Heh heh heh heh heh.. at least a cat will not try that, at least not that I've ever seen. One cat we had though, before she was "fixed"- I would walk in the room, say "mrower" and her rear end would elevate. Just a little "mrow" and it would twitch. A long loud "mrower" and it really stuck up in the air.. pretty disgusting..
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Tom Strange
How long did it take you to teach your dog how to do that?
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Sorry, didn't mean to kill the thread.
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ohchrist you 2 are so funny
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Well, how can you top that one?
My dog follows me to the bathroom, but she just sits there impatiently waiting for me.
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both my dogs sit there looking at me, belle
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Both of my cats come into the bathroom with me.
So that is where we hang out and discuss house stuff.
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such as ?
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Where Paw hid the catnip. What else could it be?
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duh !!!! you're right of course
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Cats can be pretty tough if they don't get what they want. It's their house, you know..
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i'm glad they let paw paw live in it
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My cats don't let me live in their house, but they do let me sleep there eight hours a night. Sometimes more.
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good kittie kitties
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Didn't you get the memo?
To a dog, you're family, to a cat, you're staff!
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Linda Z
When I was about 5, I thought I "taught" my dog to hump my leg. My parents were way less than impressed with this feat.
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Heh heh heh heh heh.. at least a cat will not try that, at least not that I've ever seen. One cat we had though, before she was "fixed"- I would walk in the room, say "mrower" and her rear end would elevate. Just a little "mrow" and it would twitch. A long loud "mrower" and it really stuck up in the air.. pretty disgusting..
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There were other witnesses to this-I don't think that they were very impressed..
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A la prochaine
Mr. Hammie,
Very interesting.
Strange but interesting nonetheless.
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A la prochaine
I guess I should continue this thread...
(sorry no butt smelling stories)
I teach
I tutor
I am a music junkie
I entered a cult when I was 15 yrs. old
I love photography
I have 3 daughters
I've been told I have a very twisted sense of humour.
I love loud music and my children tell me to turn down my music
I had the backbone of a catfish removed from the inside of my foot when I was 9
and I love seafood
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Good Morning ala
Will you move this to the open '10 things we don't know about you' thread?
This is stuff we WANT to know.
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yes ala, please listen to shell
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A la prochaine
Shell and Exxie,
I'm not listening...la la la la laaaa
I refuse to move it...so there
You are stuck with me ... maybe these are things you DON'T want to know about me...did you guys think of that one...
I'm not budging...final word!!!
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When I was little, a fly flew into my ear. My best friend thought it was hilarious. (She too ended up in TWI)
Same friend ate a worm on a dare for 74 cents.
Same friend and I once had a fight where she hit me on my butt with a board and it broke. (the board)
Same friend and I once had a fight and we were in her room hitting each other with bras.
Same friend and I once drank as MUCH WATER as we could to see how much we could hold.
Same friend and I sat in car with windows up on a hot day to see how hot we could get.
Same friend is still in TWI
:(--> (last time I talked to her)
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