to therapy with an awesome doctor. I feel more "normal" than I have in so many years and my family has noticed.
If my family lived nearby or felt like they could really talk to me while I was in TWI, Mom said that they would have suggested I go to a doctor and that they would have paid for it if that had been the reason I wouldn't go. As it was, I would not have listened to them because of the stigma TWIts put on mental assistance.
It's pretty bad when your own family that TWI wants you to abandon notices and acts on things for your well being and in your best interest. Contrast that with the people who expect you to devote your lives, family and finances to them who do nothing but tell you to "renew your mind" and memorize more scriptures.
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